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TOPIC: Extra English episode 8 The landladys cousin (part2) MAIN IDEA: The main idea finds

out that hector is one of the most millionaire families in Argentina, and Annie wants to stay
with him

TRANSCRIPT: hello I I am Bridget and this is Annie hello and this is Hector from Argentina well
hello Hector Hector lives next door with Nick I've met Nick already haven't I Nick? oh yes that's
right mm-hmm we need to talk about your rent in private measure that distance between the
shelves uh-huh honey hold this please that's it mm-hmm and this should be in Hector do you
think that's correct these shelves are belies can I speak to you please Hector hmm so Hector
one of the richest families in Argentina the Romero family and there you are Hector so why the
secret because I wanted you to like me not my money Oh Hector of course I do who else
knows Nick I thought so but not Annie don't tell Annie yet why Hector ¿?because Bridget ah
because yes I am in love with Annie Luke has entered the building Oh so where are you going
looking like John Travolta, he has a date with me haven't you darling another date but that's
three times this week four we've been to dinner to the theatre to the cinema and last n'ight ah
salsa dancing can you salsa Wow I am their salsa Queen yeah with two left feet pardon????
nothing it sounds great what is it tonight ping pong tonight it's karaoke and I am the karaoke
Queen let's go why I love you and the carrier I bet she sings like a toad so Hector where were
we ?okay I think I've got that Annie I did muck but the music was so loud you didn't hear me I
thought we'd have a little chat rule number two no underwear on the radiator um it's dry now
give it to me give it to thank you let me repeat the rules no parties and no visitors especially
boys especially boys from next door especially Nick is mine get the message

' um yeah we get the message see you later oh, by the way that shelf is not straight well, I have
never what does she owe does she think she is the landlady's cousin? oh I know that but no
Hector and no Nick? how dare she how is Eunice hmm problems she is very nice but but she's
just not my type what do you mean look the presence your presence flowers no present
chocolate and her energy I'm exhausted me let's go dancing Hector get rid of her get rid of her
how see something what shall I say and a brain tell her I'm not well, I've eaten a hedgehog I've
gone to the moon Oh Nick are you in there? go on ok ok oh hi you're not Nick no Nick Nick's
Hedgehog has gone to the moon pardon? Nick's Hedgehog is not well Nick is sad so he must
come dancing to make him happy no he cannot dance why not he stood on the Hedgehog
without shoes very Painful oh very messy so he cannot dance oh that's a pity well never mind
yeah sorry hmm you just have to come instead huh come on let's dance yes, Hector is still
building the shelves I don't know why he is so keen to help still I like it do you think that's
correct and poor Nick he looks exhausted he's going out with Eunice they've been to the
theater the cinema

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