DM 181 2023

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Bu-1agis shies Bepublic of the Philivvines Department of Cducation REGION IV-A SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE MAY 5, 2023 DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 191, s. 2023 PROCESSING OF APPLICATION FOR TEACHER I POSITIONS IN ELEMENTARY, JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chief, Curriculum Implementation Di Chief, School Governance and Operations Division Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary School Heads School and District Sub-Committees All Concerned. 1. In consonance to DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2023 and in anticipation and preparation of Division for the allocation of Teaching items to be given by DepEd Central Office this coming School Year 2023-2024, this Office announces the updated process of application for Teacher I positions in Elementary, Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools for School Year 2023- 2024 (see attachment 1). 2. All interested applicants are advised to submit their application to school where the vacancy exists or to the school near their residence. 3. __Non-eligible senior high school teacher applicants may apply: however, the eligible applicants are priority in hiring. Appointment of non-eligible applicants may be done only in the absence of a qualified eligible included in the Comparative Assessment Report-Registry of Qualified Applicants (CAR-RQA) who is willing to accept the appointment. 4. The following basic qualification standards shall be used by School Sub- Committees in evaluation of applicants: Qualification Standards for Elementary School Teacher Applicants: © Education: Bachelor of Elementary Education; or Bachelor's Degree plus 18 professional education units « Experience: — None required 9, cavite Capitol Compound, Brgy. Luciano, Trece Martires City, Cavite BB (045) 419-0024, 419-1286, 412-0349, 419-1739, 412-0849 @ (2 deped.cavite@depedgov.oh “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IV-A. SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE ° Training: None required Eligibility: PBET/RA 1080 (LET) Qualification Standards for Junior High School Teacher Applicants: « Education: Bachelor of Secondary Education; or Bachelor's Degree plus 18 professional education units Experience: None required Training: None required Eligibility: © PBET/RA 1080 (LET) Qualification Standards for Senior High School Teacher Applicants: * Education: For Academics track - Bachelor's degree with a major in the relevant strand/subject; or any Bachelor's degree with at least 15 units of specialization in the relevant strand/subject For TVL track - Bachelor's degree; or completion of technical-vocational course(s) in the area of specialization For Sports and Arts and Design track — Bachelor's degree with a major in field(s) under the Track; or any Bachelor's degree plus 15 units of specialization in fields under the Track © Training: For Academics track — None required For TVL track ~ ‘At least NC II ("Appropriate to the specialization) For Sports and Arts and Design track — None required * Experience: For Academics track ~ None required For TVL track ~ None required For Sports and Arts and Design track — None required © Eligibility: PBET/RA 1080 (LET) and if not eligible, applicant must pass the LET within five (5) years after the date of first hiring 5. The following schedule for the processing of applications shall be followed: ‘Timeline ‘Activities May 8 to 31, 2023 Submission and acceptance of application in the School Level am June I to 8, 2023 | Pre-evaluation of applicant's documents based on L | minimum qualification standards June 16, 2023 Submission of Initial Evaluation Results (IER) to Division Office - HR Unit for final checking and approval of HRMO whether the applicant is qualified or disqualified to the position they are applying for. & cavite Capitol Compound, Bray. Luciano, Trece Martires City, Cavite $B (045) 419-0014, 419-1286, 412-0249, 419-1739, 412-0849 @ [Bd “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” Republic af the Philippines Department of Education REGION “A SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE | June 19 to June 26, 2023 — June 27 to July 7, 2023 | | July 17, 2023 Note: For Elementary: Submission of IER shall be done by District; For Junior High School and Senior High School: Submission of IER shall be done by School. 7 _ a Forwarding of approved IER to school sub-commitices for posting. Inform the teacher applicants regarding the | tesults of initial evaluation. _ = Conduct of open ranking system and competency assessment through classroom observable indicators (demonstration teaching) and —_ non-classroom observable indicators (teacher reflection form). ‘Submission of the following documents to Division Office - HR Unit: a) hard copy of Comparative Assessment Result (CAR) (Consolidated by municipality for elementary & by school for junior high school and senior high school), b) scanned copy of applicant’s documents, e) scanned copy of individual evaluation sheet, d) excel file of consolidated CAR - for elementary & school CAR - for junior high school and senior high school and e) excel file of summary of demonstration teaching and teacher reflection ratings with e- signature. Note: For Elementary: Submission of CAR documents shall be done by District; For Junior High School and Senior High School: Submission of CAR documents shall be done by School. 3* week of July 2023 Preparation and finalization of Comparative Assessment Result (CAR) Last week of July 2023 to Ist week of August 2023 target timeline] 2nd week of August to 34 week of August 2023 (target timeline) Posting of Comparative Assessment Result — Registry of Qualified Applicants (CAR-RQA) Deployment of Newly Hired Teacher Applicants 6. All teacher applicants from SY 2022-2023 who are still interested to apply in this Division are advised to submit another application documents based on this Memorandum. 7. Moreover, all beneficiaries of national programs and partnerships such as “Sa Pinas, Ikaw ang Ma’ ’am/Sir’ (SPIMS) Employment Program, Pantawid & cavite Capitol Compound, Brey. Luciano, Trece Martires Cty, Cavite : GB (040) 212-0014, 419-1286, 412.0349, 419-1739, 412-0849 (Q ph (i deped.cavite@dened gov.oh “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” Republic o the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION IV-A SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), 1000 ‘Teachers Program of the Philippine Business for Education (PBEd), etc. are required to submit application and follow the process stated on this Memorandum. 8. The Department of Education - Schools Division Office of Cavite Province shall strictly adhere to Division Memorandum No. 382, s. 2017 the “Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) on Human Resource Management and Development”. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply regardless of gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation. 9. For dissemination, guidance, and compliance. NS ot Ss Schools Division Superintendent (/ coy ora 181 Bo aie & Cavite Capitol Compound, Brey. Luciano, Trece Martires City, Cavite BS (046) 419-0014, 419-1286, 412-0349, 419-1739, 412-0849 @ Bd deped “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” Republic of the ‘Philinoines Department of Chucation REGION IV-A SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE “Attachment Ito Division Memorandum no.\9) s. 2028 PROCESSING OF APPLICATION POR TEACHER TFOSTTIONS IV ELEMENTARY, JUMIOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS POR SCHOOL YBAR 2023-2024 UPDATED PROCESS OF APPLICATION FOR TEACHER I POSITIONS IN ELEMENTARY, JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 Step 1 - Submission and Acceptance of Application 1. New and old teacher applicants shall submit their application to the school where the vacancy exists or to the schoo! near their residence. All applicants are required to submit scanned copy (saved in CD or sent via email) and hard copy of their application documents to the school. 1.1 The following documentary requirements are as follows: Mandatory Requirements: A. Letter of intent addressed to the School Principal B. Duly Accomplished Personal Data Sheet (CSC Form No. 212, Revised 2017) with latest passport size picture and Work Experience Sheet, if applicable C. Photocopy of valid and updated PRC License/ID, if applicable D. Photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility /Rating, if applicable E. Photocopy of scholastic/academic record such as but not limited to Transcript of Records (TOR) and Diploma, including completion of graduate and post graduate units/degrees, if available F. Photocopy of Certificates of Training, if applicable G. Photocopy of Certificate of Employment, Contract of Service, or duly signed Service Record, whichever is/are applicable H. Checklist of Requirements and Omnibus Sworn Statement on the Certification on the Authenticity and Veracity (CAV) of the documents submitted and Data Privacy Consent Form (see attached form), notarized by authorized official (e.g., Notary Public or Brgy. Captain). 2. Applicants who failed to submit complete mandatory requirements on the set deadline indicated on this memorandum shall not be included in the pool of official applicants. 3. The applicant assumes full responsibility and accountability for the authenticity and veracity of the documents submitted, as evidenced by the Omnibus Sworn Statement duly signed by the applicant and notarized by authorized official. % Cavite Capitol Compound, Brgy. Luciano, Trece Martires City, Cavite BR (046) 419-0014, 419-1286, 412-0349, 419-1739, 412-0849 @ (52 “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” Republic ofthe Bhiionines Department of Education REGION IV-A, SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE 9. All teacher applicants are reminded to follow the sequence of documents stated above when submitting their application to the school. In order for the School Sub-Committees to easily generate the profile of applicants and provide control on the issuance of application code to their respective applicants, they may create an Online Recruitment Form via google forms and require the applicant to fill-up the form after the submission of their application to the school. The sub-committee may adopt the format of online recruitment form of the Schools Division Office. ‘The suggested application code to be given to the applicant is <> (e.g. TMCES-2023-0001 or TMCNHS- 2023-0001). For the sample format of Checklist of Requirements and Omnibus Sworn Statement on the Certification on the Authenticity and Veracity (CAV) of the documents submitted, refer to this link: https:/ / To check the master list of schools with official email address, refer to this link: Deadline of submission of application is until May 31, 2023. Step 2 ~ Pre-evaluation of Applicant's Documents 1. ‘The School Sub-Committees are directed to review the DepEd Order No. 007 s. 2023 or the "Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection and Appointment in the Department of Education® and minimum qualification standards of the position, to ensure accurate pre-evaluation of applicant's documents. . School Sub-Committees shall conduct an initial evaluation based on the minimum qualification standards of the position. For Elementary, the school sub-committees shall prepare and submit Initial Evaluation Results (IER) to the District Office for consolidation. Once consolidated in the district level, the hard copy of IER shall be submitted to Division Office - HR Unit for final checking and approval of the Division Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO). For Junior High School and Senior High School, the school sub- committees shall prepare and directly submit the hard copy of Initial & Cavite Capitol Compound, Brey. Luciano, Trece Martires Cty, Cavite “BE (046) 419-0014, 419-1286, 412-0349, 419-1739, 412-0849 ® [EX “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IV-A SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE Evaluation Results (IER) to the Division Office - HR Unit for final checking and approval of the Division Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO). 5. For the forms to be used pre-evaluation, refer to this link:, 6. Deadline of submission of Initial Evaluation Results (IER) to the Division Office - HR Unit is until June 13, 2023. 3 - Forw: of Ay Initial Evaluation Results 1, Once the submitted Initial Evaluation Results are signed by the Division HRMO, the Division Office - HR Unit shall forward the signed forms to school/district office for posting. 2. School Sub-Committee shall post the list of qualified and disqualified applicants in at least three (3) conspicuous places containing the following information: Application Code, Education, Training, Experience, Eligibility and Remarks whether Qualified of Disqualified. Moreover, the sub- committee shall notify the applicants regarding the initial evaluation results through any mode of official communication, such as but not limited to postal mail, courier service or electronic mail using the official e-mail account of the office. Telephone calls and short message service may be used only to accompany the aforementioned official communication channels. 3. For the format to be used in informing the applicant, refer to this link: https: / / tOAY nt. 4 - Evaluation of Ay it’s Documents 1. To ensure fairness and transparency on the evaluation of documents, an open ranking system shall be done wherein applicants or subset of applicants are present to witness the actual evaluation for which the scores of all applicants present thereat shall be disclosed to all attendees. Each applicant shall be given an opportunity to ask questions and seck clarification on the results of their individual assessment and acknowledge their individual results during the open ranking. Upon acknowledgement of the individual results, applicants shall be required to affix their signature on their Individual Evaluation Sheet (IES). 2. The duly signed IES shall serve as acknowledgement that the applicant has undergone the application and assessment process based on hiring guidelines for Teacher I position and that the results of the individual & cavite Capitol Compound, Bray. Luciano, Trece Martires City, Cavite BS (046) 419-0014, 419-1286, 417-0349, 419-1739, 412-0849 @ wu (5 “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” uo o Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IV-A_ SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE assessment have been discussed with the concerned applicant. The IES shall not, in any case, preclude the applicant from filing a protest once the final decision on the appointment has been rendered by the appointing officer/ authority. 3. For the forms to be used in evaluation of applicant’s documents (individual evaluation sheet and comparative assessment results form), refer to this link: https: om / SchoollIESandCAR. 4. Conduct of open ranking system shall be done between June 27 to July 7, 2023, depending on the availability of the committee. Step 5 - Conduct of Demonstration Teaching (Classroom Observable 1, The conduct of demonstration teaching shall be done face to face with strict observance to health and safety protocols. 2. The selection of observers or sub-committee/s that will be designated to conduct classroom observations or observe demonstration teaching shall take into consideration their understanding and knowledge of the PPST Classroom Observable Indicators (COIs), the specific tools and protocols on the conduct of classroom observation, and recruitment and selection process. 3. Three (3) observers shall participate in the classroom observation. Observer/s must not be related to the applicant within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity. 4. Observer/s must review the COT-RSP Rubric and the forms to be accomplished in the process of observation prior to the actual conduct of classroom observation. 5, After the conduct of demonstration teaching/classroom observation, the sub-committee may conduct behavioral event interview to gather additional information about the teacher applicant in terms of other aspects such as but not limited to their potential, character, and fitness. 6. Applicants shall be evaluated using the rubrics indicated in DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2023. 7. For the forms to be used in conduct of demonstration teaching, refer to this link: https:/ / /DemoTeachingForms. &. cavite Capitol Compound, Bray. Luciano, Trace Martres City, Cavite : BE (046) 439-0014, 419-1286, 412-0349, 39-1739, 412-0849 (3 “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” Republic of the Philippines: Bepartment of Education REGION IV-A SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE 8. Conduct of demonsiration teaching shall be done between June 27 to July 7, 2028, depending on the availability of the observer/sub-committee. Step 6 ~ Conduct of Teacher Reflection (Non-Classroom Observable Indicators) 1, The selection of Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) evaluators or sub- committee/s that will be designated to evaluate the applicants’ accomplished ‘TRF shall take into consideration their understanding and knowledge of the PPST Non-Classroom Observable Indicators (NCOls), the specific tools and protocols of TRF administration and evaluation, and the recruitment, and selection process. 2. Three (3) evaluators shall rate the accomplished TRFs. Evaluator/s must not be related to the applicant within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity. 3. The TRF shall be accomplished on the spot, Teacher applicants shall be given 45 minutes to one (1) hour to accomplish the complete set of TRFs. 4. Sub-committee shall identify a designated location, preferably a room, for teacher applicants to answer the TRF. A proctor shall be assigned to discuss the instructions and oversee the process. 5. Applicants shall be evaluated using the rubrics indicated in DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2023. 6. For the forms to be used in conduct of teacher reflection, refer to this linl https: // 7. Conduct of teacher reflection shall be done between June 27 to July 7, 2023, depending on the availability of the evaluator/committee Step 7 - Preparation Submission of Comparative Assessment Results (CAR) Documents 1, For Elementary, school personnel in-charge on human resource actions shall prepare and submit the following documents to District Clerk/Administrative Assistant for consolidation: a) hard copy of Comparative Assessment Result (CAR), b) scanned copy of applicant’s documents, ¢) scanned copy of individual evaluation sheet, d) excel file of school CAR and e) excel file of summary of demonstration teaching and teacher reflection ratings with e-signature. & cavite Capitol Compound, Brey. Luciano, rece Martires City, Cavite $B (045) 419-0014, 419-1286, 412-0349, 419-1739, 412-0849 @ Bx “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO” Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IV-A SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF CAVITE PROVINCE 2, After the consolidation of all School RQAs, District Clerk/Administrative Assistant shall submit the following documents: a) hard copy of Comparative Assessment Result (CAR) (consolidated by municipality), b) scanned copy of applicant’s documents, ¢) scanned copy of individual evaluation sheet, d) excel file of consolidated CAR and e) excel file of summary of demonstration teaching and teacher reflection ratings with e-signature, to the following assigned human resource personnel on or before July 17, 2023: Name of HR personnel School Level Richelle P. Del Rosario Elementary School Ronald Kevin C. Del Rosario Junior High School | Senior High School 3. For Junior High School and Senior High School, school personnel in- charge on human resource actions shall prepare and submit the following documents: a) hard copy of Comparative Assessment Result (CAR), b) scanned copy of applicant’s documents, ¢) scanned copy of individual evaluation shect, d) excel file of school CAR and e) excel file of summary of demonstration teaching and teacher reflection ratings with e-signature, to assigned human resource personnel in the Division Office on or before July 17, 2023. 8 Applicants (ROA) ion, Finalization and Releasing of Registry of id 1. ‘The assigned human resource personnel in the Schools Division Office shall prepare, check, and finalize all Comparative Assessment Results (CAR) submitted by the schools and district offices and forward to Division Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB) for approval. 2. Schools Division Office ~ Human Resource Unit shall post the Comparative Assessment Results ~ Registry of Qualified Applicants (CAR-RQA) (by school level and in alphabetically arranged) in at least three (3) conspicuous places in the Schools Division Office and Division’s official website. 3. For reference of the Schools Division Superintendent in selection of teacher applicants deemed most qualified for appointment, the Comparative Assessment Results - Registry of Qualified Applicants (CAR-RQA) in Elementary, Junior and Senior High School shall be arranged by ranking from highest to lowest. 4. Target date of posting of CAR-RQA is last week of July 2023 to 1st week of August 2023 2 Cavite Capitol Compound, Brgy. Luciano, Trece Martires City, Cavite BB (046) 419-0014, 419-1286, 412-0349, 419-1739, 412-0849 @ (52 deped.cavite@depedgov.oh “Serbisyong Pang-Edukasyong Tapat at Sapat para sa Batang KABITENYO”

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