A Preface To Philosophy, Logic & Human Existence

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Philosophy, Logic
Human Existence

Co\Onanl Unhtrslty, Ota Nigtril.


0 WOGU, IKEDTNACHl A. ehl (2010)

Tolho gloryol God lho Fa-. lho ere.1or Of Hoa..n ond EaM ond 10 Hit
door Son Jesuo Cl>rilt who dold lholwe migN,.... lie
H4 Name c:onllnualy be l)nllsed f.,....r and ov«•. .Amon.

To my • - . -

WOII<J, Obi Metu, a groal lhlnl<e< ond a men of God

All rights reserved. No part of this publlcallon may be whopoid"'fwoylhnJu!:l!- ond cloolrediO- ma got 10 lho ~
o1 looming bul fof hie early (lepe~ura 10 be wfltllho lo«<.
reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any m•ans
w•lh~ut Jhe prior permission of lhe author and lh~
To an wno make a consdous ell~ 10 think and ......, cril>cally and 10 al
pubiLshers. who-lho-loloam.-.. ond - - l h o -. -...

ISBN 978-978-50060-0-1

Publiehed by:
PLJm4rk Nigeria Limited,
I eduo:ttlona! Publishers)
II 17J, Old lpaja Road,
l~ "'n.-·Orile Rui·Siup,
Agege, Lagos.
Td: 01·8173752; 080222J52JJ

•• •
ol- 10-

-IOI'I**'IIlf,l.cgicandHIJnlnE.-Io OIWal ... _ . .

n hlghet - I I O N i i n - . , in Higorio.
k~ u opposed 10 ~ alknow~ lllol is onen lot.nd in
lnlellacl""l IC*Ialilalion. Consequently, The HUC haa roc:ommendod rt
u one of the luw courses Chat every Nigerian llnlvera.ity must administer
n -inll011onoln Nlgoria.,. baing

Dopa""""'' ol Philooopl1t
Lagoa Slate IJnMI"""f,
roc.lly. M
- 1 0 - allogc. ·-~and J>lilotoiA•t

to theW students before graduation. La,gos.

This book oontlsll ola wide range ol investlgolionalniO baSic l$$ues in lho
IWghly 0 1 1 - diociplino o1 PhilOsophy. Slnoo lllo .-co acqulm wisdom
and~ In • • - ol hlman ..- - hu boon on lho lncl<!aso,
lhe , _ - . a!IM '"'tho.- and,_ allludy In lho field a1
phbophy 1 0 -10 be iilijMiod and ..... ,. ... 10 , _ ... rising
~ ol bof'l lb.ldlntl and h onlnllly I !llbd• -..,IS seelong t .
""....,...and - - . 1 0 ""idaoi61tal"' • "' ... and roeily i n -
COi . . . . . ."'Y_

Wilhoulwllloring lllo 1..-rds and quality ol """'-r otando"' - -

leXI oh«JJd conlllln, lhls text lias"""" groat allen at caprumg and dear1y
staltng Ilia lundamental building blocks lot lntoiiOduellom and lho po<ennial
quest for 11'U1h. I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the wealth ol
lnfonnalion contained In this lnlrO<kJCtory V<llume wilt be ollmmoi\SO help
10 thO ordlnaty lludenl who is seol<ing a oondoo toXI that wiO sl"1lllfy and

old hlo ot he< Inquiry Into this field o1 knowlodgo. To tho llludont o1 Philosophy
lhOI ... hopojully dltify -""*"they-
lhoboalcwilreodily-. . .. . . . . . , . , . , _
10 soudy.

llhllllo ~ ond

and toot .,.,lions

sly4e"' ... boalc-- --.raging . .
anyone mal<*>g..., lorm "'-"'~'- ... - " ' SIUdy ... not lind~
dlf""* 10 undOistand and apply lhom 10 reol l i t - and~ I
allllo.....,..... allhe boalc thai""'--
i'lto 1evet1 MP81'8te MCtlons and some pans dl'vottd to some e._etclse
to old lllo students undoflllndlng 01 tho study Thasa
......, IOCllont am turlhat wtxiVided Into threo patti: Philcoophy, Logic
and Human E)(lttonoe to enable the student have ea.sy rtftrenot to
whattvor ooctlon or part of study they may wlon to ombortc upon,

Tho w11ttr1 hive onwmdsus-lnte,.ot Of tho roadOI

""' u l o t t --llllorwiOftlin<l""""'......,.., wr•Jng

HI -IOihtboalcbocause lhallht . _ ... _ . , _
ot thO IIUbjocl moHOf. Tho bOOk can lhoteto,. bo read 10< ,....,. and ..
PREFACE ptesented thert mauwials In such a sfmple, lucid and systematic way that
caters for every new comer in the field of philosophy.
Over lhe years, there has boon a miscooceptkln that most poop16 1ike The book Is spit Into seven sections. The first four sections explore both
Ptdtosophy lllhey understand ilal\d that most pooplo understand It if it is the metaphysic:aJ and epistemological Ideas: of thinkers from ancient times
not prosent9d to them io an exhaustive prose. Well, In this text, wo strive and even beyond the post modem era. In the tlflh see1ion. we expi01Gd
1h0v0alt to show how wrong this notion is. OUr wealth of e}ll)erience in the some major movoments and schools o1 though! il Philosophy. Among the
loNO;hilg or the slbjeol indicates that the study and teachilg ot phllosoi>hy sc:Mols and movements oonsidered; Existentialism and Phenomenology
un be mado so oncy and si~le to unde"itand whi!& not over si'nplllying was closely discussed since tho study constitutes a major part of the text.
II This section basiealy Jooused on t.h9 natum ofman and the essence ofhis
1tMro is also a miscxlnception that some people amn't just mbvod by tho exlstonoe. One o1 the critical questions posed in this section Is. "Does
•1-A)joct. Worse still, we learnt that among those who aren't are a few who oxiotonoe procp essence"? In "the sixth S<ldl6n. we added a study 0<1
~ta aeoo.lntolllgent, well Informed and reasonable and who g9f'lerally have 1\JrlcOil Philosophy where we explored the basic th"""'s and molhods ol
•nur.d Ideas about the WOfld, vote fot the right poopkl, and are ev&n wor1h Atricatl philosophy with the view to discussing the methods and Ideas that
h•vlng as friends. Well, the truth is that such may be the case whete lhe dlstlngulshed the African ma.n from his Western, Eastern or Asian
s!AJject is ptasen1ed without the Interest ot tho ordinary man on the street counterpart, the vary thing thai make hlml\lrican. the very aciMiy Ulal has
11 noart. This text ~ore· In view of this error in the methOds of ptesenling become his pJtllo-hy.
th4 olbject o1 philooophy-~oontriltJtlons from Olql(lrienced lecturer.~ The seventh $eetiOn basically discussed the thlrd arm of the course "'Logic".
wflO by the~ woalth of experience in the toaching or the subject or phllosoplly. Here we e)(J)klred the various principles and laws of 'Critical Thin~g· and
rigt¥ed out path-ways through which tho subjoct can be presenled 10 all Argumentative discuss with Ole view to empowering students with aJI the
kind& and classes of people, a kind of pmsen.tatlon thai ofton loaves a princ:lptes and lews they need lo Ofdef their thinking and reasoning towards
poefttvG and lasting lmptosskln on both the professional and the or'dinary IOtmlng sound and valid ldoos and opinions In their every day activity. This
tnqultor. Against this mlsconcoptlon thorofare, this text strives lo $how that bOOk no dolbt will go a long way In helping students and the O<dinory
ptlbophy can indeed be tor everyonG. reseatdler Ofder their thinking and reasoning for the purpose of.prodl.ldNG
F(Om our pre:sentatiOI'l$ln this text, we do hope that every student who has wort<. We have no do\rbt that this book will also come in handy and very
hlld an iltroductory """""' In philosophy will loam that philosophy Is mom usefUl to al those whO noads ~- We at this point, will weloome criticisms
thAn an inconsequential mental flexing exercise. Philosophy contains and imputes that will help improve on the st~bsequent editions ol this Book.
pow011ulldoas. and it affects Ule lives of real peop4e. Consequently, lt
n'IUilt be han.dled with due care. This text makes this point clear. Thank you.
Sineo tho Nigerian University Corrvnlsslon, (NUC) has made il m<~ndatory
lor all students intending to acquir& any Cl9gree from any Nlgerian Unlverst<y Wogu, --~A. (I!<IJ"")
to oft'or •Phbophy, Logic and Human Existence'" as a requisite course tor Co\lenant University, eta.
tht •ward 04 Bachelor's Degrees, there has boen an increasing need from
lludenl3 for a oomprehenslve text on the course. This book Is thofoforo
put 1ogetlww to meet tho ri!Wig need of fresh Unlversi1y atudeots who seeks
1 conolso lntrodUdlon to tho oour.10 In Philosophy. No do\rbt, the book will
tDNO as an introductory text lo philosophy major students as won.
I ho no<Hlto auooesalutly IICCI)(rC)Iish the laSt< ol compiling a 00fr4lrohensiw
t.ot lh•t moefl the NUC' specifocations at1d standards necessitated th4t
" ,._,wd vlriout enl!kfl from talented and experienced scholars from
,._ t1tn•••nl tntllhJtlont ol hlohor loarnlng. These contributors have
t rli
·---.......--..... -
::::::~bo oclu~

lor _ _ _ .,.,....,....,. _ _
c:ompilloon ond publicolion o1 !lid Bool<. 1am oa.lkng aboul
lhe creooor ol H.._, and Ear1h, my .-sling Father
and ......... oulsidolhe.,.,.. ol NigoriL llould Y«y""""'1111-
oll'nll. _ _ _ andProl. ~Brudor;bolllol1111c--
Stllo Universil)', Chrco .• ._y ~· (Phli>solltry Th<l - ol - )
Tho port played by Prot Mamo Bergmonn ol Smilh College, Pn>1 ...,_
Moore ol Darmouth College and Prol. Jod< Nelson ol Temple UniYII111y In
their book (Tho logio !look) luOher broo-my mind and l.Wldortllllndlng
: ::::~:~~~:r.;~ God. It is by His special grace that w& were able to
compiM this Book. W& shall continue to praise 8/ld oKan His
torevGf and ever... Amen.
oi lhe principles oc toglc. GrHil reference was made 10 their work during
the course o1 the compilation ol lhls Book. Mention must also b9 madO
about a1 the assislanco wo gol fretn tho good pocple at Wlkipedia Froo
montiOn mutl bo mado of my mentor and lather In the lofd, Bishop EncydopOOta, we are ln<IHd grateful lor all your contributions and 111o
()yodopo, whose falhefly presanco and sponiWI gul(lanco hastauglll pri\111eg8S wo g04 willie C<>f!'4l411ng lhil tOXL
pr... on oow.,.,. tho marl< lor r.. pmo olll1o High calling In
Hel1l at Cownonll,Jno-.ily. 1111 c:ontrlbubons ol my Viet Chancollor and
Cluiol.lolay 111o lord conbnue .,..,._and orr-r hMn for tho
wmlhol ht ;a-.g lor 111o ...,.._ o l - all owrlhe world. - · Prot. Alze Oboyon c:amoo bo"""" orrcNsrzed. Her ~
end c1rtve tor e.xcelala r. aJ ,., f '•• iS has kepC me on my~ .nee
......., ...... olio bo . . - .. lha grMI ....... - tHellhe ''*"" in c:onlad - hot Pn>1 K. Ol«>njor Ollhe cclogo ol ....,.,. and

-~my I'IOiqdllnlheorl olhlbrg.-ond ....live
n.. wm _ , h a w been ~ " ' - • not lor the poo
,my~lo First on the lisl ollhese lhlnkOfl loa gteatacadomlc
orudolo - · Prot Nkeony& Olakpor, 04 lhe groal Univ011ily ol
Ho WOI 1110 linl IO open my mind IO tho study Of Phlll>sophy and
-.!OIO!It (CST) """911 mo ..,.,.. 1111 muos ol pa-in Wflljng lor
,.-lions. 1n the.,... o l - 80C\dCy 1n W111111Jio< ~uons.
ol my ovc. Prot Chtr1ot OQIIUiogc, ollhe UngucsbC Oeporlmenl
come in very handy. To lhtao people ho"' at C<Minanl Un1Yei$IIY. I owo a
dtllll o4 gratituda. Monlion mull also be made o4 my past and PI"'""''
HIS mothOd oltoad'llng was what ignited the kwo lor tho acquisition oludanta o1 (GST 211 & GST 311) and Philosophy at Co¥ilnMI Unlvor&lty,
wisdom and l<nowl<ldgo In my lifo. His book 'A Profocolo t.<>Qic' was vmose stim!Aatwlg discourte ond contributions during and oulaklo class
llllvnonso c:onttlbUim to the proWction of lhe aacllon on logic. Mention sessions nave always lgnitod now ldoas and wa.ys of teaching and mtddng
m1de ot Dr. Utl)ma Ukagba, a 10nk>r lacturor in the
o1 Phiiooophy, Urworsity o1 Benin Tho " - Into"''' I have
the study of 'Philosophy. lOgic and H...,., Elcl$tence' and on~
than- belore.lapp<-10 you all My systems analysis. Eng Olopode,
E>nstontoalsrn and PIMN104r"' ooloQy lo as a mull ollha 0omo1a o1 Adeks-'<~ v- and Mr. 0ot11o1 o. Jecobo for .. thtlr
o1 locturo -ed. Th<IS8 and mo<t my IOCMcal - t o ll1o c:ompill- ollhis !b*. We.,.. grUful
and IUihtntir: human exrol8nee" """'hodalways_o_ol_ond__..,.~,ln
rile>""'"'·ollho Un...,."Y ol-.tho doal1y dopOI10d Prot Olusegun lhooo moments w11en1110y _,.., ocaraty Firsl on lhrs losllo my W11o Mrs
Owclobl. Prot fr111a, A Dr. Ukpo4<olo, I.E. Dr. Aguiona. Dr. Wogu Kelecl1i lor hor patienoo and ll>ngsulferng. Sho had 10 got used to
El<onla. Or. Udofl, and Prot. BeiiO,A.Cl Th<Of sones olladum not hovlng al or my attention whenever sht noadod them aa a """' ollhe
rood d'"lng my postgraduate sludilo al the Unlve""Y was long hours spanl illha olflco. I groetly apprvclole )'Our undorstandlftg. My
Wlstrumental in &hap1ng my mlf'ld and 1hlnklng. May I add thai lour months old daughiA>r, Pn,..ss Wogu Klllhryn Ezilhunayachlrn; I look
book on Logic was also very instrumantal to Ihe publication et hor and I seem to get moro atrength to Iorge ahead 1n my quest f()(
Book. 1em grotolulto you an. My lrlends and lectu"'rs et thO !Mivarsity excollonco. 1&hall 011or ramail gratoM lo Ged Almigllly for giving her to
• Calobor, Prof A F. UWigwornan and Prol G.O. Ozumba, I must say, mo Her oominv Is in<leO<I vory IJrnOiy. Dr. CMa, E. for hor aupporl and
- oliO vory vreot lnfluance in my , _ of lhlnkl"'l Thoor ~ on

...,....., .....
pat""""'· Dr. Chlnoyo LOY8 lor hot kind - dUring the prooou ol 111o
~""' to Ph~ and Logic-. o1oo very lnolrumoolalto the corrc>ialion ollhrs book- Mr Henry Oloodua, lor his regular - -
K"''I*Y and hos ~ lor "*' - D
and support. Tho par1 ..., my
pubiohet, Eldor- ~ T - (PI.wnetto) end Mrs Rashidol ()lpojl,
P'*''""' o1,.
the oy11em onllylll..,..,. pia~ 10 lor_,.,.,. the SECTlONA
boat eannol be ~ I om 1ndood gnat\.~ lot his lalhofty - · ANCIENT GREEK PHILOSOPHERS AND THEJR

ol ... -

... wont 10
. .
In doN>g.lwoniiO- ........ ..,ticulalty- ..... """'.. ''"
,._by Pial. PtliCOoBAiozlo ol ~ SloMi Unlwnily as t h e -

potlonce you""* 10 go lfvo<9i the-







9. INDEX 12t-134

3 OSIMIRI, PETER ....FtOm liteIIICit'n!llnf ..nan"*' blgrM 10 • ~ a .. .-bal.C
4 ll£HEDICT, MICHEAL the basic . .. ,. . . . Or I I Q d dllt Mtd tlillll"y, , . quest
bto_,.. _ _
1100(1. 2ll02.
WOGU, II<EDINACHI." •• Doclanltao- ..... prestigoaus I.WYer1lly
el . - . , N'90f'll,-. a ~Qsten' Dogree., Merapllyslcs.
Ho rU!W111y- Phlolcphy I t CoYOnanl~- he has-
..... lrliereslt In Contompatlll)' Elt>a, 1'11iloo«>hy of Scie<l<», Alricon
llotaphr.slcs, and LOQIC. ~ has wnnon and published articles in lh-
1lle GraMs_,- 10-- lht llrlt 10 -
~ofll>8 - · .. _ o n d know1odgt T h o y - -
In lht sysiOmllic
-angaged In i11s 80IMiy as o PMo..,.., By lhlo lltough~ "1'1111c>oophy"
-•. lo lhem became 11\e concom, among ot'* things, o1 lundlmonlal q -
IUd'l as; vd'lll is the ultimata conslrlutnt of rtehty? How should we tv.. is thel"'
OVIA, EBIKABOERE oblaloo<la Ph. 0 In Envlronmen1al Phllosoplly lrom
• God. 11 God, why evil?
lie Unlva<slly of Logos. Nigeria. She has speciallnloresiS In Political
flhtto~phy, Environmental Ethics ana Contemporary Philosophy Whtt8 Horo 81CcwGIWlC Unfvetslty, thG S1Udy Ollho C:OUI'M"Philoaophy,logic & Human
the hns wnlfBfl•nd published papora. She currently teacl\os phlklsophy 01 txls:tenoe consist oC a Mde range of rtgoroua lnves11gtltion~ into basic and
Oownant Unlvcwaity. lundomental,_ln 1110 highly -mod dliCipllno o1 Philosophy, Logic and
lho Scllli'IC8 ol Human ExisiO<ICa Slnoo tho oludy of tHotophy conlO>ues 10

lnl-.. "'"
OltMIRI, PETER 11 currently a Ooclorll candodato aJ 1he \ln'-'ily of
....,.., N1g0na - . 1141 aloo oblalned a Masters' Degree in Political
-lnll>asa~-. woln lhlo l tucl't, lhllbo-. noiJUSI
IOihoAncOenlphiosophers, bulaloo IOthoooollhooonl..,..,ary....._rnl
~ ~ has opocial
" " ' rnl Meraphyllca.-
Itt ...,.,..,-~

-DICT MICMEAI. Ia a Doclontl -te

he has o l s o -

. . . . h e a l o o - a - .· Dogroeln -~. ~
In Boo-ethics, Political Philooq!hy.

IINYerUy of LDgoo.

aJ 1he ~ol­

l'lloloocl>hYIIe.n..Siole~- he h a s -
~eswitl!lheviewiO""'*--IionoiOiho- and problemS
lt"'''hlw_...,., _ _ _ IO_tumane>d-heteon

'llwocionce and~ 10--...,-; ..,
_,10-vm _ _ .,., ____ .....Tho
Drocty. isauseutoa11n . . diodl*>eol- rn~ ..... - _
goocllrom bod argo.menls

.... -
In WMt"" "'**'Pfry, Ejllolomology, Elhics and Palt.cll
.... """""and pullliohod articles In-.,...
olinterelll. • not. i s - · ol
_ , doel..t wont bo, lhen
wcdd c1w1gers lhlt wo
cn.aal " ' -· " " " ' - .,.
lhom ., 1ho)'
be ...

~IOWO, VICTORIA. 0. Ia a Doclotal Clnddate allhe UnM!roity ol - l l y nlhe buoNss oii)OIIU8dlng -•lhlougll ...- a<QU,.,..,..
..... Silo obtained htr Maater'o Oogree lrom lhe Universlly of L.ogoo. • '*' tn011 vaJuatH and lmportarM 1001. No CIOUbC, wt all 818 tnlided to our
... currtnlly laachoo phlloeophy at the Oomlnlcan lnsllluta S....lnary - bullhal does not moon ll>al oplnlonl o,.oqulllyroaoonal>le. ThereiOra,
~ She hao epoclallncoreat In the areas o4 Buoln8$S Ethics and • - muot be a101a1and ouoceallul doptt~ura lrom Form 10 Ski/~ LogaUom
looiopoiiUCIIthoughll where ohe has wrillan and piiJlished eome anlclos II ltMIIIIn, Point• to FIICt" From Mlllhfm•tlcl to L.ll..mtlhlc., a tlgorous
In repuled joumalt. IIUrtell'lloglo becomes vary HMnt!allor any Covenant University students
end k'ldHd every student seeldng tor the ptlnclpl" lew acquiMQ thOrough
_,od;o. This I bellove explains why lho NUC hu mode tha teaching of
Wp: ond Phlo"""*'y in all Nlgtrian Univorll~oo compullory lor ovory ctudanL
( ;, /ld(jl/ '"""''"' /11~1

our loind at &~LIU, 10 "-h'f nol CQI'IIPtJI...-t.? I~ 11 because oomplllers.dOfl'l ha\le a

IOUI., Or •II b«auSG they 11rern all\>87 WNl does it meat\ to be ahe l!l'lyw,ty?
AD of llwlo ,........,. aN pllilolo!llllca _..,...., :he task of analyzrnQ ond
ttytng to •"'"'"' theSe questlont hll'le bte:Ome ltle eack.asive la$k aM
MCIO' eit*t)' of . . pliiOiiOC:t*

p, The Outeto. of Phlc • ; t.y

....,pi 3
f'Jin QUMiiOOic:on:«nnorml ~ quMt.ona . . . about
lhe valle f/JWiltllliiQ V.1wn M daCidO 1hii1Wi6liiiiQ tSgoodOI bid. tV'lt Of
..ong. -~~~~ "' IJ!h . ...... OllPY'<10 .... """"" "' - <*<\ ....
pt~ ask quet.t10n1 aboUt whl1 eeern so obvioUs thai .,.. ITI!ght not
wondM llbOulthem ·IOJ Pamtde n. nat~.re e>l change, wt'lat l5 c:.hlrqt? ,, •
ob't'iou:s wt\111 dwnoti:s If .c)m(lfl'klg cN:nget •I DeQOmeS dlrf$1tnl U'Mt have
a g.lfgrenl thing. thOn nrenl w. c:on$rittnng two ttungs? Tha ollQINM 11llng end
~~ t new ar"'d diti'~>!Hfll1t•ntJ? ShOfJici'll wo lhttratOte t.tnc11y SpPakmg, oot uv
lnet s~th•no ch ~n~rl Put ral'lnt 1hat11 was ttJplaced"
~ poople's behaviour
Polhitps theM qutttlona r.o•om to be quMtlOns ol nomenclatuut ot semantiCS at lu•ht''"''· iht plliiOtos>hor la more
and ot no pMcdc~tlltJiot~t A••t D\lot' the c.eusa of D hlolime we discover tMt II M:""'o ho tAtiOMI Thoyalaoseek
evory lndl\ll(lu~tl w•l .,ttome pou•' h.'"" cause to o"ef somo sort of responu to • h._. All th11 kW'IIl of • ludy I• tleuated In

lhl$9 qu.llinnt lh.1lll!o throW' atthom Y011r· pre\lious exposuteiD lhis tSIUIS y,· II .,...h IJMICII'v 11 tht • tudy ol lhe pnnc~les
doliHm•n• l'lo* *tit' )'QfJ •tiJ perform when l:he OCC8$0n artse. ulld hom lrCOO"OCI r•tton•ng or .-rgumtnts
fht ltSI ~ wUI eutttnlfy dv• 'IOU ao I,Jca oll5a'TII'.' of thl ~$ ph•l~1'1
. .. cumoni!Y.,..,:g.ong ..- _ . , _ "--odge o f - - and lhev lpiOiic;
• Ettielliuue'J h 'tllrioul P':' I I~ Imedlc:::ll"'e. Businn4. law t'SC.} • .. a 1,..., on 1M olhW IJwld-... N
q..-.t10n. wt'll!lt • knowledge?
!Nh~ ...._ c.n ... know..,.. ;oc:wd•'IO IIIINt Ot not we?
• CompJiof-'-'0$ AltfdolilloAgoooce. -~
~ truth? Or .,. al c:pnoM tMM? FUI'Idlfnetttll quntion:s.
wheC'*' Of nor "'*"*"'can tNni<: Of hirte CctdCIOu$lle9L
...... ond -cl"--odgo .... _ ....... ..., ... abjodMty
• AarlondtyancS ... ~
, . ._ . ,., lNI boliN. M~ h c:onotmtd N fleofy ol kiMJwts S]tOf
5- alif1*::1!K.IniOIIUdallld'l:uk:ifit(AbOrber\ ~

·~ 0' Mediul...-.rch. . . . rJomedconsentJ
R91' In.,.. tnnct.of pi........Jfw.CII, £p~aa••dogJ

• Fen imt tnuu. llf:TAPHYSICS

~~~ atudoes the uttu'l\lte oon.t~tutnll ot rMIIty wch •• atoms and
• ... llcttll .net eocnornlC f!,mlce, poliCies lha1 de1et'mine d!!>1ribf.lti0n or
lu.f! on h mhef haiW:I thl p."'ooiiOiiipp• w.ot •k. the quutiOn "ts pt:y,s.ce~
~!M)Urcat, 1:.qual.!ty o1 ~·'•M. Human RightS lhcn ilf'? .-a \\t'IIO I~ Nvi'Obi01<91' ttudifl lhti aCIMty o1 rhe b~n
• lru1h •nd "*"'Wf'IQ '" ~them&l..el and lormakzld Umguage
iioo "'"'"'"""" '"" ask., ·A•o al "*"'*'ovtonll ,..lly bnun o...maf Or e !he .,...,.;
• Sk&Ptlc:llm and AeiatMam In kn~e and moriils "''• from tho bOc't(f Moltal)hyu:alllhlt 11 ... Of phik)sophy lhall9 coo-comod
• Wh111t to tlft 1 C)o,son. 1h& rlght5 atx:l obtigations or porsonJ "" 1t1co lhl'ldttmenlal qutJGtlon ebOcA tho naruro ot 1o1111ty,
• ls.sue•ln tlltlory and phllo&Ophy ol Soence e.t c 4 l'tii~OSOI'HYOF REUGICIN,

•· Whit PhllotopMrt Sludy Wt'r*r lN tlflrooomer stud• tho ht1V9nly boclll Md lho atany aides and tho
M111'tY' ~pll ruwn no ldl1 *h·•l phdo5ophy tt all about. The term tar som4 ._.. 1h41t ga.oem All the:tQ hoa'I'Only bOdiot, N ~ 1e mont concerned
pctopl• ol'h n COiliurM up the !mage of a \Iague. lu.tty realm ol lnoduclblv "Mih U• I~ k.if'ld oC quaeiXlnl I' tht txlltenee 1nd f\IIUtt of lhe uri\lerse
-.bjet.Uw opr11on Acanvnon quesr on I' 'wl'lal do philosophetlstucty7 No Of'll Mil t •pllli'WIIory or does It 1-..c:len t)IZ)IIneb01'11 Ot dON It need • ciYine creator
10 II
tna~lles out:slclo It? Al$0 lhe phitosqlher often ask. ts !herO tll'ly ratione~ way or ,..., .. _ . , . . , . _......................... 1he p -Yalutolphilosoploy',...
beliiJving in 1 good,., •• powerUGod whopennits the~ deSir'uttkln$ - .. lio8l clarify ... - end quaslkon ..........,lion~ in ....
of turri::anOs and lht sufJortng ollnnocenl chldren? Or is lho ovidonee ol an question. Whllt do8ll il._.n for aomll:hh$ to be~ A good answer
undesetYod sutforit\9 GOd, an argumenl againsl wch a God? n.se sort of
~--God'stlds-.... ..-..clevilandlho_bo_
~ bo1hlol """'"'*' * m;g~I'-P- N. Is o n - end eflsdMo """"''
for~ a goal Hyourgool is kOioamyourftMclo.ocabullooy-for aiOOI,
-and roason-lelhO.,..ofpNiosophyknownasphi~cl~
.. EniCS
Tho •nthropologisl we are told Sb.dos lho moral code of various sociaties whit
lhalyou .... -~lhedly.!M-WOMI1. ,.pl.._,f........,.,
a~ (oflldont lind «~ec~No) WWf 110 do this is 10 'Mia tle\lfiiiOf'ds on
nola ccwds

WNII goel, do we have In mhi To answer this question we need to know wf'tal
\106Ci~ 19 bolh lheif similarilios •nd dnernnces. but does not decide which ot'fO
.. the best. But onlle Ollhet hand, 1he phllosopherwil ask ttw question, &1'8 lhefe
gools. .... " ' - ... """Y ......... In life In-.. ,_,,.-
fNIIy any objecliwty corroct ol:hiell va..es? or are they aD r*tiw? Which elhital n>alimd """ .. - _ , lheSalssu. . "' ...... plllosopllically. Ironically, .,
~le il any, bamsthecorrGCtono? How do we decide what is right or wrong?. a$k wt'lei'ler or not philosophy Is a useU actMiy you must haYG m.de ICJfM
Those qoos1ions and such moro bt lalls an thts class •re located wfthin lhe ..-..~ ~about-llsJorcoortaNin 61e_ln _ _,_
aonflnes ol ethics. on like any- disciplna, a paoson ....- c:riticko phllooopl1y wllhoo1 ha~
.. POIJTlCALPI«..SSPHY, flrst ..._.. In l)hllooopliy.
While palbl..:lonliols $1Udywriouslotms of~ lhe phiiOOOphef"" In adcllion 10 the abcwe argumen1 thai philosophy is ineseapabM, lhet'e are O\IOC\
1111<. "WhalmakoSafi'MI"',.,.Iegilimale"?Whallsjuslco?What.,.lhelrTits .,.. - poinlol>olcon bO ,_.., ceooioglhe.....,clsaodjloog"'*-'~
M auch quesliotls i"' phiooophy ere the~ concem of 1helxanct1 of plliwopttt -
-ha -Philooophicol_has_liodlour ----
• .-pi-(1}-SoMng,(2). Cornrnu-~.(3).
oolied Poi1icall'lolooo!>hY. . , . . _ - a n d (4). Wrilng- QMousiy 1haoe wo ..... 1hol '"'
lAII me also noeo thai lhOfO ero also olher specific cisciplines of ptlllosopt\V U'la.t '"""'"'"'lnsny~aswelasanyhlghlowl..,._.lnlad-­
f'Wie Mel Iackie $OMit other tundlmen&al issues WI philosophy, they inctuOo: ._.Osdly,_,lhol_,.._.._.,._.,dobOnet111n-
~ of 111 (_,Its), Jll*>sophy c1 e<b:am, phi-y of htslary, In .O•Iis$c:M• 1as1 for taw schoots. naieaf school. and ~te ptOSJW'I"lS In
II ps>jdicology, pliiiOsOI)hy of sdenoe and so on.

od. --··oc:oofUoeSiudyciPhlloecopby
1'1~ and phlloool)hy sludenls aro fnoquonly asl<od the -"""· "Whal
1o lhe poacOicaJ Yalutol philosq)h'l"? This quaslkon se«ns to bo aasiAw to a.....,.
.,olhet~ne. The SIUdyof compulef-....fo<...,.noo Olf1U'oly
...alyticoloouonlrog,.-IOOdingond- wri1ing
... --~- _ _ y...
~ ....... --cl-lhalhasfooma-oolelnlhe
~- ..
busNa ~ Ju$t 10 monllon bul a few. Furtler f'l'IOf8 in an etCIJitrOm'f

'""' Is booed oo 1ha .............., end onatys;s of lnfoomollon, lhe ..,. of

IMdl 110 endless prw:lcal epplicalion. nol kl mention career possiblilie$.

lloklglcal teMM:t~ can Pf'C)dUice new ones for the diseases lhat ptaguos us,
- lhelogloal and~- ... -
1houglil of . . . dull. .....,.....,., logjc chopping _
philooophy"""""'""' ..
...._TNo is - ...
~loam,_.,_ bolletbtlclgnandfi"'dUce"""""""' irwoo11on$. tosloty ofptolcoool)hy 1o 1ho story olmen end _ , - soaring lmagO>alicns
P'oyotoologiol ..._, us-- - onx1e1y and - onaladios. eutwnatdOOo
- - - -.. -~-- ...- " " ' "....... _Ntsleftby
Wt mul'ldllne ~tot greniOd ~ No~ phiosaptlefshew ~
Aoo•""•I'OI"'Yof Soc<aleo.lhe -J)IIoywi91tJ\rislopllares-aplaylilkod us • new lanse& lor kloking 11 N wOftCI. uQd quosUons hi no one else
"'l1o Cloo<ls" in wl1iclo lhe actor, poooontlng Soc-. defiwoed tis spooch while ~ ao ask, :f• ,.,_. CreetiYe enswers to age old questions end WCMJn new
_.-loan lhe clouds in a beol<et. Fot many people, ll'is. . _ l)plliod 1ha
,.._,.,.._soonaonawhodOOonothiM>hlsorhot,..,anfhegoound. Piilosophy
career. lle ..- """"""" -
.........,. .,. of f i l e - cltunan - - Whllol)hlloooploy con giYa you
pnodlcolldlls thlt can bO""""""., a wide noroga schools and In jOUf
.. ~ l)hllooopliy Is lhe " ' - l can
II - lhOUghl based an opOionol eniOiprisa, a - enJd1o hobby for 1he
~-orllesociolly-. Somooneonoo doliMd lhC ptlooophot moko in your growth . . .- - - f h e _ . . . , abaulfhe praclical ....... cl
• -..--tho,,,.._ 12
and pnMOS""' obYious." plllosophy- ,_bO-as 'What can 101-.phy

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