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Abdul Qodir Jaelani
NIM: 19320226

Whida Rositama, M.Hum
NIP: 198804222019032010




A. Background of Study

Eric Flint is known as a science fiction writer whose works are

mostly historical in nature and prefer alternative history. This is evidenced

by several assessments from several book reviews which state that the

stories raised by the author are mostly alternate history. As one example that

is also the object of study in this research is one of his many famous works,

the novel “1632”. Being a work that raises an alternative history in the holy

roman empire, Eric Flint creates a representation of what the author of this

novel imagines, then combine it with historical references so that the plot

can be balanced. Like how the characters in the original history, where at

that time there was a prolonged war which then happened an event beyond

human understanding, suddenly a city appeared from 1999, which was then

involved in the war conflict indirectly. So from here, the interesting

elements of the story raised by Eric Flint where the historical characters that

exist, then interact with fictional characters that come out of the author's

mind so that indirectly this changes the actual history that occurs due to the

intervention of characters from outside history that happened. And it is for

this reason that some reviewers assume that the history presented here is an

alternative history. In addition, the uniqueness of this story is how the heroic

characters here are not depicted like most stories in general where they are
usually synonymous with someone who is valiant with various experiences

that strengthen his power. From review novel, Marlene Harris praised the

uniqueness of the characters in this novel. The characters in this novel are

very different from the other stories. Where the unions, besides working for

their necessities of life, they also become troops from the dynasty they just

created which they named "The New United Stated" to help the alliance of

the kingdom they work with (Harris, 2022). The alliance that worked with

them was led by Gustavus Adolphus II, the king of sweden. Where this

character, widely known in history as the "Father of modern warfare"

(Wolke, 2022, Hal.28).

Even though this novel is about history, this novel has something

that novels with similar themes don't have. So that the researchers in this

study, so that all of us can know about how the formation of the idea.

Because after the researcher reads until the end of the novel, how the

complexity of the historical series in the 16th century, to his meeting with

the residents of the early 20th century, makes this novel as something unique

in the taking and opening of a conflict that will occur. So starting from here,

the researcher feels that it is very impossible if the background of the setting

of the story in this novel is formed by only one person. So the researcher

feels that the author of this novel does not work alone, or creates this novel

only by himself. Rather, there was a group that helped him to assemble some

details to build a story in the novel. This novel is also one of the novels that

until now no one has researched from the point of view of literary theory.

And because there are no journals that discuss this novel from the point of

view of literary theory, the researchers took several journals and research, as
well as books related to the topics that will be discussed in this study. Even

though some of these journals do not focus on research on literature, all of

them still have a relationship and continuity to the novel that will be

discussed in this study. The basis of the theory that will be used in this study

raises the theory of genetic structuralism, which is the link of the gap

between structuralism theory and sociological theory (Muniroch, 2007).

To find out a picture that occurred in Europe in the midst of a thirty

year war, researchers found two journals that discussed this matter. This

journal will help researchers to find out the social picture that occurred at

that time. One of the journals about this history, is the work of Emma C.

Turnbull (2019) in her research entitled "Rethinking the representation of

Gustavus Adolphus: the case of William Watts and The Swedish

Intelligencer", stating in her research that there is a relationship between the

two countries in It was between America and the European Protestants. This

relationship then formed a cooperation between the two regions to

strengthen the military war at that time. And it is also said that the Protestant

group at that time, played an important role in the triumph of war in Europe.

This is also corroborated by a journal by Kevin Chovanek (2020) entitled

"Gustavus Adolphus, Circulation, and Liberty as a Heroic Virtue", which in

the study stated that the triumph of the war could not be separated from the

contribution of the Swedish king who named "Gustavus Adolphus" and

several Protestant heroes. Both journals also prove the important role of

Gustavus Adolphus as king and as "The Father of Modern War". From this

historical reference, the author of this novel developed it to become a

fictional story but cannot be separated from the existing history. Which then
created the theme of alternate history in his work. In which he takes

advantage of the context of meaning from the existing history, then

combines it with the author's fictional idea. This is found in a journal article

by Pascal Lemaire (2020) entitled "Alternate History and the Classical Past:

The Uchronic Impulse". And the research also explains that the author, Eric

Flint, in making his work he has attended several trainings on history.

Although he holds a PhD, he is also active in politics. And this is also proof

of how the political system in the novel can be that complex (Lemaire,


In addition, Eric Flint not only as a collective subject in the making

of his work. But he also created a solid social group to strengthen his work

on history and fiction. This is evidenced from two journals that discuss how

a group was formed. José M. Blázquez (2016) and José Sánchez Blázquez

(2018) reveal that what is the foundation of the novel's story, is the sharing

of thoughts from several readers expressed in a forum. Where then from the

collection of stories conveyed by the reader, then managed again into a unity

that is connected with the novel that will be formed. Even though they both

have the same research, their research objectives are different. Where José

M. Blázquez (2016) in his research entitled "Participatory Worlds: Models

of Collaborative Textual Production beyond the Entertainment Industry"

focuses on the formation of an inner culture formed by audience

participation. Meanwhile, José Sánchez Blázquez's research (2018) entitled

"Defining Participatory Worlds: Canonical Expansion of Fictional Worlds

through Audience Participation" aims to define the formation of the world in

literature by audience participation.

From these several journals, the researcher then draws a common

thread from all of them with a literary approach in order to find an

explanation from the author's view of the history that occurred in Europe

during the thirty year war. Which researchers use a sociological approach,

with the theory of genetic structuralism by Lucien Goldmann. Researchers

took three journals about this theory to help researchers in applying the

theory. M. Anwar Masadi (2019) in his research entitled "Poverty,

Mysticism, and Religiosity of Sumatra Inland Communities in Bidadari-

Bidadari Syurga Novel by Tere Liye: Genetic Structuralism Analysis Lucian

Goldman", which in this study, focuses on the author's view and finding out

phenomena or events in Lalabay Valley as the background of the novel. The

result is, there is a genetic relationship of the author and the background of

his writing which are all depictions of the life of the author himself (Masadi,

2019). This is different from the research conducted by Bima Atmana

(2019) in his research entitled "HARPER LEE'S WORLD VIEW IN GO


ANALYSIS" which both have research on the world view, but with

different results. . Where in the study, Harper Lee describes the social

conditions when the novel was written (Atmana, 2019). The last is the

research from Hafidzun Annas (2021) in his research entitled "THE



CHARLES DICKENS" which in this study aims to explain the structure of

the novel, as well as the meaning of the movement. Evangelical in England

during the Victorian Era. The result is, Ghost of Christmas in the novel, has

things that can affect the characters, setting, and plot in the novel. And also

enlightening the message conveyed through the Evangelical movement

which has food about human kindness, mutual assistance, and death (Annas,


From all the data that has been described above, then a background

is formed for this research to focus on the historical depiction contained in

the novel, and the origin of the idea was formed to explain a sociological

scope of the author, as well as his work through the theory of genetic

structuralism. . The aim is to find out the formation of the ideas contained in

the novel. Where in this case, the ideas and concepts in the novel are very

complex. So there must be some background underlying the author's view of

the historical focus that he raised in his work. Which focuses on the history

of Europe during the thirty year war that occurred in 1632.

B. Research Question

1. What are the depiction of the Europe in the middle of thirty years war

in novel “1632”?

2. What are the historical connection of Europe in the middle of Thirty

Years War in novel “1632”?

3. What are the homologies in the novel when viewed from the original

C. Significant of Study

This study aims to explore the description of the author's thoughts on

the history that occurred in Europe during the thirty year war. Where in this

case, the researcher assumes that the author in forming his idea for his work

is not solely done alone. However, because of the help of several people

belonging to a social group from the author himself. In addition, to reveal

the background of the author himself. Because each of his works is always

themed on history and alternative history in the science fiction version. So

from some of these claims, the researcher feels that there must be a

historical background that shapes the ideology.

D. Research Limitation

The focus of the research study is on the author's view of the novel

"1632" on Europe during the Thirty Years' War. And how the idea emerged

from the author's thoughts in the novel. However, because there is no

research that focuses on literary research, since this paper was written, there

are many things that can still be analyzed from various different approaches.

E. Definition of Keyterms

1. Genetic Structuralism

Lucien Goldmenn, as the pioneer of this theory, stated that every

literary work cannot be separated from the history of the literature it was

made. The background, the ideology that represents a social group, as

well as the basis and reason for the work being made are then the main

points of this theoretical approach.

2. Alternate History

Alternative history is an extension of Historiography to identify

neglected, overlooked or unseen points of view. You could say it is

taking a different point of view from the existing history.

3. Thirty Year’s War

One of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European

history, lasting from 1618 to 1648. Until the 20th century, historians

generally viewed it as a continuation of the religious struggle initiated by

the 16th-century Reformation within the Holy Roman Empire.

4. Author’s Viewpoint

Author's viewpoint is the way an author looks at a topic or the ideas

being described. Viewpoint includes the content and the language used

to present the data. Thoughtful readers decipher an author's point of

view, opinions, hypotheses, assumptions, and possible bias



A. Sociological Approach

The approach to this novel is a sociological approach. Where in this

case, it focuses on social life which is represented in the novel with the

theme of history. And the researcher feels that this approach is in

accordance with the material object raised, because to know a picture of life

in the novel, it takes an approach that also reads the social situations and

conditions in the literary work itself (Castle, 2013). Because basically,

literature and social life cannot be separated. Because the two are connected.

Where in this case, the emergence of a literary work itself, is the result of

social events that occur in our lives. Or vice versa, where events that occur

in a literary work, will have the possibility of happening in the social

environment of society (Alwaqaa, 2021). Lewis A. Coser (1913) once

revealed in his book entitled, "Masters of Sociological Thought" that the

most important thing is not how we know the pattern of a social sphere, but

the most important thing is to know the historical background of the

emergence of social life. And because of that element, a group will emerge
so that later it will create harmony, conflict, and several other interactions

(Coser, 1913). And this is also valid because basically, everything starts

from how they are formed. Which later, from the formation process, will

emerge a result of what we form (Atkinson, 2016).

This is also proven in a study of the story of Karoor. Karoor

Neelakanta Pillai, is a writer from India who became one of the top six

writers from India who brought major changes in the development of

literature in India. In this study, the research was conducted by finding out

the actions of Karoor (Pillai, 2020). From this study, it was found that social

ideology was formed from an experience. Because experience, is the

beginning of the formation of the background. Later, from these experiences,

several social ideologies were formed which later became the forerunner of

the birth of a literary work created by Karoor. So from this it proves that the

social environment will be formed in a person through the background of

how the experience was formed (Pillai, 2020). In other words, the

background or experience of each writer in a work cannot be separated from

environmental influences. Although some have departed from themselves,

namely psychology. Thus, the role of sociology as a literary approach in a

literary research cannot be separated from the behavior of the environment

that is created because of a group of social movers in it. In other words, the

background or experience of each writer in a work cannot be separated from

environmental influences. Although some have departed from themselves,

namely psychology. Thus, the role of sociology as a literary approach in a

literary research cannot be separated from the behavior of the environment

that is created because of a group of social movers in it. From that social
background, then the reasons for human tendencies to do something or

change in themselves develop, which then the literary theories emerge.

B. Genetic Structuralism

In the sociological approach, there are several theories to analyze a

literary work. One of which is used in this research, is the theory of Genetic

Structuralism. Genetic Structuralism is a theory that refers to the origin of

the literary work that was formed. This theory was proposed by the French

critic, Lucien Goldmann. In theory, a literary work is not born out of the

mind of the author. However, it arises from its relationship with the

worldview of the author's social group and the conditions of the society that

gave birth to the work. Where in this case, the structure of literary works is

considered as the view of the author's social group. Which in this case, the

author as a representative of a particular social group, which represents the

thoughts and ideas of the social group into his work (Wiyatmi, 2017). This

theory, will be easier to understand through the behavior of the fundamental

characteristics of human action. The fundamental characteristics are: a.)

Tendency to adapt, b.) Tendency to create a consistent mindset in dealing

with problems in the environment, c.) And tendency to change pre-existing

mindsets. These three things are the main concepts in this theory of genetic

structuralism (Muniroch, 2007). In accordance with the concept, then

developed again into several sections to better understand the readers of the

theory used. Some of those parts are: a.) the author as a trans-individual

subject, b.) world view, c.) dialectic: understandings, d.) the structure of
literary works. Lucien Goldmann in his book discussing this theory which is

translated from French by Alan Sheridan (1964) explains that Genetic

Structuralism, is a hypothesis that all humans have a habit that is driven by a

tendency caused by a particular social environment. Which particles will

later influence someone in forming an idea for their work reference

(Goldmann, 1964).

The focus of genetic structuralism is indeed on the historical realm in

the literary work. However, all of this cannot be separated from the

existence of studies on human facts that have a correlation with this theory

because they are still in one unit. Which is a fact of humanity, can not be

separated from the so-called tendency, which has been listed above. From

the existence of human facts, the background is based on human realities,

which has a two-sided process: the destruction of old structures and the

structurations of new totalities. In the destructuration of the old structure,

there will be a structural reconstruction in a component which results in a

difference from the old structure. Which is the case with historical structures,

where each era will produce several different historical theories. While the

structuration of new totalities, is a new structuration that completely changes

the old structure. The impact will produce a new meaning from the

structuring of a component. Which, if applied in a literary work, how will a

novel, or a literary work that tells a history, produce a new historical

meaning from a literary perspective (Goldmann, 1964). From the existence

of destructuration and structuration, several ideas emerge which are

indicators of this theory, in which some of these indicators are important

points of this theory in literary works. The indicators are: Subject

Transindividual, World View, Structure of literary works, and Dalectic

understanding. In addition, this research also uses a comparative study,

because it is to find an overview of the differences produced by this novel,

from the existing history.

1. Author’s : Transindividual subject

As previously explained, in genetic structuralism, the author is a

representative of a particular social group that represents the ideas of a

social group of the author. This means that the author is not seen as an

individual who makes literary works. However, as a collective subject of

a group that has the same ideas and ideology (Goldmann, 2013). In this

novel, Eric Flint as the author of this novel, not as an author who writes

his work based on his personal experience. However, he has a group of

people who have the same ideas as him, so then Eric Flint represents the

ideas of his social group into his literary works. Because it is very

impossible if we raise a historical theme but only through book

references. So in this case, the historical relevance will be questioned

later. This is evidenced from the novel itself, where on the last page, it is


“Beyond that, the mentioning of specific names becomes

difficult. There are just too many of them. But I need to thank, in

general, all the many people who participate in Baen Books' very
active chat room ( — "Hang Out at Baen's

Bar") and who responded to my request for input. And, in

particular, I want to thank Pam ("Pogo") Poggiani for reading

the manuscript and helping me ferret out the factual or historical

errors which are such a potential menace to writers of alternate

history.” (Flint, 2000).

From these quotes, it can be proven that the author does not only

work on his novel through his own ideas. However, he also adapted

some ideas from his social group. So that from there, a historical picture

was reflected which later became the main topic of this research. Where

besides the group as the owner of the ideas, they are also indirectly an

error checker of some things that may not be in accordance with their

ideas. Which context is historical. Where history itself also has several

different plot branches, due to the factor of different references as a

reinforcement of the argument. So from a process in which a social

group of the author then has several ideas, which are then used by the

author of this novel, namely Eric Flint, into a literary work.

2. World View

A world view is a term used to describe a whole concept or idea that

is connected with members of a particular social group. Which in this

case, how a world view can be reflected, because the emergence of that

world view because it has been previously reflected in its reality. So it

would be very unlikely if someone knows the forest but he has never
seen or never felt the forest. Because basically, the world view is created

because of an interaction between the collective subject and the

surrounding environment (Muniroch, 2007). This is illustrated in the

novel where the description of the social environment and world view of

Europe in 1632 is reflected in several texts. Like how the depiction of

weapons at that time, the leaders who had a hand at that time, and the

atmosphere of Europe at that time (Flint, 2000). Which in the history

that exists, some of these things really do exist. So from this explanation,

the relation is then referred to as Homology (Wiyatmi, 2017).

Homology in history will be obtained if the two structures, between

literature and history, are well connected. The point is, when the literary

work accurately describes the situations and conditions contained in its

history, which are related to the original version so that from this, our

view as readers of the world conveyed in a literary work will be clearly

described. Is the world depicted as gloomy, bright, or more than that.

Apart from that, the world view in a literary work already exists in the

theory of structuralism. Because basically genetic structuralism exists to

bridge the gap between structuralism theory and social theory

(Muniroch, 2007). And the world view will also be obtained from how

the structure in the literary work is formed so that it follows the structure

of the original history, which is then modified to follow the plot.

3. Structure of literary works

Genetic structuralism views literature as a social fact. Which is a fact,

has a historical role in it (Faruk, 1994). As a social fact, a literary work

is a work whose object is the universe and human groups. Where usually

a literary work will talk about problems of law, life, problems of society,

and the universe. Because basically, the social facts contained in literary

works are the result of reflection of what is experienced by the author as

the collective subject of his social group. So it can be said that the

literary work itself has a relationship with real life and history

(Goldmann, 2013). It can be said that a literary work certainly has a

background in its creation. Is the work formed from the personal

experience of the creator, or is it created from the social group? so in

that case, the structure in literary works also needs to be analyzed.

Because in a literary work, there are plots, characters, settings, all of

which become important pillars in a literary work. Which then, will be

matched again with the structure found in history which is used as a

literary work. Which later we will see a historical plot that happened,

which in this novel is about the history of Europe during the Thirty

Years War, which later in that plot, we will look for bright spots from

the structure of elements between literary works and the history that is

appointed. So that later, an overview will emerge from reading literary

works and their history, which then makes the data obtained easier to

explain. On the other hand, as previously explained, genetic

structuralism which focuses on human facts cannot be separated from

structuration and destruction. This is because both of them are the two

main axes that make up the literary work.

4. Dialectic: Understandings and Explanation

The dialectical method is used to find the relationship between the

structure of literary works and the structure of society, which is

mediated by the worldview of the author's social group (Goldmann,

2013). The dialectical method is used to determine the extent to which

the relation of a literary text can be in harmony with a social problem

that occurred behind the literary work was formed. As in this novel,

where the probability in the text contained in this 1632 novel, which

directly reflects the old historical picture. And this cannot be separated

from the existence of a reference behind a depiction of the world view

which is represented in the form of a literary text. So, to better

understand the meaning contained in the literature, it is necessary to

have several texts that prove the depiction of social problems contained

in the novel (Wiyatmi, 2017). Because in this case, there are several

techniques that must be used when carrying out the dialectical method.

First, the researcher must build a model, which describes a range of

problems in one section. Second, checks are made on the model that has

been formed by comparing it with the object of the model to find out

how far the relationship can be established. Then define lists of new

elements and relationships that were not previously included in the old

model. And finally, determine the frequency of the elements and relate
them to the model that has been formed (Goldmann, 2013).

The similarities in literary works with the history carried in the work

will later be used as a medium to look for the relationship that is

reflected in the work. Which aims to get a little picture, about the

historical situation and conditions that are carried in the novel. As well

as to find out the background at the time this work was made. Like in

this novel, where the characters that are carried are workers' unions,

which at the time this work was created, indeed in 2000, the majority of

the population there were union workers such as miners, teachers,

machine technicians, and so on. So when the world's point of view has

been found, then the next step is to find out the true meaning that exists

in the literary work. Because every view must have a hidden meaning.

So that after the meaning is obtained, then it is understood carefully,

what is meant in that meaning. So that after everything is clear, then an

explanation of the meaning into a research. And this is the bright spot of

the meaning that exists in a literary work.

5. Comparative study

Comparative study, used to find a significant comparison between

the novel and the original history. Because even though both of them

carry the history of Europe, there are definitely some things that are

different between the two objects. After previously we discovered the

relation between the history in the novel and the original history, the

next thing is to find out the differences between the two objects. Which

aims to find out what distinguishes between the original history and the

literature that carries that history.



A. Research Design

This research used literary criticism research which focuses on

research on a literary work. Which in this study, researchers used a

sociological approach with the theory of Genetic Structuralism by Lucien

Goldmann. This research focuses on the history contained in the novel


B. Literary Approach

Literature, as a representation of real world images, which is

reflected in a work, cannot be separated from what is called a representation

inspired by a historical story. So from this statement, the researcher

conducted a study through a sociological approach. Which this approach

will focus on the social depiction of the work through a historical

perspective. Lewis A. Coser (1913) once revealed in his book entitled,

"Masters of Sociological Thought" that the most important thing is not how

we know the pattern of a social sphere, but the most important thing is to

know the historical background of the emergence of social life.

C. Collecting Data

Data collection was done from reading novels and reading several

history books. This is done not only to get a historical picture in the novel,

but also to get a real picture of the history that happened in the novel. Then

some of the data is recorded to strengthen the researcher's argument against

the history contained in the research.

D. Data Source

This type of research is literary criticism, where this research focuses

on criticism of literature in several aspects. The approach used is sociology,

where this is needed to see and find an overview of the history that occurred

in “1632” contained in the novel. In which the researcher uses the theory of

genetic structuralism, where the reason why the researcher uses this theory

is in addition to finding out the historical picture that happened in the novel,

also to find out the origins of why this novel was made. Using qualitative

research, where the research will collect as much data as possible to

strengthen the arguments of the researcher for the object to be studied.

Which has indeed become a qualitative basis where the data to be collected

is obtained from several relevant reference books, journals or theses, and

several internet articles to add a little insight regarding the material to be

discussed (Raharjo, 2020). The reason researchers use this method is

because to find out an actual historical picture, one cannot only rely on one

data source. So of course the researcher uses a lot of data that can be taken

from several references to strengthen the theories and arguments that will be

used in this study. And because of the data collected and the theory used,
researchers used two types of data in this study. Secondary and primary


Secondary data is taken from several books and journals about

European history in the 16th century. While the primary data is from the

novel itself. The secondary data here has a role to help researchers to get to

know more about the history that happened in Europe in the 16th century.

Which through the book, will later help researchers to find out the historical

picture represented in the novel. So, with this secondary data it will make it

easier for researchers to find out the meaning contained in the novel.

Because on the other hand, the theory of genetic structuralism itself requires

us to find out the structure contained in the novel with the structure

contained in historical texts.



This chapter discusses the result of analysis on describing The Depiction of

Europe in The Middle of Thirty Year’s War in novel “1632” and revealing the

Homology between novel and the original history. In order to do so, there are three

objectives to focus on. In this chapter, the discussion is divided in two main

sections: (1) World View of Europe in Novel and Connection in the historical plot

of the novel and (2) The Homology between the novel and the original history.

The objectives are described through the description and explanation of data


A. World View of Europe

At the beginning of the story in the novel, a brief description of how the

worldview in the Middle Ages was introduced. And that is illustrated from the

moment how several characters in the novel, who witnessed the cruelty in the

Middle Ages. This is evidenced from several texts in the novel:

“The two farmhouses in the distance were burning fiercely. The one
nearby was not. It was a large and rambling structure. Unlike the wood-
frame farmhouses which Mike was familiar with, the construction of this
one leaned heavily toward stone. Hand-fitted stone, from what Mike could
see. If it weren't for the fact that the farmhouse had all the signs of current
occupancy—that unmistakably ragged-respectable air of a place where
people worked —Mike would have sworn he was looking at a something
out of the Middle Ages” (Flint, 2000, hal. 20).

From the text, how does Mike respond, as a main character, who initially

thought that he was seeing a farmhouse in the Middle Ages, but in fact he himself

did not realize that he was in that period. Because indeed Mike, and several
residents who live in the same area as Mike, do not realize that they have actually

been dragged from 2000 to 1631. Where in this year, there was a conflict in

history where Catholic Troops under Tilly conquered Magdeburg and ransacked

the city (Wolke, 2022, hal. 15). The mystery of moving the city and its inhabitants

to the past has been discussed previously in the Prologue section, which also

explains a lot about how this phenomenon occurred so that it becomes a mystery

that has not been solved by several scientists in the novel.

“the Grantville Disaster was the result of what humans of the day would
have called criminal negligence. Caused by a shard of cosmic garbage, a
discarded fragment of what, for lack of a better term, could be called a
work of art. A shaving, you might say, from a sculpture. The Assiti fancied
their solipsist amusements with the fabric of spacetime. They were quite
oblivious to the impact of their "art" on the rest of the universe.” (Flint,
2000, hal. 5).

This text explains how the phenomenon even so, this argument has not

explained and proven the truth behind this phenomenon. Because some of the

previous texts also explain a little, how is a junior scientist in his big analysis of

this phenomenon.hat occurs in Grantville, which is a fictional area in the novel,

then just disappears:

“So, Tapper accepted the loss of a year's work, and went in search of
greener pastures. He published his findings, to be sure; but only as dry
factual accounts in obscure publications. He made no attempt to draw
conclusions, or posit theories, or draw any kind of public attention.”
(Flint, 2000, hal. 5).

Some of these explanations are actually enough to at least give a definite

picture of how the phenomena in this novel occur. Which makes it easier for the

reader so that while reading this novel, they are not confused with the main factor

of time travel in this novel.

The world view also does not have to take reference from how things were

at that time. An object can also be an indication of the existence of the world

view itself. Because that one thing must have been born at that time too. So that

indirectly, objects that are used in everyday life, will be witnesses of life at the

time they were created. Which in this case is a weapon. The weapons used by the

characters in this novel differ due to differences in the time of manufacture. This

is evidenced from the text contained in the novel:

"Ken Hobbs says it's a matchlock. He'd know, too. He's made a hobby of
antique weapons his whole life. They haven't made guns like this in—oh,
must be two hundred years. At least. Even by the time of the American
Revolution, everybody was using flintlocks." (Flint, 2000, hal. 27).

As explained in the text, the Matchlock weapon is a weapon that was

developed in the 15th century, in which this weapon was no longer produced

since 1720 because it was replaced with a Flintlock system weapon (Pauly, 2004,

hal. 51). This is also the beginning of a clue for the characters in the novel, to

realize that they are in medieval times. Which then led them to several major

conflicts that occurred between the people of Grantville in 2000, and the

European folks in 1631. From a weapon, we will be directed to a situation where

at first we will think that it makes no sense between the weapon and the World

view thought by the Author himself. Which in fact it is also a description of what

the author experienced during his life. Because he has several people or close

friends who really understand the issue of weapons, so with that little thing, he

can also at least add a little detail about the existence of the Middle Ages.

Some of the text fragments above are still classified as a small part of the

description of the author's Worldview in his view of Europe in the Middle Ages.
So from this, the researcher dissects again into several parts, which will make it

easier for researchers and readers to distinguish some of the structural aspects

contained in the novel from the original history.

We can see the perspective of the author from his work. Because how the

author manages the world that already exists, becomes his own world. That is

why in this case, knowing some of the intrinsic elements in a work of art is a

must. Because when the reader knows the structural elements in a piece of

literature, the reader will be better able to explore the world created by the literary

author himself.

In this case, the novel entitled 1632 has a plot that we usually refer to as

alternative history. What this author is trying to carry out is not without a basic

foundation in its making. However, in the process of making it, he was also

assisted by some of his friends. Even the social group also comes from what the

author tells in his novel. And this can be proven in the text contained in the last

page of the author's afterword chapter. Where in the text, he revealed that in

making this novel, the author was assisted by several friends who are experts in

history. And he is also assisted by several readers in a forum that the author

provides to accommodate ideas from readers to then serve as the basis for making

his novels.

“Beyond that, the mentioning of specific names becomes difficult. There

are just too many of them. But I need to thank, in general, all the many
people who participate in Baen Books' very active chat room
( — "Hang Out at Baen's Bar") and who responded to
my request for input. And, in particular, I want to thank Pam ("Pogo")
Poggiani for reading the manuscript and helping me ferret out the factual
or historical errors which are such a potential menace to writers of
alternate history. Any errors which may remain are entirely my
responsibility. There are at least a dozen which are gone, thanks to Pam's
eagle eye.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 364).

If viewed from a theoretical point of view, which in this case is from the

perspective of Genetic Structuralism, the author becomes a transindividual

subject. Which in the case of Eric Flint, as the author of the novel discussed in

this study, becomes a representative of the various ideas of a group. And Eric

Flint, who created an association that indirectly also became the author's own

social group, became the intermediary for his group's ideas. Of course, we cannot

simply ignore this because this small detail has connectivity with genetic theory,

where an ideology of thought from a group will not be recognized by the wider

community if there is no talk about it. So here, the author's role in this novel has a

big impact on the community. Especially how they view the idea of alternative

history, which is carried out in this novel (Blázquez, 2018).

The depiction of alternative history contained in the novel is also the result

of a collection of the ideology of the author with the ideology of his community.

Where in this case, it has also been proven in a journal that slightly alludes to this

novel, where the novel which raises an alternative history during the Holy Roman

Empire has structural differences, which makes this novel a novel with an

alternative history theme. Namely in the part of the story plot contained in the

novel with a history that is commonly told. Either through websites, reference

books, or journals. The point is, this novel also directly gives us a new

perspective on a history in the past, which has the concept of "What If?" on the

plot. And this also makes sense, considering that this novel also belongs to the

science fiction genre (Blázquez, 2018).

1. Characters View

As a simple example, the most influential figure in the history of the Holy

Roman Empire, Gustavus Adolphus, actually died during the war against

Wallenstein (Wolke, 2022, hal. 16). Wallenstein was also actually a

reinforcement called by Ferdinand, due to the potential defeat against the

Swedish army fighting under the Protestant flag. However, what happens here is,

Gustavus is still alive and fighting and has a big hand in building the next story

plot. The point is, how are the conditions and situations that exist in the story

plot, then changed by the author to at least give a little picture of that time, which

is taken from the perspective of the author himself. Namely by changing the plot

of the story in history, then making it look make sense because of the influence of

American troops in 2000, where in terms of weaponry, they were superior to the

enemies they faced.

First introduced in Chapter 6. And this is also the beginning of the

introduction of several historical characters that exist in this novel. And indeed

this novel has its own uniqueness, in each chapter, there will be several points of

view from several characters. So that we are not only fixated on telling the story

of the main character, but also follow some of the important characters that make

this story come alive.

“Gustav II Adolf, King of Sweden, had a form given to him by his ancestry.
His skin was pale, perhaps a bit ruddy. His short-cut hair, eyebrows,
upswept mustache and goatee were blond. His eyes were blue, slightly
protruding, and were alive with intelligence. His features, dominated by a
long, bony and powerful nose, were handsome in a fleshy sort of way. He
was a very big man. He stood over six feet tall. His frame was thick and
muscular, and tended toward corpulence. He looked every inch the image
of a Nordic king.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 43).
The characteristics of Gustavus Adolphus, regarding the details of his

physical form to his personality, are not very telling from several references. So

at least, this novel helps when you imagine the figure of the Swedish king a little.

Yang led his army to its glory. There are several characters in the original history,

which the author still includes in it. And they really exist in their real life history.

And the claim has been included in the final page of the novel in the Author's

Afterword section.

“The rest of the places mentioned are real, as are all of the major
historical figures such as Gustavus Adolphus and his generals, Axel
Oxenstierna, Tilly and Wallenstein and their generals, John George of
Saxony, Cardinal Richelieu and Emperor Ferdinand II.” (Flint, 2000, hal.

These characters, too, are present in historical references to Europe's Thirty

Years War. Especially Wallenstein, who was the cause of the death of King

Gustav himself. Which does not happen in the novel because of the intervention

of characters who move from 2000, back to 1631.

And there is an interesting point here, where Gustavus said that he might

have died in the original universe. And that is also in the text in this novel. And

the main key is in 3 paragraphs where Gustavus is in dialogue with his

chancellor. We start with the first paragraph which reads:

“"In another universe, Axel, this will be a place of slaughter." Gustav's

heavy jaws clenched. "And by no means the worst!" He pointed to the east.
"The real killing will take place in Poland and Russia. At places called
Auschwitz and Sobibor and Treblinka."” (Flint, 2000, hal. 360).
From the text, it is known that Gustavus Adolphus recounted events that

occurred at that time in a different universe. Which in this case, actually alludes

to a story that happened in the original history. And this also becomes a unique

thing when we tell about an alternative history, but in the story of the novel, the

original history which is the reference for the story in the novel seems to be a

world that they consider not the main reality. And this is also what we usually

call reverse reality. Because in the context of the story, the main reality of a

history is replaced with a fictional reality which is the main point in a novel. If it

is necessary to explain, the text actually refers to the war that occurred in 1632,

until 1634 between Poland and Russia. Which war is also known as "The

Smolensk War" (Rusakovskiy, 2022).

Then it is continued with the second paragraph where in this text, a little

explains the description of the events that actually happened in the original

history. And this is also a bit of a rising punchline because from this text,

Gustavus seems to want to convey an event that will be told to his chancellor:

“He glared at his chancellor. "In that universe, my new president's

grandfather will be forced to fight his way into this place, that a handful
might survive. And do you know why?" (Flint, 2000, hal. 360).

The text becomes a text that gives a bit of an actual picture of what

happened during the Thirty Years' War. Although not very detailed, at least we

know how this figure from the Gustavus family played an important role in

history in the past. Where indeed he and his family were also a wise leader, who

brought the Swedish empire to its glory. Even though he had to die in the middle

of the thirty year war conflict. And in this novel, Gustavus, who tells how history
is happening at this time, is a sideline of what actually happened. And this is also

a very complex thing because it involves the problem of time travel and the

concept of space and time.

And also, Gustavus also told his chancellor that how was the condition of

his kingdom in the past, or what happened to history outside the universe of the

novel, how he was expected to come to help his kingdom because at that time, the

Swedish kingdom was fighting against the Spanish troops led by Johann

Tserclaes , or Count Tilly as he was called. Which at that time, the increasingly

fierce war between Spain and Sweden, was determined on the land of Lutzen.

Which this story will be completed by Gustavus in the third paragraph, where he

also tells what will happen after the war is over. And in this third paragraph, it

will also explain why Gustavus told his history to the chancellor. and it will also

give us a picture of what happened in the original history of this thirty years war:

“Now, the king pointed to the northeast. "Because in that universe,

chancellor of Sweden, I will die. Less than three months from now, at a
battlefield called Lützen." His lips quirked. "Leading a perhaps reckless
cavalry charge." (Flint, 2000, hal. 360).

The text which is an opening of what will happen in the future, seems to

give a little picture that is outside the novel but does not occur in the plot of this

story. Because in this case, this dialogue is still predictive of what will happen in

the future, but the character can already feel it even though it's not certain. The

events that will occur are also a reflection of the author's view of history that he

has studied before. Even though the author did not live at that time, getting a

glimpse of his description is not difficult. Because what someone usually does is

snoop through a reference or from someone who is already an expert in their field.
Like historians. And if it is examined again from several perspectives that follow

history, then the worldview from the reflection of events in this novel can be

reflected from the characters who lived at that time. Which means other than

figures from the city of Grantville who moved to the Middle Ages.

Because in this case, a description of the conflict that occurred, the

background setting taken, as well as the situations and conditions that occurred at

that time, are reflected through some of these characters. And that is what then

becomes a way of conveying the author's world view of the history that is raised.

Even though not all of them are depicted through characters, all of them are still

connected in the same object, which projects a behavior that is carried out so that

it forms a tragedy.

The fictional characters included in the novel were also created from a

description of their environment in 2000. At that time, the majority of workers in

the surrounding community were union workers. One of them is mining, which is

a basic reference for characters that play an important role in building a story.

“The first is that the common folk who built this country and keep it
running—blue-collar workers, schoolteachers, farmers, and the like—hardly ever
appear. If they figure at all, it is usually as spear carriers—or, more often than
not, as a bastion of ignorance and bigotry. That is especially true of people from
such rural areas as West Virginia. Hicks and hillbillies: a general,
undifferentiated mass of darkness.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 365).

Most of the characters that play a role in this novel are references to union

workers in the author's environment. And these characters, although fictional, the

author seems to make someone in his area involved in the novel. And it has also

been proven from the text above. This also raises a statement that, even though the

characters contained in the story are fictional, there is a real story behind the
background. And of course the role of social groups is really needed to build a

solid foundation for a story in a novel. Because at the same time, they are also the

ones who will build a plot. Which is also the case at the battle of Breitenfeld, when

Gustav's army fought Tilly's mercenaries.

“As time went on, it became obvious that the Swedish artillery
overmatched their opponents. The king had more guns, better guns, and
better trained gunners. Most of all, he had Torstensson in command. Once
they were into their rhythm, the Swedish artillerymen were exchanging
three shots for one with their imperial counterparts.” (Flint, 2000, hal.

The war against Count Tilly on the land of Breitenfeld, was the beginning

of the main war that took place, in the 1632 timeline. Due to this condition, the

Catholic Army had already taken control of Magdeburg and ransacked the city,

then they would face Gustav in the same year, namely 1631, with the month and

different date. Because Count Tilly himself fought against King Gustav on

September 17th (Wolke, 2022, hal. 66).

Count Tilly was first introduced in Chapter 4. Where when Rebecca was

running away from Count Tilly's pursuit, they met with armed mining troops, led

by Mike Sterns, as the main character in the story, he led his troops to finish off

some of Tilly's troops.

Rebecca gasped. She had utterly forgotten about the band of mercenaries

they had encountered earlier.

"Tilly's men!" she exclaimed. "We didn't think they had come so far from
Magdeburg. We encountered them two miles up the road. We were hoping
to escape down this path, but—" (Flint, 2000, hal. 33).
After Rebecca explains the details of the soldiers chasing her, it gets even

more interesting, as Mike's flock responds to not knowing anyone Rebecca

mentioned. And of course this surprised Rebecca because their response was as if

they didn't know the cruel Tilly, who had taken control of Magdeburg and

ransacked the city.

“"Who is— Tilly?" the man demanded. The smile was gone completely.
His face was tight, tense, angry. But the anger did not seem directed at
her.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 33).

And that of course surprised Rebecca because all this time, her people

already knew a lot about how cruel Tilly was in the eyes of the world. Which

Rebecca also doesn't know that Mike's flock, as well as Mike himself, come from

different timelines.

“Rebecca wiped the tears away. Who is Tilly? How can anyone not know?
After— Magdeburg?

The man seemed to sense her confusion. "Never mind," he snapped.”

(Flint, 2000, hal. 33).

And from some of these fragments, it is also evident that they came before

the Breitenfeld war and after the conflict that occurred in Magdeburg on 10 May

1631. At that time, Count Tilly led his Catholic troops to search the city of

Magdeburg (Wolke, 2022, hal. 15). The Magdeburg conflict is not shown here

because when Mike and the townspeople were thrown back to the 16th century,

they were already in the aftermath of the Magdeburg conflict. So this is a strong

reason why they don't know who Tilly really is to them. And this is interesting

because on the other hand, the author introduces several important historical
conflicts indirectly through several events, with his own version. And this is the

reason why this novel is also called an alternative history. Because he tells history

with his own version (Lemaire, 2020).

2. Conditions and Situations View

It is necessary to know together how the conditions and situations in the

medieval period existed in this novel. Because indeed the delivery in the novel,

has its own way of conveying the message that the author wants to convey. So, in

knowing a worldview, we don't only know it from the characters implemented in

the story. But also reviewing from the perspective of conditions and situations,

which also occur in real life. Both from the author's life, as well as from the

original historical perspective raised in this story. Which in this case is about the

history that happened in Europe in the 16th century.

And maybe for readers who are still confused about which one is taken

from the original historical reference, with the fictional character implemented in

the novel, it will be known through the author's afterword. Where the author

includes several notes in this novel.

“The town of Grantville and the characters who populate it are purely
fictitious. But Grantville, along with the nearby consolidated high school,
is inspired by the real town of Mannington, West Virginia, and its
surroundings. (Flint, 2000, hal. 363).

Grantville, as used by the author, is a fictional city, whose name is actually

inspired from the name of a small area located in Victoria, Australia, which is

called Grantville. However, from the perspective of the author himself, he says

that Grantville is a play on an area called Mannington, West Virginia.

“Many years ago, I lived in northern West Virginia (Morgantown, to be
precise), and I revisited the area in preparation for this novel. I'd like to
thank the many people there who provided me with their help. I'd
especially like to single out Paul Donato and Dave James for the hours
they gave me, both at the time of my visit and in many phone calls later.
(Flint, 2000, hal. 364).

The description in the novel, when viewed from the author's writing above,

it can be concluded that before its creation, the Author conducted a site survey to

find out more about the strategic location of several places to be used in the novel.

And this is good for building stories to make them look even more alive. Because

in the view of genetic structuralism itself, how can a literary work not only be born

from authoritative social groups. However, the conditions and places around it

also play an important role in making a story more interesting (Goldmann, 1964,

hal. 162).

From the several statements above, the reader can conclude that for a class

of fictional characters and places contained in this story, everything has been taken

into account by the author. By surveying the place, visiting some people in their

environment to find out more about what work they have done to date and the

mechanism of the work they have done to date, to consulting several historians

and libraries to get to know more about European history in 1632, which will used

as a prologue project of several series that will be released.

Apart from the profession of each character, the irony included in this

novel also varies, although not too much. Because indeed at that time, the law was

still not too evenly distributed. As long as the strong are in power. In Chapter 2 of

the novel, we were introduced to a situation where there was an unknown woman,

who was saved by Mike and his friends from some men who wanted to rape her.
“Hank's face twisted into a ferocious scowl. "The whole back of her dress
had been ripped off, Mike." He glared at the corpse lying on the pavement.
"I think those guys were trying to rape her." (Flint, 2000, hal. 17).

Hank explains to Mike that the woman they are currently dealing with, was

in danger at that time. Hank also explained how the woman's back cloth was torn.

This becomes a small picture of the dark life at that time. Where beautiful women,

will be hunted to satisfy the lust of the war soldiers at that time.

“He looked back at the horrendous sight. "Don't know exactly what they're
doing. I think they've got that guy nailed to his door and they're torturing
him." (Flint, 2000, hal. 20).

The torture that occurs in this scene is a looting of farmers and rape of

women who may be the children of these farmers. Mike at that time couldn't stop

thinking that what he was seeing had become a common thing at that time.

“The miners got within thirty yards of the house without being spotted.
They were now squatting down, hidden in the trees at the very edge of the
farm yard. The woman being raped was not more than forty feet away.
Mike's eyes shied away from the sight, but his ears still registered her
moans.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 21).

An image of irony that was first introduced in this novel, is a picture that

occurred at that time when not too much was known about the criminal

mechanisms at that time. Because those who have power, have the freedom to do

whatever they want. So that looting in the name of state tribute, became

commonplace and occurred frequently. And this indeed often happened at that

time because the security of the region, or even the country at that time, was due to

the Thirty Years War, so that many criminals arbitrarily targeted those who were
weak. Both financially, and physically and mentally. So that those who are weak

are easier to deceive and take advantage of (Blank, 2012).

Looting and rebellion were inevitable at that time. Given that at that time

the war was raging. And from that side too, it is a little clear how the conditions at

that time were so deplorable. Looting of farmers for profit, as well as forcible

taking of women from their parents to be used at will, seemed to be commonplace

at that time.

“Memory of the night before came crashing in. Hans opened his eyes. He
found himself staring at a corpse, not three feet away. The farmer, that
was. The man was staring up at the ceiling of the farmhouse with sightless
eyes. The rough clothing was caked with blood all through his midsection.
Flies swarmed on the corpse.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 96).

It would be so despicable to let a dead body stare blankly at the ceiling of

the farmhouse while the others were feasting on the loot. Drinking drunk with

murderers and looters as if there was no guilt in him.

“More than my share, came the thought. I drank more than my share, on
purpose. It made them laugh, how quickly I got drunk. But that's what I
wanted. It gave me an excuse.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 96).

The narrative also opens an explanation to the reader how slavery was

commonplace at that time. The perspective taken in this section is taken from the

point of view of the slaves who were held captive by Ludwig and his troops.

Where their group is known as a group of killers and looters.

“Most of that meal had been wine, in any event. Cheap, bad wine—the
kind to be found in a peasant's farmhouse. The other mercenaries, led by
Ludwig, had insisted that he drink his share.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 96).
In this section, it refers to a slave character who is with Ludwig's

mercenary, namely Hans Richter, where he is forced to drink his share solely to

please his boss. The wine used does have a quality that is not so good. Because

indeed all that is the loot from a farmhouse. What then becomes an irony is that

they enjoy every sip beside a rotting corpse, without guilt. As additional

information, the background of Hans Richter is not told too much here. However,

what made her stand out was her sister, namely Gretchen, where she (a woman)

was forcibly taken by Ludwig to be used freely. Which in this case still gives a bit

of an ambiguous statement, about whether he was used in the sense of forced

marriage, or was only used as a mere gratification of lust.

“Odd, really. Wilhelm was Ludwig's son. Probably. After the first day,
when their town was sacked by Tilly's army and Ludwig led his men into
their father's print shop, Gretchen had been reserved for Ludwig's
exclusive use. The baby certainly resembled his presumed father. Like
Ludwig, his hair was very blond, his eyes blue. And already he was giving
evidence that he might grow to Ludwig's size.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 98).

However, the ambiguity in the previous statement regarding Gretchen is

answered in a narrative which explains that Gretchen was made a concubine by


“Ludwig protected his older sister Gretchen from the other soldiers, since
he had taken her as his concubine.” (Flint, 2000, hal. 97).

Actually, it was mentioned in the previous text, even though it was

revealed on the following page, that their relationship did sound quite strange.

Because for readers who don't really know history in depth, this relationship will

be considered as a taboo punishment. But actually the relationship has become

commonplace, even today. And from here, the perspective on conditions at that
time was described by the author through some of these texts. Although there is

still no definite reference regarding what actually happened at that time, at least

the reader can understand a little about the description of the conditions at that

time. All of that is still in the realm of literature. So it is sometimes necessary to

compare the history in this novel, with the original history that happened in real

life, as well as several figures that exist in history, and find out one important

point between the two, namely the homology of what happened in the novel, with

what happened in a historical text.



In this section, we will describe some of the results obtained from the

analysis that has been carried out using the several methods listed in the previous

chapter. And this chapter will also provide suggestions for further research.


This conclusion will draw from the results of the analysis described in the

previous chapter. Namely the world view of this novel. Everything in the novel

actually takes some of the author's experience. Which is also combined with the

ideology of the group that has been created by the author himself. But also how

the environment around the author also supports the idea in building the story so

that it becomes more interesting. Like the main character who takes references

from the mining in his city, which is then recreated by the author so that it

becomes an important part of the novel. Where these mining employees then have

connections with several historical figures in it, such as King Gustav, Axel

Oxenstierna, and several other antagonist figures who actually existed in the

original history. Like Count Tilly, Wallenstein, and several of his chancellors who

were involved in the Breitenfeld war. And how can we also learn from the

personalities of some of the characters in the novel, to apply them in our daily

lives. Like King Gustav, who has high charisma because his way of leading is not

reckless just to satisfy his desires. In fact, we also learn a lot of important things

from some of the fictional characters present in the story. Like Mike Sterns, who

has the same way of thinking as King Gustav, where he always predicts things
with a cool head. Because with that, someone will learn how to control the

emotions in him. And this is very important in dealing with all problems, because

if you only follow your own emotions, it will only make the situation worse.

However, he is also thinking ahead about the impact that will result if he is

just a little careless. Even though the class of a cruel antagonist, Count Tilly, there

are still some moral messages that we can learn from his actions regardless of his

cruel personality. Namely from the way he thinks, which we learn a lot from him.

That no matter how smart a person thinks, he will also fall into the abyss. And

that's what happened to him, due to his arrogance because he had more soldiers

than the King of Sweden.

And also how this analysis explores how life and conditions were at that

time, where there is a lot of irony that seems to have become a common thing,

because of the tension in several countries due to war. And it is also an important

issue to study because on the other hand, we will also learn how people at that

time survived. Where rape, looting, and murder are commonplace. Even today, we

still often encounter this. So that at least we learn a little moral of life about how

every drop of blood that flows is a gift that must always be grateful for and should

not be wasted.

Apart from the irony of life in that environment, Grantville also gives us

many of the most important lessons in living life. Like how they work together in

a team for the welfare of a city that has indeed been thrown away from their

previous civilization. So how each of them complement each other. Although

some are still selfish and stubborn, they still act when it comes to the security of
the city. And that is also something that we may rarely encounter nowadays,

where people prefer to live to take care of themselves without caring about others.


This novel has its own uniqueness in terms of concept. Where the concept

used is the transfer of time, or what we usually refer to as time travel. Which

happened due to natural phenomena, not because of man-made machines.

However, the problem is that there are still few, or even none, researchers who

have examined this novel in the realm of literature. So the hope is for further

research so that it can be re-analyzed from a literary perspective. And this novel

can also be analyzed from the point of view of Marxism. Because as already

mentioned in the discussion, that the weak human rights to freedom in this novel

seem to be taken away by those who have power over everything.

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