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Journal of Neurochemistry

Lippincott—Raven Publishers, Philadelphia

© 1996 International Society for Neurochemistry

Cloning, Characterization, and Chromosomal Localization of

a Human 5-HT6 Serotonin Receptor

*~RuthKohen, tMark A. Metcalf, lNaseem Khan, §Teresa Druck, §Kay Huebner,

“Jean E. Lachowicz, tHerbert Y. Meltzer, ‘David R. Sibley,
~Bryan L. Roth, and *~MarkW. Hamblin
* Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington; tGeriatric Research, Education, and
Clinical Center, Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Seattle, Washington; ~Departments of Biochemistry and
Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; § Jefferson Cancer Institute, Jefferson
Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.

Abstract: We describe the cloning and characterization cumbens, and hippocampus. Moderate levels of ex-
of a human 5-HT6 serotonin receptor. The open reading pression are found in the olfactory bulb, anterior olfac-
frame is interrupted by two introns in positions corre- tory nucleus, neocortex, cerebellum, amygdala, and
sponding to the third cytoplasmic loop and the third ex- hypothalamus, but expression is weak in the thalamus
tracellular loop. The human 5-HT6 cDNA encodes a 440- (Ward eta!., 1995). Although little is known regarding
amino-acid polypeptide whose sequence diverges sig-
nificantly from that published for the rat 5-HT6 receptor. its function, when expressed in mammalian cells, this
Resequencing of the rat cDNA revealed a sequencing receptor shows high affinity for several therapeutically
error producing a frame shift within the open reading important antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs, in
frame. The human 5-HT6 amino acid sequence is 89% particular the atypical antipsychotic clozapine and re-
similar to the corrected rat sequence. The recombinant lated compounds (Monsma et al., 1993; Roth et al.,
human 5-HT6 receptor is positively coupled to adenylyl 1994).
cyclase and has pharmacological properties similar to Because of its potential interest to psychopharma-
the rat receptor with high affinity for several typical and
atypical antipsychotics, including clozapine. The receptor cology (Schoeffter and Waeber, 1994) and the history
is expressed in several human brain regions, most promi- of profound species differences in drug affinities of 5-
nently in the caudate nucleus. The gene for the receptor HT receptors (Adham et al., 1992; Hamblin et al.,
maps to the human chromosome region 1 p35—p36. This 1992a,b), we have now cloned and characterized the
localization overlaps that established for the serotonin human homologue. Its gene structure, pharmacology,
5-HTlD~ receptor, suggesting that these may be closely and tissue distribution are very similar to those of the
linked. Comparison of genomic and cDNA clones for the rat receptor. We resequenced part of the rat S-HT6
human 5-HT6 receptor also reveals an Rsal restriction
receptor clone, St-B 17, investigated by Monsma et al.
fragment length polymorphism within the coding region.
Key Words: Serotonin receptors—5-HT6 receptors—G (1993) and are now reporting a corrected version of
protein-coupled receptors—Atypical antipsychotics— the previously described sequence. We have mapped
Clozapine—Chromosomal localization. the chromosomal location of the human 5-HT6 gene
J. Neurochem. 66, 47—56 (1996). to lp35—p36 and tentatively identified a silent RsaI
restriction fragment length polymorphism within the
coding region of the human gene.

Currently 14 different mammalian serotonin [5-hy-

droxytryptamine (5-HT)j receptors have been cloned,
Resubmitted manuscript received August 16, 1995; accepted Sep-
all but one (5-HT3, a ligand-gated ion channel) of tember 5, 1995.
them members of the 0 protein-coupled receptor su- Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. M. W. Ham-
perfamily (Humphrey et al., 1993; Hoyer et al., 1994). bun at Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (182B),
Among them, three (5-HT4, 5-HT6, and 5-HT7) stimu- Seattle V.A. Medical Center, 1660 South Columbian Way, Seattle,
late adenylyl cyclase via G. coupling. The first of these WA 98108, U.S.A.
Abbreviations used: cAMP, cyclic AMP; 5-HT, 5-hydroxytrypta-
to be cloned, rat 5-HT6 (Monsma et al., 1993), is mine or serotonin; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; 8-OH-DPAT,
widely expressed in rat brain, particularly in the olfac- 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin; ORF, open reading frame;
tory tubercle, islands of Cajella, striatum, nucleus ac- TFMPP, trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine; UTR, untranslated region.


32P by random priming. High-stringency washing

of the with
filters was performed with 0.1 >< saline— sodium citrate
cDNA library screening at 65°Cbefore autoradiography.
We labeled an ~ I-kb BstXl to XmaI restriction fragment
32P]dCTP nick translation. The Northern blot analysis
of the rat 5-HT
probe was used6 gene
to screen
by [cr-
a commercially obtained human A commercially available northern blot (Human Brain
caudate eDNA library in the vector ~gtl0 (Clontech) and a Multiple Tissue Northern Blot III; Clontech) containing 2
commercially available human genomic DNA library in the ~ig of poly (A) + RNA per lane was hybridized to a full-
vector Lambda Fix II (Stratagene) with hybridization (6 length 5-HT 32P by random priming.
x SSPE at 55°C; 1 x SSPE = 150 mM NaCl, 10 mM Hybridization6 and
eDNAwashes werewith
labeled done according to the manu-
NaH facturer’s protocol. Hybridization signals were visualized us-
2PO4, and 1 mM Na2 EDTA, pH 7.4) and washing (2 ing a phosphoimager (model GS-363; Bio-Rad). The blot
x SSPE at 55—60°C)at moderate stringency. The X phages was exposed to an imaging plate at room temperature for 4
found to hybridize to the probe were subsequently plaque- days and then scanned by a Molecular Imager scanning unit.
purified, subcloned into pBluescript KS (—), and sequenced Scan data were analyzed with the Molecular Analyst soft-
(see below). Other standard nucleic acid and bacteriological ware package. To confirm that similar amounts of intact
manipulations were as described by Sambrook et al. (1989). RNA were loaded in each gel lane, the blot was also hybrid-
ized with a 32P-labeled ~-actin eDNA.
PCR amplification
PCR amplification from the human caudate eDNA library Expression studies
described above was done in two steps, using nested primers. The human 5-HT
First, a i-,uI aliquot of the library was amplified with 2.5 6 eDNA was subcloned into the XbaI/
U of Pfu DNA polymerase (Stratagene) according to the Sad restriction sites of the eukaryotic expression vector
manufacturer’s directions. We used! ,uM each of oligonucle- pSRa (Takebe et al., 1988). Preliminary studies were done
otide primers corresponding to bp 362—383 (5 ‘-GCCTGG- with 5-HT6 subcloned into the XbaIIXhoI sites of the vector
ACCGCTACCTGCTCAT-3’) and the reverse complement pSVK3 (Pharmacia). For transient expression of the 5-HT6
of bp 1,292-1,312(5 ‘-GGATGCCAAGTGGATGCGGCC- receptor, COS-7 cells were transfected using the DEAE-
3’) of the human 5-HT5 sequence. Thirty-three cycles at an dextran method described by Cullen (1987). For stable ex-
annealing temperature of 62°C yielded a 951 -bp product. pression HeLa cells were cotransfected by electroporation
Five microliters of I % agarose gel containing the desired with 5-HT5-pSRa and pRC/CMVneo (Invitrogen). Stable
fragment was then used in a second PCR procedure, per- HeLa transfects were selected in the presence of G4 1 8 (ge-
formed as above but using primers corresponding to bp 397— neticin; GIBCO) at 600 ~sg/ml. We selected one transfected
416 (5 ‘-CGCTACAAGCTGCGCATGAC-3’) and the re- HeLa cell line, expressing =3,400 fmol/mg of protein of 5-
verse complement of bp 1,251 —1,271 (5 ‘-TCGATGTTG-
HT6 receptor, for cyclic AMP (cAMP) analysis. All cells
AAGAAATTGACG-3’) and an annealing temperature of
were grown at 37°Cunder 5% CO2 in Dulbecco’s modified
45°C.The reaction products were purified and size-fraction- Eagle’s medium with 10% fetal calf serum supplemented
ated on a 1% agarose gel and the identity of the desired 875-
with penicillin G (100 ~tg/ml) and streptomycin (100 UI
bp PCR product was confirmed by restriction analysis. A ml). At least 24 h before any functional assays medium
562-bp BamHI/PvuII restriction fragment of this PCR prod- was replaced with medium containing dialyzed rather than
uct was cloned into pBluescript KS (—). regular serum, because most commercial serum has high
DNA sequencing (often >1 mM) concentrations of 5-HT.
Nucleotide sequence analysis was performed using the
Sanger dideoxynucleotide chain-termination method on de- Radioligand binding and cAMP assays
natured double-stranded plasmid templates. We used Seque- At 48—72 h after transient transfection COS-7 cells were
nase (U.S. Biochemicals) with the usual nucleotides as well harvested by scraping into ice-cold Dulbecco’s phosphate-
as 7-deaza-dGTP and the PCR-basedfinol DNA Sequencing buffered saline. The cells were then collected by centrifuga-
System (Promega), with Taq polymerase and 7-deaza- tion at 30,000 g and resuspended by Polytron homogen-
dGTP. Primers were synthetic oligonucleotides that were ization in ice-cold 2 x TME buffer [1 x TME = 50 mM
either vector specific or derived from previously determined TrisHCl (pH 7.4 at 37°C), 10 mM MgSO4, and 0.5 mM
sequence information. The eDNA sequence was confirmed EDTA]. The crude membranes were again collected by cen-
through the sequencing of both strands. Nucleic acid se- trifugation and resuspended in ice-cold 2 x TME. For satura-
quence data manipulations and amino acid sequence compar- tion radioligand binding experiments, 0.25 ml of membrane
isons were performed using the DNA analysis suite Laser- suspension was incubated in a final3H]5-HT
volume (New
of 0.5 England
ml with
Gene (DNAstar, Madison, WI, U.S.A.). increasing22.8
Nuclear; concentrations
Cilmmol; final
of either
[ 1—60 nM) or
[3H]lysergic acid diethylamide ([3H]LSD; New England
Genomic mapping Nuclear; 64.3 Ci/mmol; final concentration, 0.1—10 nM).
Hybrid cells used in mapping the position of the 5-HT6 For competition binding experiments, 0.25 ml of membrane
gene (HTR6 locus) were either isolated as previously de- suspension was incubated with 0.15 ml of competing drugs
scribed (Haluska et al., 1988; Huebner Ct al., 1991) or were in increasing concentration and 0.1 ml of 7.5 nM [3H]LSD
obtained from the NIGMS Human Genetic Mutant Cell Re- (final concentration, 1.5 nM). Drugs and radioligands had
pository (Coriell Institute, Camden, NJ, U.S.A.) and are de- all been prepared in 2 mM ascorbic acid to prevent oxidation.
scribed in detail in the Coriell catalogue. High-molecular- Assays were done in triplicate, and mixtures were incubated
weight DNA was obtained from cell lysates by phenol /chlo- at 37°C for 30 mm in the case of [3H15-HT (saturation
roform extraction and used for Southern blotting and hybrid- binding experiments) and for 90 mm with [3H]LSD (satura-
ization as described (Huebner et al., 1991). The probe used tion and competition binding experiments). Binding assays
for Southern analysis was the eDNA clone HBI4c, radiola-

J. Neurochem., Vol. 66, No. I, 1996


were terminated by rapid filtration through Whatman GF/C (Table 1) conform to the consensus sequences de-
filters that had been pretreated with 0.5% polyethylenimine. scribed (Mount, 1982). These exon/intron boundaries
The filters were then rapidly washed with an additional 10 correspond to those previously proposed for the rat
ml of ice-cold 50 mM Tris HC1 (pH 7.5), and the radioac-
gene (Monsma et a!., 1993; Ruat et al., 1993). To
tivity was quantified by liquid scintillation counting. Non-
confirm that the 5-HT6 gene is spliced as presumed
specific binding was determined in the presence of 5 ~tM
methiothepin for saturation binding experiments (20—90% and to obtain a eDNA fragment that could be used in
of total binding over the range of concentrations used) or the assembly of a 5-HT~,expression construct, we used
by curve fitting for competition data (65—85% at the radioli- PCR to amplify across the eDNA gap with the caudate
gand KD). Protein content was measured by the method of eDNA library as the template. A 562-bp BamHIIPvuII
Bradford (1976), using bovine y-globulin as the standard. restriction fragment of the resulting PCR product was
The cAMP accumulation assays were performed as de- used in the assembly of our 5-HT6 eDNA. We first
scribed by Hamblin eta!. (1992a). Data were analyzed using joined together HB16a and HC2Ia at the l72-bp Avill
nonlinear regression analysis as in the analysis program site and then connected this piece to two Sf1 fragments
Prizm (GraphPad Software). originating from our PCR fragment (PCR-SJil/frag-
Materials ment I from bp 694 to 793 and PCR-SfiI/fragment 2
Compounds were purchased or obtained as gifts as fol- from bp 793 to 1,042), which were joined downstream
lows: trifluoromethyiphenylpiperazine (TFMPP; Aldrich); to HB9a. The correct assembly of this product was
metergoline (Farmitalia); 5-carboxamidotryptamine and su- confirmed by sequence analysis. Comparison of the
matriptan (Glaxo); methiothepin (Hoffmann-La Roche); genomic clones and our PCR product confirmed that
ritanserin and ketanserin (Janssen Pharmaceutica); cypro- there were no PCR-introduced base changes (see
heptadine and amitryptiline (Merck); quipazine (Miles); Fig. I).
5-methoxytryptamine (Regis); 8-hydroxy-2- ( di-n -propyl- The ORF of the human 5-HT6 eDNA is 1,320 bp
amino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT), amoxapine, and mianserin
(Research Biochemicals); RU24969 (Roussel-Uclaf); bro- long, encoding a 440-amino-acid polypeptide with a
mocryptine, clozapine, mesulergine, and methysergide (San- molecular size of 46.96 kDa. We partially sequenced
doz); and 5-HT and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (Sigma). The the first (1.8-kb) intron occurring after bp 714 and
sources of other drugs used in this study were previously completely sequenced the second 191 -bp long intron
specified (Roth et al., 1992, 1994). following bp 873 (see Table 1). The length of the first
intron was determined by restriction analysis (data not
RESULTS shown) and PCR. Comparison of eDNA and genomie
sequences tentatively identified a silent RsaI polymor-
Cloning of the human 5-HT6 receptor phism at bp 267 (tyrosine in position 89; Figs. I and
In screening a human caudate eDNA library we 2), which may be informative in linkage studies exam-
identified four positive clones with high sequence ho- ining the role of this receptor in various human dis-
mology to the rat 5-HT6 receptor. Comparison with eases. Hydropathy analysis of the deduced amino acid
the rat sequence suggested that if these encoded the sequence indicates the presence of seven hydrophobic
human homologue, alignment could be made as in Fig. regions (data not shown), predicted to represent puta-
I. These were clone HB 16a, containing ‘—S 1 .4 kb of 5’ tive transmembrane domains. The human 5-HT,~,also
untranslated region (UTR) and the first 204 bp of the contains one potential N-linked glycosylation site at
presumed receptor open reading frame (ORF); clone Asn ‘° in the presumed extracellular amino-terminus.
HC21a, a 1.3-kb fragment starting at bp 135 of the Several threonines and serines are present in the pre-
ORF and containing part of an apparent unspliced in- sumed third cytoplasmic loop and the intracellular ear-
tron beginning at bp 715; and the identical clones boxyl-terminal tail, representing potential phosphory-
HB9a and HB 14c, extending from what later proved lation sites.
to be bp 890 in the ORF through the 3’ end of the
coding region and containing ‘-.~ 1.4 kb of 3’ UTR. Comparison of human and rat 5-HT6 receptor
Missing among these fragments was the piece ex- sequences
tending from bp 715 to 889 and spanning at least one Comparing our human 5-HT6 eDNA sequence with
intron. In search of the missing fragment we then the published rat sequences (Monsma et al., 1993; Ruat
screened a human genomic library and obtained three et al., 1993) we noticed an apparent frame shift be-
positive clones, among which MT IA I, containing the tween the rat and human receptor sequences at bp
entire 5-HT6 gene, was selected for further investiga- 1,034. We therefore resequenced the rat clone St-B 17
tion. A 3,000-bp Sad fragment, l,100-bp SacIINotI used by Monsma et a!. (1993), using a 19-bp oligonu-
fragment, and an 800-hp BamHIINotl fragment of cleotide primer corresponding to bp 902—920 of the
MT IA I were subcloned into pBluescript KS (—) and human and rat gene (5 ‘-TCTTCGATGTCCTCA-
sequenced across the portion missing. Sequencing re- CATG-3’), which are identical over this stretch.
vealed the presence of two putative introns of 1 .8 kb We discovered a probable frame shift error in the
and 191 bp located at bp 714 and 873, respectively, sequence from bp 1,030 to 1,040 described by both
separated by a 159-bp exon (Fig. 1). The donor and Monsma et al. (1993) and Ruat et a!. (1993) as 5’-
acceptor sequences at the presumed splice junctions CACCGGCCAG-3’. Our sequence for the correspond-

J. Neurochem., Vol. 66, No. 1, 1996


FIG. 1. Comparison of the nucleic

acid sequences of human (top line)
and rat (bottom line) 5-HT
6 cDNA se-
quences. Only the ORF5 are shown.
The rat sequence is that of the clone
ST-B17 by Monsma et al. (1993)
with our corrections: (1) a probable
error leading to a frame shift at bp
1,034 (marked with an asterisk); (2)
a probable error in the sequence of
Monsma et al. (1993) conforming
with the sequence reported by Ruat
et al. (1993) (underlined with a bar);
and (3) a possible silent Smal poly-
morphism in the rat gene (circled). In
the human sequence, the silent Rsal
polymorphism 89, at isbphighlighted by
276, corre-
box. Thetoarrows
Tyr mark intron/exon
splice junctions in both the rat and
human 5-HT
6 genes. Human and rat
sequences have been deposited
with GenBank, having accession
nos. L41147 and [41146, respec-

ing stretch of the rat gene is 5 ‘-CACCGGGCCAG-3’. fer: By resequeneing St-B 17, we confirmed the se-
The additional guanine base we found (marked with quence of Ruat et a!. (1993) from bp 1,105 to bp
an asterisk in Fig. 1) realigns the reading frames for 1,115, reading 5 ‘-GTGCTGCCTCT-3’ as opposed to
the rat and human receptors. the sequence by Monsma et a!. (1993), reading 5’-
In a second location, at bp 1,110—1,111, the se- GTGCT~CTCT-3’ (underlined with a bar in Fig.
quences published by the aforementioned authors dif- 1). Both probable errors occurred in G/C-rich areas

TABLE 1. Exon—intron organization of the human 5-HT6 receptor gene ORF

Sequenee of exon —intron junction

Intron 5’ boundary Intron (total length in bp) 3’ boundary

gtacctgggg . . . (—1.800) . . . ctttccgcag GTG CCC AGG
A ACG CTG CAd 238 Va123°
CAG gtaatgccac . . . (191) . . . ctccccccag GCC GTG TGC
GIn29’ Ala292

The exon—intron boundaries are shown for those junctions within the ORF. The exon between these two introns
is 159 bp long. Possible additional introns in the 5’ and 3’ UTRs have not been determined. These junctions are
in good agreement with the consensus sequences described by Mount (1982).

J. Neurochem., Vol. 66, No. 1, 1996


FIG. 2. Deduced amino acid sequence and structure of the human 5-HT 89). The positions of
6 receptor. An asparagine residue representing a putative
the two intronssite
glycosyiation areismarked
marked.with arrows. with an asterisk is the site of a possible silent Rsal polymorphism (Tyr

of the eDNA marked by severe compressions and

strong stops in sequencing reactions using Sequenase molecular mass of 46.81 kDa. The nucleic acid se-
and native nucleotide triphosphates. These problems quence of the human 5-HT6 gene is 85% identical
could be only partially alleviated by using 7-deaza- to the corrected sequence of its rat homologue. The
dGTP with Sequenase. However, using the thermosta- predicted polypeptides of the human and rat receptors
ble Taq po!ymerase in conjunction with 7-deaza-dGTP are 89% identical and 95% similar with conservative
(see Experimental Procedures) markedly reduced substitutions.
these problems, yielding unambiguous sequence data.
In a third location, at bp 1,209 (threonine in position The pharmacological characteristics of human
403), the sequences of St-B 17 and the rat 5-HT and rat 5-HT6 are similar
6 eDNA Transient transfection of COS-7 cells with pSRct-5-
of Ruat et al. (1993) apparently diverge: These authors 3H I 5-HT
HT6 resulted in the appearance of a single classand
reported the sequence from bp 1,205 to 1,215 as 5’- high-affinity,
the saturable
serotonergic ligand binding
[3H]LSDsites for 3).
(Fig. [ No specific
CcACçCGGGAC-3’ with an Smal site at bp 1,210. binding was observed in nontransfected COS-7 cells
Monsma et a!. (1993) reported the corresponding St- (Hamblin and Metcalf, 199!). Analysis of the [3HI5-
B17 sequence as 5 ‘-CCACACGGGAC-3’, and our re- HT saturation binding data revealed a KD of 32.2 nM
striction analysis of St-B17 (data not shown) con- (PKD 7.49 ±0.45, six experiments) and Bma. values
firmed the absence of an Smal site at bp 1,210. This of 0.1—1.7 pmol/mg of protein. Analysis of the [3H]-
discrepancy between the two rat 5-HT6 cDNAs may LSD binding data showed a KD of 3.16 nM (pK
represent a silent Smal polymorphism in the rat gene 0
(circled in Fig. I). = 8.50 ±0.02, three experiments) and Bma. values of
The corrected rat 5-HT6 sequence has an ORF of 0.5—1.6 pmo!/mg of protein. Further characterization
1,314 bp, encoding a 438-amino-acid protein with a of the human 5-HT6 pharmacology used various drugs

.1. Neurochem., Vol. 66, No. 1, 1996


FIG. 3. Radioligand binding analysis of human 5-

6 transiently expressed in COS-7 cells. Tran-
sient expression and radioligand binding assays
were performed as described in Experimental3H]5- Pro-
HT binding
cedures. A: to membranes
Saturation prepared
analysis from COS-7
of specific [
cells transiently transfected with construct pSRa-
5. The experiment shown is representative of
six independent experiments, each conducted in
triplicate. Inset: Scatchard analysis of saturation
binding data. In this experiment, the KD and ~
values were 27.9 nM and 1.2 pmol/mg of protein,
respectively. to membranes
B: Saturation prepared
analysis from
of specific
[ cells transiently transfected with construct
6. The experiment shown is represen-
tative of three experiments conducted in triplicate.
Inset: Scatchard analysis of saturation binding
data. In this experiment, the K0 and Bne, values
were 3.1 nM and 0.47 pmol/mg ofprotein, respec-

that exhibit specificity for various serotonergic recep- tying human chromosome region lp showed hybrid-
tor subtypes and other binding sites as well as an array ization, whereas those without did not, as depicted in
of typical and atypical antipsychotic agents. The aver- Fig. 7A. A chromosome 1 mapping panel in which
age K~values are listed in 3HILSD
Table 2, with representative
binding shown in each hybrid DNA carried a portion of chromosome I
Fig. 4. curves for [ was similarly tested for presence of the human HTR6
locus after EcoRI cleavage 35 —as1 p36
shown in Fig.of 7B.
portion Only
The human 5-HT hybrids1 contained
some retaining the 1p
the 5-HT(, gene.
6 receptor is positively coupled
to adenylyl cyclase
5-HT caused a 2.5- to eightfold dose-dependent in- DISCUSSION
crease in cAMP levels in transfected HeLa cells, with
an average EC50 value of 3.2 nM (pEC50 = 8.49 We report the cloning and characterization of a hu-
± 0.55, three experiments). There was no detectable man 5-HT
response in nontransfeeted cells (data not shown). The 6 receptor with typical homology to the pre-
viously described 5-HT8, rat receptor (Monsma et al.,
5-HT6 receptor-mediated stimulation of cAMP accu-
mulation could be surmountably antagonized by do- 1993; Ruat et al., 1993). The two receptors differ
zapine (Fig. 5). mostly in their earboxyl-terminal region, with the hu-
man receptor being two amino acids longer than its rat
The 5-HT6 receptor is expressed in several human homologue (440 vs. 438 amino acids).
brain regions We also report a corrected sequence for the rat 5-
We investigated the anatomical distribution of 5- HT6 receptor. Noticing an apparent frame shift be-
HT6 mRNA expression in human brain by northern tween the nucleotide sequences of the human 5-HT9
blot analysis (Fig. 6). The 5-HT6 eDNA probe hybrid- receptor and the rat sequences as previously described
ized to two mRNAs of -—4.0 and 3.2 kb in length, (Monsma et al., 1993; Ruat et al., 1993) we rese-
predominantly in the caudate nucleus, with lower con- quenced both our rat and human 5-HT6 clones in paral-
centrations in hippocampus and amygdala. Very low Id, using the same rat receptor, St-B 17, that was de-
levels of expression could be detected in the thalamus, scribed by Monsma et al. (1993). For this as for part
subtha!amic nucleus, and substantia nigra. of our sequencing of the human 5-HT6 receptor, we
used a dideoxynucleotide chain termination method
The human 5-HT6 gene maps to chromosome with PCR and Taq polymerase. Before this, we had
region lp35—p36 used another dideoxynucleotide chain termination
In Southern analysis. our 5-HT6 eDNA probe de- method with Sequenase, which is the same method
tected a human genomic EcoRI fragment, containing that was originally used by Monsma et al. (1993) to
the HTR6 locus, of ‘-—6.5 kb and did not cross-hybridize sequence St-B17. Comparing these two sequencing
well with any rodent bands. Twenty rodent—human methods we found the PCR-based method to be less
hybrid DNAs, each carrying a small subset of human vulnerable to compressions and strong stops, thus
chromosomes so that most chromosome regions were yielding better sequence data for the very G/C-rich 5-
represented in the panel, were tested for the presence HT6 clones.
of this HTR6-specifie EcoRI fragment by filter hybrid- The coding regions of both rat and human receptors
ization to the radio!abeled eDNA probe. Hybrids car- contain two introns in homologous positions. The first

J. Neurochem., Vol. 66, No. 1, 1996


TABLE 2. Drug affinities for the human 5-HT5 receptor

Drug pK, K, (nM)

“Serotonergie” agents
Methiothepin 9.38 ±0.05 0.42
Bromocryptine 7.49 ± 0.09 33
5-Methoxytryptamine 7.37 ±0.05 43
Amoxapine 7.31 ±0.01 50
Ritanserin 7.27 ± 0.19 53
Mianserin 7.26 ±0.16 55
Amitryptiline 7.19 ±0.07 65
5-HT 7.19 ±0.10 65
N,N-Dimethyltryptamine 7.17 ±0.17 68
Cyproheptadine 6.82 ±0.12 iso
Methysergide 6.75 ±0.07 180
Metergoline 6.40 ± 0.08 400
TFMPP 6.37 ±0.06 430
RU24969 6.24 ± 0.04 570
5-Carboxamidotryptamine 6.14 ±0.04 720 3H]LSDbinding to COS-7
Sumatriptan 5.59 ± 0.16 2,600 cell
FIG. membranes
4. Pharmacological
5-HT of [
Ketanserin 5.55 ±0.03 2,800
Quipazine 5.44 ±0.05 3,600
5. Competition curves shown
Mesulergine 5.42 ±0.01 3,800 are representative of three independent experiments conducted
8-OH-DPAT <5.0 >10,000 in triplicate. Mean K, values are given in Table 2. 5-CT, 5-carbox-
“Antipsychotic” agents amidotryptamine.
“Atypical” drugs
(—)-Octoclothepin 8.75 ±0.04 1.8
Clozapine 8.02 ±0.15 9.5
Olanzapine 8.00 ±0.02 10 sponds to the location of introns in the 5-HT,A, 5-
1C1169369 7.96 ±0.03 11 HT~ (Matthes et al., 1993), dopamine D2 (Selbie et
Rilapine 7.77 ±0.13 17
Fluperlapine 7.54 ±0.08 29 a!., 1989; Monsma et al., 1989; Chio et al., 1990), and
Seroquel 7.48 ±0.17 33 D3 receptors (Sokoloff et al., 1990). We have excluded
Perlapine 6.82 150 the presence of other introns in the ORF.
Tenilapine 6.24 ±0.07 570 Using hybridization of a 5-HT6 probe to somatic
Tiospyrone 6.02 ±0.16 950
Amperozide 5.80 ±0.03 1,600 cell hybrid panels, we localized the HTR6 gene to
Risperidone 5.62 ±0.31 2,400 lp35—p36. The 5-HTID,. receptor gene has previously
“Typical” drugs been(Libert
p36 mappedet to
a!.,human chromosome
1991) and region
the syntenic mouse chro-
(+)-Octoclothepin 8.59 ±0.16 2.6 mosome 4 (Wilkie et al., 1993). This predicts a likely
Chlorpromazine 7.72 ±0.18 19
Loxapine 7.57 ±0.02 27 location of the murine 5-HT
Fluphenazine 7.42 ±0.08 38 6 gene on chromosome 4
Trifluperazine 6.77 ±0.01 170
Thiothixine 6.50 ±0.01 320
Mesoridazine 6.42 380
Haloperidol 5.18 ±0.08 6,600
3H]LSD binding to washed cell
membranes from COS-7
Drug competitions forcells
1.5 transiently
nM [ transfected with the human
6 receptor were performed as described in Experimental Proce-
dures. Data are mean ± SD pK, values determined by nonlinear
regression analysis and represent three experiments (two experiments
in the ease of perlapine and mesoridazine). Mean K, values were
determined from mean pK, values.

of these, described238
in rat by human
in the Ruat et receptor)
a!. (1993),and
after bpthe
within 714 (G!n encoding the presumed third cyto-
plasmic loop, corresponding to a position 30 amino
acids downstream from the carboxyl-terminal end of FIG. 5. 5-HT-induced stimulation of cAMP accumulation in
the fifth presumed transmembrane region. The second HeLa cells stably expressing the human 5-HT
intron following bp 873 (GIn29’ in the human recep- 5 receptor and its
tor), proposed for the rat by Monsma et al. (1993), inhibition by clozapine. Shown is one representative experiment
of two, each performed in triplicate. The EC50 values of 5-HT
lies within the sequence encoding the putative third were 1.8 nM in the absence (.) and 53 nM in the presence (0)
extracellular loop. The position of the first intron corre- of 1 ,jM clozapine, leading to an apparent K, value of 35 nM for
the antagonist.

J. Neurochem., Vol. 66, No. 1, 1996


FIG. 6. Northern blot analysis presumably derived from different individuals. This
of 5-HT restriction fragment length polymorphism may prove
6 transcripts in human to be useful in linkage studies, although we did not
brain. The northern blot was
probed and analyzed as de- obtain any information regarding its frequency.
scribed in Experimental Pro- The pattern of 5-HT9 mRNA expression in human
cedures. The locations of brain we observed by northern blot analysis parallels
RNA size markers (kb) are in- the distribution previously found for the rat 5-HT6 re-
dicated. The blot was hybrid-
ized with a human ~3-actin ceptor. We saw the highest level of expression in the
eDNA probe to check levels caudate nucleus, as has been described in rat by Mon-
of RNA between lanes (small sma et al. (1993) and Ruat et al. (1993). Ward et al.
panel below the blot). (1995) also discovered a very high level of rat striatal
5-HT9 mRNA expression by in situ hybridization his-
tochemistry. They saw an equally high level of expres-
sion in the hippocampus, whereas we found a much
(Abbott et al., 1993) and indicates that the 5-HT6 and lower concentration in this area. Northern analysis and
the 5~HTi0uloci may be closely linked. in situ hybridization histochemistry by Ruat et al.
One difference was found between the sequences of (1993) showed moderate expression in rat hippocam-
the 5-HT6 eDNA and exons of the human genomid pus. We detected low levels of expression in the amyg-
clone where a silent base exchange in position 267 dala, as described in the rat by Monsma et al. (1993)
produces an RsaI site in the eDNA, but not in the and in the tha!amus, as found in rat by Ward et al.
genomic clone. The eDNA and genomic clones were (1995). We found two transcripts of ‘=4.0 and 3.2kb

FIG. 7. Localization of the 5-HT6 receptor gene (HTR6 locus) to chromosome lp35—p36. A: Presence of the HTR6 locus in a panel
of 20 rodent—human hybrids. Stippling indicates that a hybrid contains the chromosome indicated in the upper row. Partial stippling
indicates the presence ofa chromosome fragment derived from the short (upper left) or long (lower right) arms. The pattern of retention
of the HTR6 locus in the panel is shown to the right where the presence of the locus in a hybrid is indicated by a stippled box with a
plus sign and the absence of the locus is indicated by an open box enclosing a minus sign. The hybridization pattern for the human
5-HT6 probe is consistent with localization to the short arm of chromosome 1. B: Regional localization of the HTR6 locus on ip. The
portion of chromosome 1 present in specific hybrids is represented by the solid lines to the right of the chromosome 1 ideogram.
These hybrids were tested for the presence of the HTR6 gene by filter hybridization, and the presence or absence of the HTR6 gene
is indicated below the lines representing specific hybrids. The HTR6 gene is present only in hybrids that retain 1 p35—p36.

J. Neurochem., Vol. 66. No. I, 1996


in length, which has similarly been described for the

loxapine, and fiuphenazine, had moderate affinities for
rat by Ruat et al. (1993), who found two mRNAs of
the human 5-HT6 receptor as well. These compounds,
4.! and 3.2 kb. however, have much higher D2 affinities (Roth et a!.,
We confirmed that the human 5-HT 1994). Occupancy of 5-HT6 receptors may thus very
6 receptor is pos-
itively coupled to adenylyl cyclase in transfected mam- well contribute to clinically significant differences be-
malian cells, as was previously reported for the rat 5- tween typical and atypical antipsychotie drugs and
HT6 by Monsma eta!. (1993) and Ruat et al. (1993). within the group of atypical antipsychotics, especially
5-HT caused a 2.5- to eightfold dose-dependent in- if further studies reveal interactions among D2-, 5-
crease in cAMP levels that could be surmountably an- HT2A-, and 5-HT6-mediated effects on neuronal excit-
tagonized by c!ozapine. The observed 5-HT EC50 is ability.
lower than the K, as determined in binding experi-
ments, as has been observed for several other receptors Acknowledgment: This work was supported by a Geriat-
when expressed at high levels (Adham et a!. 1993). ric Psychiatry Fellowship (to R.K.) and the Merit Review
In receptor binding studies, the human 5-HT6 shows program (to M.W.H.) of the Department of Veterans Affairs
drug affinities similar to its rat homologue, with the as well as grants CA51083 (to T.D. and K.H.), MH41649
exception of two of the tested compounds, methio- and MH41684 (to H.Y.M. and B.L.R.), and GM52213 (to
thepin (human 5-HT6 K~= 0.42 nM vs. rat K, = 1.84 N.K. and B.L.R.) from the National Institutes of Health. We
thank Doris Heidmann and James Leverenz for their help
nM) and metergo!ine (human 5-HT6 K = 400 nM vs.
with experiments and Frederick J. Monsma for helpful dis-
rat K = 30 nM). The receptor displays a rank order cussions.
of potency of methiothepin > elozapine olanzapine
> ritanserin mianserin ~ risperidone ketanserin.
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