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3# Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe 1-13 RMR ata tay 1, PAST BOARD PROBLEM What is the maximum allowable load that can be carried by a (5 in. edge) cubical member if the factor of safety is 1.5 and a yield stress of 3000 psi A. 40,000 Ibs C. 50,000 Ibs B. 70,000 Ibs D. 70,000 Ibs 3000 1s. Alternate Solution: = 2000 psi Sy _ 300005)? Fraowaoie = Sq XA NS = 2000 (5° F = 50,000 Frzonabie= 50,000 Ibs 2, PAST BOARD PROBLEM __ Aprismatic bar at 50°F is embedded in a rigid concrete wall. The bar is 40 in.longand __ has a cross-sectional area of 4 in.? What is the axial force developed if the temperature is _ . Increased to 100 deg. F? The thermal expansion coefficient of the stee bar is 5 x 10° Ideg. F. A. . 45,000 Ibs C. 30,000 Ibs B. 20,00 Ibs D. 20,000 Ibs Soloton: The thermal elongation: foss-section has an outer diameter of 200 mm and is ind the thickness of the wall if the allowable compressive C. 17.75 mm D. 15.75 mm. 1-14 Chapter 01 — Kinematics & Stresses y wire _cccnnentenmntnnnnenennnn fuse P=75KN noire TA 10 = 75,000 A then; A = 7,500 mm? from; A = 4-) ange 2. 7,500 = 3 (2007 -?) d = 174.50mm fas 200-174.50 1} 3 a. i @ thus;t = 12.75 mm i 4, PAST BOARD PROBLEM i Assteel tie rod on bridge must be made to withstand a pull of 5000 Ibs. Find the diamete of the rod assuming a factor of safety of 5 and the ultimate stress of 64,000 psi. A. 0.75 in. C. 0.84 in. ir strength of a steel plate is 42,000 psi , what is the force 20.75 in. diameter hole in a 0.625 in. thick plate ? C. 68,080 Ibs D. 66,800 Ibs. 1 Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe 15 eae enenneaneceinterancatineacsatcaennann: eenevonanannenrennanennnaamnacamne Es —— F = [x( 0.75) (0.625 )] [42,000] thus; F = 61,850 Ibs : 6, PAST BOARD PROBLE! What modulus of elasticity (E) in tension is required to obtain a unit deformation of : 0.00105 m/m from a load producing a unit tensile stress of 44,000 psi? A. 42.30 x 10° psi C. 41.202 x 108 psi B. 43.101 x 10® psi D. 41.905 x 10° psi Solution: Ea Suess ‘Strain Gost 0.00105, = thus; E = 41.905 x 108 psi ‘Whaat is the decrease in diameter of a stee! member if the tensile design load is 7000 Pounds. Assume a safety factor of 5 based on an ultimate strength of 60,000 psi. A. 0.9872 in. C. 0.7566 in. D. 0.8618 in, 12,000 psi "x 12’ steel tie rod experience an 80°F ” temperature ? (Note: a = 6.5 x 104/°F). E = 3 x | 7 1-16 f Chapter 01 - Kinemat SB Stresses A. 31200 Ib (C) C. 42400 Ib (C) B. 23000 Ib (C) D. 23400 Ib (C) oh ce f egal 5 TauQayh from: stress proportional to strain o =Ee o a AT s 3x10’ psi ) (6.5 x 10) (80) o 56 x 10* psi then: F =oA = 1,56 x 10*psi (1/2 in.) (4 in.) thus; < © F =312001b(C) 9, PAST BOARD PROBLEM A steel railroad rails 10 m long are laid with clearance of 3 mm at a temperature of 15°C. Atwhat temperature will the rails just touch ? If there were no initial clearance Assume : alpha = 11.7 micro m im deg.C and E = 200 Gpa A. 40.64°C C. 34.56°C D. 45.43°C velocity of a rotating steel ring ifthe allowable stress is steel is 7850 kg/m°. At what angular velocity will the ie mean radius is 250 mm? 6,342.65 rad/s _D. 765.45 rad/s oA ee ELT ¥ Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe - 1-17 a atateceneanaentannaameem tee ceca smsestnnans ‘Substituting: 140x10° = 7850V2 ~V = 133.5m/s — limiting velocity i The angular velocity in when it reached 200 Mpa: 200x 10° = 7850v? )mm wide and 0.8 mm thick runs over the pulley 600 ameter of pulleys can be used without exceeding the -200 Gpa. 1-18 400 N/mm? = ————__—— (20)(0.8)2rmm? M = 853.33 N-mm | The radius (R) of the pulley considering the maximum moment (M): | ae EI 3 R . , substitute: | (200 10°N/mm? ){ (20) (0.8)? /12 mm* 853.33 = R " R= 200mm and D = 400mm ‘12. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A hollow bronze shaft of 75 mm outer diameter and 50 mm inner diameter is slipped ‘over a solid over a solid steel shaft 50 mm in diameter and of the same length as hollow shaft. The two shafts are then fastened rigidly together at their ends. Determine the maximum shearing stress developed in the bronze material by end torque of 3 kN-m. For bronze G = 35 Gpa ; for steel ; G = 83 Gpa. A. 18.11 Mpa C.12.45 Mpa B. 14.54Mpa ©. 10.56 Mpa C, 1560 psi D, 5430 psi | 3 Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe I-19 _coversneemenacetseretasetnennnereetsrasuneransanvteatnetnacn eerste ciataneaeencannee et Solution: Alternate Solution: The Section Modulus(z): eM 69x12) we OE) oe see eit ts: in? fas Begg 0.0158 in. S, = 6150 The maximum Bending (Static) Stress (S): M_ 8(12) ee a er z onise OPS! 14, SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEM A rigidly built-in cantilever has cross-section of % in deep, 3/8 inches wide, and is loaded 12 in. from the support. Determine the bending stress in the beam assuming that an 8-Ib weight is dropped on the beam through a distance of 3/16 inches. A. 26,600 psi C. 21,560 psi B. 23,245 psi D. 58,430 psi Soletion: The Moment of Inertia (1): 1-eiveF = 0.00390 in.* The Deflection of cantilever 5: é= 3E1 P _ 3El _3(30x10*)(0.00390) ee 12 _ Shock Factor (P/W): ate fie 28 1+ fre NED «45 w 8 Stress: c= = 204 Ib/in and axial strain of — 0.0025 with poisson's ratio of 0.28. C. 0.0023 cm D.0.0015 cm Chapter 01 - Kinematics & Stresses % The Poisson's Ratio (1): lateral strain axial strain lateral strain = -0.28(-0.00025) = 0.0007 AD = 0.0007(5) = 0.0035 cm 16, SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEM Calculate the change in length of a circular steel rod of radius 1.5 in and length of 6 -ft loaded ally in tension by force 15 kis. A. 0.005 in,” €. 0.004 in. B. 0,003 in D. 0.002 in. Saco The deflection (5): 6 = FL. __13000(6)__ _ 9.99043 ft = 0.005 in. AE x(1.5)*(30x10°) 17. SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEM Given the modulus of elasticit = 207 Gpa ) and Poisson's ratio (1 = 0.28 ), calculate the modulus of elasticity(G). A. 83.5Gpa * C.80.8;Gpa B. 81.4Gpa D. 82.9 Gpa Selatan: _ The Shear Modulus of Elasticity (G): = 207 x10" =80.8x1 * 75028) 80.8 x 10°Pa te column is to be built 14 inches in diameter and 15 ft high. The timate compressive strength of 5000 psi. The column is to P= 230,000 lb % Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe amenewcsntnantertr ees Aeie omepemNNatenc ate aaah Solution: Solve the Stress(S) using deformation: Yaee! = Yeoncrote SL) _(SL eck S,(15) = Sc(15) 30x10° a 5x10° 5-38, +5, = 2 (6000) S, = 42,857psi — this cant be used since the allowable S,= 10,000psi So; the governing stress is (S,= 10,000 psi) 3. Ss 3.5 i S. = 35S. = $2(10.000) = 1167psi From Static Equation: DNF; =0 + P, +P, = 230,000 nA,S,+A,S, = 230,000 n(tx1)(104 00 Zap -acrxn 167) = 230,000 n=5.7 =6 bars ‘19. SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEM A2 ton weight is lowered at a constant acceleration of 2 ft/s. If the weight is raised at the same rate of acceleration, what is the cable stress? A. 4248.45 Ib C. 3751.55 Ib B. 5234.7 Ib D. 3751.55 Ib 2(2000)(2) 32: ‘slugs accelerates in 10 seconds from rest at a constant rate to a speed the resultant force on the car due to this acceleration? 1-22 : Bd - Chapter 01 - Kinematics & Stresses % = 21. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Aman weighs himself in an elevator. When the elevator is at rest he weighs 185 Ibs: when the elevator starts moving upwards, he weighs 210 lbs. how fast is the elevator _ accelerating, assuming constant acceleration? A. 1 f'sec? C. 2.17 fsec? B. 4.35 fl/sec? D. 9.81 fl/sec? Soations Based on the resting elevator: EF, = 0, then N = W N = 185lb - Based on the upward motion: Taking =F, = 0, N = W+REF . i w i new a (a) = 210= 105+55 9) | : a= 4.35 {ps i | Find the Joules of work to pull a roller of mass 50 kg a distance of 8 m up a gradient | inclined at 6 degrees to the horizontal neglecting resistances. W = Fd =51.27(8)= 410.17 ie al A. 340 ©. 245 | 4 B. 410. 0.520 H | it F=Wsine® if | F =50(9.81)sin6° =51.27N. i Hl Solving for the work:W 23. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘An occupant moves toward the center of a merry go round at 6 m/s. if the merry go round rotates at 6rpm. Compute the acceleration component of the occupant normal to the radius. A.6.79 “-C.8.29 B. 7.54 0.3.77 #% Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe Soletions : V=2nRN ; 6 e-min( R=9.549m the normal acceleration:a, vey soa. 2 a, R 9540 3.77 m/s’ een en Sse SEES USCS ee 24, PAST BOARD PROBLEM ; What load in Newton must be applied to 25 mm round steel bar 3.0 m long to stretch the bar 1.3 mm? A. 42,056 © i : C. 52,840 1B. 55,016 D. 44,031 Soletions, PL : oO FE i , Where : Egy = 30X10° psi = 206786 MPa Ee eo 000) 3 (257206786) P.=43986N 25, PAST BOARD PROBLEM s ‘A stee! tie rod on bridge must be'made to withstand a pull of 6000 Ibs: find the diameter of the rod assuming a factor of safety of 5 and ultimate stress of 64,000 psi. A. 0.705 in ¢..0.891 in B. 0.809 in D. 0.73 in Solatons S=8d ee ACN Gas) - GES) 5 7s D=0.773in eM =U a ee 1-24 Chapter 01 - Kinematics & Stresses » BecPAST-BOARD.PRODLEIR mmo meer een no emeementamet once Inthe LRT II project steel railroad rails of 10 meters long are to be installed. If lowest temperature considered is 20 deg. C anda maximum temperature of 36 deg C is designed for, and the modulus of elasticity of steel to be 207,000 Mpa, determine the clearance betweer' rails such that adjoining rail will ust touch at maximum design temperature. A.2.34 . C. 3.32 B.3.41 6 Selotion: AL = a(L)(AT) > where : agiee, = 11.6x10° fo C AL =.11.6x10"°(10000)(36 ~ 20) AL =1.856mm 27. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘A beam of regular rectangular cross-section is 64 mm broad, 100 mm‘deep and 1.6 m long. Itis simply supported at each end and carries a concentrated load of 10 kN at its mid-length. Neglecting the weight of the beam, find the maximum stress in the material. 1 A357 MPa C.57.3MPa { B. 53.7 MPa ‘D. 37.5 MPa Solan: » ~ Sou =enle) => where:M,..= M ccaanecosa = yp > where: Mya, = de __ 610.25(10000)(1600) ne 64 (100) Spe: = 37.5MPa s, 3% Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe 1-25 a Seioeent teen ae tae Retin Se RAS ea canoe RRR A ROR ANNE 28. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A cantilever of rectangular section is 100 mm broad by 150mm deep and carries a concentrated load of 15 kN at its free end. Neglecting the weight of the beam, find the distance from the free end where the stress at the outer fiber is 75:MNim?. A. 1.875 m C. 0,875 m B. 2.785 m D. 3.785 m 7 Meee LS : ic 6(15000)(L)] 100(150)" L=1875mm~= 1.875 m 75 29. PAST BOARD PROBLEM e An engine parts is being tested with a load of 30,000 Ib. the allowable tensile stress is 10,000 psi, modulus of elasticity of 40 x 10° psi. If the original length of specimen is 42 inches with elongation not exceeding 0.0015 inch, what diameter of the specimen is required? A, 42in C:3.0in B. 2.5in D. 5.17 in. 1-26 i ‘Chapter 01—Kinematics & Stresses * 30000(42) 7.07(40x10°) D=5.17in 0.0015 = ‘30, PAST BOARD PROBLEM r ‘Assteel rod 75 inches long tested with a load of 3000 Ib is suspended from the other end. If the rod stretches 0.025 inches and the cross-sectional area of 0.25 in, find the modulus of elasticity of the steel. A. 36x 108 psi : €. 11.5x 10° psi B. 30x 10°psi D. 27x 10° psi Sebation: PL. a 3 : 3000 (75) 0.25(E) E = 36x 10° psi 0.025 = 31. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘A copper column of annular cross section has an outer diameter dz of 15 ft and is subjected to a force of 45 kips. The allowable compressive stress is 300 Ib/ft?, What should be the wall thickness? As C. 3.52 B. 4.59 D. 5.03 Slatin: 45x10? © _ 399 — a (ts -#} i: : d=S.32h t= 70-¢) 4 (15- 5.832) = 4.58" 32. PAST BOARD PROBLEM What can the maximum load be on the column, if the cross sectional area is 144 f@ and the compressive stress cannot exceed 200 II A. 20 kips : C.22 kips B. 28.8 kips D. 30 kips = 28800 Ib or 28.8 kips. 38. PAST BOARD PROBLEM oe ne ee ‘A.100 in Jong aluminum bar is subjected to tensile stress of 25000 psi. Find the elongation (E=10x10° psi) = e = ‘A. 0,026 in _C.0.25 in B.0.45in © B.D. What load P which cause a total deformation of 0.036 inch of a steel rack which hhas a “Cross-section area of 4-sq. inches and a length of 5 ft. - €. 72,000 |b : oo i 0. 50,000 Ib ‘Alternate Solution: © PL Boge ts sie Bes p-ae(2}-(a)(anaor)( _ _P (5x12) ‘ : 0.036 = 7 0xi0°) P.= 72,000 P=72000/b - : 35. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A railroad track is laid at a temperature of 10 degree F with gaps of 0.01 feet between the: ends of the rails. The rails are 33 feet long. If they are prevented from buckling, what stress will result from a temperature of 110 degree F? Coefficient of linear expansion = 6.5 x 10° per degree F A. 10,000 psi C. 8,530 psi B. 9,450 psi D. 10409 psi- BS 1-28 i Chapter 01 - Kinematics & Stresses », ee Solution: AL = @l(AT) . 0.01 = 6.5x10*(33)(T, - 10) T, = 56.62°F Solving for the stress: S, = aE(T -T,) ) Assuming that the rails are made of steel: we have: E = 30x 10° psi | S, = 6.5x10°°(30 x 10°)(110 - 56.62) = 10409 psi 36. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘The maximum moment induced in a simply supported beam of 20 foot span, by @ 2,000 pound load at midspan is: : A. 125,000 fs C. 15,000 ft-lbs B. 30,000 fttbs - D. 10,000 fi-lbs Solntion: Solving for the maximum bending moment: Mya. = Mconcentratedload ; 1 1 ee pee Myax™ 3 PL =7 (200020) 10000 ft-lb | use : shear.and moment diagram 37. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A simple beam, 48 in long, with a static load of 6000 Ibs at the center is made of C1020 structural stee!. Based on the ultimate strength with Su = 65 ksi and factor of safety based on ultimate strength = 4 (for C1020), determine the dimensions of the rectangular cross- section for h = 2b. A.b=17/8andh=3% C.b=1 3B andh=3 1/4 B.b=27/8andh=4% D.b=1 3/8 andh=2 3/4 eleteoe : Mux = M coceninames = 2 PL = + (6000)(48) = 72000 info Solving for the base: Su = Sua 6M, _ SU SMnu = SY, but = pr = yy butih = 2b Sie = Sul w2by = N (72000) _ 65000 4b 4 b= 1.88in h = 2b =2(1.88) =3.76in 4 Machine Design Reviewer by, Capote & Mandawe 1-29 Cemeibetaveinlcnnen ae Sea rv les reraaentci mars ott sackaNe een 38. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Atensile stress of 8000 psi and a shear stress of 4000 psi are induced in a brittle material whose working strength in straight tension is 10000 psi what is the maximum tensile stress? ‘A. 6000 psi C. 9656 psi B. 11400 psi i D. 10876 psi Sletions Solving for the maximum tensile stress, si 2 sty se+($) ; 2 2 a = 8000 000" (2000) 2 : 2 Sax = 9656.85 psi 39, PAST BOARD PROBLEM A short compression mémber with Do= 2Di is to support a dead load of 25 tons. The material is to be 4130 steel, WQT 1100 °F. Calculate the outside and inside diameters on the basis of yield strength of 114 ksi and factor of safety of 2. A. Do= 1.22 in. and Di=0.61 in. C. Do = 1.24in. and Di B. Do = 1.34 in. and Di= 0.75 in . D. Do = 1.45 in. and Di Selatan: Solving for the inside diameter, sy S=5, 8) mn RE F | _Sy - 2," 25(2000).» 114000 x N x poesia eal alee ] d=0.61in. ue : Solving for the outside diameter:D D= 2d = 2(0.61) = 1.22in ee oe SSE Ten SESE 40. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A steel bar 24 in. in length is to withstand a tensile impact load caused by a weight of 100 Ib having a velocity on impact of 140 fpm. Find the stress in the bar if the diameter is 1 % in and the modulus of Elasticity (E) is 30x10° psi. A. 12,000 psi C. 10,000 psi . B. 11,000 psi D. 15,000 psi. | > 1-30° Chapter 01 = Kinematics & Stresses 4 Soleton: 4 (Surf FL where : 6 = AE len c 8 F (1-5) (30xt0*) F=21170.48 Ib, g =F _21170.48 _ 15 o00 psi A Fas} 41. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A link has a load factor of 0.8, the surface factor is 0.92 and the endurance strength is 28000 psi. Compute the alternating stress ofthe link i itis subjected to a reversing lead. ‘Assume a factor of safety of 3. A 8150 c. 10920 B. 9,333 D.7260 : ' Seletions Using Soderberg Equation for Normal Stress: - Ar a where:S,=Mean St055= 1 [Ssuc*S a] Sa S,=Altemating Stress=—[S,..-Srn] S, = Net Endurance Strength i S, = LF(SFXS,FYS,’ = 28,000 for a reversed loading: S,,= 0. 42. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘Two masses of 100 kg are suspended by wires that are five mm in diam aluminum and the other is of steel. The wires are ten meters long. How muct mass held by the aluminum wire be? eter, One wie Sh lower wil A.437mm C. 4.87 mm B.5.37 mm D.5.87 mm %# Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe 1-31 ene tenets Seaton: ‘solving for the elongation of the aluminum wife: Se = + E = 10x10* psi = 68929 MPa , = 100¢2.81)(10000) , iss ) : ; *" £6)(68929) AXE Ena ee . ee aS (200%9:81(10, 000) ( s on eee rere (7) Solving for the elongation of the steel wire: ae) PL 7s ‘Bios 4.83 6, = Ge + E = 30x10* psi = 206786 MPa «, = 100(9:81)(10000) F@F(206786) > = 2.4161mm Solving for the difference in elongations: : 6 = 6, - 5, = 7.2483 ~ 2.4161 = 4.8mm * 2 . (43. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Aluminum bolts 2 cm in diameter and 500 cm long are used to hold the head on a pressure vessel. One bolt has a sensitive extensomieter attached to the body of the bolt. It measures -an elongation of 0.00400 mm in a ten-cm length of the bolt when it is tightened. How much force is exerted by the bolt? ‘A, 8670 N C. 8770N B.8870N D.8970N Seletion: as The elongation of the aluminum : 6 =e 5 where :E = 10x10*psi = 68929MPa -- AE o.004{ 322] F000) ae ¥ $ (20768929) P = 8661.87N = 8670N M4. PAST BOARD PROBLEM 'na shearing machine the energy is 29,264 ft-lb, the ultimate shearing stress of the steel ae 's 40,000 psi, the plate thickness is 1 inch the length of the plate which can be sheared A. 7055 in C. 10.55 in 8.12.75 in - 1-32 Chapter 01 ~ Kinematics & Stresses # crore maven 1 ecncneentta, Sebation: Solving for the force(F): E= Fh ° aeosanin( 22) = 3F (tin) F=7023361b : Solving for the length of the steel plate (L): Ss= So fe 40000 psi Fo 40000 702336 _ L(t) L=17.56in 45, PAST BOARD PROBLEM What pressure is required to punch a hole 3 in. diameter through @ % in. steel plete? 40000 A. 60tons C. 20 tons B. 30.tons D. 40 tons Solation: : From Machineries Handbook : P = B0dt(tons) P = 80(3)(0.25) = 60 tons ‘46. PAST. BOARD PROBLEM ‘An 8-in long steel has a cross-section area of 0.25 in.? After a load of 5000 Ib has: been applied the length is found to be 8.0065 in. Compute Stress. 47. PAST BOARD PROBLEM _Ahollow bronze tube has an outer diameter of 2 in. and an inner diameter of 1% in. and is 12 in. long. A crank 15 in. long is keyed to one end , and the other end is held ii ‘The modulus of rigidity is 10,000,000 psi. Compute for polar moment of inertia A. 3.178 in B, 1.0738 in C. 3.781 ins D. 1.738 in. #% Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe 1-33 eRe NRT cemateenrenenennnennenl eS, Selation: ® y= fas-a4 5 [aa] = = [(2)*-(1.5)4 J = [ey (15)] J = 1.0738 in4 48, PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘A.15/16 — in wide key has a depth of 5/8 in. It is 12 inches long andis'to be used on a 200 hp, 1160 rpm, squirrel -cage induction motor. The shaft diameter is 3 7/8 inches. The maximum running torque is 200% of the full-load torque. Compute for the A.11,217 Ib C. 27,111 Ib B.57,211 Ib D. 72,101 Ib Slaton: - ‘ D i (2) 2 ar Fe D pg 2021.73) 3718 ds pins ‘ 11,217 Ib 49. PAST BOARD PROBLEM An 8-in long steel has a cross-section area of 0.25 in.? After a load of 5000 lb has been applied the length is found to be 8.0065 in. What is the unit deformation induced? A. 0.00081 C. 0.00041 B. 0.4100 D. 0.8100 a" - 1-34 bee Chapter 01 ~Kinematics & Stressas 4 nn nerrenenarnnnnnn char eecommentiimeeertankrentae Soletion: | ee L = (8.0085-8.0)in. = 4 ao994 - 8.0 in. 50. PAST BOARD PROBLEM = A hollow bronze tube has an outer diameter of 2 in. and an inner diameter of 1% in, and is 12 in. long. A crank 15 in. long is keyed to one end , and the other end is held stigidly. The modulus of rigidity is 10,000,000 psi. Compute the angular movement of the sor 09 ete ‘when the load of applied. . . A. 0344 degree C. 0:544 degree B. 0.543 degree. D. 0.434 degree Soletion: Th cy (358 IbX15 in.) (12 in.) 180° 1.0738 in. (10x 10°tb/in?) x rad 8 =0.344° 51. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘An long steel has a cross-section area of 0.25 in.? After a load of 5000 Ib has been applied the length is found to be 8.0085 in. What is its modulus of elasticity? . at ‘A. 24,690,000 psi. < ©, 32,950,000 psi j ‘ B. 14,540,000 psi D, 16,450,000 psi. ** +785." . 2 ’ ¥ & Solotion: i. s a ‘ Ss a i 2 a S _ 20,000 psi g = 8 = 20,0008! 5 0.00081 E = 24,691,358.02 ome na mame % Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe 1-35) ARENAS 52. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ~ Asimple beam, 48 in. long. with a static load of 6000 pounds at the center is made of C1020 structural steel. Whatis the maximum moment of the beam in in - Ib? A. 72,000 C. 50,000 B. 80,000 D. 60,000 Solotens ‘ Consider the beam left section : Max moment = 3000 x 24 Max moment = 72,000 in.1b- ‘53. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Asimple beam, 48 in. long , with a static load of 6000 pounds at the center is made of C1020 structural steel. Determine the dimensions based on the yield strength with Sy = 48 ksi & factor of safety based on ultimate strength = 2 ( Note : h = 2b ). A b=13/8 and h=3 144 C. b= 15/8 and h=35/16 B. b= 15/8 and h=2 1/4 D. b=13/8 and h= Selefans The moment of inertia (1) : eevee AZ) bo bho 12 6M bh? r2M(Ny Sy he a = 3.30 in, use 3 5/16 in. 48,000 Ib/in? b= 1.65in. — use 15/8 in. but b=h2 rT rea EE og eRe aE AEE SRSA e roe Lae 1-36 ‘ Chapter 01 - Kinematics & encore ee — 54. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A short compression member with D. 1D; is to support a dead load of 25 tons, material is to be 4130, WQT 1100°F. Calculate the outside and inside diameters On the basis of ultimate strength of 127 ksi with factor of safety of 4. Seletion: Based on Ultimate Strength = (25tons)(2000Ib/ton)(4) 127,000 Ib/in? 2 n T 1 =(0.? -p?)= =|(0, p (0 } (Po -87) | (ok -[5% Dy = 1.635 in. . Dj = 1/2 D, = 0.817 in. Do = 1.635 in. and D;=0.817 in. = 1.5748 in? 1.5748 ‘55. PAST BOARD PROBLEM - A hollow bronze tube has an outer diameter of 2 in. and an inner diameter of 1% in. and is 12 in. long. A crank 15 in. long is keyed to one end , and the other end is held rigidly. The modulus of rigidity is 10,000,000 psi. The torsional shear of 5000 si can be expressed in bar as : A. 543, c. 453 B. 935 D, 345 : 4 Seletion: .013 ba > Ms _. S, = 5000 psix abe ‘ ' 147 psi ‘ Ss = 345 bar 56. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A centrifuge has a small bucket. Weighing 0.332 Ib-with: contents, suspended on a Manganese bronze pin ( B138 — A, 1/2 hard ) at the end of the horizontal arm. If the pin is in double shear under the action of the centrifugal force, determine the diameter of the arm needed for 10,000 rpm . The center of gravity of the bucket is 12 in. from the axis of rotation. Note: the design stress in shear for B138-A is 48 ksi and factor of safety of 4. % Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe a mR GL NSA ame A. 0.774 in. C. 0.765 in. B. 0.754 in. D. 0.734 in. Soletion: v2: (w. F, =m— =|— |Ro® R g 0.332 2 ; R= (ee (10.00% 28 rea] = 11,306.8 by 32.2 fs* 60 eee See Ny 2As Fo Ssa {7) p= [em (Sys) ¥ (48,000 Ib/in.* ) D=0.74 in. — double shear 57. PAST BOARD PROBLEM The steel rails on a raliroad track are laid when the temperature is 40°F. The rails are welded together and held in place by the ties so that no expansion is possible due to temperature changes. What will be the stress in the rails when heated by the sun to 120°F considering that the a = 0.000 007 invin-*F and E = 30,000,000 psi. A.16,800 psi C. 16,500 psi B.17,458 psi D. 12,654 psi _ Slatin: ‘The deformation due to increase in temperature: 6 =alaT +O : The deformation due to load : s-E ug) +0 az OLE Equate equations © and @ : aLaT = s(t} 2 Chapter 01 - Kinematics & Stressec Alternate Solution: : ‘S = EaAT = (7x10)(30x10%(i26 _ 460) 5 = 16,800 psi S = 7x10 (30x 10°) (120-40) S = 16,800 psi 58. PAST BOARD PROBLEM simple beam is 12 ft long is to support a concentrated load of 10 kips at the midpoint with a design factor of at least 2.5 based on yield strength. What section modulus of the lightest steel ( AISC C 1020,'as rolled).l-beam can be used considering Sy = 48 ksi and factor of safety of 2:5 ? . A. 18.75 in? C. 10.75 in? B. 12.75 in? D..21.75 in? Solution: The maximum moment will occur at the midpoint ( x = 6 ft ): M = (5000 pounds ) ( 6 ft) = 30,000 fb The flexural stress (S)) : Sy _ 48,000 psi . : S = Sy= —t = BON PS 19.200 pal : ' ar aes The section Modulus (Z): aa z= _ 30,000 fttb (22) Sg. 19,200 tbjin? (> EP RRANE) «9.75 Z = 18:75 in? 59. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘ { A steel bar 24 in. in length is to withstand a tensile impact load caused by a weight } of 100 Ib having a velocity on impact of 140 fpm. Find the stress in the bar if the ; diameter is 1% in and the modulus of Elasticity (E) is 30 x 10® psi. A. 14,000 psi C.15,000 psi» ° ‘ B. 12,000 psi : D. 17,400 psi Selation: 3 Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe (A e- eon?) AEWV? = f(et4ya 2 ay (oor mnboCaG [ray nF (oxic paNKtOOTeKT40 AN oe Meare al (32.2 tus? (2 R60 a Fax =21,170.5 Ib therefore: g = Fntx _ 21.1705 A (w4y(1 1/2)? Asso: $ = 12,000 psi = 12,000 psi 60, PAST BOARD PROBLEM Asshort compression member with Do = 2Diis to support a'dead load of 25 tons. ‘The material is to be 4130 steel, WOT 1100°F. Calculate the outside and inside diameters on the basis of of yield strength of 114 ksi and factor of safety of 2. A. 1.43 in, and 0.54 in. C.'4.22 in and 0.64 in. B.- 1.31in. and 0.87 in. D. 1.32 in, and 0.73 in, Sctations Based on Yield Strength : t “ Ss, -- Spee NA FI (25tons)(2 2) . 2 : rae , Plone) 2000IoRon NA) 6 sr7aih aM 114,000 Ibvin? 0.8772°= *(0,2- p? 4 D, = 1.22 in. D,= 1/2 D, = 0.61 in, Anew: Do= 1.22 in, and Di= 0.61 in. SSS Se. 1-40 : Chapter 01~ Kinematics & Stresses * 61. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Asimple beam, 48 in. long, with a static load of 6000 pounds at the center is made ‘of C1020 structural steel. Based on the ultimate strength with Su = 65 ksi & factor of safety based on ultimate strength = 4 ( for C1 020), determine the dimensions of the rectangular cross-section for h = 2b. 27/8 and h=43/4 13/8 and h=2% The moment of inertia (I) : a bh? _ (4/2hyh? nt. 12 124 Based on the ultimate Strength: Nt “ . a M4 intb)(4) 2 eee 2(72,000 MIDNA) _ 5 76 in, : Su 65,000 Ib/in* 3 | pee ee lorert aie) 2 - Aeowes: 17/8 and 3 3/4 62. PAST BOARD PROBLEM . : ‘A reinforced concrete column is to bé built 14 inches in diameter and 15 ft high. The concrete is to have an ultimate compressive strength of 5000 psi. The column is to be reinforced with vertical rods. Eas = 30 x 10° psi ; Ezonzeta = 3.5 x 10° psi, Sut = 410,000 psi. Compute the number of vertical 1-inch square steel bars which must be used for the column to safely carry 230,000 Ibs. A 5 C.6 a ‘ 0.8 Solution: a x _Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe I-41 ‘Solve the Stress(S) using deformation: St) . (St (Fel. $,(15) _ _So(15) 30x10® 3.5x10" s, 242 .857psi + this cant be used since the allowable S,= 10,000psi ‘So; the governing stress is (S,= 10,000 psi) 8, = $38, = 33(10,000) = 1167ps1 eae YF, =0 > P, +P, = 230,000 TAS,*AS, = 230,000 acvety0,000)| £14) iene n=5.7 =6bars 63, PAST BOARD PROBLEM A uniform beam fanaa ora nel rene ee It has a uniform weight of SO kg/m along its length. Compute the moment at the fixed end of the beam if the load of 20.kgs. is suspended on the beam 4 m from the free end. A. 3760 kg-m c.0 B. 6750 kg-m 5.4000 kom W=50 (12) = 600 kg M=6(800) + 8(20) =3760 kgm 64. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Young modulus of a material is 200 GPa. What is its Bulk modulus. At Poisson's ratio of the material is 0.32 A. 176.9 x 10° MPa C. 60 GPa B. 666.67 GPa D. 166.67 x 10° MPa aan Slatin: 1-42 Chapter 01 ~ Kinematics & Stresses nee cin reermnnennnnecnnmcnenernenten teense Ee M= San) = 200x 10" 3[-2 @.3)] = 166.67 x 10°MPa 65. PAST BOARD PROBLEM. : Whe pressure er pncting inh by? neh targa hole ina 1/2 inch thick brass : : A155 tons €.325 tons B.65 tons . _, D.40 tons Salen: = (§)xes) (1) + 2(2) = Lt ; (3)te5) = 65 tons se ae : 66. PAST BOARD PROBLEM . ‘Amedium carbon steel with S, = 590 MPa and S, = 380 MPa is to be used for the design of a shaft which is to be subjected to varying torques ranging from +340 J to -115 J. What diameter should be specified if a safety factor of 2 is desired? A. 3.13 mm Cc. 2.54mm B. 3.84 mm D. 225mm mee oto : < : FS Sy Sn where: Sy = 0.6 (380) = 228 MPa 1 Sr .306 (295) = 90.3 MPé — = a tebe 2° 280° * 90.30" _ 18 ( 2 en D=3.13mm OTS cag 0 aC OS (340+115 eae 6 2 ). 1159.85 2D* Db 67. PAST BOARD PROBLEM. A steel wire 6 mm in diameter Is used for hoisting purposes in building construction. if 150 m of the wire is hanging vertically, and a load of 1 KN is being lifted at the lover end of the wire, determine the total elongation of the wire. The weight density of he steel is 7.7 x 104 Nim? and E = 200 GNim2. % Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe 1-43 coceeouanereeeninnateranetetnenmenrnrnnemnetninmnscmmnmnnt tS, A. 29.83 mm C. 30.83 mm : B. 23.45mm : D. 35.45 mm Sy Satin: y(total)= y(load) + y(weight) = PL, WL. AE” 2AE y = 26.5+4.33 = 30.83 mm 68. PAST BOARD PROBLEM: A straight aluminum wire 30 m long is subject to a tensile stress of 70 MPa. What temperature change would produce this same elongation? Take E =.70.GNim? and a the coefficient of linear expansion of 25x10 /k. A. 30K C. 50K B. 40K i _D. 20K we mks et Rea Geaanesa ) cre Seal at 70(30,600),_ 6 i" 70,000 = (25X10*)(30, 000) ‘ AT = 40K . PAST BOARD PROBLEM A square steel bar 50 mm on a side and 1 m long is subject to an axial tensile force of 250 kN. Determine the decrease in the lateral dimension due to this load. Consider E = 200 GNim? and poisson's ratio of 0.3. : A. 55x 104 mm ©. 7.5x 104mm Se B.45x104mm =D, 6.5x 104 mm _ Slatin: : 7 aeStaaq elects ica Y =e (50) sag) ot oy ¥ : ac = 10x10 § : iS -[o2( Jam Jeo : : =7.5x10* mm ¢ SS ale sneer en SPER EHTS 70. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A.square bar of aluminum 50 mm on a side and 250 mm long is loaded by axial tensile forces at the ends, Experimentally, it is found that the strain in the direction of the load a Soest the volume of the bar when the load is acting. Consider a poisson's io of 0.33, 5 1-44 Chapter 01 -Kinomatics & Stresses 3 See ee apter 0) ee ©. 7.262125 x 408 mm? A. 6.252125 x 10° mm? 5 D. 5.262125 x 408 mm’ B. 4.252125 x 10° mm? Selation: Ae 6 (1-20) = 0.001[1-2(0.33)} = 0,00034 av =[250(50}"](0.00034) =212.5mm’ thus, Vngu = 625000 + 212.5 6.252125 x 10°mm* 71; PAST BOARD PROBLEM . e Young modulus of a material is 200 GPa. What is its tigidity modulus if Poisson's ratio of the material is 0.3? A. 76.9 x 10° ©. 66.9x 10° MPa B. weet io Mea D. 96.9-x 10° MPa Seber E oo ato) _ 200x 10" ~ 204403) = 76.9 x 10° MPa a 72, PAST BOARD PROBLEM A 1.0. diameter steel ball is pressed onto a horizontal steel fixed plane with normal forte of 150,000 ib between the ball and the plane. Determine the, maximum compressive contact stress? C. 1,470,000 psi A. 19,108.28 psi D. none of these B. 15,000 psi 4 Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe : 1-45 coerce eestor sooner yanftin seman where: F = 150000 Ib and D =in. E, =E, = 30x 10'psi thus, Spay = 1,470,000 psi —— 73, PAST BOARD PROBLEM What is the effective modulus of a steel with poisson's ratio of 0.257 A. 218.18 Gpa C. 800 GPa B. 50 GPa D. 318.18 Gpa Selatan: = E(t-v) teow = 200(1-0.25) 1-0.25-0.25 M= 218.18 GPa M 14, PAST BOARD PROBLEM, Compute the total elongation caused by an axial load of 100 KN. applied to a flat bar 20 mm thick, tapering from a width of 120 mm to 40 mm in a length of 10 m. Assume E=200GPa. A. 244mm C. 5.44mm B. 3.44'mm. D. 4.44mm 75. PAST BOARD PROBLEM. feed hammer weighs 10 Ibf. In one swing of the hammer, the nails is driven 0.6 inches | a1b.2 Wood block, The velocity of the hammer's head at impact is 18 fUsec.. What is the sverage resistance of the wood block? A. 1010 bf. C. 2010 Ibf B. 1800 Ibf D. 3600 Ibf Seletion: KE=W 1 gm? =Fd 1(_10. p,q _ (06 (se) (8) -+(58) , : F =1,010Ib 76. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘A hoist with a 100 horsepower engine is capable of lifting @ 10,000 Ib load, a height of 30 feet in 10 seconds. What is the efficiency of this machine? A. 36.4% C. 34.6% B. 35.6% D. 32.7% Solation: 10,000 P= see) = 36.4hp 550 = output . input : 36.4 = 36.4 ab = 36.4% 77. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Two barges, ane weighing 10 tons, the other weighing 20 tons are connected by @ cable in quiet water. Initially the barges are at rest 100 feet apart. The cable is reeled ia unti the barges are 50 feet apart. Ifthe friction is negligible, calculate’‘the distance’ moved by the 10 ton barge. A. 33.3 ft C. 44.4 ft B. 55.5ft D. 22.2ft Selatan: F, =F i (2 000), - 40,000 a 322 J" "32.2 7 : ay = 2a : Sp 2 e Ss % a 5, +5) =5. +35, =50 S,=2(60) «33.3. % Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe 1-47 a SR RON: ctaaemcenteemnann Loy 78, PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘4.60 ton car is to travel around a curve of radius 3,000 ft. at a speed of 60 mph. B much must the outer rl be elevated in order thatthe reaction against fe Teck Pet me perpendicular to the plane of the rails? The track is standard gage of 4'-81/2". A. 3.45 in. C. 4.53in. B, 2.33 in. D. 6.34 in. Soleton: ft : ‘ ‘V(tangental) = 60mph = res a 0.08W Ww: (_88? ee s300 (35a) 0.08W WwW tang = = 0.08 thus, Elevation = 56.5(0.08) = 4.53in. 79. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A projectile weighing 100 pounds strikes the concrete wall of a fort with an impact velocity of 1200 feet per second. The projectile comes to rest in 0.01 second, having penetrated the 8-foot thick wall to a distance of 6 feet. What is the average force exerted on the wall by the projectile? 7 A. 2.73 x 10° Ibs ~ C. 5.73x 10° Ibs B. 4.73 x 10° Ibs 7 _D. 3.73 x 10° Ibs » F(AT)= m(v, — Vy) F(0.01)=209 (1200-0) - & F = 3.73x105lbs 80. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘Two 3 Ib weights are connected by a massless string hanging over a smooth, frictionless eg. If a third weight of 3 Ibs is added to one of the weights and the system is released, by how much is the force on the peg increased? A. 2Ibs = C. 3 ibs i B. 4ibs D. 5\lbs et Chapter 01 - Kinematics & Stresses % Cera cerennanerenanrenrn ee thus : Force on the peg: F227, -2T =8-6 =21bs 81. PAST BOARO PROBLEM ; times the radius of the moon, and if the mass: If the radius of the earth is approximately 4 re ‘of the moon is 1/82 of that of the earth, calculate the weight of a pound mass on the surface of the moon. “A. 0.195 1b C. 0.159 Ib B. 0.345 Ib D. 0.543 Ib 82. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A flywheel weighing 4,480 Ibs has a radius of gyration of 3 feet. If there is a driving. torque. of 600 Ib-ft and a resisting torque of 250 lb-ft, find the time required to increase its speed from 20 to 80 revolytions per minute. A. 125s C. 225s -D. 425s B. 325s Selatan: “Mt = IAW (600 -250)t = 1252(6.28) : t=22.5s : 83, PASTBOARD PROBLEM” 3 ‘A pendulum with a concentrated mass(m) is suspended vertically inside a stationary failroad freight car by means of a rigid weightless connecting rod. if the connecting rod is pivoted where it attaches to the box car, compute the angle that the rod makes with th vertical as a result of a constant horizontal acceleration of 2 feet/sec” of the box car. # Machine Design Reviewer by’ Capote & Mandawe 1-49 er annseetnnrcnet mantener natanesateraennnunenesenetnnnanee sD, 8 . 2.55 deg C. 4.55 deg Bt 5.55 deg 0. 3.55 deg Solaton: cee coins ripe S2:2 a =3.58deg 84, PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘Aheavy brass plumb bob suspended from a 38 inches cord was obsetved to have a natural period of oscillation of about two seconds if pulled 24 inches to one side and then allowed to swing freely. If an astronaut was to repeat this ‘experiment on the moon where the gravitational attraction is approximately 1/6" that of the earth, the observed period would be: : A. 0.33 seconds C. 4.90 seconds B. 0.82 seconds D. 12.00 seconds : 1 tear 7 3.16 822) t=4.90s 85. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A steel cylinder 12 inches outside diameter and a wall thickness of. inch is filled with Conerete and used as a pier to support an axial load in compression. If the allowable stresses are 37,500 psi for steel and 3,500 psi for concrete and the Youngs modulus for the steel is 30 x 10® psi and for the concrete is 2.8 x 10® psi, what is the allowable load on the pier?(Assume both materials have linear relationship between stress and strain.) E A. 1,370,000 Ib C. 1,470,000 Ib B. 1,270,000 Ib D, 1,570,000 Ib Selctions P= AcSc + AsSs ’5x)(3500) + (141n)(37500) Ibs +570,000 I ‘%6. Past, BOARD PROBLEM A distance from A Suting this time was expansion is 0.000 to B was measured to be 5,368.25 ft with steel tape. The temperature. 's 22°F. The tape was a standard 100.00' at 68°F. If the coefficient of 10065, what is the true distance between A and B? d{AtoB) = 53689.25 - RZ (0.0288) : = 5366.65ft A spring has a natural length of 12° when at rest. it 1°, find the work required ( in fib) to stretch the length of 15°. C. 21/3 ftIb A313 ftlb B. 418 ftlb D. 31/3 ftlb Ifa force of 10 tbs is required to spring from a total length of 13° to Selations w= ffcodx i 710 1 s We [zyx 3g z 88. ‘PAST BOARD PROBLEM i ‘A rope is used to tow an 800 kg car on & tension exceeds 2000 N. What is the greatest breaking the rope? - _ A. 1.2 mis? C. 3.8 mis? - Bo 25mis? D. 4.5 mis? : smooth, lavel road. The rope will break if ‘acceleration that the car can reach wi Selofion: Fema 2000 = 800a a=250 > 89. PAST BOARD PROBLEM os = 'A short hollow cylinder pillar is 250 mm outside diameter and 25 mm thick, and a eprial compressive load of 400 kN, the line of action of which is 20 mm from the centet of the pillar. Find the maximum permissible eccentricity of the Toad so that one side is jus about to be in tension. a z A. 51.24mm . C. 55.64'mm 67 mm D. 34.98 mm #% Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe I-51 FADE: ER RO EAA s, = 100.000 epee then; [250° -2007] 4 B 400,0004{ 2:28 =22.62MPa 22.63x10° 2 1.132x1 0 (D*-d") 4 =0.05124m =51.2 .132x10m* me 90, PAST BOARD PROBLEM. “ A mass of 4000 kg hangs on the end ofa lifting cable. Find the shortest time the mass .can be lifted through a height of 27m, starting from rest and. ‘coming to rest, if the tension » in the cable is not to exceed 50 kN. “ : A. 5.058 C. 8.055 s B. 6.088 s + D. 8608s Solotion: eee eect for max. acceleartion: 50,000 = 4000(9.81)+4000a 7 695 for: max. retardation: 0 = 4000(9.81) - 4000 m a, = 9815 v 269° w. Vv av aE owe 269 * 9.81 211t ave 981 >V = 2.4 ‘91. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A propeller is 4 m diameter and its mass is 6.6 tons. Due to defective casting its center of gravity is 25 mm from the axis of rotation. Calculate the centrifugal force set up when Tunning at 135 rev/min ( 1 ton = 1000 kg ) A. 39.28 KN C. 38.92 KN B. 32.98 kN - D. 38.29 KN Chapter 01 - Kinematics 8 Stresses + 1-52) Solotion: Femwr = [6.6 (1000)] [sey (0.025) = 32.98kN Ae eet nese cea OR ETT 92, PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘A body of mass 10 kg is pulled along a horizontal table by a cord which is parallel tothe table. The cord passes over a frictionless pulley and hangs down with a mass of 3 kg attached to ts end . Ifthe coefficient of friction between body and table is 0.15, find the tension in the cord. A. 26.04N wie C. 24.60N B. 34.25N D. 32.45N Solution: FoF, +f, 2 where: F, = 0.15(10)9.81) = 14.72N = 19) 32-8114.72] « 44.30N BR te ] 32 then: F = 14.72 + 11.32 = 26.04 93, PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘Amid steel bar 50 mm diameter and 125 mm long is reduced in diameter to 40 mm. along the center part of the bar for a.length of 180 mm. When subjected to an axial pull the total elongation is 0.5mm. Taking E for steel as 210 GNim?, calculate the total resilience of the bar. (Note: P = 388.1 KN ) A. 97.03 J ‘C. 93.07 J B. 88.56 D, 85.86 J Solution: % Machine Design Reviewer by. Capote & Mandawe eee IMATION ADEN OE ae) NES RS + R=R,+R,+R, where : then: R = 2(22.83) + 51.37 = 97.03 " a 94. PAST BOARD PROBLEM . A truck of mass 5000 kg moving at 10.8 km/h collides with another truck of mass 9500 kg moving in the opposite direction at 18 km/hr. At impact they lock and move on together. Calculate the loss of kinetic energy at impact. A. 108.44 kJ C. 104:84 kJ B. 100.56 kJ D, 105.65 kJ Selation: a KE(loss) = KE, -KE, re where: “KE, = 7(0500)(6)" +3 (5000)(3)" = 141,250 : note: m,V, = m,V, +m,(-V,)—» conservation of momentum ee mV, +m,(-V,) _ (9500)(18) + (5000)(-10.8) Vy= = = 8,069km/hr = 2.244 m/s 2m, +m,) (9500 + 5000) ~ KE, = 3(6000 +9500)(2.241)° = 36,410) thus; KE(loss) = 104,840 = 104.84kJ 95. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘Two masses of 0.5 kg and 0.4 kg respectively are hung on the ends of a light flexible cord: which passes over a light frictionless pulley. A rider of 0.2 kg is placed on the mass and the system allowed to move from rest. After 5 seconds the rider is removed. Find the fe taken for the system to come to rest‘and on the point of moving in the opposite’ rection. . poe A. 5.095 C, 6.09s B. 3.09s D. 4.09s ee rtssS CSE 1-54 Chapter 01 ~ Kinematics & Stresses * eR Solution: tev. a where; _5[(0.6-0.5)9.81] _ =~"(0.5+0.6) =4.467 _ (0.6 -0.5)(9.81) (0.5+0.4) =1.095 then, 96. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘A metal disc of diameter 500 mm and mass 24 kg takes 5.25 seconds to roll6 m.dawn an incline of 1 in 15, sae ton ee Calculate the moment of inertia of the disc in kg - -m. A. 0.7537 C. 0.8537 B..0.4564 < D. 0.5564 Selofins KE = APE Ao4\(16) , 2 4e0(28) + 3(2 =[24(9. 81)]0.4 a I= 0.7537kgm? 97. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Find the maximum load in kgs of an elevator having a net inside platform area of 2 m? * A. 279.85 kgs : -C. 792.85 kgs B. 579.28 kgs D. 892.75 kgs Sclotions W=365.10A? + 326.224 = 35.10(2)'+ 326.224(2) 3792.85 kgs 7 — 98. PAST-BOARD PROBLEM A metal cic of diameter 500 mm and mass 24 kg takes 5.25 seconds to roll m down an an incline of 1 in 15, starting from rest . Calculate the moment of inertia of the disc in kg - m?. A. 0.7537 C. 0.8537 B. 0.4564 D. 0.5564 | 3 Machine Design, Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe Scluhion: AKE = APE 1/>q)(16), i . 424 *) +41() -[24(o.e1)Jo.4 T= 0.7537kgm? 99. PAST BOARD PROBLEM A tie-bar of rectangular section 150 mm broad by 25 mm thick is subjected to a pull of 300 KN applied at 5 mm off the center of the thickness of the séction. Calculate the maximum stress induced at the outer skin. A. 167MPa C. 156 MPa B. 175 MPa D. 176 MPa Soletion: 0.025 300,000 1500( 2 ) \ “[0.16(0.026)] * 0.15(0.025) 2 ‘Smax =176MPa 100. PAST BOARD PROBLEM — ‘A metal disc of diameter 500 mm and mass 24 kg takes 5.25 seconds to roll 6 m down an incline of 1 in 15, starting from rest . Calculate the moment of inertia of the disc in kg - ny ' : " A. 0.7537 , C. 0.8537 ~ B..0.4564 D. 0.5564 AKE= APE B 3) = [24(9.81)]0.4 +lF T= 0.7537kgm? 1-56 Chapter o1- | 2Kinethatics & Stresses % ec aoa 101. PAST BOARD PROBLEM ‘Aste! rod 75 inches long with a cross sectional area of 4 sq. inches is held vertically firm at one end while a load of 2500 Ib is suspended from the other end. If the rod stretches 0.025 inch, find the modulus of elasticity of the steel. A. 12x 10° psi C. 30x 10° psi B. 11.5x 10° psi D.27 x10 psi Selotion: pees i AE 2500(75) 0.025 = 0.25 E = 30x10*psi. 102. PAST BOARD PROBLEM What force P is required to punch a half- he shearing stress of the plate is 44,000 psi? A. 25,000 Ib C. 20,000 Ib B. 15,000 Ib D. 17,279 Ib P = xD1(S,) : = m(0.5)(0.25)(44000) = 17,278.76 Ib - 103. PAST BOARD PROBLEM _ A thrust washer has an inside diameter of 4 and an outside diameter of 3 in. For an allowable bearing pressure of 90 psi, how much axial load can it sustain? A. 618.5 Ibs C. 702.1 Ibs _B. 537.2 Ibs . D. 871.2 tbs Solotion: = F= (Sree) 4(0"-€) = oof (9 a os] = 618.5 Ibs 104, PAST BOARD PROBLEM What load P which cause a total deformation of 0.036 inch of a steel rack Which hasa © cross-sectional area of 4 sq. inches and:a length of 6 ft. A. 55,000 Ib C. 60,000 Ib B. 40,000 Ib D. 50,000 Ib %® Machine Design Reviewer by Capote & Mandawe P[6 (12) 4(30x10°) P = 60,000Ibs =. 105. PAST BOARD PROBLEM Compute the load in Newton that must be applied to’a 25 mm round steel bar 2.5 m long (E = 207 Gpa) to stretch the bar 1.3 mm? ‘A. 40000N ©. 52840N B. 52000N D. 70.000N Soletion: 0.036 = SAE _ (x FASE F(S)oe a [rs *eama]($) oes" (207x10*) 4 = 52,837.66 N

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