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Q1=Question 1



Submitted by:
Omar McDonald
October 2022
Candidate’s Number: [1000]
Territory: JAMAICA

Q1=Question 1

Table OF Contents

Title Page#
Acknowledgement. …………………………………………………………3

Title of Project………………………………………………………….5
Aims of Project…………………………………………………………6
Functions of Department…………………………………………………7

Correspondence Letter………………………………………………………8


Five questions asked……………………………………………………….10
Regulation and policies…………………………………..………………11
Health and safety practices……………………………………….…………..12
Staff Rules……………………………………………………………..…….. 13
Schedule of activities…………………………………………………………….14


Q1=Question 1


I would firstly like to express my outmost appreciation to my teacher Mrs. Campbell for
transferring all the knowledge necessary for it to have been possible to carry out this research.
All hail the almighty in regards of making this research successful and well subdued.
Lastly thank my pairs for keeping me on my toes and focussed throughout the difficulties of
this assignment.

Q1=Question 1


The completion of this School-Based Assessment (SBA) was carried out through detailing
the aims and functions of “The Barriers of Communication” by an research which was done
at the St. Aloysius Primary school. The aim of this assignment SBA is to receive input on the
individual opinions about the communication barriers they face on a day to day basis at the
‘St. Aloysius Primary School’.

Q1=Question 1

Title of project

An investigation into the effectiveness of the barriers of communication at the St. Aloysius
Primary School.

Q1=Question 1

1. Understand the effectiveness of the purpose/importance of meetings in the institution.
2. Identify what difficulties erupt from lac of meetings/informative gatherings?
3. How fluent is work life when influence by meetings.

Q1=Question 1

Functions of the department

*Make it their utmost responsibility that students get an education.
*Enable student’s social intelligence and street smarts.
*Comfort and give students a feeling of home away from home.

Q1=Question 1


13 Walcondrive
Gregory Park
St, Catherine, P.O

October 7, 2022
Miss Althea Palmer
St. Aloysius Primary School
 74-76 Duke Street,
Kingston C.S.O.

Dear Miss Palmer,

As a Kingston Technical student from 11C1, I am requesting an interview with you to find
out your views on the “purpose/importance of meetings at the St. Aloysius Primary school”. I
have been assigned to do this as a part of my School Based Assessment (SBA) from the
Business Department at my school. This interview will detail views on how heavy the
school/learning environment is weighed on these barriers and also the day to day difficulties
around them.

The questions asked are to be expounded upon thoroughly and preferably none biased
Caribbean Examination Council (CXC).

My contact information varies, or 876-445-8943.I anticipate a

favourable response.

Yours truly,

Q1=Question 1


A total of 5 questions were provided for the 10 participants that agreed to partake in the
questioner I assembled for my research on the “purpose/importance of meetings at the St.
Aloysius Primary school” .The questions were handed out on short notice and was retrieved
within the span of two days to be submitted, the date at which it was handed out and retrieved
was “23/10/2022 to 25/10/2022”. As exclaimed by Ashish Pawha (2021), The main purpose
of a questionnaire is to extract data from the respondents to which it was given. This is seen
as an inexpensive and efficient way of collecting large amounts of data regardless of the
researcher being present or not. The statement made in the line above were among reasons
that separated doing a questioner from every other option of research and made it an easy and
clear decision.

This method was chosen with the idea of carrying out a smooth, effective and quick research
that could have been executed to a high value regardless of the short span of time remaining
for it to be submitted. By carrying out the survey we were able to extract information from
the maintenance team, the security and members of staff along with the principal. The
information was later arranged and recorded orderly to be presented.

Q1=Question 1

5 Questions Asked
*How frequently are meetings permitted to occur for the stability of the institution?
*What is the process carried out when organizing a meeting?
*Could there be a possibility of effective communication and correct concluding to social
postures within the staff system without organized meetings?
*How does these meetings work?
*Generally speaking how are problems handled within these meetings?

Q1=Question 1

Regulation and Policies

Governing the Educational Institution

Generally speaking, in Educational institutions, rules and regulations are put in place to
govern the system and keep things intact.
As I was engaging with the staffs of the institution, I was informed by the principal that; the
means of the education enforcers referring to the staff team aims to:
● Ensure safety and protection of students.
● make sure of the fact that student lunch are healthy for consumption.
● keep a record of the day to day attendance of all students and staffs.
● make the learning environment safe and productive.

Q1=Question 1

Health and safety practices observed

Health and safety is very important regarding organizations of any sort especially when it
comes to adolescents.
* Use caution signs such as “Caution, Wet Floor” to prevent accidents within the firm.
* The recent COVID-19 pandemic has also led to the implementation of new health and
safety methods.

Guests and all staff members have access to face masks and gloves at multiple points of the
school including: entrance, lunch room, main office, and classrooms. Hand sanitizers can be
found at the same guided locations listed and furniture in shared spaces has been rearranged
to go hand in hand with social distancing protocols. Safe food preparations were mandatory
and the kitchen space went through routine inspections along with external audits to which
continuously tests standards.

Q1=Question 1

Staff Rules

Some of the staff rules at the St. Aloysius Primary school are:
● Knock before entering.
● If an staff member/employee is unable to report for duty, he/she should inform the head of
the department.
● Employees must sign in and out to the registration book daily. This unfortunately was a
rule that we felt victim to seeing that we were treated as such.
●No eating on the job was mandatory seeing that we worked in the office

●Effective communication, this was almost like an unwritten rule that was instilled there
seeing the manner in which the members greeted each other and kept interactions formal and

Q1=Question 1

Schedule Of Activity

Date Activity Comment

Sep,19,2022 Making my decision on the topic I We had a range of topics to choose from
was going use. under the heading Barriers of

Sep 22,2022 Completed my first draft of the The teacher checked the letter for corrections
correspondence letter and sent it to and if its correctly formatted.
my teacher.
Oct,3,2022 Teacher returned the
correspondence letter with The letter needs to be structured properly in
correction. paragraphs; this is disorganized.
Oct,3,2022 Correspondence was sent back to Teacher approved.
teacher with corrections.
Oct,6,2022 Emailed the letter of Principal responds with approval for me to
correspondence to the Principal. visit on Oct 9,2022
Oct 10,2022 Visited the principal’s office and We were welcomed with open arms
was introduced to the present staff
Oct 10,2022 I issued 10 surveys within the They willingly accepted.
institution among both male and
female teacher.
Oct 10,2022 Asked the Principal for the rules She had me situated in her office where she
and regulations governing the showed me a book with just that
Oct 11,2022 Went back to the institution to I observed the usual proceedings and grew to
observe the activities and understand the use of most if not all the
equipment of staff. equipment.
Oct 12,2022 Revisited and Collected questions The employees were given 4 days to have
that was issued for the them complete.
Oct 12,2022 Expressed my gratitude for having Thanks and appreciation was exchanged.
me and going along with my
Dec11,2022 All sections of the SBA has now It was an great experience
been completed

Q1=Question 1

Questionnaire about the Barriers of communication at St. Aloysius

Primary School.

“Answers to 5 questions from 10 participants”

The participants names are listed below:


Kimona Williams

Kimona Williams
Kevon Yeng
Sayla Phill

Q1.How frequent are meetings permitted to occur for the stability of the institution?

Q1=Question 1

*What is the process carried out when organizing a meeting?

*Could there be a possibility of effective communication and correct concluding to social
postures within the staff system without organized meetings?
*How does these meetings work?
*Generally speaking how are problems handled within these meetings?


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