Lodaya Task

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This is my story and my way to be a soldier

When I was a child I have a dream to be a soldier it cause everday I saw my father as a soldier u can say
my father is my role model and hi always told be and teach how to be a man and many thing about
respect and responsibility im not write all of it I just tell you my jorney in the military academy

Today in this year I have graduated from my senior high school in Bengkulu city and I promise to
my self I must be a military cadet in 2021 before I say like that I have been prepared my self since 3
years ago like psyco test and after that I learn may thing of psycology test and the I join the physical
training too to increase my ability and make my body perfect in 3 years im so full of training and learning
about that and after I graduated Im sure I can and I will be soldier this year,

So at first I register my self at regular throught but my scool call me and tell me I was choose to regist
in spotting throught which is you need have minimal 85 in all your raport value and from this way
selected 3 people sent to panda kodam 2 sriwjiaya,so I don’t need to follow the test at subpanda and my
opponent is not from regular but just from spotting,after the subpanda test over we go together to
Palembang for following panda testand we took the test for maybe 9 or 10 days I forget, in this stage my
opponent come from different province,and my province just sent 3 people different like other they sent
5 people and in this stage we competate with 5 other province day by day we passed away,and
alhamdulillah I and 2 other people from spotting through choosen to go to magelang for final test
section and go with 50 other peple from regular through

And we star the test with the same phase and step but with more hard situation and more difficult
opponent,but with pray and and effort I have done all he test and just wait for result I forget about the
date but I remember its at night maybe 9 or 10 pm me and 448 other people passed the test and I got
022 number im so proud cause its meant I passed the test with rank 022 of449,and this is the short story
about me and my way to be a military academy cadet in 2021,thankyou for my parents who always
support and pray the best for me

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