Matrix For Preparing A Sustainable Development Program - CARRILLO

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Sustainable development

Sergio Carrillo Osorio 4BB

Matrix for preparing a sustainable development program.

What is a matrix of criteria for the elaboration of a sustainable development

Is a tool that is used to organize and present information about the potential
environmental impacts of a proposed project or development. It Identifies key
environmental sustainability issues. Assess the environmental impact within each
part of the supply chain. Understand what can be done to reduce the impact and
what the opportunities are.

What are the criteria to be considered for the elaboration of these programs?
These include social equity, economic viability, and environmental protection.
Similarly, there are six factors involved in this concept, which are climate change,
environment, innovation, technology, people, and ethics.
Some dimensions of project sustainability are:
1. Institution stability
2. Continued operation and maintenance of project facilities
3. Continuous flow of net benefits
4. Maintenance of environmental stability
5. Equitable sharing and distribution of project benefits
6. Continued community participation
7. Cultural preservation
8. Technological innovation

How are they related to SDG?

They all have something in common with this criterion because it focuses on
promoting practices that protect and preserve the natural environment. It
emphasizes the fair and equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and
benefits among all individuals and communities. Evaluates the economic feasibility
and long-term viability of the program. It strengthens governance structures, policy
frameworks and institutional capacities to support sustainable development
initiatives and finally recognizes the importance of technological advancements and
innovation in driving sustainable development.

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