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From Muscle Forces to Joint Moments 267 268 Biomechanics of Skeletal Muscles

the iliotibial tract contributes to a passive

  From the Literature  ■  ■  ■
■  ■  ■
abduction moment with respect to the hip
and knee during activities like walking and
contribution of the Windlass mechanism standing. The contribution of this passive
to Gait mechanics moment to the total hip abduction moment
during standing is estimated at about 40%,
Source: Caravaggi, P., T. Pataky, J.Y. Goulermas, R. Savage, and R. Cromp-
and the contribution is much higher when
ton. 2009. A dynamic model of the windlass mechanism of the foot: Evi-
the pelvis is tilted in the frontal plane,
dence for early stance phase preloading of the plantar aponeurosis. J Exp
Biol 212(Pt 15):2491-2499 thereby increasing iliotibial tract stretch. At
the knee the iliotibial tract maintains stabil-
The authors estimated the temporal elongation of the plantar aponeu- ity of the lateral compartment of the joint
rosis during normal walking using a subject-specific multisegment and contributes to an extension moment at
rigid-body model of the foot. Reflective markers were attached to bony the knee.
landmarks to track the kinematics of the calcaneus, metatarsus, and Examine the supporting function of fascia
toes during barefoot walking. Ultrasonography measurements were lata and the iliotibial tract on yourself. Stand
performed on three subjects to determine (a) the location of the origin and shift your weight to one leg such that the
of the plantar aponeurosis on the plantar aspect of the calcaneus and pelvis drops on the non–weight-bearing side.
(b) the radii of the metatarsal heads. The results show that the plantar Try to relax muscles on the weight-bearing
aponeurosis experienced tension significantly above rest during early leg and palpate the lateral aspect of your
stance phase in all subjects (p < .01), thus providing support for a thigh by the ipsilateral hand. This tension
hypothesis that the plantar aponeurosis is actively preloaded prior to is caused by fascia stretch in this leg posi-
forefoot contact. The mean maximum tension exerted by the plantar tion, and if you are able to completely relax Figure 5.7 The iliotibial
aponeurosis was 1.5 time body weight over the three subjects. your leg muscles, the body support in the tract.
frontal plane will be provided mostly by the
Plantar fascia assists in storing and release of strain energy during land-
ings and subsequent takeoffs. For instance, total energy storage by the foot 5.3 muscle momenT arms
for a 79 kg man running at 4.5 m/s was estimated at 17 J. Removal of plantar
fascia reduced the energy recoil by approximately 15%. This section introduces the notion of a muscle moment arm, the geometric
characteristic of a muscle that determines the transformation from a muscle Fascia Lata and Iliotibial Tract
force to a muscle moment of force. Essentially, the moment arm is a coef-
Representative publications: Evans 1979; Benjamin 2009 ficient in the following equation: Moment of Force = Force × Moment Arm.
The basic mechanics of moments (described in section of Kinetics
The fascia lata is a deep fascia of the thigh that forms an ectoskeleton for of Human Motion) is valid but measurement of muscle moment arms is
thigh muscles. It is thicker on the lateral aspect of the leg. This thickening nontrivial, requiring sophisticated techniques.
is called the iliotibial tract. The iliotibial tract is also a tendon of tensor We start by defining muscle moment arm vectors (section 5.3.1) and then
fascia latae muscle and gluteus maximus (figure 5.7). discuss methods used to determine muscle moment arms (section 5.3.2).
The iliotibial tract is stretched in a standing person. It is shortest when Finally, we consider factors that affect the magnitude of muscle moment
the knee is fully flexed and the hip maximally abducted. Because of its arms in human joints (section 5.3.3).
location with respect to the hip and knee joints and its tensile strength,
From Muscle Forces to Joint Moments 269 270 Biomechanics of Skeletal Muscles

5.3.1 muscle moment arm Vectors and Their components The direction of the muscle
moment arm vector is the same
Representative publications: Dostal and Andrews 1981; Wood et al. as the direction of the moment
1989a, 1989b; Pandy 1999 of force mO and can be defined
by the right-hand rule—when the Moment Arms as Vectors right-hand fingers are curling from
As defined in section of Kinetics of Human Motion (equation 1.8), vector r to vector F, the extended
the moment of force about a point O is a vector mO obtained as a cross- thumb shows the direction of the
product of vectors r and F, where r is the position vector from O to any moment of force vector and the
point along the line of force F: muscle moment arm vector. The Figure 5.8 The definition of the muscle
vector is along the moment axis; moment E4720/Zatsiorsky/Fig5.8/402672/alw/pulled-R1
arm vector d (the moment per
mO = r × F. [5.1] if F were the only force acting on unit of muscle force). Muscle force F (not
The magnitude of moment is MO = F(rsinθ) = Fd, where θ is the angle the body, the body would rotate shown in the figure) is applied at point P
between vectors r and F and d is the moment arm, the shortest distance about this axis. Note (this is impor- and acts along the line prescribed by unit
vector u. The moment arm vector is cal-
from the O to the line of action of F. Equation 5.1 can be represented in a tant!) that by definition the muscle culated as d = r × u, where r is a vector
slightly different form, as a product of the muscle force magnitude and the moment arm vector d is not along from the joint center O to any point along
moment arm vector d: the moment arm d shown in figure the line of muscle force action. The direc-
5.8. As follows from equation 5.2, tion of d is orthogonal to the plane Q in
mO = r × F = r × Fu = F(r × u) = Fd, [5.2]
if a moment arm vector d is known, which vectors r and u are located. d is the
muscle moment arm, that is, the perpen-
where u is a unit vector along the line of force action (figure 5.8). The the moment of force can be found dicular distance from the joint center O to
moment arm vector d equals the moment per unit of force. The moment arm by multiplying d by the muscle the line of muscle force action. d is a line
vector is also called the normalized moment vector. Note that in equation force magnitude F. As already segment (not a vector). Its length equals
5.2, muscle force F acts on a bone forming the joint. mentioned, the magnitude of the the magnitude of d. Vector d and line seg-
When defined for a muscle, the cross-product moment arm vector is numerically ment d are orthogonal. The vector d is
equal to the moment of force pro- along the moment axis, the same axis as
d = (r × u) [5.3] the vector of moment of force F. The axis
duced by a force of unit magnitude. is not specified in advance; its orientation
is the muscle moment arm vector. The magnitude d of the muscle moment As an example, consider the is the consequence of the r and u spatial
arm vector d is equal to the perpendicular distance from the joint center humerus and scapula, which form arrangements. Compare this figure with
(point O) to the line of muscle force action, or the shortest distance between a two-link kinematic chain con- figure 1.3 in Kinetics of Human Motion.
the muscle force line of action and point O (figure 5.8), that is, rsinθ, nected at the glenohumeral joint
where r is the magnitude of vector r and θ is the angle between vectors and to which several muscles attach including teres major (figure 5.9). We
r and u. shall assume that a muscle path can be represented by a straight line (such
A concept of the moment arm vector is not generally used in classical models are described in section 1.6.1), and we shall use the classic methods
mechanics, where moment arms are commonly treated not as vectors but of vector analysis.
as line segments. The concept was introduced in biomechanics because In the reference system XYZ specified by the unit vectors i, j, and k, the
denoting a moment of muscle force as a product of the force magnitude coordinates of the points A and B are (Ax, Ay, Az) and (Bx, By, Bz), respectively.
F and a vector d is a convenient notation that represents the essence of To avoid clutter, point coordinates and unit vectors are not depicted in the
muscle moment production. The moment arm vector d depends on human figure. The vectors rA and rB are then equal:
anatomy and for a given joint position cannot be voluntarily changed.
rA = Axi + Ayj + Azk
rB = Bxi + Byj + Bzk. [5.4]
From Muscle Forces to Joint Moments 271 272 Biomechanics of Skeletal Muscles

of the muscle of interest. Because r is known (r corresponds to rA in figure

5.9), equation 5.3 is used to determine d.
Assuming that the force and the speed of muscle shortening do not
change, increasing the muscle moment arm (e.g., because of a tendon trans-
fer) will increase the joint moment and decrease the joint angular velocity.
The proof of this statement is left to the reader. Muscle Moment Arms About Rotation Axes
Representative publications: Rugg et al. 1990; Nakajima et al. 1999;
Ackland et al. 2008
Equations 5.1 and 5.2 define the moment of muscle force about a point,
for example, a joint center (if such a center exists; see chapter 4 on joint
geometry and joint kinematics in Kinematics of Human Motion). The
moments represent the tendency to cause rotation, and rotations are
performed about axes. Therefore, in practice the topic of interest is the
moment of muscle force about a predefined rotation axis. This axis (axes)
can be the same as the axis of the muscle moment or can be different. In
Figure 5.9 Definition of the moment arm vector d and its scalar components the former case, (a) the task is planar, (b) the bone movement is in the
dx, dy, and dz. The glenohumeral joint is formed by the humerus and scapula and plane of muscle line of action, (c) the axis of rotation is orthogonal to
shown with several muscles crossing the joint including the teres major muscle the muscle line of action, and (d) the muscle moment arm vector is along
(TM). The origin of the orthogonal coordinate system O is located at the joint the joint axis of rotation. The moment magnitude equals Fd, where the
center, and the coordinate axes X, Y, and Z correspond to anatomical axes of rota- symbols are explained previously.
tion at the joint. The long dashed line passing through the midpoints of origin and
insertion of the muscle is a linear approximation of the line of action of the TM
In three dimensions a muscle could generate a moment about an axis
muscle. The direction of the line is defined by the unit vector u (equation 5.2). that is different from the axis (axes) of interest (e.g., the flexion–extension
The TM force vector is F = Fu. The position vectors rA and rB are directed from axis or an instantaneous rotation axis). The moment of force Moo about an
the joint center O to the midpoint of TM insertion area (the point of TM force ap- axis O-O equals a component of moment mO along this axis (the mechan-
plication) and to the midpoint of TM origin, respectively. d is the muscle moment ics are explained in section in Kinetics of Human Motion). Note
arm vector; dx, dy, and dz are its scalar components that specify the relative turning that Moo is a scalar whereas mO is a vector; it has both magnitude and
effects of a unit TM force on the humerus with respect to the corresponding axes
of rotation at the joint. Note that d (the perpendicular distance from the line of direction. The same is valid for the muscle moment arm vector d and the
muscle force action to joint center O) is a scalar. moment arm about a predefined axis, for example, moment arm dx about
axis X. Because the moment mO and the vector d are along the same axis,
the results of the vector’s decomposition will be similar.
The muscle force vector F equals Fu, where F is the magnitude of F and
The muscle moment vector can be defined for the instantaneous joint
u is the unit vector. Vector u specifying direction from A to B can be found
axis of rotation. According to Chasles’ theorem (see section in
from the difference between the vectors rB and rA:
Kinematics of Human Motion), any rigid-body motion (e.g., a motion of
r −r
u= B A , [5.5] bone A with respect to bone B at a joint) can be obtained as the rotation
rB − rA around an axis (e.g., instantaneous axis of bone rotation), called the screw
where the vertical lines in the denominator signify vector magnitude. If or helical axis, and a translation parallel to this axis. To determine the
B and A are the points of muscle origin and insertion and the straight line turning effect of the muscle force applied to the bone with respect to the
model of muscle path is accepted, vector u specifies the line of force action
From Muscle Forces to Joint Moments 273 274 Biomechanics of Skeletal Muscles

instantaneous axis of bone rotation, the translation of the bone along that
axis typically is not considered. The turning effect of muscle force on the   From the Literature  ■  ■  ■
■  ■  ■

bone with respect to the axis around which the bone instantly rotates is
characterized by the moment of force about the axis: moment arms of the achilles Tendon and Tibialis
anterior are approximately similar for the Fixed
Moo = uoo ⋅ Fd = uoo ⋅ (r × F) = uoo ⋅ (r × Fu), [5.6]
and instant centers of rotation
where Moo is the moment of muscle force about the instantaneous axis of
bone rotation specified by the unit vector uoo; F is the vector of muscle Source: Rugg, S.G., R.J. Gregor, B.R. Mandelbaum, and L. Chiu. 1990. In
force; F is the magnitude of the vector of muscle force applied to the vivo moment arm calculations at the ankle using magnetic resonance imag-
bone whose direction is defined by the unit vector u; and r is the position ing (MRI). J Biomech 23(5):495-501
vector from any point on the axis of rotation to any point on the line of In this study the authors measured in vivo moment arms of the Achilles
muscle force action. Equation 5.6 is a mixed triple product of the three tendon and tibialis anterior muscles in 10 adult male subjects using a
vectors: uoo, r, and F (this is essentially equation 1.23 from Kinetics of series of sagittal plane magnetic resonance images. The moment arm
Human Motion). was defined as the shortest distance between the joint center of rotation
The projection doo of muscle moment arm vector on axis O-O can be and the center of the muscle’s tendon. The position of the center of
defined as the moment per unit of muscle force that causes rotation of the rotation for a given joint angle was determined using a modification
bone about the instantaneous axis of rotation: of the graphic method of Reuleaux. The assumption of the fixed center
M oo of rotation at the ankle increases the measured moment arm of the
d oo = = u oo⋅ (r × u) = u oo⋅ d. [5.7]
F Achilles tendon by 3.1% and the tibialis anterior by 2.5%. For both
As can be seen from equation 5.7, the magnitude of the muscle moment fixed and instantaneous centers of rotation, moment arms increased
arm about axis O-O is equal to the projection of the vector d = r × u by approximately 20% for the Achilles tendon and decreased by
onto the instantaneous axis of rotation uoo. The magnitude of the moment approximately 30% for the tibialis anterior when the ankle moved
arm also equals the perpendicular, or shortest, distance d between the from maximum dorsiflexion to maximum plantar flexion. The authors
axis of rotation, specified by uoo, and the line of muscle force action, concluded that the averaged moment arm lengths for the Achilles
specified by u, multiplied by the sine of the angle ϕ between the two tendon and the tibialis anterior were relatively unaffected by the use
lines: of a fixed versus moving center of rotation.

d sin φ = u oo⋅ (r × u) . [5.8] Muscle Moment Arms About Anatomical Axes: Muscle
When the line of muscle force action is along the axis of rotation, sinϕ Functions at a Joint
= 0 and the force does not produce any moment about this axis. When
uoo and u are at a right angle to each other, sinϕ = 1 and the moment is Representative publications: Youm et al. 1976; Dostal et al. 1986
maximal. Determining vector d components along the anatomical axes (i.e., the flex-
At the joints, three situations can be discerned: (a) the orientation of ion–extension, abduction–adduction, and internal–external rotation axes)
the instantaneous axis is changed during a joint motion but the axis still is done using the same equations as for the helical axes, equations 5.4 to
intersects the same center, a fixed joint center; bone B rotates but does 5.6; this allows us to classify the muscles according to their functions, for
not translate about bone A; (b) bone B moves—rotates and translates—in example, as flexors or extensors. Strictly speaking, any muscle generates
a plane, the instant center of rotation migrates, but the orientation of the a moment of force at a joint about only one axis. So, it can be said that a
instant axis of rotation does not change; and (c) both rotation and transla- muscle has only one function. The muscle moment axis, however, does
tion occur in three dimensions. not coincide typically with anatomical axes, the axes that are selected by
anatomists to describe joint movements. Hence, the muscle functions are

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