Insta 1 Test U6 Extra

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Name: __________________________________________________ Result: __/100

UNIT 6 – Wise spending


1 Complete the sentences with money verbs. Use the simple past form.

a Sally ______________ $10,000 in the lottery! She was really happy.

b Jenny ______________ $200 every week at her part-time job.
c David ______________ his tennis racket for a computer game. He didn’t need the tennis racket
and his friend didn’t want the game.
d Sophie ______________ $50 from her dad because she didn’t have any money and she wanted to
go to a concert. She promised to pay back the money.
e Andy ______________ $20 at the café because he bought everybody a coffee.
f Jack ______________ the meal with his credit card. It cost $30.
g Rachel ______________ her bicycle. Somebody gave her $200 for it.
h Amy ______________ her coat to her sister because she didn’t have one and she needed to go
out. Her sister promised to give it back tomorrow.
Score __/8

2 Answer the questions with a computer technology word.

a What do you use to type on the computer? ______________________

b What do you call a small device that stores data and it connects to the USB port on a computer?
______________ ______________
c What is the flat surface you look at on a computer? _________________
d What do you call a small, flat device that stores data and can go inside a digital camera or a cell
phone? ______________ _______________
e What shows all the icons and windows on your computer screen? ________________
f What do you call a computer you can carry? ________________
g What makes copies on paper? ________________
h What do you call a camera that you connect to a computer? ________________
i Where does the sound come out of? ________________
j What device allows you to select and click on icons? ________________
k What generates digital representations of images? ________________
Score __/22


3 Complete the chart with comparatives.


a expensive

b fast

c big

d busy

e good

f heavy

g bad

h far

Score __/8

4 Write sentences in the comparative form.

a Peter / tall / his brother.

b A cell phone / expensive / an Mp3 player.
c 12GB memory cards / good / 8 GB ones.
d Road bikes / heavy / mountain bikes.
e A village / small / a city.
f This pullover / large / the other pullovers.
Score __/12

5 Complete the sentences. Use as…as or not as…as and the adjectives in parentheses.

a The village I used to live in is _______________________ (beautiful) …

b The watch William bought is ________________________ (expensive) …
c Walking is ________________________ (good) …
d Cats are _____________________ (popular)…
e Riding a bike ________________ (healthy)…
Score __/10

6 Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

a We had ______________ interesting day and ______________ lovely evening.

b Do you have ______________ new laptop and ______________ computer games?
c I haven’t saved ______________ money or ______________ coupons.
d I did ______________ work today and earned ______________ money.
e Did you win ______________ money? I can give you ______________ if you didn’t.
f I found ______________ coins behind the sofa, but I didn’t find ______________ bills.
Score __/12

7 Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot of.

a I don’t have ______________ time. I can only talk for five minutes.
b We lost ______________ games because we don’t have ______________ good players.
c Did Sally spend ______________ money on her vacation? She usually spends about $300!
d They didn’t know ______________ people so they didn’t have ______________ fun.
e In the refrigerator, there’s ______________ butter but there isn’t ______________ milk.
f The boys don’t like eating ______________ chocolate or ______________ cookies.
Score __/10


8 Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Allowance in the US

In the USA, children get, on average, $ 8.74 in allowance a week, not including gift cards on birthdays
and holidays.

American experts believe giving an allowance creates a great opportunity for kids to learn about family
values related to saving. But it is very important to define what to do with the money – what to buy and
not to buy, define what they ‘need’ and what they ‘want.’ It is a great idea to teach them how to save,
and piggy banks are a fun way to start doing it: kids can count the money and always check the total.
This can give them a sense of familiarity with coins and notes and also the importance of not spending
all they have.

To receive an allowance, American kids do some household chores: they tidy their room, do the
dishes, empty the trash, among other things. They also do gardening, wash the car or walk the dog.

So, what about you? What do you do to you earn your allowance? What do you do with it?

a On average, American children get ____ $9 in allowance.

( ) less than ( ) about ( ) exactly
b Piggy banks __________.
( ) can be used to save money ( ) aren’t a good idea ( ) can’t be found nowadays
c It _____________________ to define what to do with the money.
( ) can be important ( ) isn’t important at all ( ) is very important
d A popular way of earning an allowance is ____ .
( ) tidying your room ( ) looking after your pet ( ) feeding your family
e Another popular way of earning an allowance, according to the article, is ____ .
( ) washing the school floor ( ) walking a pet ( ) delivering newspapers
Score __/10

9 Read the text again and answer the questions.

a How much allowance do American children get?

b Why do American experts think it is a good idea to give kids an allowance?
c Name one of the most popular ways of earning an allowance in the US.
e What do kids do outside the house to get an allowance?
Score __/8

Vocabulary __/30
Grammar __/52
Reading __/18
TOTAL __/100

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