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Importance and Benefits

of Technopreneurship
Gospel Reading: Jn 15:9-17 “I have told you this so that my joy might be in you
and your joy might be complete.
Jesus said to his disciples: This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.
“As the Father loves me, so I also love you. No one has greater love than this,
Remain in my love. to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
If you keep my commandments, you will remain in You are my friends if you do what I command you.
my love, I no longer call you slaves,
just as I have kept my Father’s commandments because a slave does not know what his master is doing.
and remain in his love. I have called you friends,
because I have told you everything I have heard from my
It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you
and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain,
so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may
give you.
This I command you: love one another.”
Final output
1. Develop a business proposal related to your course.
2. Documentation of step-by-step process – from product planning to developing the product.
3. Submit a word file about the product – includes; background (why you came up with this idea,
product specifications, user’s guide manual, benefits to customers, advantages among
competitors etc.)
4. Deadline of submission: Final Exam week
Final output
• Technopreneurship is an entrepreneurial term reserved for entrepreneurs who are engaged in
the field of information technology.

• Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple), Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google), Mark
Zuckerberg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), and Kevin Systorm (Instagram) are a few
examples of entrepreneurs who are engaged in the world of information technology.
What are the advantages of
There are many advantages of being a technopreneur but here are a few important points

•Capability to scale a particular operation or entire business in any industry vertical

•Supports higher efficiency in particular processes by eliminating any roadblocks or hurdles
•Optimizing a particular workflow to increase the throughput and output of the involved operation
•Reduce the cost of operations by eliminating unnecessary modules involved in doing the
•Supports automation in every involved process to remove expensive manual operations.
•Accelerates research and development of new technology by freeing up some budget involved
in operations.
•Create new employment opportunities that solve holistic problems rather than targeted
What does it take to become a successful
A technopreneur must develop the ability to identify the potential areas of improvement in a
process that has a market value. Remember that a technopreneur is one who goes one more
step ahead to be successful in any venture he undertakes.

Here are some of those mandatory skills required to be a successful technopreneur.

What does it take to become a successful
1. Team Building

Technopreneurship combines the expertise of both technical prowess and an entrepreneurship

mindset. Therefore, selecting a team that aligns with the vision and are equipped with the
necessary technical skills are crucial for a successful business.
What does it take to become a successful
2. Workflow Strategy

Decisions are crucial when achieving a cost-effective and robust product solution. Therefore, a
technopreneur should be a good strategist and should have experience in deploying the right
resources in the right situation.

Remember good hiring makes a tectonic shift in deciding whether a product is going to be the
best or be one of the worst nightmares.
What does it take to become a successful
3. Problem Solving

Every industry vertical is evolving and there are constantly new innovations that are happening in
the existing processes. This creates a challenge for a technopreneur to update his automation
process with the latest innovation to stay ahead in the market.

There problem-solving attitude of both the technopreneur and his team is vital to sustaining the
technology business in the future.
Some Examples of Successful Technopreneurs
While there are a lot of technopreneurs who made a significant impact on the way the industry
works and how it will operate in the future.

Here are some of the successful examples that gave an entirely new dimension to the way
businesses run today.
Some Examples of
•1. Paypal
Paypal which was founded by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk
changes the landscape of payment transactions for the
people. They were the first ones to introduce a peer-to-
peer payment transaction system that was faster and
easier than that time banking transactions.

They not only reduced the cost of transactions involved

in sending payments but also paved the way for digital
currencies which we now know as cryptocurrencies.
Some Examples of
•2. Uber
Before the launch of Uber, the transportation industry was
highly unregulated and the customers were at the mercy of
the person they find for a ride. Transportation used to be a
costly business before the arrival of Uber.

What Uber did was completely changed the economics

involved in the taxi/cab industry. They regulated the rides
using a GPS system and created a universal booking system.
This not only offered convenience to customers but also
assured them that they are headed to the correct
Some Examples of
•3. Amazon
Though Amazon was not the first online eCommerce
company to start but the first one that automated customer
experience. Jeff Bezos focused on providing customers with
products as cheaply as possible using huge automated

This drove the cost lower than brick-and-mortar stores as

they were capable of stocking in large quantities and moving
the goods wherever they want. Today, Amazon has now
become the biggest online retail store in the world.
Some Examples of
•4. Apple
Steve Jobs built Apple which focused on an
exclusive computing system environment that
was inspired by design and innovation. The
elegance of the design and the performance and
durability of the Apple products is what make
Apple one of the preferred brands in the
Some Examples of
•5. Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg did not build the first social media
platform however he was the first one to remove the
loopholes that were present in the system. Facebook
brought the entire real-life world experience into its own
social media platform.

Today, Facebook is kind of your virtual image to the

public where you share your thoughts, likes, ideas, and
more. They did not reinvent the wheel but improved the
existing problems in online communication.
Successful Technopreneur - Summary
Technopreneurship is a process that automates and improves the life of a nation, person, or
organization by removing inefficiencies. Therefore, if you are looking to become a technopreneur
focus on reducing the costs by using the currently available technology.

Make it easier for organizations and people to develop, process, store, distribute, and access
their products. Moreover, also explore new segments for automation as that will create new jobs.

Just as software created new jobs like software engineers and replaced labor involved in
management tasks with other productive areas. Finally, whatever you decide to do make sure
that it leaves a deep impact on that particular process or industry for decades to come.
1. Employment creation – technopreneurs create employment for themselves and other people.
They are employers, and hence assist in solving the unemployment problem in the country.
2. Local resources – When technopreneurs utilize local resources, the value of these resources
3. Decentralization and diversification of business – technopreneurs are able to identify business
opportunities and locate these businesses in suitable areas, including rural areas.
4. Promotion of technology – By being creative, entrepreneurs are able to contribute to the
utilization and development of technology.
5. Capital formation – technopreneurship increases capital formation and investment.
6. Promotion of a technopreneurial culture – By projecting successful images, technopreneurs
become models than can be copied by young people.

•1. Reducing Cost

The advancement of technology has made everything
properly managed, time-efficient and minimization of
cost in business. Cost is the major aspect for every
business to pay attention on.
With Technopreneurship, new entrepreneurs can start
their own business with minimal cost of capital.
Furthermore, the possibilities for entrepreneurs to get
high return of profits are high since it cost less for them
to sell their product/services.

•2. Simplicity
Every businesses has their own evolving process,f rom
complexity into simplicity of its process. Now, the
Internet is the main shopping hub for every consumers
who wants to purchase their own products due to its
simplicity. Waiting in queue line and get involve with a
bunch of crowd in a store is no more thanks to the latest
technology and the wisdom of entrepreneurs..

•3. Boundless Opportunities

Knowledge and information can be acquired with the
power of tips at our fingers, thanks to the limitless
sources of these two we can retrieve it from the world of
Entrepreneurs can generate random and wise ideas for
their business to accelerate its growth in terms of profit,
sales, and other major business aspects. Not to forget
the solutions for every single mistakes and problems
entrepreneurs is also provided with the help of business
communities, video lessons and many more.
All in all, technopreneurship can be resourceful for every entrepreneurs regardless their
gender, occupation and other aspects.

Not to mention the minimal cost of setting business up, the simplicity of business
transaction, and abundant of opportunities helps thousands of entrepreneurs to strive and
achieve the goals their business wanted.
Activity #2
Answer the following.

As MMA/CEE students, in your own words what are the; 1.) importance - at least 3
2.) benefits - at least 3 of technopreneurship?

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