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How does wavelength affect the power output of a solar panel?

hrw062 (006775-0030)

Climate change has been one of the most discussed issues in the world in recent years.

2019 was the second-warmest year since records exist, behind 2016. The demand for energy is

increasing, and using energy sources, such as fossil fuels, ends up affecting the temperature of

our atmosphere due to greenhouse gasses. It is for this reason that renewable energy sources are

essential to fight this phenomenon. One of them is solar energy, this is the energy that is obtained

from sunlight using photovoltaic solar panels. This type of renewable energy has so much

potential that “The amount of sunlight that strikes the earth's surface in an hour and a half is

enough to handle the entire world's energy consumption for a full year.”(US Solar energy

technologies office, 2021). However, this technology is not the most widely used due to its

limited efficiency. One of the causes of its low efficiency is its small usage of the energy in the

solar spectrum.

As a future electrical engineering student, this topic is of high importance to me. I feel

that knowledge on the subject of renewable energies needs to expand in order to have a more

stable ecosystem. Taking this into consideration, the aim of this exploration is to evaluate the

impact different wavelengths have on the power output of solar panels. The experiment consists

of applying different colored filters on top of a solar panel and measuring the current and


Research question:

How does wavelength affect the power output of a solar panel?

Theoretical framework and Hypothesis:

How do Photovoltaic cells work?

First of all, it is important to explain how solar energy works. Solar panels convert

sunlight into electric energy using photovoltaic cells. Also known as PV, these cells are

composed of two small layers of a semiconductor, most of the time made of silicon. One of the

layers is positively charged, and the other one is negatively charged. The negatively charged

layer has an excess of free electrons while the positively charged layer has none. This can be

seen in figure 1:

Figure 1: Diagram of Basic PV cell construction

Retrieved from Apricus. (n.d.). PV Panels, PV Solar Panels, Photovoltaic Panels, Solar

Electric Panels & Modules - Apricus Solar PV System.

The photons of light coming from the sun provide the sufficient energy for the electron

to move to the other layer. This is known as the photoelectric effect. When it occurs, the electron

leaves a positive ion on the negatively charged layer. The loose electron is then attracted by the

positive charge. Consequently, the electron runs through the circuit creating current.

How can wavelength affect the energy produced by the photovoltaic cells?

It was previously mentioned that the energy carried by the photon causes the movement of the

Analyzing the formula of the Energy of a photon provided by the IB physics textbook. It can be
seen that the energy of a photon is determined by its frequency multiplied by Planck’s constant.

𝐸 = ℎ𝑓

Additionally, it is known that the frequency of a wave is the reciprocal of its wavelength.

𝑓= λ

Therefore, the incident light with the smallest wavelengths will produce greater amounts of
energy. This can be seen in the formula for the wavelength of a photon.

λ= 𝐸

Consequently, photons with greater amounts of energy will eject electrons possessing greater
amounts of energy, given that the kinetic energy of an electron is equal to the energy of the
photon minus the work function. (Deziel, 2020)

𝐸𝐾 = 𝐸𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛 − ϕ

Hence, if the wavelength decreases the current and voltage will increase and therefore the power
output will also increase.
Power formula: 𝑃 = 𝑉𝐼

Figure 2: Table of the wavelength and frequency of each color.

Color Wavelength Frequency

Purple 380-450 nm 668-789 THz

Blue 450-495 nm 606-668 THz

Green 495-570 nm 526-606 THz

Yellow 570-590 nm 508-526 THz

Red 620-750 nm 400-484 THz


My hypothesis suggests that the incident lights with the smallest wavelengths will record higher
current and voltage values. Meaning that purple light will display the highest results and red
light will display the lowest results. Normal light will show the highest results given that it
includes all of the wavelengths.


The following apparatus was elaborated in order to measure the values given by the different
wavelengths (colored filters).


Figure 3:

Picture of the Apparatus:

Figure 4:

Circuit diagram of the apparatus:

Figure 5: Solar panel specifications:

Solar cell type: Monocrystalline Solar panel

Max power at STC (𝑃 ): 100 W

Open circuit voltage: 21.1 V

Optimum operating voltage: 18.2 V

Optimum operating current: 5.5 A

Short circuit current : 5.7

Weight : 6.5 Kg

Dimensions : 904x657x30 mm



1. Set up the apparatus as shown in figure 1

2. Set up the LabQuest to record the potential difference and current

3. Wait until the optimum conditions (peak sunlight hours and clear sky) are given and start
recording the data.

Experiment procedure:

4. Start by recording the potential difference and current without any colored filter for 30

5. Record the potential difference and current with the 5 different colored filters shown in
figure 1. (red, blue, yellow, green, and purple) for 30 seconds. (30 seconds tests were
chosen in order to minimize the time difference between the tests.)

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, five times in order to have more accurate results.

Safety and environmental concerns:

The use of insulating gloves will offer protection against possible electrical shocks

The experiment will demand to stay many hours exposed to sunlight, use of a solar protector will
prevent burns.

There are no ethical or environmental concerns.


Independent variable: Wavelengths

Dependent variable: Current (measured in Amps) and Voltage (measured in Volts)

Controlled variable: Sunlight

● Reason for controlling variable: The amount of sunlight can affect the amount
of Voltage and current that it is being recorded.

● How it will be controlled: The data will be recorded at the highest solar
generation hours from 12 am to 1 pm, during two different days to reduce the time
difference between the recordings. The experiment will take place during the days
that there are no clouds in the sky that can affect the results.

Results and data:

After performing all of the steps detailed previously, the following table was made by calculating
the mean Potential difference and current. Power was calculated by multiplying the potential
difference times the current.

Figure 6: Results

Mean potential
Filter difference (V) Mean Current (I) Power (W)

No filter 21.3136534 0.1968421936 4.195426289

Purple (380-450 nm) 19.41662781 0.1982654572 3.84964659

Blue (380-450 nm) 19.45233665 0.2014883423 3.919419065

Green (380-450 nm) 19.11845965 0.1837689972 3.513380158

Yellow (380-450 nm) 18.76428365 0.2014883423 3.780784407

Red (380-450 nm) 18.5223118 0.1904487457 3.52755105

If we look at the graph of the Wavelengths and potential difference the hypothesis is supported

Figure 7: Potential difference vs wavelength

Uncertainty: 0.000005

There is a strong negative correlation between the potential difference and the wavelength. The
Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to be -0.9592468407.

The following formula was used to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient.
However, when analyzing the graph of the current and the wavelengths there is no correlation at

Figure 8: Current vs wavelength

Uncertainty: 0.000000003

These results were not expected, given that the voltage had such a high correlation, the same was
expected from the current. The Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to be

Considering the formula for current is 𝐼 = 𝑅
. It is reasonable to think the panel had an internal
resistor that was regulating the current measured by the ammeter. Another possible reason for
these results is that the ammeter used was not measuring accurately.

Moreover, the graph of the Power output of the solar panel showed a Pearson correlation
coefficient of -0.6925739217. This statement supports the hypothesis.
Figure 9: Power vs wavelength

Uncertainty: 0.00000004

Data Analysis and Evaluation:

Analyzing the results, the experiment supported my hypothesis for the most part. It was

shown that the voltage and power output of the solar panel increased when the wavelength of the

solar panel decreased. As expected, normal light showed the highest results for voltage and

power output given that it includes all of the wavelengths. From the colored filters, Blue and

Purple (smallest wavelengths) had the highest voltage recorded and red (largest wavelength) the

lowest. However, the results measured for current neglected the hypothesis. There was no
correlation between the wavelength and the current. Given that the voltage did have a strong

correlation, and that the formula for current is 𝐼 = 𝑅
. There are two possible causes: the solar

panel has a resistor that regulates the current for it to be constant, or the measurements made by

the ammeter were erroneous. The uncertainties calculated cannot significantly affect the

correlation between the variables.


There is room for improvement, the results can be more exact if instead of using the sun,

a flashlight in a dark room is used. These will make the variable of light constant and therefore

the difference in the power output between the wavelengths will be more notorious. More

cellophane filters could also improve the results, more filters will decrease the amount of light

measured provenient of other wavelengths.


Understanding the impact of wavelengths of light may improve the knowledge of the

solar energy industry. There are wavelengths that generate more power than others, but the

results showed normal light is the most efficient. Shorter wavelengths are more efficient than

longer wavelengths , results showed higher voltage was recorded when using the wavelengths

situated at the left of the color spectrum. In other words, the length of the wavelength of light

affects the power supplied by the solar panels.



Normal light:

Current (A)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
0.1982688904 0.1972961426 0.1944923401 0.1926612854 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1944923401 0.1898002625 0.202960968
0.1954650879 0.1963806152 0.1954650879 0.1888847351 0.2019882202
0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1954650879 0.1888847351 0.202960968
0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1944923401 0.1879692078 0.2038764954
0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1944923401 0.1916885376 0.2038764954
0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1954650879 0.1935768127 0.2038764954
0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1944923401 0.1954650879 0.2038764954
0.1963806152 0.1954650879 0.1944923401 0.1944923401 0.202960968
0.1954650879 0.1954650879 0.1944923401 0.1944923401 0.2019882202
0.1963806152 0.1954650879 0.1944923401 0.1954650879 0.2010726929
0.1954650879 0.1944923401 0.1935768127 0.1963806152 0.2019882202
0.1954650879 0.1944923401 0.1944923401 0.1954650879 0.202960968
0.1954650879 0.1963806152 0.1944923401 0.1944923401 0.202960968
0.1954650879 0.1963806152 0.1944923401 0.1926612854 0.202960968
0.1954650879 0.1982688904 0.1935768127 0.1916885376 0.202960968
0.1954650879 0.1972961426 0.1935768127 0.1898002625 0.2038764954
0.1954650879 0.1972961426 0.1944923401 0.1907730103 0.2038764954
0.1954650879 0.1963806152 0.1926612854 0.1916885376 0.2038764954
0.1954650879 0.1944923401 0.1944923401 0.1935768127 0.2048492432
0.1963806152 0.1935768127 0.1926612854 0.1991844177 0.2048492432
0.1954650879 0.1954650879 0.1935768127 0.1991844177 0.2066802979
0.1954650879 0.1963806152 0.1926612854 0.1982688904 0.2048492432
0.1954650879 0.2001571655 0.1935768127 0.1972961426 0.2038764954
0.1954650879 0.2001571655 0.1926612854 0.1963806152 0.2048492432
0.1954650879 0.1972961426 0.1935768127 0.1963806152 0.2066802979
0.1954650879 0.1982688904 0.1926612854 0.1972961426 0.2048492432
0.1944923401 0.1991844177 0.1935768127 0.1954650879 0.2057647705
0.1954650879 0.1972961426 0.1916885376 0.1954650879 0.2057647705
0.1944923401 0.1963806152 0.1926612854 0.1954650879 0.2066802979

Voltage (V)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
21.291687 21.322249 21.319355 21.313782 21.317933
21.293978 21.320495 21.319328 21.318413 21.316149
21.307483 21.32293 21.319758 21.311888 21.317479
21.291683 21.320367 21.31703 21.3147 21.317909
21.305604 21.320144 21.319463 21.318734 21.312626
21.293856 21.321153 21.319733 21.316152 21.317703
21.303688 21.321347 21.318134 21.313528 21.311887
21.290076 21.320394 21.319771 21.312979 21.319953
21.300208 21.320369 21.319649 21.317651 21.316772
21.300004 21.322935 21.317172 21.310159 21.314559
21.291734 21.322574 21.317274 21.318233 21.314027
21.29788 21.320365 21.318912 21.313585 21.311566
21.308679 21.321975 21.317646 21.312675 21.31681
21.304497 21.320294 21.318376 21.311968 21.315821
21.293518 21.321281 21.318455 21.314678 21.316367
21.293904 21.322426 21.317099 21.314294 21.313007
21.295194 21.322115 21.318822 21.319635 21.319482
21.300945 21.321849 21.319658 21.310421 21.311142
21.298349 21.320654 21.319301 21.319387 21.310311
21.30194 21.322783 21.318803 21.315498 21.312219
21.306414 21.320877 21.318639 21.315977 21.314468
21.301834 21.320904 21.318314 21.319132 21.31734
21.291968 21.320739 21.31811 21.319833 21.310977
21.300676 21.320466 21.319151 21.311219 21.311578
21.294524 21.322094 21.31745 21.316986 21.311672
21.291509 21.321401 21.318109 21.318427 21.315615
21.307412 21.321647 21.318035 21.316355 21.31167
21.305815 21.322343 21.318404 21.319198 21.312998
21.291393 21.322962 21.317202 21.313933 21.313069
21.296018 21.322667 21.319396 21.311119 21.310544


Current (A)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
0.1826648712 0.1809654236 0.1834888458 0.1851882935 0.1860122681
0.1817893982 0.1817893982 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1851882935
0.1817893982 0.1817893982 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1860122681
0.180141449 0.1826648712 0.1834888458 0.1851882935 0.1860122681
0.1817893982 0.1817893982 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1860122681
0.180141449 0.1826648712 0.1834888458 0.1851882935 0.1860122681
0.180141449 0.1826648712 0.1834888458 0.1860122681 0.1860122681
0.1809654236 0.1826648712 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1860122681
0.1817893982 0.1817893982 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1851882935
0.180141449 0.1817893982 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1868877411
0.180141449 0.1826648712 0.1834888458 0.1851882935 0.1868877411
0.180141449 0.1817893982 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1860122681
0.180141449 0.1826648712 0.1834888458 0.1851882935 0.1877117157
0.180141449 0.1834888458 0.1834888458 0.1860122681 0.1885871887
0.180141449 0.1826648712 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1860122681
0.179265976 0.1826648712 0.1834888458 0.1860122681 0.1860122681
0.180141449 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1868877411
0.180141449 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1885871887
0.180141449 0.1834888458 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1860122681
0.180141449 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1860122681
0.180141449 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1860122681
0.1809654236 0.1826648712 0.1843643188 0.1860122681 0.1860122681
0.1817893982 0.1834888458 0.1834888458 0.1860122681 0.1868877411
0.1817893982 0.1834888458 0.1834888458 0.1860122681 0.1868877411
0.1817893982 0.1834888458 0.1834888458 0.1860122681 0.1860122681
0.1809654236 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1860122681 0.1860122681
0.1809654236 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1860122681 0.1860122681
0.1817893982 0.1834888458 0.1843643188 0.1843643188 0.1868877411
0.180141449 0.1834888458 0.1834888458 0.1860122681 0.1851882935
0.180141449 0.1834888458 0.1851882935 0.1843643188 0.1851882935

Voltage (V)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
19.11953 19.119947 19.119031 19.117072 19.116897
19.119396 19.120104 19.119498 19.115367 19.114202
19.121887 19.119878 19.121619 19.117279 19.112543
19.120391 19.122534 19.119503 19.114473 19.113293
19.119798 19.119376 19.119371 19.119257 19.116456
19.119209 19.120497 19.12133 19.114305 19.119557
19.119673 19.12128 19.120076 19.111534 19.114135
19.121711 19.120622 19.120331 19.117158 19.116578
19.121324 19.122953 19.121119 19.113888 19.114409
19.119379 19.11931 19.119045 19.112615 19.11424
19.121071 19.122339 19.120411 19.113552 19.114578
19.119103 19.12021 19.119355 19.119957 19.117737
19.120048 19.119837 19.119574 19.119795 19.113693
19.119522 19.120961 19.12197 19.115066 19.1192
19.119853 19.122407 19.121741 19.116317 19.111915
19.120917 19.119833 19.121538 19.114123 19.11244
19.120486 19.122645 19.119008 19.116791 19.114801
19.121975 19.12091 19.121835 19.115331 19.119126
19.119598 19.119179 19.12161 19.112214 19.118871
19.119704 19.121926 19.121007 19.111053 19.119628
19.119196 19.122435 19.119224 19.119453 19.112143
19.119321 19.119536 19.120555 19.111904 19.112363
19.120875 19.119753 19.121502 19.111762 19.118175
19.121843 19.120654 19.121079 19.112557 19.1136
19.120008 19.121273 19.121703 19.114714 19.112834
19.121015 19.120434 19.121356 19.119602 19.116754
19.121105 19.121735 19.120162 19.114735 19.117497
19.119296 19.119503 19.119981 19.118987 19.118997
19.119709 19.120538 19.120021 19.112746 19.113767
19.12081 19.119044 19.119354 19.115842 19.115754


Current (A)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.190145874 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1936203003 0.1944625855 0.190145874 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1936203003 0.1944625855 0.1893035889 0.1875663757 0.1867240906
0.1936203003 0.1936203003 0.190145874 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1936203003 0.1944625855 0.190145874 0.1867240906 0.1867240906
0.1936203003 0.1944625855 0.190145874 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1927780151 0.1944625855 0.1893035889 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1936203003 0.1944625855 0.190145874 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1927780151 0.1944625855 0.190145874 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1936203003 0.1944625855 0.190145874 0.1884613037 0.1875663757
0.1936203003 0.1944625855 0.1893035889 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1927780151 0.1944625855 0.190145874 0.1867240906 0.1875663757
0.1936203003 0.1944625855 0.1884613037 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.1884613037 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1953575134 0.1944625855 0.1884613037 0.1875663757 0.1867240906
0.1953575134 0.1936203003 0.1893035889 0.1875663757 0.1867240906
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.191040802 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1944625855 0.1936203003 0.191040802 0.1875663757 0.1867240906
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.1893035889 0.1884613037 0.1875663757
0.1936203003 0.1953575134 0.1884613037 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.1875663757 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.1875663757 0.1884613037 0.1875663757
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.1893035889 0.1884613037 0.1875663757
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.1884613037 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1944625855 0.1944625855 0.1884613037 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1944625855 0.1927780151 0.1875663757 0.1884613037 0.1867240906
0.1944625855 0.1927780151 0.1875663757 0.1875663757 0.1867240906
0.1944625855 0.1918830872 0.1875663757 0.1875663757 0.1875663757
0.1953575134 0.191040802 0.1884613037 0.1884613037 0.1867240906
0.1944625855 0.191040802 0.1875663757 0.1875663757 0.1875663757

Voltage (V)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
18.511518 18.513859 18.529212 18.528073 18.528929
18.511768 18.512113 18.529979 18.528722 18.528602
18.512827 18.513543 18.529964 18.528159 18.52798
18.512669 18.51233 18.529767 18.528139 18.528346
18.512878 18.513576 18.530553 18.528526 18.52746
18.51392 18.512296 18.529828 18.528268 18.527811
18.513274 18.513246 18.529348 18.528566 18.527128
18.511337 18.511234 18.530678 18.528555 18.528206
18.511858 18.512785 18.530247 18.528635 18.528396
18.511206 18.513497 18.529847 18.52828 18.528408
18.512968 18.513395 18.529578 18.528334 18.528441
18.511565 18.511848 18.529706 18.528589 18.528214
18.512647 18.512924 18.529454 18.528264 18.527542
18.511727 18.513522 18.530272 18.528398 18.527912
18.512856 18.511349 18.530462 18.528142 18.528331
18.513101 18.511356 18.529789 18.528997 18.52726
18.51357 18.511977 18.530673 18.528952 18.527167
18.513409 18.512123 18.53093 18.528495 18.527118
18.512136 18.513506 18.530151 18.528406 18.528831
18.511891 18.513402 18.529017 18.528425 18.528466
18.513321 18.511931 18.530639 18.528116 18.527808
18.512322 18.511086 18.530166 18.528188 18.527865
18.512059 18.51198 18.529307 18.528339 18.528968
18.512249 18.513757 18.529484 18.528661 18.527004
18.512591 18.511123 18.529704 18.52855 18.527266
18.513493 18.512144 18.53074 18.528108 18.52727
18.513498 18.51371 18.529404 18.528851 18.528165
18.512361 18.513341 18.530858 18.528576 18.527299
18.511139 18.513338 18.530614 18.528393 18.528656
18.513088 18.511173 18.53039 18.528981 18.528762


Current (A)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
0.198568573 0.1995413208 0.1966802979 0.2023451233 0.2079527283
0.198568573 0.2004568481 0.1966802979 0.2032606506 0.2079527283
0.198568573 0.1995413208 0.1976530457 0.2013723755 0.2079527283
0.1976530457 0.1995413208 0.2004568481 0.2023451233 0.2079527283
0.2004568481 0.1995413208 0.2004568481 0.2004568481 0.2079527283
0.2023451233 0.198568573 0.2004568481 0.2004568481 0.2070372009
0.1995413208 0.1995413208 0.1995413208 0.2013723755 0.2107565308
0.198568573 0.2013723755 0.1995413208 0.2013723755 0.2079527283
0.2004568481 0.1995413208 0.1995413208 0.2013723755 0.2079527283
0.1966802979 0.1995413208 0.2013723755 0.1976530457 0.2079527283
0.1966802979 0.198568573 0.2004568481 0.1976530457 0.2117292786
0.1995413208 0.1995413208 0.2013723755 0.1966802979 0.2117292786
0.1976530457 0.1976530457 0.1995413208 0.1995413208 0.2117292786
0.1966802979 0.1966802979 0.2004568481 0.1995413208 0.2117292786
0.1966802979 0.1966802979 0.1995413208 0.2004568481 0.2117292786
0.1976530457 0.1976530457 0.198568573 0.2013723755 0.2117292786
0.2004568481 0.1976530457 0.198568573 0.2013723755 0.2126448059
0.2004568481 0.1976530457 0.1976530457 0.2013723755 0.2135603333
0.1995413208 0.1966802979 0.1976530457 0.1995413208 0.2117292786
0.1976530457 0.198568573 0.2004568481 0.1938764954 0.2126448059
0.1966802979 0.2004568481 0.2004568481 0.1957647705 0.2135603333
0.1957647705 0.198568573 0.1995413208 0.1966802979 0.2145330811
0.1966802979 0.1995413208 0.1995413208 0.1976530457 0.2126448059
0.198568573 0.1995413208 0.1976530457 0.1976530457 0.2135603333
0.198568573 0.2004568481 0.1966802979 0.2004568481 0.2135603333
0.1976530457 0.1995413208 0.1966802979 0.2004568481 0.2135603333
0.1966802979 0.1976530457 0.1976530457 0.2013723755 0.2145330811
0.1995413208 0.1976530457 0.1995413208 0.2004568481 0.2126448059
0.1995413208 0.1976530457 0.2004568481 0.2004568481 0.2145330811
0.1995413208 0.1948492432 0.2013723755 0.1995413208 0.2135603333
Voltage (V)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
19.439462 19.434513 19.439624 19.439037 19.480723
19.438041 19.430104 19.453579 19.449779 19.484686
19.433114 19.428139 19.451639 19.450022 19.510997
19.43451 19.434243 19.455074 19.45866 19.506402
19.529605 19.432254 19.476913 19.453239 19.509198
19.534405 19.419323 19.470733 19.452429 19.47856
19.48028 19.421548 19.448437 19.447839 19.492905
19.432136 19.421645 19.445783 19.458234 19.49718
19.440565 19.440003 19.449686 19.451615 19.497636
19.436896 19.421045 19.448571 19.450071 19.503717
19.4165 19.431022 19.459138 19.444998 19.506188
19.439224 19.421042 19.449474 19.450581 19.481821
19.422003 19.433805 19.442893 19.438054 19.479168
19.416732 19.432111 19.446658 19.449846 19.512659
19.434144 19.418 19.456996 19.443494 19.495914
19.424132 19.435489 19.457132 19.437749 19.477718
19.416086 19.439033 19.458567 19.455924 19.49289
19.420091 19.427394 19.44695 19.43637 19.505642
19.427428 19.418305 19.437331 19.437005 19.485362
19.416983 19.421061 19.451575 19.455219 19.496407
19.438115 19.439502 19.450869 19.456773 19.489097
19.429104 19.43202 19.438472 19.440407 19.512594
19.426946 19.418087 19.451176 19.45536 19.515564
19.41758 19.429406 19.45757 19.438904 19.498365
19.419466 19.438671 19.443127 19.438241 19.478174
19.418737 19.426459 19.440615 19.441272 19.505599
19.426865 19.431887 19.444652 19.457869 19.483293
19.433281 19.440027 19.456103 19.447417 19.50116
19.428047 19.418633 19.441542 19.459506 19.515476
19.440077 19.429873 19.448638 19.448364 19.516408


Current (A)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
0.1991844177 0.2038764954 0.1982688904 0.1982688904 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2019882202 0.1982688904 0.1982688904 0.1963806152
0.2001571655 0.2019882202 0.1991844177 0.1991844177 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.202960968 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.202960968 0.1982688904 0.1982688904 0.1963806152
0.1991844177 0.2019882202 0.1991844177 0.1991844177 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2019882202 0.1991844177 0.1991844177 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.202960968 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2038764954 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2019882202 0.1982688904 0.1982688904 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2010726929 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2010726929 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.1991844177 0.2019882202 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1963806152
0.2001571655 0.2019882202 0.1982688904 0.1982688904 0.1963806152
0.2001571655 0.2001571655 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.1991844177 0.2019882202 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2019882202 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1963806152
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2010726929 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1954650879
0.2001571655 0.2019882202 0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1954650879
0.1991844177 0.2010726929 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1954650879
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1944923401
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1982688904 0.1982688904 0.1935768127
0.2001571655 0.2001571655 0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1944923401
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1954650879
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1954650879 0.1954650879 0.1944923401
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1954650879 0.1954650879 0.1954650879
0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1954650879

Voltage (V)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
19.538972 19.549863 19.343206 19.334277 19.333105
19.538253 19.538215 19.33844 19.325445 19.329525
19.540754 19.537724 19.34575 19.331011 19.325899
19.536582 19.545589 19.347661 19.321583 19.338028
19.538625 19.544239 19.340384 19.330876 19.338529
19.539344 19.550845 19.340255 19.334174 19.317409
19.538378 19.54925 19.343409 19.320565 19.337826
19.537258 19.538684 19.347082 19.320373 19.320494
19.539077 19.544076 19.336801 19.340674 19.340768
19.539896 19.537676 19.338022 19.331574 19.334453
19.536846 19.545286 19.346147 19.317887 19.340953
19.540243 19.536658 19.34237 19.336349 19.338505
19.538272 19.546649 19.343387 19.330325 19.331934
19.536016 19.54291 19.348345 19.330963 19.3248
19.538018 19.540084 19.343176 19.318971 19.32434
19.538351 19.537727 19.347512 19.322339 19.327377
19.53748 19.544874 19.341019 19.333836 19.320244
19.536622 19.540958 19.346853 19.327988 19.326217
19.536135 19.543122 19.341291 19.333582 19.319968
19.536629 19.546818 19.336713 19.339525 19.335809
19.540483 19.540868 19.343847 19.320907 19.328463
19.5366 19.541084 19.34733 19.329228 19.323657
19.539017 19.542064 19.345036 19.316927 19.322857
19.54042 19.550715 19.350842 19.324128 19.323844
19.540733 19.536883 19.345409 19.325534 19.340248
19.536738 19.543051 19.343475 19.332328 19.338535
19.538056 19.538411 19.34519 19.332839 19.321981
19.537131 19.54795 19.349331 19.333812 19.332819
19.539969 19.538917 19.338757 19.323589 19.327768
19.536075 19.548271 19.350928 19.331254 19.320552


Current (A)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
0.1982688904 0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1972961426 0.1991844177
0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1972961426 0.1982688904 0.2001571655
0.1982688904 0.1963806152 0.1991844177 0.1991844177 0.1991844177
0.1982688904 0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1972961426 0.1991844177 0.1991844177
0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1982688904 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1972961426 0.1982688904 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1991844177 0.1991844177
0.1972961426 0.1954650879 0.1963806152 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1991844177 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.1963806152 0.1963806152 0.1982688904 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1972961426 0.1991844177 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.2001571655 0.1954650879 0.1982688904 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.2001571655 0.1963806152 0.1982688904 0.1972961426 0.1991844177
0.1991844177 0.1954650879 0.1991844177 0.1972961426 0.2001571655
0.1991844177 0.1954650879 0.1982688904 0.1963806152 0.1991844177
0.2001571655 0.1963806152 0.1991844177 0.1963806152 0.2001571655
0.2001571655 0.1963806152 0.1982688904 0.1972961426 0.2010726929
0.1991844177 0.1954650879 0.1972961426 0.1991844177 0.2001571655
0.1991844177 0.1954650879 0.1972961426 0.1991844177 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1954650879 0.1982688904 0.2001571655 0.2010726929
0.1972961426 0.1954650879 0.1982688904 0.2001571655 0.1991844177
0.1972961426 0.1954650879 0.1972961426 0.1991844177 0.2001571655
0.1991844177 0.1954650879 0.1982688904 0.2001571655 0.2019882202
0.1982688904 0.1954650879 0.1991844177 0.2001571655 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1963806152 0.1972961426 0.1991844177 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1954650879 0.1972961426 0.1991844177 0.2001571655
0.1972961426 0.1954650879 0.1982688904 0.1991844177 0.2010726929

Voltage (V)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
18.758395 18.75832 18.756517 18.756597 18.797722
18.756493 18.759834 18.75818 18.758885 18.779173
18.758431 18.757196 18.757411 18.759717 18.78581
18.757712 18.756207 18.758541 18.757367 18.797092
18.759261 18.756071 18.756937 18.758382 18.780974
18.758865 18.759208 18.75602 18.759569 18.791963
18.758675 18.758732 18.758401 18.75765 18.789418
18.757556 18.757256 18.757927 18.756064 18.787827
18.758194 18.759659 18.758362 18.759155 18.793391
18.757195 18.756989 18.759941 18.758269 18.790899
18.758049 18.7566 18.75825 18.758833 18.78833
18.757341 18.759214 18.756812 18.75814 18.781464
18.759354 18.759481 18.759673 18.75755 18.795473
18.759606 18.759455 18.757623 18.756007 18.783824
18.786806 18.759587 18.75859 18.759043 18.789615
18.776264 18.756178 18.756014 18.759166 18.777025
18.759453 18.75793 18.75728 18.758274 18.790196
18.759374 18.75969 18.75602 18.757813 18.793898
18.768064 18.756402 18.758554 18.759393 18.787729
18.768795 18.756313 18.759785 18.757017 18.784905
18.758385 18.758272 18.757863 18.759006 18.78699
18.756886 18.759725 18.759112 18.758335 18.782767
18.757455 18.758199 18.75913 18.756847 18.793992
18.758238 18.756224 18.757728 18.756945 18.78539
18.758743 18.756735 18.75968 18.756173 18.7776
18.757416 18.756762 18.758138 18.757659 18.797412
18.759331 18.756654 18.75703 18.759266 18.779069
18.759482 18.757067 18.758719 18.756509 18.780707
18.757165 18.7564 18.756874 18.758831 18.784368

18.757397 18.756807 18.757044 18.756289 18.791893


Apricus. (n.d.). PV Panels, PV Solar Panels, Photovoltaic Panels, Solar Electric Panels &

Modules - Apricus Solar PV System.

Deziel, C. (2020, December 15). The Effect of Wavelength on Photovoltaic Cells. Sciencing.

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