Summative Test Orgman

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI

Summative Test- Organization and Management

2nd Quarter

Name :__________________________________________ Grade/Section : ________Score___________

Multiple Choice : Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which process of organization involves assigning different task to different people in the different work units.
a. Integration b. Division of Labor c. Unity of command d. Unity of direction
2. Which organizational structure refers to the departmentalization of an organization into smaller work units as tasks to
become increasingly varied and numerous?
a. Vertical Structure b. Horizontal Structure c. Network Structure d. Matrix Structure
3. It is a type of horizontal structure of an organization that deals with the firms primary goods and services; responsible
for manufacturing, selling and providing services to clients.
a. Line department b. Staff departmentc. Functional approach d. Matrix Approach
4. The step in the staffing process wherein the manager determines the right number of people and the required skills
for the job.
a. Human resource planning b. job analysis c. Recruitment d. selection
5. Which of the following describes a formal organization structure?
a. It focuses on social relationship among employees.
b. There is no pressure among the members of the groups to meet or follow any sets of rules.
c. It may not be easy to bring changes to the hierarchy in the organizational structure
d. It can be dissolved by its members at anytime.
6. How do group interviews and panel interview differ?
a. A group interview involves at least two applicants while a panel interview involves at least two interviewers.
b. A group interview involves at least two interviewers.
c. A panel interview is one-on-one while a group interview isn’t.
d. A panel interview involves at least two applicants.
7. Human resource management refers to :
a. All managerial activities c. concepts and techniques used in leading people at
b. Concepts and techniques for organizing work activities d. management techniques for controlling people at
8. What are the two types of recruitment in the organization?
a. Internal and external b. positive and negative c. promotion and referral d. strategic and technical
9. Which information includes the physical aspects of the job such as work schedules, physical environment, and social
a. Specific task and activities b. required job standards c. work conditions d. personal characteristics and
10. What kind of compensation is given to employee to help them cope with the prevailing condition of the economy
related to the rising standard of living and inflation?
a. Across-the-board increase b. seniority pay c. cost of living allowance d. merit increase
Test II- Fill in the correct answer.
11. __________It is an upward movement of an employee from current job to another that is higher in pay and
12. __________This is an employees voluntary decision to leave the organization.
13. __________It is a movement to a lower level position
14. __________It is a process of social influence that enables the person to encourage or influence people to achieve its
15. __________A management function that requires manager to identify any deviations from strategies and methods to
improve performance.
16. __________A type of control anticipates the occurrence of possible problems so that preventive measures can be
implemented before the actual operation.
17. __________A type of control that is implemented while the activity is in progress.
18. __________Areas of management that prepare financial reports such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash
19. __________Areas of management who are responsible for the screening, hiring, and placement of candidates to the
right position.
20. __________It is a written description of your business’s future ,a document that tells what you plan to do and how
you plan to do it.

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