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Good morning honourable judicature,good morning ladies and gentlemen, and good morning
everyone  First of all let us say thanks to The Almighty for given us grace, guidance, and the
never ending blessing so i can standing here and deliver my speech

Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce my self first my name is Muhammad Rakha Adiyatma,
I'm from senior high school 1 Parakan, Temanggung

Today I would like to deliver speech on education about bullying. What do you know about
Bullying is any form of oppression or violence that is carried out intentionally by one person or
group of people who are stronger or more powerful towards another person, with the aim of
hurting. Ladies and gentlemen Bullying usually happens in the school environment. This often
happens because they want to be perceived as strong and powerful in their school or they just
want to get attention. Bullying happens a lot because there is no resistance from the victim. And
people don't dare to defend, because they think they will get into trouble if they defend the
victim. And that's why bullying is very common in Indonesia

One example of bullying cases in Indonesia is There was an student from one of the schools
from Pekanbaru, Riau had a broken nose, he was bullied by his friend in school, He has been
studying there for about five months. While he was there, his pocket money was taken, and he
was threatened so he would not tell his parents about he was being bullied. Apart from being
bullied and causing a broken nose, the victim was also forced to admit that he had fell.
These are just a few, there are still many other cases of bullying that have occurred in

ladies and gentlemen If bullying happens at school, we need to know how to prevent it. We can
do several things to prevent with bullying like: Provide education about bullying behavior to
teachers and school staff.
Provide socialization about the dangers of bullying in schools and the play environment for
students, teachers and staff. and last but not least Take bullying seriously, do this by reporting
the bullying to the authority. Besides prevention, there are also ways to deal with bullying. First,
stay confident and face it bravely, 2. save all evidence of bullying that you can use to report to
your teacher or parents and number 3. Never be afraid to speak up and report even if the bullies
threatens you.

The point of my speech this time is don't be afraid to fight against the perpetrators of bullying. so
that the environment becomes better and peaceful.

well that's all i have for today and I hope my speech can be useful for our generation to know
and be aware of the dangers of bullying. and let's fight againts bullying, because they won't stop
until you fighting back

Thank you for your attention, and see you!

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