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Learning Area MATHEMATICS Grade Level FOUR

Quarter FOURTH Date
I. LESSON TITLE Drawing inferences involving double bar graph.
Recording favorable outcome in a simple experiment
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Draws inferences based on data presented in a double bar graph.M4SP-IV-5.4
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Records favorable outcome in a simple experiment e.g. tossing a coin, spinning a
wheel etc.M4SP-IVih-9
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Drawing inferences based on data presented in a bar graph.
Recording favorable outcome in a simple experiment e.g. tossing a coin, spinning
a wheel etc.
I. Introduction ( Time Frame:_Day 1_)
Hello kids! How are you today? Are you ready to study more about graphs? Last week, you interpreted and
solved routine and non-routine problems about single and double bar graphs. Graphs are visual representation
which can give information both directly and indirectly. In other words, readers sometimes may have to draw
inferences or make conclusions based on the data presented. The double bar graphs are used to compare two
sets of data. Both data sets have the same categories.
The following are the things that we should remember before drawing inferences.
1. Determine the topic or title of the graph.
2. Look at the axes (x and y axis) to understand the relationship that is being illustrated.
3. Analyze the data in the graph presented.
To learn more about drawing inferences, let us explore and study the double bar graph below.

Here, the vertical axis of the graph represents the

grades of Leo in 5 different learning areas.
(Mathematics, English, Science, Filipino, and AP. The
shaded vertical bar represents Leo’s grade in the 3rd
and 4th Quarters. The dark shade in the vertical bars
represents Leo’s grade in the 3rdQuarter while light
shade represents his grades in 4th Quarter. In the
graph, compare the 3rd and 4th Quarter grades of
Leo. What do you infer?
From the information given in the bar graph, it can be
inferred that Leo performed best in Filipino in the 3rd
quarter while in AP in the 4th quarter.
(Learners can give more inferences)

Let us study and analyze another example.

The school canteen manager, Mrs. Mary Grace M.
Endriga, asked the pupils of De Mesa Elementary
School which they prefer to cook among fried chicken,
adobo and sinigang for their EPP-HE cooking project.
She organized the data and put them on a double bar
graph. Look at the graph, draw inference based on the
data presented to answer the questions that follow.

1. Which group, boys or girls prefers fried chicken?

The girls’ group prefers fried chicken more than the boys group.
2. Which food is least preferred by the pupils? Adobo is the least preferred food by the pupils.
3. How many girls and boys chose adobo?70 pupils
4. Using your inferential skills, which food has the greatest number of responses? Why?
From the information given in the bar graph, it can be inferred that the greatest number of responses is the
sinigang. (When you add the number of boys’ and girls’ responses, the total will be 110 and it is higher than any of
the other choices.)
In drawing inferences, based on the data presented in a double bar graph, you need to analyze them and
formulate opinion or conclusion.
Let us make another inference in this activity. If you toss a coin, what is the possibility that it will land on head?

Head tail
In tossing a coin, there are two possible outcomes, either a head or a tail. The head and the tail have equal
chances to show up. An outcome is a possible result in trial or experiment. In this activity, the possible outcome
of landing a head is 1 out of 2 or ½.

Let us try another example.

Daved Mar created a spinning wheel with 4 equal sectors and colored it with red, blue, yellow and green. If he
spun it 20 times and recorded the outcomes on a table, what are the chances of landing on color blue?
Color Tally Frequency
Red IIII I 6
Blue IIII 5
Yellow II 2
Green IIII II 7
The number of outcomes that the spinner landed on blue color after spinning is 5 out of 20 , 20 or ¼.

D. Development (Time Frame: _Day 2__)

Learning Task 1:
Using a spinning wheel with yellow and red colors, Maria and Ana take turns of spinning the wheel for 10 times
each. The results of the activity were shown below.
ANA 2 8
They drew a graph based on the results of their activity.
Answer the following questions.
1. After Maria and Ana spun the wheel, what is the
probability that the pin stop on yellow color? Red color?
2. Which color has the most favorable outcome? Least?
3. If they will continue spinning the wheel for another 3
trials only, which color do you think has the most
number of favorable outcome? Why?

E. Engagement (Time Frame: ___Day 3___)

Learning Task 2: Use the data presented in a double horizontal bar graph below to answer the questions that
Fruits Sold for Two Days
F 1. Which fruit/s sold the most
R Mango number of kilograms for two
U days?
I 2. How many kilograms of fruits
T were sold in day 1? Day 2?
S 3. Which day had more kilograms
of fruits sold? By how many
4. How many kilograms of fruits in
all were sold in two days?
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 5. According to the data
Day 1 Number of Kilograms presented in the double
Day 2 horizontal bar graph, which
fruit liked most? Why do you
say so?
Read, understand and do the activity below.
1. Get a die.
2. Roll the die; Put a mark in the tally column for the “number of dots” that landed on top.
3. Do these experiment 30 times. Add the tally marks for each “number of dots”. Then, write the number in
the frequency column.
Face of a Die Tally Frequency Face of a Die Tally Frequency
1 4
2 5
3 6
4. Express the favorable outcomes of the following “number of dots” below land on top. Write your answer
on the space provided.
a. 1 = ______ b. 2 = ______ c. 3 = _______ 4. 4 = ______ e. 5 = ______ f. 6 = _____
A. Assimilation (Time Frame: __Day 4___)
Learning Task 3:
A. Draw inferences based on the graph shown below by answering the questions that follow.

1. Between youths and adults who like volleyball less?

2. How many adults prefer basketball and soccer?
3. How many youth like volleyball and soccer?
4. How many youths and adults favor basketball and
5. What are the most preferred sports of the youths and
adults? Why do you think so?

B. Do the activity.
1. Put three number cards in a bag. ( 0 1 2 )

2. Draw one card from the bag without looking. Put a mark in the tally column for the number card. Put the card
back into the bag.
3. Do this process for 20 times. Add the tally marks and write the number in the frequency column.
Number Tally Frequency
4. Express the favorable outcome of getting the following: card with number 0, card with number 1 and card
with number 2.

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: __Day 5__)

Draw inferences on the double bar graph below by answering the questions that follow. Write your answer in
your answer sheet.
1. What flavor of ice cream was sold least?
2. What was the total number of ice cream sold for both
boys and girls?
3. If you combine the number of ice cream sold for both
genders, how many chocolate-flavored ice cream were
4. What is the most loved ice cream flavor based on the
sales? Why do you think so?
5. Based on the graph, what gender loves to eat ice cream?
Jack en Poy (rock-paper-scissor) is a hand game played between two people.
It has three forms - the rock, paper and scissors. Let us do this activity.
1. Get a partner ( older brother, sister father, mother or any member of your family)
to play against with.
2. Discuss how many points must one have to be declared as Winner.
3. Play the game. Tally
4. Record your scores.
5. Put marks on the tally column at the right.
6. Do this experiment for 20 times.
7. Answer the following questions.
a. How many times did rock win in the activity? Paper? Scissors?
b. Which hand’s form won the most? Least?
(Answer may vary depending on the result of the experiment)
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: __Day 5____)
• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given
task. Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target
content/ lesson.
✓ - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to
be able to do/perform this task.
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8
LM PAGES 260 – 265
Prepared by: Checked by: MAY C. VILLANUEVA

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