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How to Write Right

How to Succeed at University


Rules for writing: Right and wrong

Avoiding plagiarism

Good style vs bad style

Common makes students make

● Writing in English has rules

If you follow the rules = good

If not = bad

If not, either you don’t know the rules (bad)

Or you don’t care (bad)

So, writing properly shows you are educated.
Rule: Acronyms
● Acronym = word formed by initials of words

– Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
– As soon as possible

You must define on first use.
In my project (PJ) I will...

Rule: Citation in 2 places

Citation: In the text

Reference: At end of text

All citations must be in references

All references must be in citations

Otherwise, it is wrong

Same citation multiple times: OK

Same reference multiple times: Bad.

Rule: Citation format

● Harvard, APA, etc. follow same format

(Name, date)

Name = family name only
– Andre

Date = year only In-text citation
– 2021 . (Andre, 2021)
Rule: Reference format

Harvard, APA, etc. follow same format

Last name, first initial
In References section

Year Andre, J. (2021) Hyperautomation to
Increase Effectiveness of Student

Name of article Online Learning Behavior. Journal of
Education Management; 9(A).

Name of journal, including issue DOI:10.53750/1859-

– Document object identifier
– Unique ID to a paper
– Example: 10.53750/1859-2910.2021.13.9A-293
– Available at .

Rule: Plagiarism

Taking words or ideas that are not yours

and claiming them to be yours
If not cited, you are

Can be accidental claiming as yours

Still stealing

Academics’ value is in their ideas, words

When you steal, that is very, very bad.

Direct quote
● “due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students will
naturally interact with the LMS more than
before” (Andre, 2021)

This means the words are from Andre in his
2021 paper

If you got from someone else, do not cite like
Indirect quote (2)
● According to Andre (2021), the Covid-19
pandemic led to increased usage of the LMS

If you read this in Smith, 2022, and you copy
and paste it, is it OK ?
– It is cited, right ?

No, not OK because you are stealing the work
of Smith.

Indirect quote (3)

The only reason to use an indirect quote

Is because you cannot find the original paper

If Smith (2022) wrote about Andre (2021), and you
cannot find Andre (2021) then cite indirectly

According to Andre (2021, cited in Smith, 2022), the
Covid-19 pandemic increased LMS usage

If you can find the original paper, read it, verify it really
says that, and then cite the original paper.

Citing Authors
● Website: Author should be human

Never SlideShare (or similar)
– They are not author nor publisher
– They are a hosting service, they didn’t say it

Publisher OK if Economist
– Some publishers do not use reporter names.
-"..." say that we have purposedly removed unimportant words from a
Activity direct quote

● When do we use three dots “...”

Activity - Some ways to improve writing are reading books on writing, talking to
- No, this is wrong
Is it OK to write like this? It should be written
Many people need to improve their writing. Some etc = end cetra
ways to improve writing are reading books on
writing, talking to teachers, …
etc What is important is
that you take steps to get better.

● Paraphrasing helps to avoid plagiarism

But still must cite the idea

Do not cite someone else’s paraphrase

Usually paraphrasing is better than direct quote

Avoid direct quote

Unless you have a really reason for using it.
● You see this:

In particular, communication that reveals shared values

and reflects common commitments to organizational

Can you write: goals enables coworkers to forge and sustain
productive relationships in organizations (Herriot
2002). Communication can also have direct and
indirect effects on team and organizational
performance (Greenbaum and Query 1999).

Cover Page

Always include a cover page

If you do not, it is wrong

It should include your name, module name,
module leader, any tutor(s), the date, the name
of the assignment.

Citing Teacher

Lecturers prepare lectures

They do a lot of research

They are usually experts in their fields

You can cite them but this is lazy

You should find the original source and cite it
– This might require research from you
– University is all about doing research.
Rule: Academic argument
Employees’ satisfaction is the
What problems exist here? most difficult factor that every
large firm need to focus if they
want to increase performance
Note: There are some particularly big company as
CGV Vietnam. Obviously firms
minor grammar issues but can’t satisfy each and every
ignore those for now. employee under their
management but CGV
Vietnam’s HR is try their best to
meet their employees’ demand
as much as possible.

Spelling - LibreOffice Writer & Microsoft Word spell check
- So use the technology you have

Anything else wrong here?
Employees’ sastisfaction is the most difficult factor
that every large firm need to focus if they want to
increase perfomance particularly big company as
CJ CGV Vietnam. Obviously firms can’t sastisfy
each and every employee under their management
but CJ CGV Vietnam’s HR is try their best to meet
their employees’ demand as much as posible.

How long should one paragraph be?
- A paragraph should be as long as it needs to be
+ And not longer
- Could be one sentence
- Could be 1/3rd of a page
- If over 1/2 of a page, it is likely wrong
- A paragraph has a single idea
- To say a weakness is" cost money" is bad
- You should never eat or grow own food?
Quality of Evaluation - Why is money more valuable than time to you?
- This is why good criteria are important
● You can buy a Banh Mi Trung for 20,000 vnd + You get good criteria from reading
- Simple thinking is of no value to anyone


Strength: Tasty, high in protein, veggies

Weakness: Costs money

Is this a good evaluation?

Quality of Sources
Why does it matter if you use journals or

- Website: I want to say, I say

+ Nobody checks me, nobody controls me
-> Freedom!
- Journal: I want to say, I write
+ Multiple expert check (could be 5-6)
+ Editor controls me (gatekeeper)
+ If anyone finds problems after: Retractions

Activity: Good or bad

Info on Wikipedia

Info on essay hosting service

Info on VN gov’t ministry website

Article in Journal of Economic Development

Conference Paper from 30 years ago

Report from MNC consulting firm (PwC)

A paper on ResearchGate.
- You are valuable because of your mind
- Show you can think in greater idea
Critical vs Descriptive - From multiple perspective
- There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking
● The company has 1,500 employees

They have monthly birthday parties

They give all employees onboarding training

Employees say they like their boss

The company has a great reputation
Is this good writing? What could be better?

Table of Contents
When should you include a table of contents?
- Read the brief
- If nothing mentioned, use your judgment
- What is the purpose of ToC
- 200 page of book need ToC
- 2 page memo does not

Formatting numbers
● 1000000000 = very difficult to read

7000 = wrong

7,000 = right

15.323 is not 15,323

15.323 usually should be just 15

Avoid distraction.
Quantity of Sources
● Guideline: 80/20

Generally, 20% of writing should be from

80% should be from you, your own thinking
● Making connections, explaining

Giving examples helps a lot.

Beautiful Writing

Generally writing should be

Double spaced (never less than 1.5)

Font that is easy to read

Consistent font, black on white background

New paragraph need a gap from previous
– Or indent first line of each paragraph .

Key Points:

Writing in English does have rules

Educated people know them

Educated people use them

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