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Zohaib Aslam (2020-BBA-008)

Muhammad Wahab khan (2020-BBA-024)

Ayesha (2020-BBA-031)

Ayesham (2020-BBA-041)


Employee motivation and recognition are two important factors that contribute to the success of an
organization. Motivated employees are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to their
work, while recognition can improve employee morale and job engagement. In a study of 6000
employees, it was found that recognition was the top driver of engagement, even more than pay and
benefits (Bersin, 2012). On the other hand, a lack of recognition can lead to lower levels of motivation,
engagement, and job satisfaction. A study found that employees who received no recognition were twice
as likely to leave their jobs as those who received some form of recognition (Gallup, 2016). . Recognition
can have a positive impact on employee motivation by satisfying their basic needs for autonomy,
competence, and relatedness (Grant, 2008). When employees' basic psychological needs for autonomy,
competence, and relatedness are not met, their motivation and engagement at work may suffer. This can
result in reduced job satisfaction, lower performance, increased turnover, and decreased overall well-
being. (Gagné, M., & Deci, E. L. (2005).

The problem is a lack of authentic and comprehensive research on the relationship between recognition
and employee motivation, with the focus on figuring out the most effective types of recognition,
understanding the contextual factors that influence their effectiveness, and investigating the underlying
Factors and long-term effects. There is also a need to investigate the influence of leadership in effectively
launching and sustaining recognition programs. This research attempts to close that gap by providing
organizations with significant insights into designing and implementing optimum recognition initiative
that promote employee motivation and long-term engagement.

Consequently, the OBJECTIVE OF THIS RESEARCH is to investigate the relation between employee
recognition and motivation, with a focal point on identifying the best and effective types of recognition,
understanding contextual elements that have an impact on their effectiveness, and examining the
underlying mechanisms and lengthy-term impacts. Even extra than this, this has to explore the roles of
leadership in implementing and sustaining the best recognition programs.

Research Questions:

What are the underlying Factors through which recognition impacts employee motivation?
What are the most effective types of recognition that influence effectiveness of employees?
How can management OR leadership influence recognition program to maximize its impact
on employee motivation?

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