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Dan Nelson

Ms. Michko

G Block Literature

8 June 2023

End of Year Reflection

In junior lit class I have developed various skills that have helped me to succeed in my

education, and I have made various improvements on skills that I already had. Some of these

skills include, writing a thesis statement, and integrating evidence. One piece of my writing

where I show these skills is my great gatsby essay titled “Bootlegging in The Great Gatsby” I

feel as though I properly demonstrated the ability to write a proper thesis statement, and proper

quote integration.

Throughout the year, while I have made some major improvements on some skills, there

are still areas in which I need to improve. Some of these being, analysis of evidence, and spelling

and grammar errors. One piece of writing where I needed improvement, is my civil disobedience

writing assignment. In this essay, my thesis statement wasn’t specific enough, and one of my

analyses didn’t properly relate to my thesis statement, and it threw off the whole essay. In my

senior year and beyond, I hope to improve on these skills, and always remember to use the

spelling and grammar check, and proofread my essays before submitting them.

Some of my personal and academic goals for the rest of high school are to be more

productive, and get all of my work done, and to not be tardy or absent for school, so I don’t miss

anything important. The skills that I’ve learned in English class will help me to write essays in

the future, and write my college essay so that I can hopefully get into a decent school. One thing
that I will remember from Junior literature class is all of the kahoots that we played and how I

never won any of them and I didn’t get any candy.

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