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Before we start I want you to ask yourself an honest question, how good

or bad is your inner health and your physical health right now? Well, that
is a constant question that people who look at your appearance ask
themselves and talk about you. Good morning, teacher and classmates.
Today I am here to give you some advice that will help you lead a better
structured and balanced life.
First of all I want to introduce that bad habits can take a toll on health and
physique. They can cause people to put on weight, lower their energy
levels, and weaken their immune systems. People can also end up eating
unhealthy foods, smoking, and drinking too much, which can lead to long-
term health problems, that’s why changes are urgently needed.
1.Initially with daily health, you should start eating balanced meals, I mean
healthy and delicious at the same time. It is not dieting but looking for
supplements to food so as not to eat all junk food and take care of our
body. One option to release energy is to stay active at home like cleaning,
dancing, singing. Cut out sleep from your routine, you must be tired from
the day before but listen to your mind, make sure to do productive
activities, you must do that.
2. In case of your physical fitness you could take up moderate activities
like walking for at least 60 minutes, this way you burn calories and fat.
Physically, you may want to look into doing a sport you like and make an
effort to have good potential and above all good physical condition. For
example, I practice boxing and jujitsu, and I coming out sports more like
wrestling, and then all the activities I do aren’t tired for me because I
constantly keep my body in motion.
3. Having a good mental health, I have always said that it is the most
essential, so always sleep properly, that must be stressful, but Stick to a
routine and don't skimp on sleep. It could be wrong, but it appears to me
that sleeping a few hours causes you to faint. It is true that it could be for
other reasons but it is quite logical, a person told me that once and I
appreciated that advice because from that moment on I did not get so
dizzy, because I used to sleep for a few hours. One more piece of advice
that I would give you is to try to do yoga, this helps to get rid of stress and
things that stressed her out., the most interesting thing is that you are
doing a gym class and stretching your body at the same time.
4. In a matter of medicines, do not forget to get your vaccines, they must
be painful for a few days, but that way you will avoid viruses, infections or
some disease. In fact, giving us the vaccines against covic has prevented
the virus from being more strong and do not threaten our life. When you
are an athlete, you want to have the desired body that you see in the gym
and many other things, but make sure to find out a medication or
substance or supplement that must be prescribed by professionals, such
as a sports nutritionist.
5. This advice may seem like the first one, but it's more of a tip when you
cook meat, chicken, or fish. You could cook them on the grill, I also think
that the food is nice like that. Cut back on salt and especially cut out oil,
which is equivalent to a lot of fat in your body. As an athlete that I am, I
recommend that you drink water morning, afternoon and night, which is
good for physically performing all day and good for health.

To sum up I believe carrying out these tips in our life is not that difficult,
the trick is to make up one’s mind and get it done. Everything is in our

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