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3D Pipeline Modeling

KQ GEO Technologies Co., Ltd

Dec 2016
1. 3D Globe Window............................................................................................................. 3
2. 3D Pipe Modeling ............................................................................................................. 4
a. Data ............................................................................................................................ 4
i. Add 3D Data ....................................................................................................... 4
ii. Create 3D Pipe ................................................................................................... 5
b. Navigation .................................................................................................................. 6
i. Under Terrain ..................................................................................................... 6
ii. Path Maker ......................................................................................................... 7
c. Settings ...................................................................................................................... 8
d. Tools ........................................................................................................................... 9
i. Model View Tool ................................................................................................ 9
ii. Euclidean Distance ........................................................................................... 10
iv. Vertical Measure .............................................................................................. 11
v. Select ................................................................................................................ 11
vi. Pipeline Angle ................................................................................................... 12
vii. Pipeline Slope ............................................................................................... 12
viii. Pipeline Distance .......................................................................................... 13
ix. Excavation ........................................................................................................ 13
x. Snapshot ........................................................................................................... 14
xi. Tools Reset ....................................................................................................... 14
3. Data Preparation for 3D Model ..................................................................................... 15
a. Add Utility Layer ...................................................................................................... 15
b. Add Depth Point ...................................................................................................... 15
c. Fill in Map No Attributes ......................................................................................... 16
d. Standardize Pipeline ................................................................................................ 17
e. Create 3D Pipe ......................................................................................................... 18

f. Observe 3D Model .................................................................................................. 19
g. Checking................................................................................................................... 20

1. 3D Globe Window
3D Pipeline Model, Terrain Model, and Building Models are presented in this 3D Globe
view. Users are provided with interactive viewing tools and measurement tools for better
pipeline model management. Users can change to this view by, View(V) > 3D Globe or, Pipe
Modelling > 3D Pipe.

3D view contains: 3D Layers View, 3D View Windows;

3D System Interface

3D Layers View

Functions and Tools
2. 3D Pipe Modeling

Data > Add 3D Data or Data > Create 3D Pipe, this function will read layer from database
and display the data in 3D model. To have a good 3D Pipeline Model, all necessary
information need to be completed in 2D which will be explain in details in the next sub
topic, Data Preparation for 3D Model.
a. Data
i. Add 3D Data
User can add 3D models of images, features (for example, building models),
terrain to the 3D window for better visualization of utility position. Those images
and models only support *.IKV, *.TKV and *.MKV format.

ii. Create 3D Pipe
This function is used to create 3D utility model from vector data that opened from
database in Map View. First, user need to load Utility layers from database in Map
View. Next, switch to 3D Globe View and go to Data > Create 3D Pipe to model the
pipe layers.

Pipe Layers Choose

For example, if we want to view models for water utility. So at first, select the
water pipeline layer – WaterPipe_L, and select water utility related point layers,
then click “Import”. 3D water pipe model will be created and the water pipeline
category will be added under “Feature” section.

Right click the category node, “WaterPipe_L”, in the right-click menu, select
“locate” to locate the model.

b. Navigation
i. Under Terrain
Because the image or terrain model will block the presence of pipe models, which
mostly is underground. Therefore, user can use this function to change terrain
transparency by Navigation > Under Terrain.



ii. Path Maker
This function is used to define the tour path. After selecting this function, user can
define the path by clicking on screen, and right-clicking to stop drawing.
The red line is created directly from points we clicked on screen.
The green line is the smoothing result from the red line.

The window view can move along the path automatically by select “Play” in the
right-click menu. And the animation can be stopped by “Pause” and “Stop”.

In the Property menu, the time spent for each path segment, path vertices
coordinates and height, and view pitch angle, all can be modified.

c. Settings
This function can be used to check how models appearance is affected by sun
position and sunlight strength, Settings > Date Time. Sun position and sunlight
strength will be simulated according to user defined date and time.

Sunlight at Morning

Sunlight at Night
d. Tools
After generating 3D models, user can use other functions, such as view tools,
measure tools, and attribute check tools, etc., to check your data for better

i. Model View Tool

① Use mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out;
② Use mouse left button to drag the 3D view;
③ Use mouse right button to rotate the 3D view.

ii. Euclidean Distance
This function is used to calculate the Euclidean distance between two points. To
activate this function user just need to check the function. Then, Left Click(Start)
on the screen to select points and Right Click(Stop) to end this function. Distance
displays along the line, as following:

iii. Horizontal Measure

This function is used to measure the horizontal distance between two points. To
activate this function user just need to check the function. Then, Left Click(Start)
on the screen to select points. Right Click(Stop) to end this function. Distance
displays along the line, as following:

iv. Vertical Measure
This function is used to measure the vertical distance (along Z axis) between two
points. To activate this function user just need to check the function. Then, Left
Click(Start) on the screen to select points. Right Click(Stop) to end this function.
Distance displays along the line, as following:

v. Select
This function is used to check attributes of selected model. To activate this
function user just need to check the function. Then, click the target model on
screen. Selected model will be highlighted with different color.

vi. Pipeline Angle
This function is used to check the angle (in degree unit) between two crossing
pipelines. To activate this function user just need to check the function. Then,
select two pipeline models on screen. Selected models will be highlighted with
different colors. Angle value is displayed in a new window:

vii. Pipeline Slope

This function is used to measure pipeline slop (in degree unit) based on positions
of start point and end point of selected pipeline. To activate this function user just
need to check the function. Then, select target pipeline model on screen. Selected
model will be highlighted with different color. Slop value is displayed in a new

viii. Pipeline Distance
This function is used to measure the shortest distance between two selected
pipelines. To activate this function user just need to check the function. Then,
select two pipeline models on screen. Selected models will be highlighted with
different colors. Shortest distance value is displayed in a new window:

ix. Excavation
This function is used to excavate the terrain and reveal pipe models beneath it. To
activate this function user just need to check the function. Then, define the
excavation area by draw polygon on map. Right-click to end drawing, and input
excavation depth (use negative value to represent excavation).

x. Snapshot
Snapshot tool is used to take a snapshot current view of 3D Globe. To activate this
function user just need to check the function. Then, choose file name of the image.

xi. Tools Reset

Reset tool is used to clear selected tools and clear the measurement drawing on
screen. To activate this function user just need to check the function. After click
“Reset Tool”, the selected function and drawings are cleared.

3. Data Preparation for 3D Model
a. Add Utility Layer
Vector data used for modelling 3D pipeline need to be completed in aspects of depth
points (two end points of each path of pipeline) and Depth Attributes. The most
important layers for all utility data are Line Layers and Depth Layers. For this step,
Water Utility related layers will be used as an example.

First, add shapefile layers:

i. WaterPipe_L and,
ii. WaterPipelineDepth_P

b. Add Depth Point

Depth point or in this case WaterPipelineDepth_P layer is very important in
modelling 3D pipeline. The depth point will be crucial in connecting two line
segments and also to identify the end points for a line. This point information should
be already collected from field survey, but in case the point is missing user can
temporarily add the depth point manually and verify it on the field later.

To add depth point:

i. Activate WaterpipelineDepth_P ,
ii. Select Digitize Point
iii. Start add point at the Ends of Line Path e.g.

iv. Add attribute values for the new depth point using View Thematic Attribute

v. By repeat this process, user can manually add depth points especially the end
points for a line path.
vi. Save edit into shapefile, right click on WaterPipelineDepth_L and select Save

Edit in SHP .

c. Fill in Map No Attributes

After verify all the depth point needed for the 3D pipe model, user can import this
two layer in a database using Single Layer Import, Database Management > Import
SHP > Single Layer Import.

By importing shapefile into database, the system will automatically assign Map No to
each of depth point, this will works as unique ID to each points and will be the key to
connecting the whole utility network.

d. Standardize Pipeline
To visualize a good 3D model of pipeline, the start depth (S_Point: S_Deep) of a line
and end depth (E-Point:E_Deep) of a line are very important so that the system can
display the exact structure of the pipeline. To link the information of start and end
point (Map No and Depth Value) of a line to the corresponding line feature,
Standardize Pipeline Layer tool will manipulate this information from the depth point
layer. User just need to run this tool by Geoprocessing > Topology Process >
Standardize Pipeline Layer.

As shown in WaterPipe_L attribute table, all S_Point and E_Point fill with the Map
No information and S_Deep and E_Deep fill with the depth point at that exact
position of the start and end line. If the fill is empty, that's indicate there is no depth
point at that position. User can go back to original shapefile and match the location
then add manually the depth point if needed and run again the steps from the

e. Create 3D Pipe
Next, after all the layers are verified and ready user can create the 3D model of the
pipeline. Pipe Modelling > 3D Pipe.

f. Observe 3D Model
i. Right Click on the WaterPipe_L and select Locate.

ii. To visualize the pipeline, user need to adjust the terrain transparency as the
model are mostly underground, Navigation > Under Terrain.

iii. After adjust the transparency of the terrain, user can see the pipeline.

iv. Next, user need to observe the pipeline model and if there is a gaps between the
pipelines, user need to manually add the depth point in the shapefile and follow
the step from the beginning again.

Sample of Gaps

v. Repeat the process until there is no gaps in the pipeline model.

g. Checking
User also need to make sure the distance between two points is not too closed to
each other (<1m) because it will create errors in the display.


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