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Lesson Plan in Food and Beverage Services

Grade 11-Senior High School

I.Learning Competencies: Demonstrates knowledge and skills in food and beverage service
related to setting the mood/ambiance of the dining area TLE_HEFBS9- 12AS-Ig-h-4

II. Subject Matter

I. Topic: Intercultural
II.GAD Core Values:
Demonstrating effective
intercultural communication
III. showing appreciation to
cultural perspectives
IV. Topic: Intercultural
V.GAD Core Values:
Demonstrating effective
intercultural communication
VI. showing appreciation to
cultural perspectives
A. Topic: A. Set the mood/ambiance of the dining area

B. Reference: Learning Modules for Senior High School

C. Materials: Paper Strips, Laptop, OHP, Manila Paper and Pentel Pen
III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary of Lesson:
1) Review: Review the different types of lighting fixtures and how they can
be used to create different moods and ambiance in a dining area.

2) Motivation: Show pictures of different dining areas with various lighting

setups and ask students to identify the mood or ambiance being portrayed.


 Activity 1: Mood Board Creation

 In groups of 4, students will create a mood board for a specific dining area
(e.g. fine dining, casual dining, outdoor dining). They will be given
magazines, colored papers, scissors, glue, and other materials to create
their mood board. They should consider the lighting fixtures and other
elements that can contribute to the mood and ambiance of the dining
 Activity 2: Lighting Setup Simulation
 Using a virtual simulator, students will be given a dining area and asked to
set up the lighting fixtures to create a specific mood or ambiance. The
simulator will allow them to adjust the brightness, color, and position of
the lighting fixtures until they achieve their desired effect.
 Activity 3: DIY Lighting Fixture

 In pairs, students will create their own lighting fixture using recycled
materials. They should consider the mood and ambiance they want to
achieve in their dining area and design their lighting fixture accordingly.


Discuss the different mood and ambiance that can be achieved using various lighting
fixtures. Encourage students to share their mood boards and explain how they created
the mood and ambiance for their specific dining area.

Abstraction: Summarize the key points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of
lighting fixtures in creating the desired mood and ambiance in a dining area.

Application: Provide a real-life problem where students will be tasked to set up the
lighting fixtures for a newly opened restaurant. They should consider the theme and
target market of the restaurant and create a lighting setup that will attract and appeal to
their customers.


1. What is the importance of lighting fixtures in setting the mood and ambiance of a
dining area? Answer: Lighting fixtures can greatly affect the mood and ambiance
of a dining area. They can create a warm and cozy atmosphere or a bright and
lively ambiance depending on the type of lighting used.

2. What are the different types of lighting fixtures that can be used in a dining area?
Answer: There are various types of lighting fixtures that can be used in a dining
area such as chandeliers, pendant lights, wall sconces, recessed lights, and track

3. How can you create a romantic ambiance in a dining area? Answer: To create a
romantic ambiance in a dining area, you can use warm and dim lighting, candles,
and soft music.

4. Why is it important to consider the theme and target market of a restaurant when
setting up the lighting fixtures? Answer: The lighting fixtures should complement
the theme and target market of a restaurant to create a cohesive and appealing
ambiance that will attract customers.

5. What is a mood board and how can it be used in setting up the lighting fixtures
of a dining area? Answer: A mood board is a visual representation of the mood
and ambiance that you want to achieve in a specific area. It can be used to plan
and design the lighting fixtures that will create the desired effect.

V. Assignment:

Students will create a lighting setup for their own bedroom or study area using the
principles they learned in class. They should consider the mood and ambiance they want
to achieve and choose the appropriate lighting fixtures and setup. They should also
provide a short explanation of their setup.

Interactive Activities:

1. The Great Lighting Fixture Race - Divide the class into two teams and have them
race to set up a specific lighting fixture. The team that completes the task first

2. Mood and Ambiance Charades - Write different moods and ambiance on pieces
of paper and have students act them out. The class should guess the mood or
ambiance being portrayed.

3. Lighting Fixture Trivia - Prepare a trivia game about lighting fixtures and their
uses. The student with the most correct answers wins a prize.

Prepared by:


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