MAINIT - ABM C - Speech Writing

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Impact of social media on youth

“Think before you click!”, a phrase that’s giving us awareness of what we have been seen,
read, or discover in every part of social media, in a modern world we often use this anywhere at
anytime, adding some up knowledge and boasting our self on the new things we discovered.
Social media may have a positive or negative effects on youth.

First let’s talk about the negative effects, with the huge scope of social media, a child
learns many bad things such as cyberbullying wherein a bully is harassing someone by posting
some rude comments or pictures, etc. about them. Those are not funny, but some are
experiencing depression and losing their self confidence because of bullying or even watching
an influencer’s video that’s not funny that might imitated by some young teenage who didn’t
know it was bad. Social media also gave harm to other people, discrimating, or bullying
whatever may they post, stalking of threatening.

Bullying, especially cyberbullying is a problem simply because it causes harm to

someone’s mental health. You must beware that you will never be safe to put your life in private
if you’re always posting about yourself. It is no joke and will never be a “simple thing” that we
can just set aside for it clearly affect someone so much mentally, or even physically. How? Well,
because of those posts, some of the victims are hurting and blaming themselves, thinking that
everything is their fault. I admit that social media became my hobby when the pandemic hit, I
didn’t realize that I was wasting my time scrolling through social media because it entertains me,
I always sleep late using this, which affected my mental health. However, we can’t control what
we can read or see in the internet. Some of it is about what is happening in every part of the
world, people around us and what might been next issues.

Now, let’s proceed to the positive effects, social media became a hobby for young people
to avoid their boredom. They can watch some videos on YouTube where they can have fun and
discover things that they don’t know, make friends on Facebook because there are people who
are not used in communicating with other people, or participate in the various trending dances
on Tiktok. This social media platforms can be a bonding between you and your friends or family.
It is also a great help for students by quickly releasing the results of what they are looking for, as
they say… “just type and what you are looking for will be there immediately” you don’t have to
read for a long time just to find what you are looking for. It also makes our communication easier
as people abroad or OFW make them easier to communicate with their families or to those
people who was miles apart from us, we can also meet new people like friends or loved once.

Yes, everyone here must admit that social media is really an effective tool for us to be
entertained and to communicate with others. However, we should learn how to be a responsible
social media user. Always remember that there’s limitation in every actions that we’re

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