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Name: _______________________________________ Group: ____ Date: _____________ Period: _

6th Grade Science - Physics

Which object can best show my electricity skills?

In this activity, you will be using your scientific knowledge to choose and build an electrical object. You must make a 2-minute video to present it and a 30 sec-1min commercial to promote it.

Circuit Symbols Blueprints

[2] Present the prototype with the improvements made during the process including circuit symbols.

[1] Prototype, improvements or circuit symbols.

Series & Parallel Circuits

[3] Use parallel circuits and explain the difference between parallel circuits and series circuits.

[2] Use parallel circuits or explain the difference.

[1] Use simple circuits.

Current & Voltage

[3] Explain how the souvenir works using the terms current and voltage

[2] Use two of the terms

[1] Use one of the terms

Conductivity & Insulation

[2] Uses the conductivity and insulation in context.

[1] Explain both terms.

Does it work?

[3] It works

[2] It works but it has some problems

[1] It doesn’t work


[1] 30 sec – 1 min commercial with a 4 to 5 budget

[0,5] 30 sec – 1 min commercial with a 3 to 3.9 budget

[0,2] 30 sec – 1 min commercial with a 0 to 2.9 budget


You can use a pencil to draw your first prototype, as the process progresses, you must use different colors to show the modifications made.



Self-evaluation ___/2

[0.5] She collected information from various places, such as web pages, YouTube, etc.

[0,3] She collected information form a few sources.

[0,1] She collected information from only one source.

[0.5] She met all deadlines and she wasn't late for meetings or to complete work.

[0,3] She met most deadlines and she was only late for some meetings or to complete work.

[0,1] She missed many deadlines and she was often late for some meetings or to complete work.


[0.5] She always helped every team member with all tasks, such as getting materials and assembling the product.

[0,3] She helped some of her team members but not all.

[0,1] She didn’t help her team members to gather information and edit work.

[0.5] She never fought with her team members. She always talked about ideas and got everyone's opinion.

[0,3] She sometimes fought with her team members. She sometimes talked about ideas and got everyone's opinion.

[0,1] She often fought with her team members. She never talked about ideas and got everyone's opinion.

Peer-evaluation – Team member: ______________________________________________________________________ _____/2

[0.5] She collected information from various places, such as web pages, YouTube, etc.

[0,3] She collected information form a few sources.

[0,1] She collected information from only one source.

[0.5] She met all deadlines and she wasn't late for meetings or to complete work.

[0,3] She met most deadlines and she was only late for some meetings or to complete work.

[0,1] She missed many deadlines and she was often late for some meetings or to complete work.

[0.5] She always helped every team member with all tasks, such as getting materials and assembling the product.

[0,3] She helped some of her team members but not all.

[0,1] She didn’t help her team members to gather information and edit work.

[0.5] She never fought with her team members. She always talked about ideas and got everyone's opinion.

[0,3] She sometimes fought with her team members. She sometimes talked about ideas and got everyone's opinion.

[0,1] She often fought with her team members. She never talked about ideas and got everyone's opinion.

Collaborative Work average: ____/2


Grade: _____

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