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Shiro arrives to save 

Ganta from the attack by Azuma Genkaku. She stays in Ganta's room,

ordered by Ganta to wait until later to play. When he returns, Shiro asks him to promise to take
her on a Ferris wheel when they get out. She becomes ecstatic when he does. Shiro is left by
Ganta and the others to go riot and escape. She falls asleep and wakes up to find Toto and
overhears Nagi calling to inform them about the data chip being a bomb. Toto tells Shiro to catch
up with Ganta and the others and dispose of the chip. Shiro does so by finding Ganta and
tossing it into fire. It explodes, but Ganta thinks it is the fire reacting to the chip. He yells at her,
but Shiro calls him weak and that she needed to. This causes Ganta to hit her and it shocks her.
She runs away and finds her way back to the dead owner's room. She believes he is just
sleeping and invites herself in. She finds the cookies, which she is unaware are spiked with
alcohol and eats all of them. Toto finds her and addresses her as Wretched Egg. This annoys
Shiro, but she soon discards it, resulting from her becoming drunk off the cookies. As she
stumbles around drunk, Shiro finds the captive Karako and Genkaku's layer. She is quickly
bound as well, snapping her out of her drunk state. Ganta arrives to save them, but is
overpowered. Shiro tries to help Ganta, but finds herself immobile from injuries to her ankles.
Ganta, which is reverse from usual, protects Shiro, taking all the punches dealt by the crazed
Nagi. The Wretched Egg briefly awoke shortly before Ganta used his upgraded version of
his Branch of Sin on Genkaku. The same markings appearing on her face and arm, opposite the
cheek and arm of the markings appearing on Ganta. Naturally, Ganta didn't realize at the time
that it wasn't Shiro standing next to him. It is worth mentioning that this scene occurs only in the
anime, and not in the manga. Shiro snaps out of Wretched Egg in time for Ganta to catch her
and show her to the moonlit Ferris wheel. He assures his promise to her as other prisoners
Forgeries Arc
Shiro goes to Minatsuki's room and meets with Minatsuki and Yō Takami. She tells them about
Ganta's current mood and requests they help her make him feel better. Chaplin
Sukegawa shows up agreeing to help her. Chaplin takes them to a kitchen where they have
Shiro practice cooking. Chaplin deems Shiro's first attempt a fail after they have Masu taste test
it, which causes him to pass out. Chaplin and the others pass out (defeated by Shiro's cooking)
and Shiro continues to practice.

Shiro later returns to Ganta's room and passes out. She wakes up and shares some breakfast
rations with Ganta, which he says he can actually taste now.

Shiro hangs out with Ganta during the welcome back party held for Toto Sakigami.
Revolt Arc

Shiro showing Ganta she can do the "trick" too.

Shiro appears trying to help Ganta. She later runs into Kiyomasa Senji and some other Deadmen
attacking Azami Midō. She gives a short speech to the Deadmen explaining Ganta's actions and
his current predicament. She then leaves alongside Azami to save Ganta. Her and Azami find
Ganta and rescue him. They run into Makina who assists them against common Forgeries. Soon,
they run into the Complete Forgeries though Senji, Minatsuki, Hitara and Chaplin show up to take
them on. She ends up following Shishito Madoka with the others to find the control device for the
Forgeries. Madoka turns out to be an enemy and attacks Ganta and Shiro. When Madoka
discovers Shiro's life means more to Ganta than his own, he decides to torture Shiro.
Fortunately, Ganta and Shiro are able to defeat him in a combined attack.
After Shiro is affected by Shishito's poison, Wretched Egg finally has enough pain, and therefore,
willpower to overcome the Mother Goose System's effects on her. She permanently awakens
after Ganta leaves to find Tsunenaga Tamaki, stating to the nearby Azami that she was going to
give Ganta 'a little death.' Horrified and taking that as a threat against Ganta, she attacks
Wretched Egg with her Snake Branch of Sin. Even though it's a direct hit, Wretched Egg's
healing factor effectively negates the attack completely. Curiously, instead of retaliating,
Wretched Egg simply asks Azami if she was really Ganta's friend. Before Azami has a chance to
respond, Hagire decapitates her, clearly disappointing Wretched Egg in some way. She then
picks up Azami's head, and proceeds to rampage throughout Deadman Wonderland, killing Rei
Takashima and several Forgeries in the process, while Hagire went to deal with Tamaki.
Wretched Egg later appears as Hagire was taunting Tamaki about being a mere pawn in a much
larger scheme of Hagire's. After Tamaki commits suicide, Wretched Egg begins
decimating Makina's army (and leaves Makina herself paralyzed from the waist down), until
Ganta appeared. Wretched Egg then showed Azami's severed head to Ganta, goading him into
attacking her. Although she narrowly dodges a shot from Ganta's Ganbare Gun, the shot
knocked off her mask, revealing her true identity to Ganta for the first time, much to his horror.
The fight ultimately ends in a stalemate, though the actual ending of the fight was left ambiguous.
Return to Deadman Wonderland Arc
Wretched Egg comes to greet Ganta and the rest of the team as they arrive onboard
the Walfisch. She meets Ganta as he's exiting the sub, scaring him. He then screams at her,
asking why is she the Wretched Egg, revealing the truth to the shocked crew. She then pulls out
the entire submarine onto the shore with her Branch of Sin, shocking the entire crew with her
power. After nobody can believe that Shiro's the Wretched Egg, she corrects them, saying that
the real Shiro is trapped inside her birdcage, as she points to her head, when Makina realizes
that Shiro has a split personality. Angered, Ganta shoots multiple Ganta Gun bullets at Wretched
Egg, wounding her greatly. As Ganta thought he had killed her, she gets back on her feet and
heals herself almost instantly, telling Ganta that she's bored and still waits for the continuation of
the song. She then leaves, leaving Ganta in a state of fear and anger towards her.
She goes back to her room to change the clothes Ganta ruined. She's then approached
by Hagire who wants to figure out the secret behind Ganta's Ganbare Gun so he can unlock
the Mother Goose System and free the Wretched Egg's true power. She tells him it's the same
power as his Ganta Gun, leaving Hagire with only one possibility, to take over Ganta's body.

While Hagire prepares his machine to take over Ganta's body, Ganta is approached by Wretched
Egg. As Ganta charges his attack to kill Wretched Egg, who's not herself, tells Ganta that if he
kills her, they're no longer friends, due to Ganta's previous statement that he doesn't kill his
friends. She starts to break down and switches to Shiro, who realized what she is and what she's
done. Ganta, seeing the sadness and regret, tries to reach out to her. Rejecting his hand in help,
she runs away, saying it's alright if Ganta hates her because she hates herself, leaving Ganta,
yet again, confused.

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