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UNIT 2 – House and Home


1 Complete the text with furniture words.

I love my bedroom. I have a really comfortable (a) b_______________ – I sleep really well in it!
Next to it, I have a small (b) t________________ for my alarm clock and my magazines. There’s a
(c) l________________ on it, too, so I can read at night. I’ve got a lot of books in my room and
they’re on a big (d) b________________. I have a (e) w________________ for my clothes.
There’s a long (f) m________________ on the front of it so I can look at myself! Under the window,
I have a (g) d_______________ and a (h) c_______________. I sit there and do my homework.
Finally, I have a comfortable, old (i) a_______________ in my room. My friends always sit on it
when they come around. It’s from our living room, but my mom’s got a new one now to put next to
our big green (j) s__________________.

Score __/20
2 Look at the pictures and write the words.

a w______________ b r______________ c d_____________ d t_____________

m _____________ c______________

e m ______________ f l______________ g r_____________ h t_____________

i m_______________ j c______________

Score __/10

#InstaEnglish – Photocopiable © Macmillan Education do Brasil.


3 Complete the sentences with the simple past form of be in the negative or positive, according to
the word in parentheses

a I ________________ very tired yesterday. (yes)

b You ________________ at school on Monday. (no)
c It __________________ cold at the beach today. (yes)
d My grandparents ________________ at home today. (no)
e Dave and I ________________ in the movie theater at five o’clock. (yes)
f My cell phone ________________ in my bag. (no)
g My family’s home ________________ big. (yes)
Score __/14

4 Write questions with the simple past form of be. Then complete the short answers.

a Sara / here last week?

No, _________________________.
b your shoes / in the wardrobe?
Yes, _________________________.
c you / in class this morning?
Yes, _________________________.
d your T-shirt / in the washing machine?
No, _________________________.
Score __/12

5 Write sentences with there was / there wasn’t or there were / there weren’t. Use the information
in the table.

(yes) (no)
telephones in rich people’s homes cell phones

a market in the street on Wednesdays a TV in my family’s house

jobs in the countryside an efficient means of communication

a maid in rich people’s homes big industries in villages

In 1900 …
a ____________________________________________________________
b ____________________________________________________________
c ____________________________________________________________
d ____________________________________________________________
e ____________________________________________________________
f ____________________________________________________________
g ____________________________________________________________
h ____________________________________________________________
Score __/16

#InstaEnglish – Photocopiable © Macmillan Education do Brasil.

6 Write questions with Was there / Were there. Then complete the short answers.

a two beds / in the room?

No, __________________________.
b a shower / in the bathroom?
Yes, _________________________.
c children / next door?
Yes, _________________________.
d big rooms / in poor people’s houses?
No, __________________________.
Score __/8


7 Read the text and circle T (true) or F (false).

Thomas Alva Edison 1847–1931

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and scientist. He started school at the
age of eight, but he was only there for three months because his teacher wasn’t very
nice to him and he returned home crying. After that, Edison studied at home with his

One of Edison’s first jobs was sending messages by telegraph. Telegraphy was the
only way to send messages quickly in those days because there weren’t any
telephones. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876, Edison
improved it by inventing an early microphone.

In 1877, Edison made the first phonograph, a machine that recorded and reproduced
sound. A year later, he invented the light bulb. In 1889, he invented the kinetoscope, a
machine to show moving pictures. He also produced movies for his new machine. In
1903, he produced a ten-minute movie. It was a long movie in the 1900s!

Edison invented more than 1,000 things during his life. When he died in 1931, they
switched off the lights all over the USA in his honor.

a Edison was at school for a short time. T/F

b Edison was the inventor of the telegraph. T/F
c Bell was the inventor of the first microphone. T/F
d In 1977, Edison made the first phonograph. T/F
e In 1903, a ten-minute film was a long film. T/F
Score __/10

#InstaEnglish – Photocopiable © Macmillan Education do Brasil.

8 Read the text again and answer the questions.

a Who was Thomas Alva Edison?

b Why was Edison unhappy at school?
c What was the method of communicating quickly before telephones?
d What was a phonograph?
e What happened when Edison died in 1931?

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/30
Grammar __/50
Reading __/20
TOTAL __/100

#InstaEnglish – Photocopiable © Macmillan Education do Brasil.

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