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Physical Education Lesson Plan

NAME: Christabelle Miels TIME: 50 minutes DATE: 7 / 6 / 23

ACTIVITY: Ball Throwing and Hitting Game CLASS / YEAR 1 and 2

EQUIPMENT: Cones, tennis balls, dodge balls, and bowling pins.

ACARA (2022): Student learning Outcomes for the lesson: Teacher outcomes:
Strand (Evidence of learning – physical, social, cognitive, The teacher will:
Movement and Physical Activity. affective) - The teacher will use open ended tasks to
The students will: promote student choice, exploration, and
Sub-Strand - Students will demonstrate their underarm inclusion during the warmup and cool down.
Moving our Bodies. throw/roll by practicing their technique and - Guide students in teaching the technique of
while in a game situation. an underarm throw/roll.
Content Descriptor - Students will describe how to do an - Guide students so that they are
Practise fundamental movement skills and apply them in a variety of underarm throw/roll by saying the key cues throwing/rolling the ball all in the same
movement situations (AC9HP2M01). out loud while doing it. direction to avoid anyone getting hit.
- Students will work cooperatively with their - The teacher will adjust the activity according
Elaboration team by encouraging and supporting each to diverse learners so that they are
Performing fundamental movement skills involving controlling objects other to achieve knocking the balls or successful.
with equipment and different parts of the body. bowling pins over.

Student Diversity
- Students with physical or intellectual disabilities may choose their
ball which suits their learning ability. For example, if a student is
having difficulty, they may use a bigger sized ball to gain success,
or if a big ball is too easy, they may wish to have a smaller ball
such as a tennis ball.
- Students with mobility disabilities are ensured they are involved as
students can sit or stand at the line to aim and roll the ball
underarm, or even place the ball of the ground and kick it softly.
- This game is culturally diverse, as this game was played by the
Diyari people from near Lake Eyre, in South Australia. The game
got its name from the balls being thrown as they are called

General Capabilities
Personal and Social capability, and Numeracy.

Cross Curricular perspectives

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives.
Focus Shape

How many?: - Ask students to identify actions performed: such as - Seated or standing in a circle. 10
- Movement activity which allows skipping, leaping, jogging, hopping, jumping, and so on. - Using half of a netball court, student minutes
students to move in space while doing - Use these actions in the arches tag. travel in general space.
a locomotor skill – change up - Call out a formation. For example, 3 elbows, or 5 knees.
- Students individually move randomly Tools used:
in the designated area. - Cones to define the area.
I - When the teacher calls out the
N students must form that formation.
- Students moving around.

- Orange dot represents the teacher.

- Pink dots represents the students.
Technique: - Using the technique of tennis balls on elbows to keep the - Students standing on the sideline, all 10
- All students will have a tennis ball, students from playing while talking. facing the same direction. minutes
lining up on the sideline. - Demonstrate the technique of throwing the ball - Teacher moving up and down to
- Techer demonstrates technique. underarm along the ground, loudly saying the key cues. support and provide feedback to
- Students follow after using the key - Key cues: students.
cues, all throwing at once in the same 1. Face the direction you’re throwing. - Using half of a netball court, student
direction. 2. Hold your throwing arm straight behind you. travel in general space.
3. Swing your arm forwards to the front of your
4. Stepping forwards and bending your knees as you
transfer weight to the front foot.
5. Release the ball at knee height.
- Move around students to provide feedback and/or
- Students throwing in one direction at once to reduce the
risk of a student’s getting hit.
Diverse Learners:
E - Orange dot represents the teacher.
- Students might want to use a smaller or larger ball
L - Pink dots represents the students.
(depending on the student’s needs).
Progression 1 - Teams are chosen randomly using the strategy of
- Players are in two teams, one at each numbering: 1, 2, 1, 2, and so on. 10
T - Team 1 to one end, and team 2 to the
end of the playing area. - Say all 1’s to one end and all 2’s to the other end. minutes
other end.
- Each team rolls their balls underarm - Set aim of the activity by using a demonstration for the
- Teacher moving to support and
(roll along the ground) towards the students to visually acknowledge.
provide feedback to students.
opposing team. - Move around students to provide feedback and/or
- Using half of a netball court, student
- The aim of the game is to hit a ball support.
travel in general space.
rolled by a player from the other team. Safety:
- Each player has two balls and can go - Students are not allowed inside the playing area, as they
collect balls outside of the playing might get hit.
Progression 2 Safety: - Team 1 to one end, and team 2 to the 10
- Several bowling pins are placed along a - Students are not allowed inside the playing area, as they other end. minutes
line halfway between the two teams. might get hit. - Teacher moving to support and
- The two teams work together to knock Diverse Learners: provide feedback to students.
them over. - The distance between the teams could be reduced or - Using half of a netball court, student
D - Repeat several times with players largened and the pins placed closer or further apart travel in general space.
E attempting to see how many bowling (depending on the student’s needs).
pins they can knock over. Resources:
E - Tennis balls, dodge balls, and bowling pins.
- Orange dot represents the teacher.
- Pink dots represents the students.
- Blue dots represent the bowling pins.

Cool Down: - Going around the circle, ask students what exercises they - Seated in a circle. 10
- Sitting in a circle, listening/watching do for their sport. - Using half of a netball court, student minutes
the teacher’s instructions. - Guide students in five-finger breathing. travel in general space.
- Follow student’s exercises. - Facilitate class discussion.
C - Facilitate five-finger breathing to relax - Direct students to share with another student one thing
L and cool down the students. they had learnt and enjoyed in today’s lesson.
O - Facilitate class and pair discussions by
S asking students identify the purpose of
U some of the features they have drawn.

- Orange dot represents the teacher.

- Pink dots represents the students.
What worked well? Why? What did not go to plan? Why? What will you change for future practice?

Provide Plenty of Perfect Positive Practice = MIP /ALT. (Launder,A P’s of Pedagogy)
Pre – test – Establish the Level of the Learner Purposeful & Persistent Practice – motivation (Ph)feedback – specific Praise – specific qualities.
Planning and Preparation – Set Induction Pertinent Practice Paced Progressive (Ph)flexibility
Presentation - Demonstration Personalized Post test - achievement / progress
Protected – safety: physical/emotional Playful with Poise, Patience & Empathy to encourage positive future participation.

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