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MARCH 27, 2023



ANSWER : It is an ethical problem since there is a moral tension in this scenario, and we may
counter that this is merely art that anybody is free to do. On the other hand, it may also be seen as a
purposeful insult to the Catholic faith, in which case doing so is wrong.


1. Is this an ethical issue? Why or why not?

Yes, it is an ethical issue. Phallic images have been part of artworks one can argue that
these images are art symbols that deserve to be respect. I agree with that, however, as
an artist one should also see and respect that target audience of his work. Placing phallic
images next to the object where Jesus or Mama Mary’s art is their, it might be seen as
insensitive and disrespectful to those who believe and praise these images of religion.
2. Does the question of rightness or wrongness of this depend on which religion you belong to?
Explain your answer.
I don't agree that right or wrong depends on religion. It depends on the impact
that an individual has on a society that can be used to reflect my religion.
II. Look for another example of an artistic creation - a painting, poem, or song -that is a source
of either actual or potential conflict between the expression of the artist and sensibility that
finds this offensive. Present the significant details and the reasons that the conflicting sides
might have on this issue.

Untitled (Burnt-Out Europe) by Manuel Ocampo - The painting of Manuel

Ocampo was highly criticized because it depicts the head of Jesus Christ
attached to a hawk's body and is placed in the middle of two large
swastikas. For many Germans, swastika is the symbol used by Adolf
Hitler in his political movement. Which is why, when Manuel Ocampo
displayed his works in a prestigious modern and contemporary art
exhibition in Germany, it was pulled out. On the part of the painter, he
used such symbols to express his views about political and social
problems in the present day and the painting doesn't promote fascism.

III. III. Look for and list down other sources wherein we find a dialogue between ethics and the
various domains of aesthetic, culture and religion.
Aesthetics and Ethics of Faith: A Dialogue Between Liberationist and Pragmatic
though , the methodological connections between liberation theology and
pragmatism two essentially American traditions are investigated. It examines
how the main concepts and tenets of liberation theology could gain intellectual
depth and clarity through pragmatism. Furthermore, it exemplifies how
liberation theology offers pragmatism a more complex and sympathetic view of
religion, notably its social and educational aspects. Finally, the goal of this study
is to establish a conceptual foundation for liberation thought's ongoing
applicability in the modern world. maintaining the spirit of.

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