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VAT RES iirt 2d.--'04-OJ]-8400cO4

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FLATFIATE Anmunl Due Add 1 2%VAT

LicrfT vEHicLE 53.57 643 OU.|'U

6 vmEELER 214.29 25.71 240.00

1, The customer agreEs to fot!ow rules and regii!ations and

observe traffic slgrLs Ln the perLlnB area.
2. The carpark ls not a deposltory Of the vehlcle and is not
re5oonelbleforanyd3magesto, or hossofthe vehlcle orlts
accessories or articles thereln
3. Customers/users/tTcket holders shall be held lliible for any
damage they may cause lnslde the carperti
4. Customcr's who lose thelr parking tlcket or any portlon thereof
Shall be changed of P150.00 In 8dditlon to the regular parkin8
fee and will be requlred to present the onglnaJ C€rtlflcate of
Registwatlon and currem Cfflci.I Reoe`pt and thelr acceptable
ldentincation. Refund will be made upon relum Of the lost

to reg`Aar parking fee lnd`idlng suc{eeding tJme chai8es`

6. Vehlcle! left ln the` carpaik for marE than 24 houc w.Il be
reported to the authorltles for proper actlon unless prtor
]rran8ern.nt5 `^rerE mad._with the C.rprrk ManaEemeut.

#pi#usffi-#a;d Abni]ue e E='E# i: :i %

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