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Business Plon

Mr. John Doe
Chief Executive
1 JeCUtrVe MMMZID/ . ...............................................................................................,....,....,....,.........,........................................-3

1.1 IFltrOdUCtl D£I.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Nature and Scope of the Busines........................................................................................................................... 5
2 Industry and Market Analysis....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1IT Security Consulting Industry in the U,S.................................................................................................,...„...„...„...„. 9
2.1.1 Major Markets................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.2...................................................................................................................................... Demand Determinants. 13
2.1.3Business locations................................................................................................................................................ I.S
2.2............................................................................................................................ IT Consulting Industry in the U.S.17
2.2.1 Major I\markets.................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.2...................................................................................................................................... Demand Determinants. 21
2.2.3 Business Locations.................................................................................................,....,....,....,....,....,....,.......23
3 Services and Products........................................................................................................................................................ 2S
3. 1 COlñSU\tlFtg @ FVlCeS............................................................................................................................................................................................25
3.2Cybersecurity, Identity, and Education Solutions.................................................................................................27
3.2.1Cybersecurity Solutions................................................................................................................................ 27
3.2.2.............................................................................................................................................. Identity Solutions. 27
3,2.3 Customized Solutions.,....„...,.,............,.........,....,....,....,....,....,....,.........,....,....,.....,....„..„...„...„...„...„...„,...„. „,28
3.2.4 Education Products ....................................................................................................................................,.........28
4 SAMPLE COMPANY’s Strengths....................................................................................................................................... 29
4.1 Innovative Digital and Security Solutions................................................................................29
4.2 Superior and Unique Services and Products...........................................................................30
4.3 Mr. Doe’s Unparalleled Credentials.........................................................................................30
4,4 Personalized Services.....................................................................,..............,.........,...................................„...„...„...„.31
4,5 Optimal Time-to-Market.....................................................,...................................,....,.....„...„...,....„...„...„...„...„...„.31
4.6 Knowledge Transfe r............................................................................................................................................ 31
5 Marketing and Competitive Features.............................................................................................32
5.1 website and Digital Marketing............................................................................................................................. 32
5.2Social Media......................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3Other Marketing Strategies.................................................................................................................................. 33
6 Key Management and Personnel ..................................,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,........................„........................,.........„,..„.34
6.1Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Doe ..................................................................„..„,.......,......,..................................34
6.1.1Education...................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1.2Awards, Degrees, and Acknowledgements..................................................................................................35
6.1.3.......................................................................................................................... Patenu and Intellectual Righu. 37
6.1.4Professiond Experience................................................................................................................................39
6,1.5 Duties at the U,5, Company ................................,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....„...„...„...„,..„,..„,..„....„...„.. 39
6.2 Operations Manager............................................................................................................................................ 40
.3 PLUS EXeCUti VMS.....................................................................................................................................................................................................&1
6.4Sales Coordinator.................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.5Public Relations and Key Accounts Rep/esentadve............................................................................................42
6.6 GraphJc Designer and Marketlng Specialist........................................................................................................42
s.7 customer service Representative.....................,...................................................................................................43
6.8 Administrative Assistant/Secretary............................................................................................................................. ,43
6.9 Independent Contractors ...................................................................................................................„...„...„................,44
6.10 Personnel Plan.................................................................................................................................................. 44
s.11PersonneI Summary................................................................................................................................................... 4S
6.12 The Company’s Internal Organizational Chart (Year 3)....................................................................................45
7 Need for the Company's Services............................................................................................................................. 46
8 Mr. Doe‘s National impact.............................,............................................................................................................50
9Financials.................................................................................................................................................................... 54
9.1 Sales Forecast...................................................................................................................................................................... S4
g.fl f'O'[lt glad LOSS.................................................................................................................................................................................... $•g
9.3 Bal ance Sheet......................................................................................................,....,....,.....................................................5S
1 Executive Summary

J.1 Introduction
Mr. John Doe (hereafter also referred to as Mr. Doe) will operate an IT company in the
U.S., focused on providing a variety of services and products to businesses operating in
multiple industries.

Mr. Doe will pursue his endeavor through SAMPLE COMPANY (hereafter also referred to as
the Company). SAMPLE COMPANY was formed on Month XX, 20XX in Sample State.

The Company will provide safety and cybersecurity solutions, security system
engineering services, forensic analysis system s, biometr ic solutions, consulting services for
risk mitigation, software, and more.

In addition, SAMPLE COMPANY will also offer training courses, workshops, conferences
and seminars, focused on cybersecurity, information security awareness, and more. Some of
these programs will be aimed at children, in order to help them avoid threats caused

By operating in the IT, consulting, and information security fields, Mr. Doe’s Company will
contribute to the development of an area that is recognized by the U.S. government as
being of vital importance to the country.

SAMPLE COMPANY’s office will be based in Sample City, Sample State. However, SAMPLE
COMPANY will serve clients throughout the entirety of the U.S. and internationally, Upon
receiving his visa approval, Mr. Doe will start serving as the Chief Executive Officer of the
Company. His business vision, strong motivation, and acquired experience, knowledge,
and professional skills will allow him to direct the Company, forge relationships with
prospective clients, establish business networks easily, and build a lasting client

As mentioned in Section 6.1, Mr. Doe is well-positioned to advance his proposed endeavor as
the Chief Executive Officer of SAMPLE COMPANY. His academic credentials include a

Degree in Computer Systems Engineering, a Master of Science Degree, and an
Honorary Doctorate from Sample University, for his contributions to the development of
innovation and educational technology.

Over the last XX years, Mr. Doe has been serving as the Founder and President of
Sample Company, Sample Country. Sample Company is a business group with leading
business units in different Segments, making use of innovation and technological trends to
obtain better results in an increasingly digital world, The company‘s operations fall within
three categories of services:

• Digital Identity. Sample Company develops, implements, a nd applies policies laws

and regulations necessary to support the safe operation of a digital society
• Digital Security. Sample Company specializes in the prevention, detection,
correction, recovery, and defense against cybercriminals
• Technological Innovation: Sampl e Company develops and implements
technological products an d services globally.

Under the leadership of Mr. Doe, Sample Company achieved excellence in the areas of
cybersecurity, identity, software development, education, and technological innovation, and
its business units have been certified and awarded by different institutionsworldwide.

Mr. Doe’s main goal is to expand the operations of Sample Company to the United States
through SAMPLE COMPANY and collaborate with the country by offering so(utions that
improve the security of organizations in the modern business environment, while
fostering technological innovation. With multiple awards earned due to his unrivalled skills,
and an impressive number of patents registered, Mr. Doe will contribute to the
development of areas that are widely- recognized as being of high importance to the
United States.

1.2 Nature and Scope of the Business
SAMPLE COMPANY will conduct business as an IT and cybersecurity consulting company. Mr.
Doe will develop the Company’s operations, including the services and products provided,
based on the successful business model of his Sample Countr v- based company,
Sample Company.

As previously mentioned, Sample Company is a Sample Country-based international group

that has successfully operated in the IT and cybersecurity market for the past XX vears.
The U.S. Company, SAMPLE COMPANY, will adapt the Sample Country company’s
business model to the
U.S. market, and will, therefore, operate in the following business segments:

• Physical and digital identity

• Cybersecurity
• Software development
• Online Education Solutions for Children
When it comes to physical and digital identity, SAMPLE COMPANY will provide the
technology that allows for the storage of biometric, biographical, and security information
of high density. This technology will allow fast reading and low storage requirements, which
guarantees the non- impersonation of identity and reduction of costs related to
identification documents issuance.

The Company‘s technology will allow for both offline and online verification, and will not
require the creation of a database, as the technology operates without the need for
retaining biographical data. The Company’s business model will allow SAMPLE COMPANY
to successfully organize a wide range of products and services offered, and will enable the
Company to plan the independent development of each business segment. This business
model will also enable SAMPLE COMPANY to concentrate on the continuous development
of the Company’s strengths with regards to each specific target sector, as well as to develop
unique missions and visions for each business segment.

The Company’s digital identity business operations wi II focus on developing, implementing,

and applying the policies, laws, and regulations necessary to support the safe operations of a

society. When it comes to digital security, SAMPLE COMPANY will specialize in the prevention,
detection, correction, recovery, and defense against cybercrime.

Additionally, the Company will develop and implement technological products and services
offering them to clients in Sample State and Sample State 1 in the first year of business
operations. As the business develops, SAMPLE COMPANY will gradually expand its target area
to include states such as Sample State 3, Sample State 4, Sample State 5, and Sample State 6,
before eventually expanding across the entirety of the U.S. and other countries

SAMPLE COMPANY will provide customized technological solutions in accordance with each
client’s needs. The Company will thoroughly analyze the specific requirements of each project
in order to develop solutions that will enable each client to use the latest technologies in a
creative, efficient, and functional manner. SAMPLE COMPANY will operate in accordance
with Sample Company’s and its partner companies’ certifications, including: Sample
Certification, Sample Certification 1, and Sample Certification 2.

Sample Company and its suppliers have been certified and awarded by different
institutions worldwide. Sample Company has successfully provided its products and services
to hundreds of clients in Sample Country and worldwide, including: Some Company, Some
Company 1, Some Company 2, Sample Country Ministry of Education, Sample Co untry
Ministry of Justice, Some Company 3, Some Company 4, and Some Company S. The U.S.
Company will benefit from these existing client relationships and the Sample Country
company’s market reputation, as well as from its relationships with allies and strategic
partners, such as Some Company 6, Some Company 7, Some Company 8, Some Company
9, Some Company 10, Some Company 11, Some Company
12, and Some Company 13.

SAMPLE COMPANY will collaborate with companies such as Company 1 (, Company 2 (, Company 3 (, and
brands such Company 4 (, Company 5 (,
Company 6 ( and other, which are all part of the Sample Company
group. Namely,

SAMPLE COMPANY will also act as a sales representative for these companies’ products
end brand’s in the U.S. market.

• Company 1 specializes in developing digital identity solutions that applythepolicies,

laws, and regulations necessary for the safe digital operations. Company 1 solutions
indude big data (institutional strategic intelligence), document management,
official digital identification (cryptographic seal of identity), and digital certification
in digital media.

• Company 2 is a digital security innovation agency specializing in preventing, detecting,

correcting, recovering, and defending organizations against cybercrime. Cybersecurity
is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital
attacks. Cyberattacks are usual(y aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying
sensitive information, extorting money from users, or interrupting normal business
processes. The goal of implementing cybersecurity is to provide effective protection
for computers, servers, networks, mobile devices, and the data stored on these
devices from attackers with malicious intent. Cyber-attacks can be used to
access, delete, or extort an organization’s or user’s sensitive data, which makes
cybersecurity a vital discipline. Cyberse curity is a continuously changing field, with
the devel op ment of te&noIogiesthat open new Avenues for cyberattacks. Even
though significant security breaches often get publicized, smaller organizations still
have to concern themselves with seCuritybreaches, as they may often be targets of
viruses and phishing attacks. To protect organizations, employees, and
individuals, Mr. Doe‘s Company will offer cybersecurity tools and solutions
developed by Company 2, which will include, digital surveillance, diagnosis and safety
assessment, organizational intelligence, and people and processes security.

• Company 3 develops customized systems, produces educational content, and

develops IT innovations in accordance with clients’ needs. The company’s solutions
allow for efficient organizational communication, project management, and training.
Company 3 also creates practical and functional applications that are designed to
enhance clients’ businesses.

SAMPLE COMPANY will also offer educational solutions developed by Company 4, which
offers programs that support the education of children in the area of personal

SAMPLE COMPANY will distinguish itself from the competition by offering a diverse
range of customizable services and solutions. The Company will be dedicated to providing
exceptional customer service, coupled with a focus on meeting clients' specific IT, digital

identity, and cybersecurity requirements. SAMPLE COMPANY’s competitiveness will be
enhanced by the

Sample Country company’s established reputation and support, s well developed
network of business contacts, a strong marketing strategy, and Mr. Doe’s personal

By establishing a strong relationship with clients, performing detailed research on clients’

business challenges, and tailoring services to their specific needs, SAMPLE COMPANY will
come up with detailed and precise assessments and provide effective information security

Mr. Doe will ensure that SAMPLE COMPAN Y will be a customer-oriented company,
placing clients’ needs at the core of its operations. In addition to listening and fully
understandingdients’ requirements, the Company’s approach will be to ensure that all
solutions it offers have optimal time-to-market, in accordance with clients’ demands.

Mr. Doe is conscientious of the ethical issues surrounding computer data and
product admissibility in security proceedings. Under Mr. Doe’ direction, SAMPLE COMPANY
will strive to achieve a sound reputation in the U.S., as a reliable and ethical service

A solution-based, client-centric approach and Mr. Doe’s exceptional credentials are some of
the factors that will lead his Company to successfully establish operations in the U.S.
Moreover, supported by Mr. Doe’s entrepreneurial experience and his unrivalled
skills in the field of information security, SAMPLE COMPANY will grow rapidly and
contribute positively to the U.S. economy as a whole.
2 Industry and Market Analysis

2.1 IT Security Consulting Industry in the U.S.

According to Sample Source, :t

one of the world's leading publishers of business
intelligence specializing in industry and procurement research, the IT Security Consulting
industry offers managed IT security services, such as firewalls, intrusion prevention, security
threat analysis, proactive security vulnerability, penetration testing, and incident
preparation and response.

The increasing use of mobile devices and cloud-based servers to store sensitive data
and the subsequent rise in technologically sophisticat ed cyber criminals threatening to
steal that data have accelerated groMh in the IT Security Consulting Industry. Benefiting
from the increasing adoption of e-commerce, social networking and cloud computing,
industry revenue grew at an annualized rate of X.X%to $XX.X billion over the X years to
20XX. The growing prevalence ofhigh- profile cybersecurity attacks and risks associated
with potential data breaches continued to propel the industry forward, with revenue
rising by X.X% in 20XX alone.


Over the past X years, the increasing number of broadband connections and rapid growth in
the number of mobile connections have contributed to rising demand for IT security and
systems integration Solutions. IT security consultants have benefited from these trends, as
they increase the amount of data stored in cloud servers that require protection.
Furthermore, the rise of software as a service (SaaS), a model of software deployment in
which a provider licenses an application to customers for use as a
service on demand, has helped raise
the percentage of services conducted
online. In 20XX, XX.X% of all
services were conducted online, up
from XX.X% in 20XX. As consumers
and companies rely more on online
networks to conduct business, industry
operators indirectly benefit from the
growing risk of potential security
breaches. Addi tional!v, government
agencies, which currently generate an
estimated XX.X% of revenue, have
also shown their vulnerability to
security breaches, as anti-censorship
organizations have leaked classified
information to the public.

Business Plan J 0
Industry profit, measured as earnings before interest and taxes, is expected to decrease
during the current period, but will likely increase over the X years to 20XX. The industry is
likely to perform well as downstream markets across all sectors, including banking and
financial services, telecommunications, and retail, continue to react proactively to the risk
of high -profile, reputation-threatening breaches. Furthermore, government agencies
contending with high - stake security issues are expected to increase their IT security
investments significantly over the next X years. As these positive trends continue, industry
revenue is expected to grow at an annualized rate of X.X% to $XX billion over the X
years to 20XX.

2.1.1 Major Markets

2. . .1 Financial serv ices

Financial service providers are one of the largest private sector markets for IT Security
Consulting Indu stry services, accounting for X.X% of revenue. Major client groups within this
sector include commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies and credit card
issuing companies. Since operators in the financial services industry are responsible for
protecting sensitive client information, they depend on IT consultants to protect the
privacy of this informatio n.Insurance companies use IT security consulting services to
lower the risk of fraudulent claims, including undue compensation or coverage and
exaggerated claims. Nonmedical insurance fraud typically falls under three categories: life
insurance, automobile insurance, and property insurance. Demand from insurance
companies has remained relatively steady over the past X years. Banks rely on IT security
consultants to manage risks and reduce identity theft through advanced
Business Plan
systems in verifying client accounts. Data breaches and security flaws are particularly
worrisome for banks and financial institutions that experience a major cybersecurit v incident,
because they are likely to experience significant reputation loss or hefty fines. According to
statements from a variety of sources, including Sample Source 1 and Sample Source 2,
financial institutions have historically been the largest target for security breaches. This fact
can be seen by the hugebreach incurred by Some Company, a consumer credit reporting
agency, which was publicly hacked in 20XX Overall, demand for IT security solutions from the
financial sector has increased steadily over the X years to 20XX.

2. .1.2 IT Serv ices

The information sector as a whole, which includes operators in technology, media, and
telecommunications, generates X.X% of industry revenue. High-tech industries rely on IT
security consultants to integrate more reliable and efficient ways of securing their IT
systems. Since technology is constantly evolving, an increasing amount of security needs
to be used for IT systems. As more consumers use online services that require them to input
sensitive information, such as a mailing address, credit card information, or even the
user’s social security number, demand to protect that information increases. The technology
and online services markets have grown quickly over the past X years, as online shopping
and social media websites gained more users - consequently requiring a higher level of

2. .1.3 Healthcare
The healthcare sector accounts for XX.X% of revenue. Healthcare operators use fraud
detection software to lower the risk of improper payments, eligibility fraud, and case
management. This segment will grow significantly over the next X years, as healthcare
companies conti nue to integrate big data solutions and predictive analytics throughout their
operations.Additionally, a growing strain on healthcare resources will push operators in the
sector to seek novel and creative solutions to problems relating to patient data and

Business Plan J 2
2.1.1 ,4 Education
The education sector accounts for XX.X% of industry revenue. This sector, which
encompasses private and public educational institutions for all age levels, collects large
swaths of confidential data from both students and employees. C onsequently,
organizations within this sector are prone to outside h ackers and even potential leaks
from within their ranks, which makes information and data security an imperative. As the
population continues to grow and more students continue to enroll in the education system,
this segmen t will increase as a percentage of revenue over the X years to 20XX.

2. .1.5 Gov ernment

The public sector, which includes government agencies at the state and federal levels,
accounts for a significant XX.X% of industry revenue. The federal government requires IT
security consultants in areas including defense systems, social security, Medicare, and
homeland security to maintain the security and integrity of vast government records.
Additionally, IT security consulting services are required to mainta in the information
systems of state-run agencies, including schools, colleges, and universities.

2.1.2 Demond Determinants

Demand for IT Security Consulting Industry services is based on the level of technology, demand
for in house IT security support and business, and corporate profit.

2. .2. Lev el oT technology

The change in technology over the past X years has significantly affected demand for IT
security services. Due to the fast-growing nature of online sho pping and social media
websites, companies are requiring more personal information from users. E-commerce, m-
commerce, and social networking sites require users to create accounts and often require
sensitive information such as a mailing address, credit card information, or other personal
information. Storing more customers’ sensitive information on the internet or in the cloud
increases the damage that a security breach could Cause. Hackers that breach IT security
and access user accounts can potentially access personal and sensitive information to sell
or use for identity theft or fraud.

Business Business Profit
Demand for IT Security consulting services benefits from higher corporate profit and
business sentiment levels. Businesses are more likelv to invest in new comp uting
infrastructure when profit is high. Higher corporate profit, in addition to the growing
importance of network security has encouraged businesses across all sectors to continue
investing in IT security solutions.

2. .2.3 In-house IT security

Demand for industry services is negatively correlated with the use of in -ho use IT support
teams. If a firm h as a large internal IT support t earn that is able to determine the type of
system security the company needs, there will be less demand for outside consultants.
Firms may prefer to handle IT security systems internally, rather than purchasing services
from an outsideconsultant. However, because technology evolves rapidly, many
companies view the outsourcing of IT security consulting services as a more efficient
alternative. Many companies turn to outside consultants for IT security consulting services,
because they sometimes lack the capital to establish an in-house IT department. In
general, the prevalence of in -house IT suppon and consulting teams has remained
stable over the past X years.

2.1.3 Business Locations

The distribution of IT Security Consulting Industry establishments generally reflects the

U.S. population distribution, with increased consulting density in areas with technological
centers and major markets, such as financial service companies, large technology
corporations. and government clients. The largest portion of IT consulting companies is
located in the Southeast, closely followed by the Mid-Atlantic and the West.

The Southeast accounts for the greatest share of IT security consulting revenue and
employment, including XX.X% of the country’s IT consulting establishments. This region is a
popular destination for industry operators due to the proximity to the industry’s largest
government clients. Sample State accounts for X.X% of the industry's establishments.
Sample State is one of the largest manufacturers of computer chips and also now hosts
software, communication technology, and several defense contracting companies. Sample
State also contains a relatively high proportion of data centers compared to the overall

The West is another prominent center fo r IT security consulting firms. The region contains

XIX°/a of industry establishments. Among these states, Sample State produces the greatest
share of IT

consulting revenue, establishments, and employment of any state, primarily because of
the concentration of technology and software firms located in Sample Area.

The Mid-Atlantic has the third-largest share of industry establishments, with the region’s
share of industry firms exceeding its population levels. XX.X% of industry establishments are
estimatecl to be located in the Mid-Atlantic region. Many major firms in the financial
service sector have headquarters in Sample State 2. Consulting services in Sample State 2
(X,X%) and Sample State 3 (X.X%) cater to the industry’s largest and highest-value
corporate and institutional clients. In addition, X.X% of industry establishments are
located in Sample City, due to several large telecommunications companies in the

Region5 with a disproportionately small number of industry establishments include the

Great Lakes (XX.X%) and Southwest (XX.X%) regions. In these regions, there is a low
level of technological business penetration (with the exception of Sample City 2 and Sample
City 3). An important exception in the Southwest region is Sample State 4, which ranks
second among states in in industry establishments (X.X%). The Sample City 4 contains
much of the country’s energy industry, and as a result, a large share of related financial
corporations and IT securityconsulting operations.

2.2 IT Consulting Industry in the U.S.
According to Sample Source,* the IT Consulting Industry includes firms that provide the
following services to client companies: writing, testing and supporting custom software,
planning and designing integrated hardware, software and communication infrastructure,
and on-site management of computer systems and data processing facilities.

The IT Consulting Industry comprises companies that help businesses design and implement
information technology (IT) systems and infrastructure. Due to the low capital
requirements of this industry, a modest number of operators are small nonemployers or
independent contractors. Over the X years to 20XX, shifting technological trends toward
cloud computing and data analytics have caused larger operators to acquire smaller
companies and develop new products to stay relevant. For example, Accenture PLC
(Accenture) completed its acquisition of Orbium, a technology consultancy for financial
services providers, in Month 20XX. Similarly, International

Business J

Business J
Business Machines Corp. (IBM) completed its
largest acquisition in company history in Month
20XX with the purchase of open software company
“Company Name” for $XX.X billion, signaling the
company's rising interest in developing hybrid
cloud systems.

Shifting technology trends have boosted demand

for new services and encouraged companies to
replace older, more traditional technology. Ad d
itionally, strong corporate profit growth and
constantly rising investment in computers and
software have
supported the industry's expansion. Overall, industry
revenue is projected to rise at an annualized rate of
X.X% to $XXX.X billion over the X years to 20XX.
However, the impact of the COVID-19
(coronavirus) pandemic is expected to fuel a
decline of X.X% in
20XX, as private investment in software and computers is expected to decline.

Over the X years to 20XX, as the coronavirus pandemic gives way to an economic
recovery, corporate profit is expected to rebound and support increased investment in
computers and software. The continued shift to cloud computing and the rising use of data
analytics will heighten security concerns for businesses, precipitating increased demand for
industry services. As a result of revived downstream demand, Sample Source expects
industry revenue to rise at an annualized rate of X.X% to $XXX.X billion over the X years
to 20XX.

Business J
2.2.1 Major Markets Custom serv ices

Accounting for an estimated XX.X°4 of industry revenue in 20XX, custom application
design, development and integration services represent the largest group of service s
provided by operators. Application software enables companies to retrieve, organize, man a
ge, and manipulate data and databases to meet their individual needs. Small and medium-
sized businesses are increasingly relying on experts to create custom software or to adapt
existing applications to their needs. Over the past X years, a software licensing and
integration method known as SaaS has quickly become the model of choice for many Clients.
Umike traditional software packages, SaaS products are sold on a subscription basis via the

cloud, which ensures industry operators a steady stream of reven ue from software users.
Similarly, SaaS benefits businesses by minimizing initial setup, hardware and technical
support costs. Over the X years to 20XX, this segment has increased slightly as a
percentage of revenue. IT infrastructure ana netw ark management

Network infrastructure design and management services are expected to generate X.X
% of revenu e in 20XX. This segment includes managing and monitoring client IT infrastructure
performance, data routing, and security on a regular basis. Complex network
infrastructures require manual routing of the paths that data is sent on, making this an
important network management service, Security management protects a network from

Business J
unauthorized access and

Business J
includes sub-functions such as authorizing subscriber access and controlling the distribution
of cryptographic keying material.

2.2.1 ,3 ComputeF Systems dev elopment

Systems design, develop ment, and integration services are expected to account for X.Xi of
industry revenue in 20XX. Typical services within this segment include bu ilding on-premise
servers and storage devices to help a company more effectively manage information. In
addition, operators develop on -premise data security systems to prevent data theft and
securitybreaches. System integration includes the process of amalgamating different
system components so th at they act as one coordinated whole. Consultants aid companies
by providing advice and implementing processes that permit different computer systems to
function collectively. Technical support

Technical suppo rt services are estimated to generate X.X% of industry revenue in 20XX.
This service area includes providing technical expertise to solve problems related to
software, hardware or entire computer systems. Technical support bundled with
maintenance and repair service for computer hardwar e is excluded from this category.
Although a large volume of technical support services has been moved offshore over the past
decade, this trend has primarily affected bundled sup port services. Over the past X years,
this segment has declined slightly as a percentage of revenue, due to improvements in the
ease with which nonexperts can use new technologies.

2.2. .5 Technical consulting

Technical consulting services account for an expected XX.X% of the industry’s revenue. This
segment includes strategic management consulting and advice related to the use of IT,
induding hardware and software requirements as well as procurement systems, systems
integration, and security. These services enable clients to troubleshoot problems by using
software or computer hardware. Technical consulting has increased as a share revenue over
the past X years due to strong demand for IT outsourcing and integration services.

Business 2
2.2.I .6 Other Serv ices
All other IT services account for the remaining XX.X% of revenue for the industry. This
miscellaneous category includes domain name registration, custom database design and
development, website design and development, temporary technical staffing, disaster
data recovery, licensing rights, and resale of computer hardware and software, among
other services.

2.2.2 Demand Determ nants

Demand for industry services is based on a variety of factors, including the development of
new IT products, demand for in-house IT support, corporate profit, and merger and
acquisition activity. Cyclical factors play a large role in determining industry demand,
influencing business profit and cash flow and the resources that companies are able to
devote toward upgrading their IT systems.

2.2.2. T Business profit ana confidence

Demand for IT consulting services benefits from higher business profit and confidence.
Businesses are more likely to invest in new comp uting infrastructure when profit is high and
businesses maintain a positive outlook. In periods of declining profit and poor business
confidence, companies reduce new purchases and outgoing expenses. This includes payments
to external consultants such as IT consultants. Bu siness profit is expected to improve over
the next X years, which will likely increase demand for industry services. However, the
IT Consu Iting industry also demonstrates countercyclical trends. Although companies may
reduce expenditure on n ew IT and associated consultants in times of financial duress,
businesses are also IfkeIy to focus on improving efficiency to increase profitability. This
includes improvements to systems and processes, such as computer databases, network
infrastructure, and office software. New IT proaucts

Demand for industry services is highly sensitive to continued development of new hardware
and software products. An increase in the speed and development of technology requires
businesses to establish and upgrade their IT systems. As a result, companies will
Business 2
require the aid of IT consultants to recommend the best strategies to improve their
systems. Industryoperators must

Business 2
rapidly assess the relevance of innovations, or they will not remain as competitive as
more technologically savvy Companies. Over the past X years, rapid adoption of third-
platform IT solutions, which include big data analytics and Cloud computing, has
increased the need for IT consulting in these areas. Over the next X years, demand for
industry services will likely remain strong as digital technology continues to drive the
global economy forward. IT support v ersus outside consultanfs

Demand for industry services is negatively correlated with the use of in -ho use IT support
teams. For example, a company with an internal technical support or procurement team is
unlikely to seek the services of external IT companies. In this case, a company may prefer to
assemble IT systems internally, rather than contract services from an IT consultant.
However, because technology evolves rapidly, many companies view the outsourcing of IT
consulting services as a necessary and more efficient alternative. In particular, small to
medium-sized companies often turn to outside consultants for IT consulting services.
Smaller companies do not require constant system upgrades and find it more practical to
pay a one-time consulting fee. Conversely, larger companies oken have the ability and the
need to establish their own internal services, which reduces their demand for IT support
services from industry consultants.

Business 2
2.2.3 Business Locotions

The distribution of IT consulting establishments generall v reflects the U.S. population

distribution with increased consulting density near technological centers and key demand
markets, induding financial service companies, large corporations, and government
clients. Most IT consulting companies are located in the Southeast, closely followed by
the Western and Mid -Atlantic regions.

The Southeast contains the largest concentration of IT consulting firms, holding an expected
XX.X% of industry establishments. This region is a popular destination for IT consultants
because of its high concentration of the industry's key client markets. Financial services
companies, including banks, capital markets and insurance companies, represent the largest
downstream market for the IT Consulting Industry. The Southeast regions contains the largest
number of commercial banks, with XX.X% of the total, as well as insurance agencies and brokers
with XX.X°/«. By positioning themselves in the Southeast, IT consulting firms improve their
ability to capitalize on these key downstream markets.

Business 2
The Western region is also a prominent location for IT consulting companies, containing
an estimated XX.Xi of industry establishments in 20XX. Sample State is home to Sample
Area, whit is one of the largest centers of high technology companies. According!v, Sample
State represents XX.X% of industry establishments. The region is also home to XX.Xi of the
U.S. population, which provides operators to access to a large supply of skilled labor.

The Mid-Atlantic region similarly contains a high concentration of industry locations, In 20XX,
an estimated XX.Xi of industry establishments are located in the Mid -Atlantic. A significant
volume of IT consultants is concentrated within this region due to the large number of
financial services companies located in Sample State, which accounts for an estimated
XX.X% of total establishments. Sample State also contains XX.X% of wireless
telecommunication carriers. Communications, media, and technology companies represent
another key downstream market for industry operators.

Regions with a disproportionately small number of industry establishments on a per capita

basis include the Great Lakes and Southwest regions. This is due to the low level of
business penetration in the Great Lakes, with an expected XX.X% of establishments, and
the South west, home to an estimated XX.X% of establishments. A crucial exception in
the Southwest region is Sample State, which ranks second in industry establishments
with XX.X% of the total.

Business 2
3 Services and Products
SAMPLE COMPANY will offer high -quality, reliable, and state-of-the-art cybersecurity
services, cybersecurity products, identity services, identity products, educational programs for
children, and other IT-related services and solutions.

3.1 Consulting Services

The Company will specialize in design, development, implementation, and sales of
information technology products and services, and their derivatives related to information
security and cybersecurity. The Company will provide specialized engineering services in
the field of information systems and embedded systems security - with particular focus
on consulting. SAMPLE COMPANY will provide consulting services related to alarm,
monitoring, video surveillance, and closed-circuit systems used in public and private
transport, and for highway surveillance. These consulting services will also be related to
digital geofences, tracking of transmission devices, data transfer, and geolocation solutions.
SAMPLE COMPANY will provide consulting services related to forensic analysis systems -
including digital and online scene, digital evidence, mobile forensic computing, and digita(
investigation consulting. The Company will also provide expert advice regarding
biometric equipment and systems as well as biomet ric infrastructure.

The Company will provide security solutions aimed at preventing cyberattacks related to
electronic banking, ATMs, electronic transactions, and e-commerce. These solutions will
be aimed at ensuring security in data transfer, multimedia platforms, and emails. The
Company will develop internal and external perimeter penetration tests and develop
solution to prevent attacking of digital and perimeter media.

SAMPLE COMPANY will provide consulting services related to information security and
risk processes in accordance with standards such as Sample Standard, Sample
Standard 1, and Sample Standard 2. The Company will conduct training, courses, and
workshops aimed at expanding clients’ knowledge and awareness of cybersecurity risks.
Business 2
consulting services will include consultations regarding citizen contact centers, network
monitoring and operations centers, security operation centers, cyber incident
responsecenters, surveillance and communication centers, and datacenters. The Company
will advise clients on cyber defense and resilience through cyber surveillance, cognitive and
predictive security, threat intelligence, predictive analytics, and cyber intelligence engines.
SAMPLE COMPANY’s scope of service5 will include aeronautical and aerospace
cybersecurity, cybersecurity in the value chain and supply, hospital cybersecurity, industrial
cyber security, the implementation of security control systems, maritime cybersecurity, land
cybersecurity, and hydroelectric cybersecurity.

SAMPLE COMPANY will help clients operating in a variety of industries prevent, detect,
recover, and defend against cybercrime. The Company will investigate and respond to
cyber incidents, detect cyber-attacks, and diagnose intrusions. Cybersecurity services will also
inclu de advanced threat hunting, threat triage, and monitoring and analysis of viruses,
malware, and ransomware. The Company will conduct compliance audits and verifications . It
will an a lyze dients’ information security compliance, cloud security compliance, process and

people compliance, and privacy compliance, among other related tasks.

SAMPLE COMPANY will design, develop, implement, and configure digital and electronic
signatures, biometric identity and digital banking, public key infrastructure, Electronic Data
Interchange, Electronic Funds Transfer, digital vaults, and other processes and systems as
required by the Company’s clients. SAMPLE COMPANY will provide engineering services
related to application security, and provide business continuity and disaster recovery
services. The Company will help clients p rotect their businesses from ab use of corporate
identity and brand, and prevent information leakage. SAMPLE COMPANY will also set
up data recovery, log management, and reporting processes. The Company will provide
cybersecurity consulting services for digital and smart cities, cyber police implementation,
virtual patrol development, security and cybersecurity infrastructure development, tactical and
mission-critical infrastructure development, and prison surveillance systems development

Business 2
All of the Company’s cybersecurity services will cover data, application, server, data network,
perimeter, cloud, and mobile protection. SAMPLE COMPANY’s security services will also indude

Business 2
VOIP security, Internet of Things security, security in virtual environments, data network
and telecommunications security, and privileged user management.

SAMPLE COMPANY will provide advisory services related to computing, process redesign,
automation, process systematization, training, and implementation.

3.2 Cybersecurity,Identity, and Education Solutions

3.2.1 Cybersecurity Solutions
SAMPLE COMPANY will offer cybersecurity products developed by Company 2, which specializes
in innovative and comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to safeguard the most strategic
assets: processes, the human factor and technology, allowing the establishment of a
robust cybersecurity ecosystem and achieving organizational cyber-resilience. Company 2
platforms specialize in the analysis, detection, monitoring and containment of cyber
threats, through predictive algorithms, processing more than 800 million logs per minute
with big data, analysis with neural networks and learning through machine learning and
artificial intelligence. Company 2 solutions allow the different industrial sectors to
strengthen mechanisms for the prevention, defense and mitigation of cyber threats that
may violate the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of their technological

3.2.2Identity Solut‹ nS
The Company will offer digital identity products developed by Company 1. The Company 1
digital identity solutions include the storage, compre5sion, and assurance of data that
allows fo r the recognition of a person or an object based on asymmetric cryptography and
biometrics. These solutions use a two-dimensional QR code pair to provide a high degree
of security and prevent forgery and identity theft.

The Company 1 QR codes store and encrypt information such as photos, biographical
data, fingerprints, and facial biometry. The Company’s digital identity products will solve
forgery and alteration of documents, impersonation, and dara mining, and guarantee

Business 2
document validation,

Business 2
effective use on mobile devices, extended document files, data protection, and military-
level security.

The Company will provide Company 1’s integral digital identity solution, Sample Solution,
which consists of a binary sequence of data that securely contains the identity of a
person, thing or process (biographical data, photography, biometrics, PIN or password,
secret questions, etc.)and can be verified by a third party without requiring connectivity /
internet or consulting a database.

3.2.3 Customized Solutions

Company 3 has more than a decade of experience in the development of technological
products and services globallv Company 3 will collaborate with SAMPLE COMPANY in
developing innovative, flexible, and customized software solutions for each client.
Therefore, SAMPLE COMPANY will be able to provide high-quality practical and
functional applications based on clients’ specific needs. This will assist them in
enhancing their business operations.

3.2.4Education Products
SAMPLE COMPANY will offer educational products and programs developed by Company 4.
These products will include:

• Sample Product 1, which encourages the development of ski(Is for children to decide
and act on improving their lifestyle, care for their own health and the
development of a healthy future.
• Sample Product 2, which promotes activities for children that identify, reflect, and
solve problems, by assuming an active role in the search for adequate strategies, in
the exercise of their own rights, and to enjoy a dignified childhood.
• Sample Product 3, which is endorsed by the National Center for Disaster
Prevention (CENAPRED) and attached to the UN Sendai Framework (20XX-20XX).
Company 4 fosters a culture of prevention, safety, and assistance for disaster
risk reduction.
• Sample Product 4, which generates a teaching of norms, customs, behavior manners,
roles, ways of acting, and living.

Business 3

4.1 Innovative Digital and Security Solutions

SAMPLE COMPANY will rely on the experience of Mr. Doe and Sample Company, Sample
Country, to provide U.S. and international clients with an innovative set of digital and
security solutions. The U.S. Company will collaborate with Sample Company, Sample
Country in order to develop projects and solutions. The Sample Country company currently
consists of several business units: Company 1 (focused on digital certification), Company 2
(focused on digital security and innovation), Company 3 (focused on the development of
customized systems, production of educational content and innovation in information
technology), Company 4(focused on the offer of educational programs that support the
education of children) and Company 5(focused on the development of educational tools and
strategies). Supported by this robust structure, Sample Company, Sample Coun try and its
bUs1ness units were able to develop innovative solutions that exceed clients’ expectations.
Those solutions will be offered by SAMPLE COMPANY as well. In addition to this, the U.S.
Company will also continue developing new solutions and improving its portfolio in the coming
years according to new business challenges brought by the evolvingdigital world.

Business 3
4.2 Superior and Unique Services and Products

SAMPLE COMPANY will offer services and products that are not currently provided by
other companies operating in the digital, security, and education markets. Some of these
unique solutions include:
• Sample Product: an integral digital identity solution, the Sample Product avoids
falsification and alteration of documents by using asymmetric cryptography. In
addition, this solution allows for the identification of potential thefts by using
multifactor biometrics. The generation process is protected by blockch ain and
validation involves the integration of pa ssive and active safety.
• Company 2. the solutions comprised in this line of business include a highly
specialized infrastructure with components such as 7/24/365 monitoring, help desk,
prevention, detection, and response, vulnerability man agement, security correlation,
intrusion detection, behavior monitoring, asset discovery, analysis on internet and
deep networks for brand protection, security governance, information security
analyzes, among others. Such services cater to private companies, as well as
government bodies.
• Educational Services: SAMPLE COMPANY will offer a comprehensive set of eduNational
programs d eveloped by its business unit Company 4. These services are aimed at
promoting awareness about critical themes such as children’s rights and safety, civil
protection, and more. In addition, through a platform called “Sample Name”, the
Company will provide users with functionalities such as team building, a special
module for the detection of training needs, a special module for satisfaction surveys,
group automation, invitation and self-registration system to courses, dynamic report
system, and an internal messaging module.

4.3 Mr. Doe’s Unparalleled Credentials

Mr. Doe’s expertise will be the Company’s main asset. As the Chief Executive Officer of
SAMPLE COMPANY, Mr. Doe will be re5ponsible for both operational and commercial
duties at the Company. These duties will include: training and supervising staff,
overseeing the implementation of cybersecurity solutions, and determining the
Company’sshort-term and long- term strategy. As an information security expert with long-
standing experience in dealing with international corporations, Mr. Doe will transfer
substantial knowledge to the Company’s staff and clients. He will use his expertise to
establish policies and procedures that will lead to the delivery of high-quality services.
Through his guidance, SAMPLE COMPANY will adopt a

Business 3
personalized, client-oriented approach, and will work to provide services in line with the
Istest industry trends.

4.4 Personalized Services

So urces such as Sample Source 1, Sample So urce 2, and Sample Source 3 emphasize
the importance of developing a personalized service tailored to clients’ needs. Following the
same approach adopted by Sample Company, Sample Country - SAMPLE COMPANY will
customize its approach based on each client’s particular situation, thereby providing tru!v
personalized services and soluti ons, In addition to making better, more accurate
assessments, the Company will participate in the nationwide trend of service
personalization. Mr. Doe understands that companies face significant challenges when
implementing cybersecurity and digital solutions, as each organizatio n is different and
comes with its own need s, expectations, and processes. By adopting a personalized
approach, SAMPLE COMPANY will mitigate various risks that come with th e implementation of
digital and security solutions, achieving a high project success rate.

4.5 OptimaITime-to-Market
Time-to-market, or speed to market, is the length of time it takes for a product or service
to go from being conceived to being available for sale. It helps measure the scope of a
business’s abilities to innovate. SAMPLE COMPANY will always strive to control its
operational processes in order to be able to predict accurate time -to-market, in
accordance with clients’ demands. By employing efficient managerial practices, SAMPLE
COMPANY will be highly responsive to dients’ needs, which will lead the Company to
increased revenues in the future through word of mouth recommendations.

4.6 Knowledge Transfer

While team building is critical to business growth and sustainability, the technical nature
of the information security field requires very specialized labor. A skilled and motivated
workforce is a determinant of success in these 1ndustries, since it has a direct impact on

service quality and on a business’s reputation. Once Mr. Doe starts serving as the Chief
Executive Officer of SAMPLE

COMPANY, he will personally transfer his knowledge to staff, and incentivize employees to be
open-minded, data-driven, and client-oriented.

5 Marketing and Competitive Features

5.1Website and Digital fvtarketing

SAMPLE COMPANY‘s website ( presents complete
information about its services, solutions, and credentials.

The website will be continuously optimized for better search engine rankings. Search
engine optimization will ensure that proper titles, meta descriptions, and keywords, both short
and long- tailed, are present on all pages of the website. The Company will also con duct
advertising campaigns on social media, such as Instagram, to drive visitors and potential
clients to its website. Proper search engine optimization and successful social media
campaigns will be among the key growth and development factors of the Company. Online
marketing and promotional efforts will help the Company rank higher in search engine result
pages, and will lead to an increased number of visitors and, consequently, clients.

5.2 Social Media

An ever-expanding social media presence is crucial in the modern business environment.
This is why the Company will maintain a professional page on Linkedln. The focus on social
media will assist the Company in building awareness and credibility. This will allow SAMPLE
COMPANY to communicate directly with its prospective clients and partners in order to
understand their
needs. By using Linkedln, the Compan v will be able to locate companies that have an
interest in establishing commercial partnerships and target potential clients. This strategy will
also allow SAMPLE COMPANY to advertise its expertise, which will increase the credibility
of the Company
and lead to additional customers and partners.

Business 3
According to Sample Source, 3 Linked In is the most-used social media platform
amongst companies, a segment that corresponds to SAMPLE COMPANY’s targets.
According to the same source, XX million Linkedln users are senior level influencers and
XX million are in decision- making positions. Establishing connections with these
professionals will be one of the Company’s main priorities. SAMPLE COMPANY will also
advertise its services on Linkedln. Linkedln will help the Company generate new leads,
drive website traffic, and build brand awareness.

5.3Other fvtarketing Strategies

In addition to the website and digital marketing tools, SAMPLE COMPANY’s marketing
strategies will include networking and public relations activities. SAMPLE COMPANY will use
a network of busin ess connections to present its services to various potential clients and
business partners. This strategy will be complemented by a relationship marketing
approach , focused on client loyalty and long-term engagement. Establishing long-lasting
relationships with key partners will provide SAMPLE COMPANY with ongoing business

and referrals.


6 Key Management and Personnel

6.1 Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Doe

Mr. Doe will pursue his endeavor as the Chief Executive Officer of SAMPLE COMPANY.
As a Computer Systems Engineer, with unrivalled skills developed throughout his
extensive professional career, he will play a pivotal role in leading the Company to
achieve its short and long-term goals. His educational background, and extensive
professional experience, have equipped him with the expertise necessary to oversee the
operations and expansion of SAMPLE COMPANY in the U.S.

6.1.1 Education

• Since his early years, Mr. Doe stood out as a student - achieving the best results
in eaCh school in which he studied. During his educational path, he was able develop
exceptional skills in science, mathematics and physics, which was a trigger for him to
choose pursuing a career in the field of engineering.

• Mr. Doe holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Systems Engineering. He graduated

with honors and was awarded the Best Graduate in Engineering by the Sample

• Mr. Doe holds a Master of Science Degree from the Sample Center of the Sample Institute.

• In addition, Mr. Doe holds an Honorary Doctorate conferred to him by the

Sample University. Sample University is part of the UNESCO network of educational
associations. The institution granted Mr. Doe the title for his excellence in
innovation in educational technology.

6.1.2 Awards, Degrees. and Acknowledgements
Throughout his career, Mr. Doe has received numerous awards, including the following:

• Best Computer Systems Engineer, Month 19XX

• Proof of Exemption from Professional Examination, Month 19XX

• Professional Degree in Computer Systems Engineering, Month 19XX

• Professional Certificate Engineer in Computer Systems, Month 19XX

• Final Exam: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Month 20XX

• Professional Master of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering, Month 20XX

• Professional Certification: Ma5ter of Science in the field of Electrical Engineering,

Month 20XX

• Sample Business Association. World Leader Business Person Recognition, Month 20XX

• Sample Institute: Recognition Master in Total Quality Administration, Month 20XX

• Sample Business Association: The Bizz World Leader Business Person Recognition, Month

• Sample Institute: Entrepreneur of the Year, Month 20XX

• Sample Commission: Recognition for valuable contributions to various tasks carried

out by Commission, in Month 20XX

• General Directorate of Computing and Information and Communication Technolo es of

So me University. Certificate of participation as a panelist at the XXX In the International
Symposium of ICT in Education of the Samp ie Country Societ v of Computing in Education,
Month 20XX

• Recognition of Excellence and Innovation in Educational Technology, Month 20XX

• Sample Security Commission: Recognition for participation in the National Cybersecurity

Week, Month 20XX

• Doctor Hono ris Cau sa, Month 20XX

• Recognition for participation as guest speaker about the theme “Social Responsibility
with Children”, Month 20XX

• Sample Country Association of Transportation and Mobility: Recognition for event
participation, Month 20XX

• Recognition for excellent participation as a speaker in the Sth Informative Meeting

between Sample Organizations, Month 20XX

• National Center for Disaster Prevention of the Ministry of the Interior and the
Ministry of Civil Protection of Sample State: Recognition for participation as a
speaker in the commemorative event of World Tsunami Awareness Day,
Month 20XX

• Sample Security Commission: Recognition for participation in the National

Cybersecurity Week, Month 20XX

• Sample Security Commission: Recognition for participation in the National

Cybersecurity Week, Month 20XX

• Sample Chamber of the Transformation Industry: Recognition for participation in an

event hold by the Chamber

• Diploma of Appreciation for outstanding participation as a panelist in the

webinar “Implementation of Electronic Voting in Democratic Countries”,
Month, 20XX

• Sample Country Academy of Communication: Recognition for participating as a

speaker in the panel “Social Networks, Manipulation, and Journalistic Freedom”,
Month 20XX

6.1.3Patents and lntellec tual Rights
The following table presents the patents/trademarks obtained by the multiple enterprises
Mr. Doe participates in. All of them were registered at the Sample Country institute:

D Tr T °r
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Capacitation
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Education, Capacitation, and Entertainment and
20XX Cultural Activities
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Software
SAMPLE NAME 20XX Webcasts and Virtua Meetings
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Administration of Web Content
20XX Month
XX, 20XX
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Internet TV and Radio Broadcasting
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Quality Contro| (ISO 9001)
SAMPLE NAME 20XX Educational Services via Internet
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Software
20XX Month
XX, 20XX
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Software
Month XX,
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Software
SAMPLE NAME 20XX Month Design and Development of IT Equipment and
XX, 20XX Software
SAMPLE NAME Construction Services
Month XX,
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Design and Development of 1T Equipment and
20XX Software
SAMPLE NAME Scientific and Technologic Services
Month XX,
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Educational Services via Internet
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Software
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Education, Capacitation, and Entertainment and
20XX Cultural Activities
SAMPLE NAME Educational Services
Month XX,
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Educational Services
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Education, Capacitation, and Entertainment and
Cultural Activities

Business 3
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, IT System Analysis and Net Safety
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Energy Audit and Investigation
SAMPLE NAME 20XX Educational Services, Teaching, and Tutoring Services
Month XX,
SAMPLE NAME Month XX, Software Installation, Development, and Maintenance
SAMPLE NAME 20XX Month Educational Software for Children
XX, 20XX

Business 3
The following table presents the intellectual rights obtained by the multiple enterprises Mr.
Doe participates in. All of them were registered at Sample Institute, Sample Country:


Sample 1 Month XX, 20XX Computer Program
Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified Version
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified Version
Sample Name
Sample Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified Version
Name Month XX, 20XX Comp uter Programs/Certified
Sample Name Month XX, Version Computer
Sample Name 20XX Programs/Certified Version
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified Version
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified Version
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified Version
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified Version
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified
Sample Name Month XX, Version Computer
Sample 20XX Month Programs/Certified Version Design
Name XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified Version
Sample Month XX, Design
Name Sample 20XX Month
Name XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified
Version Computer
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Programs/Certified Version
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Programs/Certified
Sample Name Month XX, Version Computer
Sample Name 20XX Month Programs/Certified Version
XX, 20XX
Sample Name Literary/Collection
Sample Month XX, Design/Collection
Name 20XX Month Broadcast via Computer Networks
Sample XX, 20XX Data Compilation/Database
Name Sample Month XX,
Name 20XX Month
XX, 20XX
Sample Name Month XX, Audiovtisual C° ! ection
Sample Name Sample Name Sample Month XX, 20XX
Name Name Sample Name Sample Month XX, 20XX
Sample Name Sample Name Month XX, 20XX
Name Month XX, 20XX Month
Sample XX, 20XX Month XX, 20XX
Name Month XX, 20XX Month XX,
Sample 20XX Month XX, 20XX
Name Month XX, 20XX Month XX,
Sample 20XX Month XX, 20XX
Name Sample
Name Sample

Business 3
A ual Design/Collection
u Collection Literary/Collection
d Audiovisua Design/Collection
i l Collection Cartoon/Collection
o Design/C Cartoon/Collection
v ollection Cartoon/Collection
i Design/C Cartoon/Collection
s ollection Cartoon/Correction
Sample Name Month XX, 20XX Literary/Collection
Sample Month XX, Computer Programs/Collection/Oesign
Name 20XX Month Design
Sample XX, 20XX Literary /CoIIection (Marginal Annotation)
Name Sample Month XX, Design
Name Sample 20XX Month Design/Collection
Name XX, 20XX
Sample Month XX,
Name 20XX

Business 4
Sample Name
Month XX, Computer Program
Sample Name
20XX Month Computer Program
Sample Name
XX, 20XX Computer Program
Sample Name
Month XX, Computer Program
20XX Month XX,
5ample Name Month XX, 20XX Computer Program
Sample Name Month XX, Computer Program
Sample Name 20XX Month Computer Program
xX, 20XX

Sample Name Design/Collection

Sample Name Month XX, Design/Collection
Sample Name 20XX Month XX, Design/Collection
20XX Month XX,

In addition, Mr. Doe has started the process to have the patent of Sample Product
Technology ( registered in Sample State. In this process, Mr. Doe is
being assisted by the Sample Law Group, P.A.

In th e near future, Mr. Doe will have additional technologies patented in the U.S.

6.1.4 Professional Experience

• Mr. Doe is the Founder of Sample Company, Sample Country, and has served as
the President of the company for over XX years.

6.1.5 Duties at the U.S. Company

As the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Mr. Doe will be primarily responsible for
coordinating the operational, commercial, and financial strategies of SAMPLE COMPANY.
Mr. Doe will be responsible for setting the Company’s strategies and goals. He will
coordinate and supervise business activities to ensure they produce the desired results, and
are consistent with the overall strategies of the Company. He will forecast demand for
services and products in the short-, medium-, and long-term. He will be responsible for
ensuring organizational compliance with regulations, laws, procedures, and policies. Mr.
Doe will monitor the Company’s revenue and profits. He will review financial and non-

Business 4
financial reports to devise solutions and improvements. Mr. Ooe will be responsible for
managing SAMPLE COMPANY’s costs, and will strive to maintain operations at cost-
effective levels. He will analyze the Companys expenditures

Business 4
and other financial information in order to develop plans, policies, and budgets. Mr. Doe
will manage performance to measure how efficiently the Company achieves its goals.
Upon the approval of his visa, Mr. Doe will oversee the recruitment and hiring of
personnel. He will continuously work with the Company’s staff to ensure employees
know the direction and expectations of SAMPLE COMPANY, and work toward achieving
these goals. He will continuously evaluate the Company’s success, and track changing
trends in the market in order to develop new busin ess approaches. Mr. Ooe will
maintain enduring relationships with SAMPLE COMPANY’s main stakeholders - such as
business partners, clients, and employees. He will look for growth opportunities and expand
SAMPLE COMPANY’s operations, by offering high- qualit v services and products,
thereby establishing a positive reputation in the market.

6.2 Operations fvtanager

The Company will hire one full-time Operations Manager in Year 3.

The Operations Manager will provide technical direction and guidance to the Company’s
staff and partners regarding processes, tools, technology, and skills for projects. The
Operations Manager will generate requirements and analyze technical approaches and
statementsofwork, labor, and deliverables for projects to ensure high level of services.
This employee will interact with clients to understand s clients’ needs and specific
requirements and customize deliverables. Together with the Chief Executive Officer, this
employee will communicate with clients to receive feedback that can be used in improving
services and products, assisting clients in solving problems, and providing assistance to
create brand loyalty and lasting relationships. The Operations Manager will manage
subordinate staff, forecast resource needs, and communicate hiring needs to the Chief
Executive Officer. This employee will mentor and provide job assignments to enhance
staff performance and expand capabilities. This employee will provide ongoing
developmental feedback to the Company’s staff.

Business 4
6.3 Sales Executives
The Company will hire two full-time Sales Executives in Year 2. These professionals will
be required to have experience and expertise in software development, cybersecurity, and
identity. In Year 3, the Company will hire one part-time Sales Executive, who will be
required to have expertise in Education.

The Sales Executives will develop business plan and sales strategies for the market that
ensure the attainment of the Company’s sales goals and profitability. These employees
will define and execute territory / vertical / sales plans for assigned fields (cybersecurity,
identity, and education solutions) and then meet and exceed sales goals (quotas) through
prospecting, qualifying, managing, and closing sales opportunities. The Sales Executives will
be required to have practical experience and a comprehensive knowledge and understanding
of the industry landscape and associated business processes of potential customers. These
employees will be responsible for developing and managing the sales pipeline, prospecting
and assessing sales, and moving transactions simultaneously through the sales pipeline.
The Sales Executives will develop and manage partner relationships with clients. These
employees will manage and track customer and transactional information using
appropriated systems. The Sales Executives will coordinate resources throughout the
sales cycle, including presales, service support, etc. These employees will promote
demonstrations and provide general support to prospective customers. The Sales Executives
will provide regular reporting of pipeline projects and forecasts to the Operations
Manager. These employees will be required to keep abreast of competition, competitive
issues and services. The Sales Executives wil( practice effective, excellent communication
with members of the management team, clients, and other stakeholders.

6.4 Sales Coordinator

The Company will one full-time Sales Coordinator in Year 2.

The Sales Coordinator will develop an annual sales plan in support of the organization’s

Business 4
strategy and objectives. This employee will direct the implementation and execution of sales
policies and

Business 4
practices. The Sales Coordinator will ensure communications are coordinated, support sales
plan objectives, and meet organizational expenditure requirements in marketing. This
employee will recommend sales strategies for improvement based on market research
and competitor analyses. The Sales Coordinator will implement approved commercial
strategies. This employee will manage multiple-channel selling strategies. The Sales
Coordinator will provide assistance to the sales team to ensure it is capable of carrying out
needed sales and service initiatives. This employee will also be required to perform other
related duties, as assigned by the ChiefExecutive Officer and the Operations Manager.

6.5 Public Relations and Key Accounts Representative

The Company wi|I hire one part-time Public Relations and Key Accounts Representative in Year 3.

The Public Relations and Ke v Accounts Representative will be responsible for managing
the portfolio of the Company’s accounts. This employee will provide strategic
counsel to the management of the Company to aid public relations and wider marketing
campaigns. The Public Relations and Key Accounts Representative will provide
commentators and Company information to the media (newspapers, magazines, radio,
television, and online news sites).This employee will build relationships with existing and new
clients as well as with key media contacts. The Public Relations and Key Accounts
Representative will liaise with the media, speaking to journalists and other members of the
press. This employee will be required to provide innovative and creative ideas to the
management of the Company. The Public Relations and Key Accounts Representative will
communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders.

6.6 Graphic Oesigner and Marketing Specialist

The Company will hire one part-time Graphic Designer and Marketing Specialist in Year 3.

The Graphic Designer and Marketing Specialist will be responsible for creating
visual communications to convey messages in an effective and aestheticall v pleasing
manner. This incorporates several tasks and responsibilities. Thts employee will design web
p ages, brochures, logos, signs, advertisements, and other communication materials. The

Business 4
Graphic Designer and

Business 4
Marketing Specialist will produce drafts for review by the management and make revisions
based on the feedback received. This employee will produce valuable and engaging
content for the website that attracts and converts target groups. The Graphic Designer and
Marketing Specialist will measure and report on the performance of marketing campaigns,
gain insight, and assess against goals. This employee will analyze consumer behavior and
adjust email and advertising campaigns accordingly.

6.7 Customer Serv ice Representative

The Company will hire one part-time Customer Service Representative in Year 3.

The Customer Service Representative will improve customer service experien ce, create
engaged customers, and facilitate organic growth. This employee will help manage
clients’ issues and follow problems through to resolution. while developing service
procedures, policies, and standards. The Customer Service Representative be responsible
for managing incomingcalls and customer service inquiries. This employee will also be
responsible for identifying and assessing customers’ needs to achieve satisfaction. The
Customer Service Representative will be required to manage large amounts of incoming calls
and provide accurate, valid, and complete information by using the right methods and tools.
This employee will keep records of customer interactions, process customer accounts,
and file documents.

6.8 Administrative Assistant/Secretary

The Company will hire o ne full-time Administrative Assistant/Secretary in Year 1.

The Administrative Assistant/Secretary will be responsible for all secretarial duties

and administrative tasks assigned by the Chief Executive Officer. This employee will
provide supporting documents, information, and other reports as requested bv him. The
Administrative Assistant/Secretary will be responsible for coordinating the Chief Executive
Officer’s schedule. The Administrative Assistant/Secretary will answer, screen, and
forward incoming telephone calls and provide basic and accurate information in person

Business 4
and via telephone/email. This employee will update calendars, schedule meetings, and
arrange travel and accommodations.

Business 4
The Administrative Assistant/Secretary Assistant will also attend meetings in order to
keep minutes. This employee will keep updated records of office expenses and
costs. The Administrative Assistant/Secretary will perform other clerical duties such as filing
photocopying, transcribing, and faxing.

6.9 Independent Contractors

Additional functions that the Company will accomplish using independent contractors
include legal, accounting, and other fields, as per SAMPLE COMPANY’s needs.

6.JO Personnel Plan

Chief Executive Offlcer: Mr. Doe X X X X
Administrative Assistant/Secretary X
Sales Coordinator X '
Sales Executives X X I X I
Operations Manager X X X
Sales Executive (part-time) X X
Public Relations and Key Account Specialist (part-
time) Designer and Marketing Specialist
x I x X
Customer Service Representative (part-time)



Chief Executive Office r: Mr. Doe $XX,xXX $XXk,XXX SXXk,XXX $XkX,kXk SXXX,XXX
Administrative Assistant/Secretary
Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Doe $XX,XXX
$XXX,XXX S++,X++
Sales Coordinator
Administrative Assistant/Secretary 50
Coordinator $0
f0 $XX,XXX
Operations Manager
Sales Executives $0
$0 $0
Executive Manager
(part-time) _ $0
$0 $0
$0 $XX,XXX
Public RelationsSales
and Key Accoum(part-time)
Executive Specialist (part-time) So$D $0
Publ ic Designer
andMarketing Specialist
Key Account (part-time
Speciallst (part- ) _ SO$0 _ I _ SO$0 " RX,XXX
Customer Service Representative (part-time)
Graphic Designer and Marketing Spedalis (part- SO SO $xx,xXX $XX,XxX SXX,XxX I
Customer Service Representative (part-time) $0 SD SXX,XXX fXX,XXX $M,XXX

Business 4
6.J J Personnel Summory
The Company will reach a total of nine in-house employees in Year S. The Company expects
its payroll expenses to rise from $XXX,XXX in Year 1 to $XM,XXX in Year 5.

• Chief Executive Officer: Mr. Doe

• Administrative Assistant/Secretary - full-time employee
• Sales Coordinator -full-time employee
» Sales Executives (X) — full-time employees
• Operations Manager -full-time employee
• Sales Executive— part-time employee
• Public Relations and Key Accounts Specialist — part-time employee
• Graphic Designer and Marketing Specialist — part-time employee
• Customer Service Representative—part-time employee

In addition to the in-house personnel, the Company collaborates with independent contractors
for legal and accounting purposes, as previously mentioned in Section 6.9. These
additional personnel costs are presented as operating expenses in the Profit and Loss
Table(Section 9.2).

6.J 2 The Company's Internal OrganizationalChal (Year 3j

Cu Stome r Se rvice
Repesen tatve


Business 4
7 Need for the Company’s Services
Digital transformation is disrupting entrenched incumbents, and even whole industries as
the pace of change impacts the performance of traditional business models for
creatingvaIue.As the combination of high-speed, ever-connected networks and maturing
digital technologies enhances ties between organizations and their various stakeholders,
opportunities to innovate processes, products, and services emerge that were
unthinkable a few years ago.

However, for most organizations, innovation has been opportunistic and ad hoc. In this
context, the collaboration and support provided by companies such as SAMPLE COMPANY
become essential. Sample Source° claims that a growing number of companies are finding
their service businesses under threat. While few organizations have mastered the new
environment, challenges remain critical, especially those related to security.

Cyber security is one of those words that is now casually bandied about in most
conversations relating to the ongoing digital revolution. As businesses, individuals,
and governments increasingly adopt and leverage technology, the threat stemming from
cybersecurity is becoming more real. It has now become imperative that businesses
ensure cybersecurity in order to maintain the sanctity of the vast amounts of data they
collect in the process of applying and delivering tech powered solutions. However, this is
ea5ier said than done. Ensuringcybersecurity is becoming progressively tougher as
cybercriminals stay a step ahead of the existing firewalls - exploiting n ew vulnerabilities and
constantly executing attacks. They continue to persist, even as regulatory institutions put
together a framework to change and improve standards. In this context, when it comes to
mitigating cyber security risks, it is better to be proactive rather than reactive.

In 20XX, the White House5 relea sed the U.S. National Cyber strategy. The strategy stated
that critical infrastructure, national defense, and the daily lives of Americans relv on computer-

Business 4
" Source

Business 4
and interconnected information technologies. As all facets of American life have become
more dependent on a secure cyberspace, n ew vulnerabilities have been revealed and new
threats continue to emerge. Therefore, new threats and a new era of strategic competition
demand a new cyber strategy that responds to new realities, reduces vulne rabilities, deters
adversaries, and safeguards opportunities fo r the American people to thrive. According to
the White House statement, securing cyberspace is fundamental to our strategy and

requires technicol advancements and administrative efficiency across the Federal

Government and the private sector. Protecting American information networks, whether
government or p rivate, is vital to protect the American people, the homeland, and the
American way of life, the White House claims. Therefore, the need for the Company‘s services
is clearly a matter of national significance.

Security is important because it encompasses everything that pertains to protecting

sensitive data, personally identifiable information, health information, intellectual
property, and information systems from theft and damage attempted by criminals
and adversaries. Cybersecurity risks are increasing, driven by global connectivity and a
rising use of cloud-based services to store sensitive data and personal information.
Widespread configuration of cloud services paired with increasingly sophisticated
cyber criminals means the risk that an organization suffers from a successful cyber-
attack or data breach is on the rise.

According to Sample Source, 6 our society is more tech nologically-reliant than ever befo re, and

there is no sign that this trend will slow. Personal data that could result in identity theft is
now posted to the public on our social media accounts. Sensitive information such as social
security numbers, credit card information, and bank account details are now stored in cloud
storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive. While there are no national laws
overseeing d ata breach disclosure in the U.S. on a federal level, there are data breach laws
in all 50states. Commonalities include:
• The requirement to notify those affect as soon as possible
• Let the government know as soon as possible
• Pay some sort of fine

Business 4
* Source

Business 4
Information theft is the fastest growing segment of cybercrime, largely driven by the
increasing exposure of identity information to the web, via cloud services - but it is
not the only target. Industrial controls that manage power grids and other
infrastructure can be disrupted or destroyed. Identity theft is not the only goal as cyber-
attacks may aim to compromise data integrity(destroy or change data) to breed
distrust in an organization or government.

However, the demand for professionals is outstripping the supply of skilled workers, while
demand is growing faster as cybersecurity is now considered mission critical in most
organizations. Cybersecurity will continue to grow as technology becomes digitally connected.

Sample Sources carried out research that showed the talent gap in the cybersecurity field inthe
U.S. Cybersecurity talent gaps exist across the country. The following map provides a
snapshot of demand and supply for cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. and demonstrates the
challenges facing the U.S. cybersecurity workforce.

Sample Magazine’ published an article claiming that the cybersecurity talent crunch will create
X.X million unfilled jobs globally by 20XX - up from X million positions in 20XX. The cyber


Business 5

Business 5
employment figure has been corroborated by hundreds of media outlets, including the
world’s largest, as well as industry associations, universities, governments, vendors,
recruitment firms, and security experts. Research carried by Sample MopOz/ne found that
the U.S. has a total employed cybersecurity workforce consisting of XXX,XXX people, and there
are currentIyXXX,XXX unfilled positions. The cybersecurity unemployment rate was at X
percent in 20XX, where it has been since 20XX. The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics*'
projects that employment for information security analysts will grow at XXI between 20XX
and 20XX, which is significantly higher than the average for all other occupations.

Mr. Doe’s Company will contribute towards the reduction of this talent and expertise
crunch. By following industry demands and newest developments, Mr. Doe will make
a significant Contribution to the U.S.

’° Source

Business 5
8 Mr. Doe's National Impact
Mr. Doe is a professional and entrepreneur with a long track-record of experience related
to technology, IT consulting, product and service development, and cybersecurity, among
many other fields. He will pursue his endeavor as the Chief Executive Officer of SAMPLE
COMPANY. The Company was formed on Month XX, 20XX in Sample State.

Under Mr. Doe’s guidance, SAMPLE COMPANY will successfully establish operations, acquire and
retain various clients, and build a strong reputation in the U.S. Mr. Doe will develop
client oriented, consulting services, offer easy-to-use software, and facilitate the process of
system implementation - providing clients with state of art, effective solutions. As an open-
minded professional, Mr. Doe will establish a business that will contribute to the U.S. by
operating in fields considered to be of national importance.

Although providing a myriad of services and products, cybersecurity and identity will be at
the co re of SAMPLE COMPANY’s operations. The need to shield information and identity
from malicious actors is a concern at the highest levels of business and government. State
secrets can be stolen from the other side of the worl d. Companies, whose entire business
models depend on control of customers’ data, can find their databases comp romised.
Cybercrimes have cost the world an estimated $X trillion so far in 20XX, according to recent
research carried out by Sample Source,** which predicted that damages would hit SX trillion
by 20XX, global spending in cyber- security measures to protect against catastrophic losses
will reach $XX billion by 20XX. Considering the increasing number of cyber-attacks,

employing active cybersecurity solutions - such as those provided by Mr. Ooe*s Company,
is of vital importance for most organizations, and is a matter of national interest.

The United States Senate * 2 claims that the importance of cybersecurity protocols has never
been greater, as millions of Americans cope with the exposure of personal information .
The White


Business S
’ 2 Source

Business S
House * 3 reiterates this understanding by stating that a superior cybersecurity workforce
Will promote Americon prosperity and preserve peace. The White House further
emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity professionals as guardians of our national and
economic security. The White House also called on the federal government to better
facilitate the movement of cybersecurity professionals in order to maximize the
contributions made by their diverse skills, experience, and talents to the U.S.

There is no doubt that, by operating in a such critical field, Mr. Doe will pursue an endeavor
that is of high importance to the country. The services that SAMPLE COMPANY will provide
will offer the following benefits to U.S. organizations:

• Business protection: cyber security solutions provide digital protection b usinesses that
will ensure their employees are not at risk from a myriad of cyber threats.
• Increased productivity: viruses can slow down computer s to a crawl, making work
practically impossible. Effective cyber security eliminates this possibility, maximizing
businesses’ outp uts.
• Increased consumer confidence: if organizations can prove that their businesses
are effectively protected against all kinds of cyber breaches, they can insp ire trust in
customers that their personal data will not be compromised .
• Increased protection for customers: ensuring that a business is secure from cyber
threats also protects customers, who could be susceptible to a cyber breach by


Business S
Mr. Doe’s Company will contribute to the U.S. by creating jobs and raising tax revenue.
These funds could be used by state and the federal government to finance investments
in hospitals, schools, roads, and other essential services. Over the following five-year period,
the Compan v expects to make the following tax payments to the U.S. government:

Mr. Doe’s contribution to the U.S. is perfectly aligned the National Security Strategy to Advance
America’s Interests:L* The strategy identifies four vital n ational interests, or four pillars:

• Protect the homeland, the American people, and American way of life
• Promote American prosperity
• Preserve peace through strength
• Advance American influence
More precisely, Mr. Doe ’s professional experience and dedication will contribute to
promoting America’s prosperity. Innovation and entrepreneurship are crucial for long-term
economic development. Information technology enables innovation in a variety of policy
areas which are key to the country. It is also worth mentioning that in the education
area, better technology infrastructure enables personalized learning and real-time
assessment. By providing solutions tailored to foster the development of children, Mr. Doe
will help create a generation of qualified and conscious children who will be responsible
for ensuring the future success of the United States.

’° Source

Business S
Lastly, according to Sample Source," the U.S. faces one of the most alarming talent crunches
of any country worldwide. This is partly because America’s population is graying rapidly,
with XX,XXX baby boomers reaching retirement age each day for the next XX years. U.S. job
vacancies hit a record high last year, exceeding X million openings per month. Analysts
attributed the nation’s hiring crunch to a tight labor market and paucity of workers with
the right skills and experience. And as demand rises, supply will decline. The labor force
participation rate is expected to fall over the next decade, dipping from XX% in 20XX to XX%
in 20XX, By 20XX, the
U.S. could experience unrealized reven ue of $X.XXX trillion due to labor shortages,
equivalent to X% of its entire economy. This is the highest figure of all the markets examined
by Sample Source, and almost X of the total revenue shortage across all 20XX

The U.S. has an overall surplus of Level B (mid-skilled) and Level C (low-skilled) workers at
each of the three milestones. But the deficit of Level A (highly skilled) workers such as
Mr. Doe is expected to reach more than X.X million people by 20XX. The sizable demand for
that talent will be driven by the financial and business services sector, which accounts for
a quarter of the total unrealized output ($XXX.XX billion). Mr. Doe’s background and his
willingness to transfer and disseminate his skills and knowledge to the U.S. market will
help create a qualified workforce, therefore contributing to fulfill U.S. industry needs
and benefiting the U.S. economy.

Mr. Doe’s endeavor will result in significant benefits to the country. Mr. Doe is
perfectly positioned to implement SAMPLE COMPANY’s strategies by leading the Company
as its Chief Executive Officer. His proven academic and professional record and his
willingness to share his knowledge with U.S. professionals will also help to fill the previously
mentioned talent gap in the country. Therefore, it is clear that his proposed endeavor is
a matter of importance to the country, and that his business will have a positive
impact on the United States.

Business S
’^ Source

Business S
9 Financials

9.1 Sales Forecast

Cybersecurity Services SXXX,XXX

Cybersecurity Products $XXX,XXX ?X,xxx,xxxl x,xxx,xxx
Identity Services $XXX,XXX
. . . -- . . . . . . - .
Software Development $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX | $XXX/XX $XXX,XXX | $X,XXX,XXX
Educational Programs (Children) | S@X,XXX S x SXXX,XXX $XXX,XXX | $ X,XXX

Cybersecurity Services $XXX,XXX ' $XXX,XXX , SX,XXX,XXX $X,XXX,XXX I $X,XXX,MX

Cybersecurity Products Sxxx xX SXXx.xXX Sx4XX XXx $X,XXX XXX $X XXX,XXX

Educational Programs (Children) | SXXX,XXX ”

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $X,XXX,XM SX XXXI

9.2 Profit and Loss




Professional Fees
Payioll Taxes

Profit Before Interest and Taxes XXX,XXX SXXX,XXX $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX
EBITDA Sxxx,xxx cxxxix
Taxes Incurred SXX,XXX | $XX,BfX

Business 5
9.3 Balance Sheet
Prn F ‹› rm: RsIan ce Sheet Year 1 Yc ar 2|Yenr 3ear 4" Y ear 5
Asset s
Current Assets
Cash and Other Current Assets ff XX,XXX $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX $XXX,XXX $X,XXX,XXX
Long-term Assets
Accumulated Depreciation Sx,xKx Sx,xxx Ox,xxx Sxx,xXX xxxxx
Total Long-term Assets 1X,XXX SXX,XXX SXX,XXX SXX,XXX $XX,XXX

Paid-in Capital $XX,XXX $XXXXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX $XX,XXX

Total Capital

Business PlonSS

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