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Respiration Received: June 2, 2019

Accepted after revision: July 16, 2019
DOI: 10.1159/000502156 Published online: September 11, 2019

Chinese Expert Recommendation for

Diagnosis and Treatment of Massive
Faguang Jin a Qiang Li b Chong Bai c Hongwu Wang d Shiyue Li e

Yong Song f Yiming Zeng g Rui Zhou h Wangping Li a Chengping Hu i


Jie Zhang j Hongmei Zhou k Haitao Zhang a


a Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Tangdu Hospital, Air Force Medical University, Xi’an, China;
b Department
of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Dongfang Hospital, Tongji University, Shanghai, China;
c Department of Respiratory Medicine, Changhai Hospital, Naval Medical University, Shanghai, China; d Department

of Respiratory Medicine, Meitan General Hospital, Beijing, China; e Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, State

Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou,
China; f Department of Respiratory Medicine, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing,

China; g Department of Respiratory Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, The Second Hospital of Fujian Medical

University, Quanzhou, China; h Department of Respiratory Medicine, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South

University, Changsha, China; i Department of Respiration, Central South University Xiangya Hospital, Changsha,

China; j Department of Respiration, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China; k Department

of Respiration, Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Guangzhou, China

Keywords cases and usually indicates the presence of a potentially se-

China · Guidelines · Massive hemoptysis vere respiratory or systemic disease. The mortality rate of
massive hemoptysis is about 6.5–38%. The cause of death is
generally shock caused by airway obstruction or excessive
Abstract bleeding, and asphyxia is the main cause of death. At pres-
Massive hemoptysis is one of emergency and critical diseas- ent, due to insufficient understanding of massive hemopty-
es of the respiratory system. The definition of massive he- sis, there are limited technical means in the etiological diag-
moptysis has always been different in the literature, which nosis and untimely or improper treatment, resulting in high
often depends on the quantitative estimation of the amount mortality of massive hemoptysis. Therefore, the diagnosis
of hemoptysis, such as the amount of hemoptysis being in and treatment of massive hemoptysis needs to be standard-
the range of 300–600 mL within 24 h, or hemoptysis more ized. © 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel
than 3 times within 1 week. Each amount of hemoptysis that
is greater than 100 mL can be considered as massive hemop-
tysis, but the amount of hemoptysis is difficult to accurately
estimate. Therefore, massive hemoptysis can be defined as Massive hemoptysis is one of emergency and critical
any life-threatening hemoptysis and any hemoptysis that diseases of the respiratory system. The definition of mas-
may cause airway obstruction and asphyxia. Massive he- sive hemoptysis has always been different in the litera-
moptysis accounts for approximately 5% of all hemoptysis ture, which often depends on the quantitative estimation - 9/15/2019 11:30:47 AM

© 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel Faguang Jin

Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.

Tangdu Hospital, Air Force Medical University

Xinsi Road 1, Xi’an 710038 (PR China)
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E-Mail jinfag @

of the amount of hemoptysis, such as the amount of he- network in the submucosal layer of the bronchial wall,
moptysis is in the range of 300–600 mL within 24 h, or supplying blood to the bronchial wall. If the bronchial
hemoptysis more than 3 times within 1 week. And each artery ruptures, massive hemorrhage is likely to occur due
amount of hemoptysis is >100 mL can be considered as to high systemic vascular pressure. However, after blood
massive hemoptysis, but the amount of hemoptysis is dif- pressure drops due to massive hemorrhage, the amount
ficult to accurately estimate [1–4]. Therefore, massive of bleeding will decrease, providing an opportunity for
hemoptysis can be defined as any life-threatening he- surgical intervention. As long as the airway is kept unob-
moptysis and any hemoptysis that may cause airway ob- structed and there is no asphyxia death, the patient has
struction and asphyxia [2, 5]. Massive hemoptysis ac- hope for treatment. It is as clear as possible whether the
counts for approximately 5% of all hemoptysis cases and pulmonary artery is ruptured or the bronchial artery is
usually indicates the presence of a potentially severe re- ruptured, which will be of great help to the treatment of
spiratory or systemic disease [6]. The mortality rate of patients and the development of rescue measures.
massive hemoptysis is about 6.5–38% [5, 7–12]. The
cause of death is generally shock caused by airway ob-
struction or excessive bleeding, and asphyxia is the main The Cause of Massive Hemoptysis
cause of death [13]. At present, due to insufficient under-
standing of massive hemoptysis, there are limited techni- The cause of massive hemoptysis is complicated, and
cal means in the etiological diagnosis and untimely or respiratory diseases and systemic diseases can cause mas-
improper treatment, resulting in high mortality of mas- sive hemoptysis. Bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, pulmonary
sive hemoptysis. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment aspergillosis, necrotizing pneumonia, cryptogenic he-
of massive hemoptysis need to be standardized. The Chi- moptysis, and lung cancer are considered to be the most
nese Medical Association Integrated Respiratory Profes- common causes of massive hemoptysis [5, 7]. Despite of
sional Committee organized relevant domestic experts, the continuous advancement and development of medi-
combined with clinical experience and related literature, cine, up to 20% of cases have not been found to have ob-
and formulated this specification after finishing discus- vious causes, and are classified as cryptogenic hemoptysis
sions. [7]. With the development of modern medicine, changes
in the spectrum of diseases, and the widespread use of
antibacterial drugs, the incidence of massive hemoptysis
The Relationship between Pulmonary Vascular caused by infection is significantly reduced. The common
Anatomy and Hemoptysis causes of massive hemoptysis are listed in Table 1.

The lungs have a dual blood supply from the pulmo- Infection
nary and bronchial arteries [14]. The pulmonary artery In the middle of the 20th century before the advent of
originates from the right ventricle, branches into the left anti-TB drugs, TB and its associated complications are
and right pulmonary artery, and the pulmonary artery the most common cause of hemoptysis. Currently, the
eventually forming a wide capillary network to complete rate of massive hemoptysis caused by pulmonary tuber-
the gas exchange. The pulmonary artery is a low-pressure, culosis decreased, but it is still common that pulmonary
low-resistance system with a large blood volume. The tuberculosis complicated with bronchial tuberculosis re-
blood pressure will not increase significantly even if the sults in bronchial damage or bronchiectasis results in he-
blood flow increases. If the pulmonary capillary network moptysis [15].
ruptures, the amount of bleeding will not be too large, and Bronchiectasis and chronic infection are pathological
it is easy to stop bleeding; however, if large pulmonary features of bronchiectasia. Repeated bacterial infections,
arteries or branches rupture, hemorrhage often occurs especially Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aerugino-
due to large blood volume and short distance from right sa, and so on, lead to bronchial artery hypertrophy, dis-
ventricular, and the success rate of rescue is low. The tortion, aneurysm formation, and systemic circulation –
bronchial artery originates from the aorta, and a few are pulmonary vascular anastomosis or arterial fistula forma-
from the intercostal artery to provide nutrients to the tion. The above arterial rupture can cause massive, rapid,
lung parenchyma. Unlike the pulmonary artery, the bron- and fatal massive hemoptysis [16].
chial artery is a high-pressure system that closely follows In recent years, the proportion of massive hemoptysis
the bronchial movement and eventually forms a capillary caused by fungal infections has gradually increased, espe- - 9/15/2019 11:30:47 AM

2 Respiration Jin/Li/Bai/Wang/Li/Song/Zeng/Zhou/Li/
DOI: 10.1159/000502156 Hu/Zhang/Zhou/Zhang
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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cially in patients with cavitary lung disease or with sig- Table 1. Common causes of massive hemoptysis
nificant immunosuppression. Most of the cavity forma-
tions combined with mold infections are Aspergillus in- Classification Disease
fection, and the dilated bronchial artery or intercostal Infection Tuberculosis/nontuberculous mycobacterial
artery is often surrounded by the cavity, which is highly infection
susceptible to rupture and massive bleeding. It has been Bronchiectasis (including cystic fibrosis)
reported that 50–90% of Aspergillus infections compli- Invasive pulmonary fungal disease
cated with cavity can cause massive hemoptysis [17–19]. Lung abscess
In addition, mucormycosis infection can also result in Necrotizing pneumonia
massive hemoptysis, mainly because of the characteristics Pulmonary embolism (septic)
of mucormycosis, which can easily damage the pulmo- Tumor Primary lung cancer
nary artery and cause fatal massive hemoptysis [20–22]. Intratracheal metastatic cancer
In immunodeficient patients, massive hemoptysis caused Intrapulmonary metastatic carcinoma
by invasive fungal infection is rare, but after the recov- Autoimmune Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
ery of neutrophil deficiency, increased inflammatory re- disease Granulomatous polyangiitis
sponse due to local infection will cause rupture of blood Microscopic polyangiitis
vessels and cause massive hemoptysis [23, 24]. Hemopty- Goodpasture syndrome
sis can also be caused by other lung infections, especially Nodular polyangiitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
those with lung abscess, and necrotizing pneumonia Rheumatoid arthritis
caused by various infections [25]. Systemic sclerosis
Cardiovascular Arteriovenous malformation
Tumor diseases Mitral stenosis
Hemoptysis can occur due to any type of lung cancer, Pulmonary embolism/infarction
and the probability of massive hemoptysis in patients Congenital heart disease (such as atrial septal
with central airway lumen and tumor cavity formation is defect, patent ductus arteriosus, etc.)
high [5, 13, 26]. Squamous cell carcinoma often occurs in Primary pulmonary hypertension
Aortic aneurysm
the central airway, so the resulting massive hemoptysis is Bronchial arterial fistula
more common than adenocarcinoma, small cell carcino- Congestive heart failure
ma, or large cell carcinoma. Any tumor that is transferred Localized pulmonary venous stenosis after
to the bronchial cavity or the lung parenchyma can lead atrial fibrillation ablation
to massive hemoptysis. Some new antiangiogenic drugs, Iatrogenic Bronchoscopy-related operations
such as bevacizumab, can cause tumor necrosis and cav- Percutaneous lung biopsy
ity leading to massive hemoptysis [27]. Pulmonary catheter implantation
Trachea – innominate artery fistula
Autoimmune Diseases Antiangiogenic drug applications (e.g.,
Autoimmune diseases can also result in massive he- bevacizumab)
moptysis. The vasculitis also accounts for a proportion of Trauma Lung blunt injury
hemorrhage, which can manifest as massive hemoptysis Chest wall penetrating injury
or diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH), and may be ac- Pseudo-hemoptysis
companied by progressive hypoxemia and respiratory Bone marrow transplantation
failure, some patients may not have much hemoptysis, Hematological Coagulopathy (congenital, acquired, or
even without hemoptysis symptom, but progressive ane- diseases iatrogenic)
mia and hypoxemia may occur, with higher mortality Platelet disease
[28]. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiac hemoptysis is caused by underlying cardio- when venous pressure suddenly rises for some reason, it
vascular diseases. In diseases that can cause primary car- may trigger rupture. Massive hemoptysis may also occur
diogenic hemoptysis, elevated pulmonary venous pres- in patients with localized elevation of pulmonary venous
sure can lead to venous dilatation/varicose formation, pressure caused by local stenosis of the pulmonary vein - 9/15/2019 11:30:47 AM

Expert Recommendation for Diagnosis Respiration 3

and Treatment of Massive Hemoptysis DOI: 10.1159/000502156
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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after atrial fibrillation with radiofrequency ablation [29, tory system, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and
30], or those with pulmonary arteriovenous malforma- hemorrhagic diseases. Physical examination should care-
tions [31, 32]. fully record the relevant signs suggesting that the massive
hemoptysis originates from the lung and should pay at-
Iatrogenic Factors tention to the symptoms of congestive heart failure or
Many invasive tests can cause massive hemoptysis due malignant tumor. Identify bleeding is from hemoptysis or
to damage to the pulmonary blood vessels, the main rea- hematemesis.
son being the rupture of the pulmonary or bronchial ar-
tery in operation. It is reported that transbronchoscopy, Laboratory Inspection
various techniques guided percutaneous puncture biop- The initial assessment should include complete labo-
sy, radioactive particle implantation, percutaneous radio- ratory tests such as blood, urine, stool routine, blood type,
frequency ablation, and so on had caused massive he- coagulation function, and liver and kidney function.
moptysis [33–37]. Patients with long-term tracheostomy These tests may indicate the cause of massive hemoptysis,
may have tracheal-innominate artery fistula, which can such as coagulation abnormalities, autoimmune pulmo-
cause fatal bleeding [38, 39]. The insertion position of the nary-renal syndrome. In addition, appropriate laboratory
tracheal cannula is too low (below the recommended 1–3 tests should be performed based on the likely etiology.
tracheal cartilage rings), or the position of the innominate
artery is too high to form an innominate arteriovenous Imaging Examination
fistula of the bronchial artery. Imaging examination is the basis of massive hemopty-
sis diagnosis. Chest X-ray is an important initial evalua-
Trauma tion tool, but its false-negative rate is as high as 20–40%.
Massive hemoptysis can also occur in patients with Chest CT scan is the most important imaging method for
chest trauma. A blunt injury can cause airway rupture hemoptysis, and its sensitivity is higher than that of chest
complicated with pulmonary or bronchial vascular injury radiograph. Enhanced scans can detect pulmonary em-
[40]. Broken ribs can sometimes result in lung stab bolism, arteriovenous malformations, or aneurysms [46].
wounds, leading to hemoptysis or hemothorax. Similarly, CT-enhanced development has different phases, and dif-
penetrating injuries can also cause lung tears and lung ferent phases should be used for different purposes. In
and bronchial vascular damage, causing hemoptysis and/ addition, CT helps to determine which side of the lung
or hemothorax [41]. the bleeding originates from. However, CT examination
has certain limitations for patients with massive hemop-
Hematological Diseases tysis. First, it takes time. Second, the patient needs to
Due to various hematological diseases and bring about maintain supine position during operation, which is
primary, secondary, or iatrogenic factors cause coagulop- prone to suffocation. Therefore, acute massive hemopty-
athy, platelet dysfunction, or thrombotic thrombocyto- sis is not suitable for emergency chest CT scans when the
penic purpura can cause hemoptysis or even massive he- patient is at risk.
moptysis [42–45].
For the diagnosis of massive hemoptysis, or poorly treat-
The Diagnosis of Massive Hemoptysis ed by conservative medical treatment, it is recommended to
perform bronchoscopy early in hemoptysis [47].
Medical History and Physical Examination
Detailed medical history and comprehensive physical
examination are important methods for diagnosing the Massive Hemoptysis Treatment
cause of massive hemoptysis and can provide some key
clues for the diagnosis of the cause of massive hemoptysis. Treatment methods should be based on the etiology of
Understanding the amount of massive hemoptysis massive hemoptysis, the experience of doctors, and avail-
through medical history is very important for an accurate able medical resources. The treatment should be carried
diagnosis. At the same time, clinical evaluation should out by a multidisciplinary team of doctors in the depart-
pay attention to the past history, especially the history of ment of respiratory and critical care medicine, interven-
infection, and the history of diseases including respira- tional radiology, cardiothoracic surgery, and anesthesiol- - 9/15/2019 11:30:47 AM

4 Respiration Jin/Li/Bai/Wang/Li/Song/Zeng/Zhou/Li/
DOI: 10.1159/000502156 Hu/Zhang/Zhou/Zhang
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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Fig. 1. Tumor resection under rigid bron-
choscopy. The patient was diagnosed with
hemoptysis and found a new spherical neo-
plasm in the upper segment of the trachea,
which grew into the lumen, and the surface
was rich in blood supply, which caused
bleeding. Rigid argon knife cauterization
was used to stop bleeding.

ogy. Bronchoscopy is an important tool for the diagnosis tracheal intubation should be performed immediately.
and treatment of massive hemoptysis [47, 48]. The flexi- Large (8–8.5 mm) catheters used in tracheal intubation
ble bronchoscope is convenient to use, but the suction with large side holes may be considered for bronchosco-
ability is limited, the visual field is easy to be blurred, and py. If necessary, use a rigid bronchoscope for treatment
for the rapid treatment of massive hemoptysis is limited. (Fig. 1).
The rigid bronchoscope allows for rapid suction while
maintaining airway open and ventilated [49]. However, Isolation of Bleeding Source
the rigid bronchoscope needs to be performed under gen- Quickly clean up the hematocele in the airway by tra-
eral anesthesia, and the operation is complicated, and it cheal intubation or rigid bronchoscope, isolate the bleed-
is impossible to reach the airway other than the trachea, ing source as soon as possible to prevent the blood from
the bulge, and the main bronchus. Therefore, there are overflowing into the contralateral to form a blood clot to
conditions that can be used in combination to achieve block the airway and affect the alveolar gas exchange, and
optimal diagnosis, evaluation, and control of bleeding ef- keep the airway unobstructed as well. Therefore, in the
fects. case of nonbilateral lung bleeding, the first step should be
to quickly determine the side of the lung and the lobe
Emergency Treatment Methods from which the bleeding comes and prevent blood from
The principle of emergency treatment of massive he- entering the contralateral of the lung, and the most basic
moptysis is to ensure airway unobstructed and isolate method is to let the patient have a lateral position. After
bleeding sources [13, 50–54]. finding the source of bleeding, there are several ways to
isolate the source of bleeding as much as possible: (1) se-
Keep the Airway Unobstructed lect a unilateral tracheal intubation under bronchoscopy
When acute active hemorrhage complicated with mas- and insert the distal end of the catheter into the main
sive hemoptysis, the best way to clean up the blood and bronchus of the contralateral lung. The balloon is filled to
secretions in the airway is the patient’s cough reflex. Pa- prevent blood permeation, and the affected side lung is
tients should be encouraged to clear the airway hemato- treated under the condition of contralateral lung ventila-
cele through the cough. If the patient’s cough reflex can- tion. (2) After tracheal intubation, the source of bleeding
not effectively remove airway hemorrhage, relieve as- was identified under bronchoscopy. The Fogarty balloon
phyxia, and develop progressive dyspnea or hypoxemia, was placed into the hemorrhagic airway through a bron- - 9/15/2019 11:30:47 AM

Expert Recommendation for Diagnosis Respiration 5

and Treatment of Massive Hemoptysis DOI: 10.1159/000502156
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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Fig. 2. Hemostasis by balloon compression.
Patients with sudden massive hemoptysis
and asphyxia were given tracheal intuba-
tion and bronchoscopic suction, followed
by balloon compression for hemostasis.

Fig. 3. Stop bleeding by argon knife under


choscope, and the airway was filled after inflation. Its pur- spraying of ice normal saline, diluted adrenaline, throm-
pose is to quickly control bleeding and protect the con- bin or fibrin complex to contract blood vessels to stop
tralateral airway from being obstructed. The 6 F or 7 F bleeding. (5) When the petechia is directly observed un-
balloon is often used to block the main bronchus on the der the bronchoscope, hemostasis can be performed by
bleeding side. It is best not to pass the bronchoscope laser, electric knife, argon knife, or freezing technique
working hole, but to insert the balloon under the bron- (Fig. 2, 3). (6) If the patients are suspected as tracheal-
choscope. It can not only block the bleeding airway but innominate artery fistula, emergency surgery should be
also continue to suctioning and keep the airway unob- performed by cardiothoracic surgery. Before the surgical
structed. (3) Double-lumen tracheal catheter intubation, repair, try to cut the trachea, inflate the balloon, or replace
lung ventilation, and airway dredging can be operated the tracheostomy tube with a tracheal intubation cathe-
separately through the double-lumen tube, but accurate ter, place the distal end of the catheter under the petechia,
double-lumen tracheal intubation is time-consuming and inflate the balloon. At the same time, put your finger
and laborious, and the independent lumen of the double- into the sinus of the tracheotomy and press the anterior
lumen tube is too small to hinder operation, requires spe- wall of the trachea forward to the sternum to help stop
cial suction tube and the need to use muscle relaxants, bleeding, which will give you time and opportunity for
which led to limited application of the double-lumen surgery.
tube. (4) If hemorrhage occurs under bronchoscopy, local - 9/15/2019 11:30:47 AM

6 Respiration Jin/Li/Bai/Wang/Li/Song/Zeng/Zhou/Li/
DOI: 10.1159/000502156 Hu/Zhang/Zhou/Zhang
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Fig. 4. Freezing and removing thrombus
through bronchoscopy. Patients with mas-
sive hemoptysis and respiratory failure
were given tracheal intubation and ventila-
tor-assisted breathing. Emergency bron-
choscopy revealed that the left main bron-
chus was blocked by thrombus, the cryo-
probe entered the thrombus, pulled out
the thrombus, and the removed material
showed a bronchial tree-like change. After
the removal of 2 thrombus trees, the left
main bronchus and the bronchial lumens
at all levels were unobstructed.

Fig. 5. Bronchial artery DSA angiography

after BAE. Patients with massive hemopty-
sis were given bronchial artery DSA showed
contrast agent spillover, after BAE, no de-
velopment was observed and hemoptysis

Remove the Blood Clot remain suctioning when retracting the endoscope. (3) Re-
Blood clots formed after massive hemoptysis can block move blood clots using machine: blood clots can be re-
the central airway, leading to hypoxemia or asphyxia. At moved using biopsy forceps, trigeminal grasping forceps,
this time, trying to remove blood clots to improve ventila- snares, Dormia basket, and so on (4) remove blood clots
tion is the first consideration. Rigid bronchoscopy or soft by freezing: insert the cryoprobe into the blood clot, start
bronchoscopy can be used according to the conditions, the freezing mode, keep the frozen state, and pull the en-
the rigid bronchoscopy can be used preferentially or com- doscope body and probe together with the frozen blood
bined with soft and rigid bronchoscopy, or soft bronchos- clots out of the airway [55], as seen in Figure 4.
copy can be used under the guidance of tracheal intuba- Removing the blood clot from the trachea can relieve
tion. There are 4 methods: (1) remove blood clots direct- airway obstruction and improve ventilation. And also,
ly: place the front end of the endoscope at the basilar part due to the removal of the blood clot and the alleviation of
of the blood clot, pull out the endoscope and remain suc- the compression of the bleeding site, the bleeding is
tioning, thus giving the opportunity to remove the entire caused again. Thus, when removing a blood clot, the op-
blocked blood clot. (2) Remove blood clots using balloon: erator must be prepared to treat acute massive hemopty-
place the balloon at the distal end of the central airway sis. For blood clots in the lung lobe, pulmonary segments
clot, then inflate, pull out the endoscope and balloon, and or side of the bronchi, if there is no life-threatening dys- - 9/15/2019 11:30:47 AM

Expert Recommendation for Diagnosis Respiration 7

and Treatment of Massive Hemoptysis DOI: 10.1159/000502156
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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pnea and hypoxemia, the blood clot may not be removed (BAE): BAE is the most commonly used nonsurgical
until the bleeding is stabilized. treatment (Fig. 5). BAE should be considered first af-
ter initial stabilization of hemoptysis and failure of en-
The Application of Systemic Hemostatic Drugs doscopic treatment [56–58]. Successful embolization
In the case of massive hemoptysis, on the basis of the relies on the anatomy of the bleeding vessel by angiog-
above treatment measures, systematic hemostatic drugs raphy. In patients with continuous and repeated he-
can be applied at the same time. The choice of hemo- moptysis after embolization (6–12 months, 10–20%),
static drugs should be based on the diseases condition reembolization can be tried to stop bleeding. Late re-
and the characteristics of the drug. Commonly used he- current hemorrhage (more than 1 year) is usually
mostatic drugs are: (1) Pituitrin can reduce peripheral caused by neovascularization or vascular recanaliza-
blood flow velocity by contracting visceral arterioles, tion. In general, BAE is safer and has few complica-
which is conducive to thrombosis to achieve hemosta- tions. However, if intraoperative angiography is inef-
sis. It can be intramuscular, subcutaneous injection, or fective, no communicating branches are found, and
diluted intravenous drip. The effect of hemostasis is spinal cord arteries are misembolized, bronchial wall
clear and the taking effect is rapid, but it should be used necrosis and ischemic myeleterosis may occur. (2)
with caution in patients with hypertension. (2) Hemo- Surgical treatment: for patients with unilateral hemor-
coagulase (such as hemocoagulase, hemocoagulase ag- rhage with pulmonary lesions, who cannot stop bleed-
kistrodon, hemocoagulase bothrops atrox, etc.) exerts a ing through the above various treatment methods,
hemostatic effect by promoting the activity of coagula- should assess the disease condition and whether the
tion factors. It can be injected intramuscularly, subcu- cardiopulmonary function is suitable for surgical in-
taneously, intravenously, or locally used under bron- tervention as soon as possible, because such patients
choscopy. Intravenous injection usually takes 5–10 min are prone to occur massive hemoptysis again after
to take effect and 20–30 min to reach the peak of hemo- temporary hemostasis or BAE treatment. (3) Etiologi-
stasis. The above 2 drugs can be used together in the cal treatment: when due to some nonanatomical dis-
treatment of massive hemoptysis to enhance the hemo- eases, massive hemoptysis and/or hypoxic respiratory
static effect. (3) Other hemostatic drugs, such as carba- failure, such as DAH caused by massive hemoptysis, at
zochrome sodium sulfonate, carbazochrome tablets, the same time to perform targeted treatment for the
which acting on the blood vessel wall; hemostatic drugs relevant etiologies, should provide adequate oxygen
that acting on platelets, such as etamsylate, platelet sus- delivery by mechanical ventilation or other ancillary
pension; promoting coagulation factor active drugs treatments. If the patient is suspected to be DAH,
such as desmopressin acetate; drugs that directly sup- high-dose methylprednisolone pulse therapy should
plement coagulation factors such as fresh or stocked be used, and 1 mg/kg methylprednisolone should be
blood, freeze-drying plasma, prothrombin complex; taken orally 3 days later, and 1–2 mg/kg cyclophos-
drugs that promote the synthesis of coagulation factors phamide should be given at the same time. If the pa-
such as vitamin K; antifibrinolytic hemostatic drugs tient is suspected as Goodpasture syndrome, plasma
such as 6-aminocaproic acid, aminomethylbenzoic exchange should be conducted to prevent delay in the
acid, tranexamic acid, and so on. The above drugs or timing of therapy due to waiting for serological test
blood products have a weak effect in the first aid for results [59, 60].
massive hemoptysis, but can be used for subsequent he- In summary, massive hemoptysis is one of emergency
mostasis treatment. (4) Other drugs used to stop bleed- and critical diseases of the respiratory system. Patients
ing, such as lidocaine, procaine, phentolamine, 654-2, may die due to asphyxia of airway obstruction or hemor-
and other vasodilator drugs, can be used according to rhagic shock. Therefore, rapid and accurate etiological
the disease. diagnosis should be carried out, and emergency mea-
sures should be taken actively. Before applying BAE or
Follow-Up-Targeted Treatment of Massive surgical intervention, the airway should be kept unob-
Hemoptysis structed as early as possible, and multidisciplinary treat-
Patients with massive hemoptysis need follow-up ment should be carried out to ensure the safety of pa-
targeted treatment after etiological diagnosis and tients.
emergency treatment. The current common methods
are as follows: (1) bronchial artery embolization - 9/15/2019 11:30:47 AM

8 Respiration Jin/Li/Bai/Wang/Li/Song/Zeng/Zhou/Li/
DOI: 10.1159/000502156 Hu/Zhang/Zhou/Zhang
Uppsala Universitetsbibl.
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