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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 1


At the end of the lesson,the pupils are able to:

a.Identify the body shapes (straight, curled,wide and twisted)and Body actions (walking, standing,and

b.Value the importance of body movements

C.Perform the body shapes (straight,curled ,wide and twisted) and Body actions ( walking,
standing,and sitting).

II.Subject Matter

Body shapes (straight,curled ,wide,and twisted)and Body actions (walking, standing ,and sitting).

a.Reference : Kto12 Physical Education Curriculum Guide

b.Materials: Printed pictures and Visual aids

III. Procedure

Teacher Activity Pupils Activity

A.Preliminary Activities


Before we start to our lesson, I want everyone (The pupils stand u

to stand up and bow our head and feel the
presence of the Lord.
Angel o
Angel of God
My guar
My guardian dear
to whom
to whom God's love
commits me here.
Ever th
Ever this day
be at m
be at my side
to light a
to light and guard,
to rule a
to rule and guide
Amen Ame

Good morning te
Good morning Class!
All good teacher
How are you today?
Have you eat your breakfast today?

Wow that's great!

Checking of Attendance

Say present if your name is called.

Girls Boys Present teacher

Chrizel, Bandejas B. Jeson, Golbe C. Present teacher

Jennifer Doble O. Algen ,Pones R. Present teacher

Jenalyn Listones C. Rodel,Pelones G.

I am grateful that no one is absent today .

Let's give Jollibee clap to ourselves.

Our topic yesterda

B.Review it's components .

Who still remember what was our topic (The pupils do the
yesterday? Yes Tyron?
Very Good. Let us give him a mosquito clap.

What is physical fitness? Yes Shiena? ( The pupils do th

Okay very good. Let us give her again a

Japanese clap . The components o
composition, flexib
What are those components of Physical
endurance,and car
Education? Yes Joshua?

( The pupils do the

Okay very good. Let us give him a Jollibee clap


I have here a printed pictures ,I will show them

in front of you one by one and I will demonstrate
them all in front of you as well .All you have to do
is to take a look each of pictures and follow after
Yes teacher
(The pupils obey to
Understand class?

Now ,I want everyone to stand and follow after


( The pupils well followed to her teacher of what

she performed in front of the class .)


Now ,I will call two pupils from the class and all Yes teacher
you need to do is to name the pictures wether it
is Body Shapes or Body Actions . understand class
Body Action

Body Shape

Picture of a men walking

Picture of a women twisted her body

Very Good class .Let us give a Japanese clap to

them .Our topic for today is all about the Body
Shapes(straight , curled wide,and twisted)and
Body Actions (walking , standing , and sitting .)

E .Disccussion

What is Body Shapes ?

The overall shape of person's body, typically

defined by measurement at two or more points.

What are the four Body Shapes ?

Straight, curled, wide and twisted

What is Body Actions ? ( The pupils has diff

What are the Three Body Actions ?

Walking, standing, and sitting


Why is it important to move our body everyday?

(The pupils has diff
We need to move our body everyday because
moving body has the power to improve every
part of our body,and also it is important to move
our body consistently because is so important for
our physical strength,mental health,and overall
wellbeing .It is the secret to providing our body
and mind with the nourishment it seeks

Very good class! Let us give ourselves Donesia



Now I will group you into two groups .The first

group will perform the Body shapes (straight,
curled wide and twisted) and the second group
will perform the Body Actions (walking,
standing,and sitting.)
Yes tteacher
I will give you 15 minutes to master your activity
and perform it in front of the class. To the group
would perform better I will give 10 stars,and the
other one will get 5 Stars.

Understand class?

Rubric for Judging

Mastery 5 Stars

Unity 5 Stars

Total =10 stars


Write BS if the picture present the Body

Shapes,and BA if it is present the Body Action.

1.Picture of a men walking.

2.Picture of a women sitting .

3.Picture of a girl twisted her body.

4.Picture of a boy standing

5.Picture of a lady curved her body.

V. Assignment

Give 3 movements that you do when you wake

up ,when you walk and eat.

Prepared by:

Ms. Abegail B. Bandojo BEED III -B

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