Mlodyaimzzz, Nuisance of The Polish Galaxy Life Community

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Mlodyaimzzz, nuisance of the polish

Galaxy Life community


Discord username: mlodyaimzzz#6012 (as of 10-2-2023)

Discord ID: 693162918866452581
Mlody is guilty of:
-Cheating in Galaxy Life Reborn
-Utilizing corrupt GLR staff for his own gain
-Faking scenarios and conversations to manipulate the suspicious GLR staff
-Lying about it when confronted with the evidence
-Spreading toxicity and falsehoods during and after GLR in current GL
-Attempting to stoke drama by constant mockery, flexing of his sins and lies

-Cheating in Galaxy Life Reborn

Mlodyaimzzz’s cheating wasn’t subtle at all, as he was instantly attacking colonies that his
alliance enemies had moved despite them removing all their friends that could’ve leaked
their coordinate, they reported it in GLR’s Modmail (now lost) and this is how GLR staff
started an investigation on Mlody in the first place. He also used a coordinates bot like many
others shortly after the incident documented below.

Galaxy Life Reborn was notorious for having virtually no anti-cheat, it’s anticheat was if
GalaxyChips > 9999 = banUser

Near the end of GLR, LifeCoder made a bot that could automatically collect coordinates of
any user instantly, this was LC’s way of displaying how awful the security was in response to
being rejected, but that’s not what this doc is about.
The proof of this cheating and how exactly he cheated is listed below, but first we need a
small bit of context.

Regardless, there was never a way to morally justify cheating. You were still ruining the
game for fair players who had been waiting years for the return of Galaxy Life along with the
passionate staff who worked so hard to keep the community and game clean, help with
development etc.

Not all GLR staff were crimson apples though:

-Utilizing corrupt GLR staff for his own gain

This screenshot is from Mlody himself, with dms of him getting coordinates from an ex-GLR
moderator who leaked the coordinates of war opponents of Mlody’s choice. I censored the
name of the moderator in question (it only really concerns Majorworm at the moment).

Instead of reporting this corruption to the GLR admins at the time, he used it to win a few
petty wars that would be lost to history merely a month and 12 days later.

-Lying about it when confronted with the evidence

As we investigated, the dates and stories weren’t matching up and thus i decided to confront
Mlody myself:
-Faking scenarios and conversations to manipulate the
suspicious GLR staff
Here is Mlody having a conversation with his own alt
Account created a day after the leak
-Lying about it when confronted with the evidence Part 2
-Faking scenarios and conversations to manipulate the
suspicious GLR staff Part 2

As the evidence was piling up (though no concrete evidence so Majorworm didn’t go through
with any ban just yet despite the other GLR Elite agreeing on banning him), the Reborn
moderator and Mlody got paranoid and felt the walls closing in as our investigation was
ongoing and thus they devised to save the moderator’s ass and maybe Mlody himself if they
were lucky (lucky, more than smart).

The moderator came into Majorworm’s dms one day and confessed to the leakage, the
reason for the leakage being he was apparently being blackmailed by Mlody with personal
We gave the moderator the right to decide Mlody’s punishment once we had concrete
evidence as he was the victim. After some time the case went cold as we tried and waited
for the GLR moderator to bait Mlody into threatening him again so he could screenshot it but
nothing, Majorworm started getting suspicious as it seemed like the moderator was trying to
give an oddly light punishment, move on from the case and doing nothing regarding the

We had no concrete evidence of any wrongdoing still however we believed the mod’s word
and couldn’t let this go unpunished so we let the moderator decide the punishment and of
course Mlody retaliated:

You almost think he’s believing his own lies.

The confession

Mlody is very proud of his cheating and the mountain of lies that came with it, going so far as
to insult anyone that tried to get him banned and call him out on his cheating.

“I cheated him for several months trying to find evidence on me that I cheat on wars
At the end I admitted to him that it was so xd”

“The moderator hacked into other people's accounts and gave me cords for wars, bots we
had sitting 24/7 online in the game
Various actions were happening”
Wait a minute…this happened a year ago, why bring it up again?
To tell you the truth, Mlody hasn’t changed one bit, which led me to make this document:
-Spreading toxicity and falsehoods during and after GLR in
current GL

15/02/2022 the day GLR died and the new GL server was published:

Why did Mlody say such things? Did Majorworm do something wrong? Well he was one of
the leads in the investigation along with the other GLR Elite so naturally we stressed him out:
It’s true, the situation was a year ago and i had let it go for the most part

After all the lying and cheating and toxicity, he still has the absolute audacity to call out
others for cheating and mocking them for not being a better cheater than he was, calling
them “idiots”.
Insulting and mocking random community members for no reason

Mlody – You’re still in that alliance?

Miancki – Yeah, so what fuck off man
Mlody – Only noobs play there if you want to be one of them, that's your business
Miancki - Who said I wanted to be with them? I play at my level they play at theirs
Mlody - they have no level at all
Miancki - Yes let me tell you, all you can do is insult because someone is in a "hated"
That's why I hold your opinion deeply in my ass
Mlody - you are right therefore I can also insult you because you’re member of them
Miancki - Do you know that even your insults don't bother me anymore?
Insult me as much as you want and I don't give a fuck
Mlody - it doesn't have bother you,as long as it gives me pleasure
Miancki - A Pole insulting another Pole is really rude
Mlody - I do not admit to being Polish,so I am happy to insult you

(For context, Mlody is revoking his Polish citizenship for a German one)
Mlody (replying to XD from horus) - what a retard isn’t he
Horus - As fuck
Mlody - Clearly has something in common with Major
Horus - Yep
Mlody - He have to hold the level
Horus - Well, that's because the CI has such a big level XD
Mlody - Less than their level is probably only the respect from other players

This is Mlody mocking and picking fights with an innocent user who has done nothing wrong,
because he is in an alliance who has done nothing wrong. CI (Covenant Imperium) has not
been caught in a single major controversy in GLPN as of writing this and is one of the most
fairplay alliances out there so Mlody has no reason to start being toxic to someone for
associating with an alliance.
So what about cheating Galaxy Life Phoenix
Some could even say worse than GLR. I’m not allowed to say much but a huge portion of
the leaderboard is illegitimate with cheat programs and methods spreading around like
wildfire under the noses of the staff team.

Mlodyaimzzz, who is very well known in underground competitive social circles and is aware
of these cheats, claims he is doing no such thing and that this time he is playing fairly:

MianckiOfficial: - Unlucky, there are no cheats

Mlody: - they are
MianckiOfficial: - true?
Mlody: - a lot of xD
MianckiOfficial: - Which don't work XD
they dont work, or they have update
Mlody: - how they dont work when people are normally using cheat engine
i watched streams
MianckiOfficial: if cheat engine, it's only visual
Mlody: - no XD
not in this game
you can add medals
make units faster
build everythink in 1 second
Regarding all the Sagar mentions and why Mlody likes him so much, that is a story for
another day.

There are many users in GLR and current GL who spend hundreds of euros and still cheat,
masking their cheats with their chip purchases. Mlody has been caught lying to the absolute
extreme to get away with cheating before, so i ask you: Do you believe him?

In the Royal Guard we trust

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