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Ans( 1) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a process used by companies to manage and

integrate the important parts of their businesses. Many ERP software applications are
important to companies because they help them implement resource planning by integrating
all of the processes needed to run their companies with a single system. An ERP software
system can also integrate planning, purchasing inventory, sales, marketing, finance, human
resources, and more. The term ERP evolved from material resources planning (MRP)

Basic ERP Concepts & Glossary of Terms

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Business process management tools that can be used to
manage information across an organization.

Supply Chain Management: the flow of goods and services from origin point to point of
ERP Deployment Options: The types of ERP system you can implement at your organization.
Customer Relationship Management: Tools that businesses use to manage interactions with
Mobility Solutions: The ability to access your data through your ERP from anywhere, and by
using mobile devices.
Enterprise Resource Planning system holds a ton of information to manage your business
successfully. A lot of the data in your ERP system is extremely relevant to your marketing and
sales department. If you know more about your customers, you can exceed their expectations
provides hard numbers on your customer’s buying cycle, what they spend on their equipment,
and how often they purchase. Tracking your customer’s behaviors with your ERP system helps
you provide a better service to your customers. At the end of the day, your main objective
should be to have happy customers.


system is critical for both your Marketing and Sales team; the data helps define the customer’s
current needs. For instances, if they know a customer’s equipment is down, they can point out
the possible savings of purchasing a new piece of equipment versus lost time and repairs cost
for their current piece of equipment.

beneficial to your company, but it is also helpful to your customer. You will save your customer
time and money if you can predict their needs ahead of time. In time you will have a loyal
(D) Using ERP data is not only beneficial to your company, but it is also helpful
to your customer. You will save your customer time and money if you can predict their
information streams because all your data will be within one system You will be able needs
ahead of time. In time you will have a loyal customer.

(E) Communication and Business Intelligence: with the help of good ERP you can
organise your company’s to utilise a variety of analytical tools to make informed business
decisions and remain competitive in your industry sector.
Cons which needs to be avoided for while implementing ERP solutions for suthar timber
merchants Are as follows

Implementing ERP systems is not quite as easy as you might think (or hope) it will be. In fact,
there are several major problems that you could potentially run into. To keep you from running
into these common problems, here’s a quick look at what they are, as well as what you can do
to avoid them.

Offering Inadequate Support for Your Implementation Team

Keep in mind that the ERP implementation process is just as difficult and time-consuming.
Continue to reassign their duties until the implementation is successfully completed. It could be
the difference between a successful implementation and failure.

Improper Planning
Implementing an ERP system is not something you can simply wing. It requires plenty of
planning to prevent confusion and other problems down the road.

Not Dedicating Enough Time to Training

Everyone needs to know how to work with the new ERP system. Some employees will have a
more difficult time adapting to it than others. Allow them extra time to train. Rushing them
could lead to severe mistakes, leaving the employee unmotivated to continue.

Failing to Take Advantage of Key Features

To get the highest ROI it is important to take advantage of these features during the
implementation process. This gives you the opportunity to ask the vendor any questions you
may have.

Ans 2 What is cloud computing, in simple terms?

Cloud computing is the delivery of on-demand computing services -- from applications to

storage and processing power -- typically over the internet and on a pay-as-you-go basis.
In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over
the internet instead of your computer's hard drive.
Cloud computing in healthcare

Cloud computing in hospitals describes the practice of implementing remote servers accessed
via the internet to store, manage and process hospitals related data. This is in contrast to
establishing an on-site data center with servers, or hosting the data on a personal computer.
Cloud storage offers a flexible solution that allows healthcare professionals and hospitals to
leverage a network of remotely accessible servers where they can store large volumes of data
in a secure environment that is maintained by IT professionals.

Advantages of cloud computing in healthcare and hospitals are as follows

Cloud Storage in hospitals Means Efficient Electronic Medical Record-Keeping – The goals of
cloud computing in the medical field are to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of medical
services, to better engage patients and family, improve the coordination of care, and to

maintain patient privacy and security. Electronic health records are stored in the cloud and
updated electronically by physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare Reduces Data Storage Cost – Establishing on-site storage
requires an up-front investment in hardware and requires purchasing hard drives to store data
on, and additional IT infrastructure to keep that data secure and accessible at all times.
Healthcare Cloud Computing Offers Superior Data Security- Paper records are easily lost or
stolen, and could be completely destroyed by a flood, fire or another natural disaster“The
cloud” has helped to ensure that every healthcare provider can access a data storage solution
that will adequately protect patient’s sensitive information.
Cloud Computing Offers Flexibility and Scales Easily – Cloud computing in healthcare also offers
additional flexibility through the typical pay-as-you-go cost structure associated with data
storage With cloud-based solutions, a simple call to your service provider is all that’s needed to
expand your data storage capacity to the levels you need.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare Enhances Patient Safety - Cloud-based EMRs can play a
significant role in enhancing patient safety after the the adoption of cloud EMR solutions,
healthcare providers at each facility the patient visited could glean direct insight into
interactions between the patient and physicians at other facilities.
Mobile devices are helping doctors handle patients more effectively by allowing them to create
separate profiles for patients and customizing them accordingly. This helps the doctors pinpoint
the problem much more quickly and provide the patients with an accurate prescription fast
Today, physicians point to three main benefits of smartphones and tablets for their practice:
better staff coordination,
improved patient communication,
and mobile access to EHRs.

That’s according to a mobile health survey by Physicians Practice, which revealed that mobile
device use by clinicians is now common. As early as 2018, over 75 percent of the practice
management website’s readers said they use mobile health in their practice on a weekly basis.
That statistic reflects what many physicians know – when properly integrated, mobile devices
are a revolutionary clinical tool.

1) Communication between staff members

The most common use of mobile devices in healthcare is to coordinate the care team, mostly
through secure messaging.

2) Patient communication
Many of these same apps allow providers to more easily engage patients through secure text
messaging, patient portals, and telemedicine. These mobile forms of patient engagement can
boost patient satisfaction, loyalty, and health outcomes.

2) Mobile access to the HER

While demand is growing, many doctors already use mobile apps to access the EHR. This is an
increasingly popular way to save time and optimize clinical workflow. Mobile EHR apps offer
benefits like mobile dictation and quick access to view and edit patient charts from anywhere.

Ans ( 3 a) demands for smart city project in india will include city-wide developments to
improve methods for engaging citizens and addressing their needs, building capacity among city
officials, and moving to e-governance through use of technology.
A smart city is an urban area that uses different types of electronic methods and sensors to
collect data. Insights gained from that data are used to manage assets, resources and services
efficiently; in return, that data is used to improve the operations across the city. This includes
data collected from citizens, devices, buildings and assets that is then processed and analyzed
to monitor and manage traffic and transportation systems, power plants, utilities, water supply
networks, waste, crime detection, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other
community services. The smart city concept integrates information and communication
technology (ICT), and various physical devices connected to the IoT network to optimize the
efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens.
The key elements of smart city projects include

Enabling technologies – We are in the early stages of an edge computing revolution and it
is critical to support the exponential increase in the number of connected devices, and vast
growth in data collected. Investment in reliable technology and high-speed connectivity is
central to Smart City buildout. The expedited shift to work from home in 2021 is driving the
need for reliable and secure high-speed connectivity. As vital infrastructures become
connected, cities must be aware of vulnerabilities to adversaries. Telecom and technology
companies must increasingly collaborate with governments and invest in reliable networks,
cybersecurity and backup systems.

Buildings and construction – Decarbonising the sector is one of the most cost-effective
ways to mitigate climate changeSmart solutions can transform them into energy-efficient and
sustainable buildings whilst also automating the way they are managed.

Improved energy sourcing, management and deployment- With cities consuming over two-
thirds of the world’s energy,4 there is immense pressure to transition to lower-carbon energy
systems. Our analysts believe investment in smart technology can speed the transition, whilst
bringing economic growth and competition. They expect to see significant investment in smart
grids, next-generation energy transmission, and distribution networks that can automatically
monitor energy flows and adjust to changes in supply and demand accordingly.
Smart water and waste management – Access to clean water and the ability to treat
wastewater are growing concerns for cities, along with how to better manage waste. Water
losses and flooding are also an increasing threat, with the impacts of climate change and rapid
Sustainable, resilient cities bring benefits to residents and investors – The volume
of stakeholders in cities has served as a barrier to progress. But thanks to new business models
and pressure to meet sustainability commitments, these public infrastructure projects should
attract private investment

Ans( 3 b) yes we do need smart cities

There are many reasons why we should transform our cities, and make them continuously
smarter: our cities getting bigger and bigger, our commute longer, roads larger and the impact
on the environment is worse than it has ever been.
To tackle these challenges, we need to look up some other cities, that are already succeeding in
that domain and replicate the model. It’s becoming a global challenge as India, China and Africa
are facing a significant population growth.
Better traffic flow

Traffic is one of the main annoyances for many city residents, but smart city technology offers
some solutions. For example, public transport routes can adjust in real-time according to
demand and intelligent traffic lights can improve congestion and traffic flow.
Safer cities
Smart city technology like Wi-Fi, IoT, and surveillance cameras can improve resident safety and
increase incident response times

Upgraded infrastructure
Infrastructure components including roads, bridges, and buildings require huge investments to
maintain and repair as they age.
Better citizen collaboration and feedback
In many smart cities, residents are easily connected to their city’s governing body where they
can give feedback on how they want their city to be.
Challenge 1: Infrastructure :
Effort to improve the quality of life for residents. Sensors collect data on everything from rush
hour stats to crime rates to overall air quality.
Complicated and costly infrastructure is involved in installing and maintaining these sensors.

Challenge 2: Security and Hackers

As IoT and sensor technology use expands, so does the threat level to security
Challenge 3 Privacy Concerns
In any major city, there’s a balance between quality of life and invasion of privacy. While
everyone wants to enjoy a more convenient, peaceful, and healthy environment, nobody wants
to feel like they are constantly being monitored by “Big Brother.”
Cameras installed on every street corner may help deter crime, but they can also install fear
and paranoia in law-abiding citizens.

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