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● Examples.
● Strike Offs
● Flow.
● Paragraph and sentence structure.
● Narrative is missing- no linking
● Coherence is missing.
● Spelling errors.
● Menstrual cup- katyaysni tiwari

● Argumentative and imginative.
● Fucking its a opinion piece→write what u feel like on the topic.
● Take key words and drive a thesis.
● Stick to topic in the sense the key concept or the words thats it. Dont just go on
defending or blindly substantisating the topic itself.
● Central thesis → sub ideas and counter ideas.
● https://indianexpress.com/article/jobs/upsc-civil-services-air-17-sarthak-agrawal-

● Restate the thesis statement.
● Review the strongest point and emphaisise again.
● Why it matters: what new suggestions it can raise.

Essay template


● Fields medal: Mariyana Viyazovaska, a ukrainian.

Demand of UPSC in syllabus
● On Multiple topics
● Keep closely to the subject of the essay
● To arrange the ideas in an orderly fashion.
● Write concisely= brief and comprehensive.
● Effective and exact expression.
● Flow of essay
● Clarity of expression.

Effective and exact expression

● YOUnique
● Persuasion (cause - effect)
● Analytical (this –hence - this)
● Complete and Cohesive (Like a story)
● Apt / Relevant

Exact expression
● Short lines and simple lines suitable to topic.

Digitalisation- creatorpruners.

Sites for readers:


- https://t.co/M00oPkQvjs

- https://t.co/pkxVTJch9L

- https://t.co/qHxATa6zzD

- https://t.co/4rs7tW5qPx

- https://t.co/jMbS90PreT
- https://t.co/iTS9q8Ssxh

- https://t.co/Eb5lBpU17U

- https://t.co/0WnnDRA9ge

- https://t.co/dgrdVKPadK

- https://t.co/AhoJAZrdeF

Topper copies
Radhika Gupta Rank - 18, 2020, Medium - English
Ethics copy.
Radhika gupta

Pratheek rao

Mamta Yadav-145 ; Yash Jaluka-147


● Jagriti awasti
● Laxman tiwari
● Divya Mishra
● Sruthi Sharma.
● Use hell hot of examples in gs4 in all

● Life is a long journey between being human and being humane (2020).
● Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. (2020).

● Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the lifeblood of civilisation. (1995)
● A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. (2018)
● There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. (2003)
● Mind and self
○ Mindful manifesto is the catalyst to tranquilene self.(2020)

Philosophy of life/ youth. discipline.

● Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret. (1994)
● Useless life is an early death. (1994)
● If you knew, if age could. (2002)
● The unexamined life is not worth living

● When money speaks, the truth is silent. (1995)
● “The past’ is a permanent dimension of human consciousness and values.
● A people that values its privileges above its principles loses both. (2018)
● Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life. (2018).
● Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be -(2019).
● Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils the breed (2016)
● Ships dont sink because of the water around them they sink because the water
that gets into them (2020).

Habits and actions/ success/ pursuit of excellence.

● Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. (1995)
● Quick but steady wins the race. (2015)
● Attitude makes habit, habit makes character and character makes a man.
● Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin. (2008)
● he paths of glory lead but to the grave. (2002)
● The pursuit of excellence 2001

● Be the change you want to see in others. (2013)
● The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it.
● Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to
success -2019
● The pursuit of excellence. (2001)

● With greater power comes greater responsibility. (2014)
● Words are sharper than the two-edged sword. (2014)
● Character of a institution is reflected in its leader (2016)

Helping/ compassion./happiness
● Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole. (2015)
● Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. (2017)
● Compassion is the bases of the all morality in the world -1993
● Be the change you want to see in others. 2013.
● Truth is lived, not taught. (1996)
● Religions and philosophy: True religion cannot be misused. (1997)
● Search for truth can only be a spiritual problem. (2002).
● When money speaks truth is silent 1995
● Wisdom finds truth 2019
Reality and rationality
● Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it. (2018).
● Real is rational and rational is real (2021)

● Life is a long journey between being human and being humane (2020).
● Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. (2020).

Def: key terms

● Humanity is a virtue linked with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human
condition. It also symbolizes human love and compassion towards each other
● The human condition is all of the characteristics and key events that compose
the essentials of human existence, including birth, growth, emotion, aspiration,
conflict, and mortality.

● How the technology is changing the humanity ?
○ Life 1.0 referring to biological origins, Life 2.0 referring to cultural developments in
humanity, and Life 3.0 referring to the technological age of humans.
○ How can we grow our prosperity through automation without leaving people lacking
income or purpose? What career advice should we give today’s kids? How can we
make future AI systems more robust, so that they do what we want without crashing,
malfunctioning or getting hacked?

● Gun firing in the US.

● Life 3.0 Max tegmark.

● Love has many different definitions ranging from a set of purely biological and
chemical processes to a religious concept.
● As a character strength, love is a mutual feeling between two people
characterized by attachment, comfort, and generally positive feelings.
● individuals who develop securely attached have a lower likelihood of depression,
high-self esteem, and less likelihood of divorce.
● IR: vasudhaiva kutumbakam.
● Society: good samaritan.
● Gadhi: love is truth force.
● Mother theresa: universal altruism.

● evoke feelings of altruism, generosity, helpfulness and a general desire to help
people. That is, a disposition for helping humanity. The following statements are
from the Values in Action (VIA) psychological assessment.

Social intelligence
● Social intelligence is the most modern of the three strengths associated with
humanity. The Character Strengths and Virtues (CSV) psychological
assessment defines social intelligence as the ability to understand “relationships
with other people, including the social relationships involved in intimacy and trust,
persuasion, group membership, and political power.”

● Smallest act of kindness is more than grandest act of intentions: Oscar wild.
● Alms
● Zakat in islam
● Dana in buddhism: paramitas.
● A gift of Dhamma conquers all gifts;
● the taste of Dhamma, all tastes;
● a delight in Dhamma, all delights;
● the ending of craving, all suffering & stress.
● Hinduism: anna dhanam, vidhayadanam. Go dhanam, bhu dhana.
● Dana vere sura karna.
● CSR.
● Is Begging a Criminal act?

Human dignity
● human dignity include
● torture, rape,
● social exclusion,
● labor exploitation,
● bonded labor, and slavery.
● Manual scavenging: safai karmchari andolan
● Immanuel kant
● Medicine: human genetics, cloning, ethunasia-vegitative state.
● Politics: UN declaration of HRs
● Lakhimpur kheri question of human dignity.
● There is no human dignity without true democracy. As jurist Ronald Dworkin
opined, “equal concern and respect” are the hallmarks of rule of law.
● Indo-pak war in 1971 was fought to protect the human dignity.
○ Sam Manekshaw narrates the incident of his meeting with pak soldiers in
“prisoners of war camp” and his men made to sleep on the floor and serve
food and others in time. When he went back to pakistan one of generals
son was one amongst.
● Padman arunachalam muruganantham- social entrepreneur and story of
padman- 2018 oscar for best documentary period: end of sentence.

Knowledge and Character

● Kant: all human knowledge begins with intuitions and proceeds to concepts and
ends with ideas.
● Kant: science is organized life, wisdom is organized knowledge.
● Kant and critique of pure reason: all knowledge permeates through our
● Knowledge is virtue: socrates.
● No law or ordinance can be mightier than knowledge : plato

● We cannot exercise free will in an ethical manner, unless and until we have
knowledge of its consequences.
● Ex: Baby’s action of destroying something is not unethical, because she does not
have knowledge of it.

Intelligent manipulation: Sri krishna.

● Calm under pressure and cool under crisis.
● Why fight when you can negotiate.
● Why negotiate when you can fight. Ex: kurukshetra.
● Dharma and karma. Detachment.
● Jack sparrow: the problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude to the

● APJ Abdul Kalam had gone down in history as a dynamic scientist, a respected
president and a beloved person. In his youth, he always aspired to gain
knowledge despite failures and contribute to space technology, spearheading
India’s SLV programme. His character was marked by attributes such as
perseverance, altruism which helped him gain adoration of every section of the
scientific community.
● Pen is mightier than sword’ have been proved to be true time and again but the
character of the person holding the said ‘pen’ decides the legitimate use of

Will power
● Strength comes not from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will:

● The cells in your brain are reading these words. Single cell can't do a lot but Put together
they create magic. They enable us to understand, they build cities, fight wars, show
concern, unravel the mysteries of the universe and what not. Such is the unexplored
ability of the human brain.
● Don cobb→ inception to steal ideas to planting one.
● how the cells and connections in our brains give rise to consciousness and our
ability to learn.
● We are still in infancy of knowing the workings of brain.
● How intelligence arise from the cells in your braine is still a mystery ?
● Democracy in the brain consensus and conflicts exists at the same time how
● Division of cognitive labor.
● Social intelligence.
● Destruction of human mind
● Can we escape death by uploading our consciousness to the computer? Is the concept
of mind uploading.--> computer simulation.

● Origins of civilization: to build the institutions.
● Evolution of the different political institutions.
● Human achievement: from fire to mars.
● Tryst with culture- culture has enabled us where biology has limited us.
● Role of technology.
○ golden era of neuroscience. We understand brain working through
mapping tech, genetic engineering.
○ how a worm’s brain works—and it has only 300 neurons, compared with
our 86 billion.
● Buddha: tame the mind- mind is unbounded and unlimited.
● Artificial mind.

Technology and self

● Transhumance: tech to enhance longevity and human cognition.
● Artificial intelligence and technological singularity→ pdrigo domingo.
● A thousand brains by jeff hawkings.

● 13 innocent civilians in Mon district of Nagaland on December 4.
● When wise are silent fools multiply: nelson mandela.
● Misfortune of wise is better than the prosperity of the fool: epicurus.
● The fool wonders and the wise man asks: Benjamin israeli.
● You can educate a fool but cannot make him think: Talmud.
● Paramnadayya shiyshulu.
● Ignorance is bliss: thomas
● Allegory of cave.
● kupamundakam.
● Avidhya in hinduism and soul as bondage.
● To quote Shahzeb Afzal, ‘Death is a great leveller; time brings all luxuries of life
to an end. All feelings of superiority in man are only an illusion and self-
deception.’1 The great question of life is not, ‘How do we face life and live in this
world?’ It is, ‘How will I face death and where will I live in the next world?’
● Veil of ignorance.
● Plato: rule of ignorant rulers.
● Poor people ignorant, rich arrogant: Aristotle.
● Edward said: clash of civilization as clash of ignorance.
● False consciousness.

Into the wild: happiness is only real when it is shared.
● Chris went into the wild to find the true meaning of happiness.
● But there was no one to share them.

Shangri-La is a fictional place described in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by British
author James Hilton. Hilton describes Shangri-La as a mystical, harmonious valley,
gently guided from a lamasery, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains.
Shangri-La has become synonymous with any earthly paradise, particularly a mythical
Himalayan utopia – an enduringly happy land, isolated from the world. In the novel, the
people who live at Shangri-La are almost immortal, living hundreds of years beyond the
normal lifespan and only very slowly aging in appearance.
● Environmentalism for happiness: Bhutanese gross national happiness.
● Use this Anecdote to describe something state of blissful, happy world.

Ikagai books
● a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of
purpose, a reason for living.
● Research on OKINAWA people, on why they live longer, to love what you do.

Flow book by Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly

● Pleasure vs enjoyment
● 14 hrz enjoyment and happiness in the favorite work → between anxiety (hard) and
boredom (easy)

● Spiritual consumerism: Babas.
● Every action has universal relevance
● Mushrooms.

● Aristotle in rhetoric book: defined Envy as the pain and Those who have what we
out to have
● Bertrand Russell's: unhappiness causes by others' good fortune.
● Idiom: keeping up with the jonese.
● Good envy vs bad envy.
○ Good envy→ competition and drive economies, success.
○ Self esteem→ conspicuous consumption.
● Buddhism: Irshya.

Faith destiny
about finding one's destiny,
● 1987 alchemist:
● The advice given to Santiago that "when you really want something to
happen, the whole universe will conspire so that your wish comes true" is
the core of the novel's philosophy.
● The treasure is where you are but in order to find it you need to go out.
● Yashoda question: Buddha went to forest to find truth only to realize truth is
○ Santiago's journey ended where it began under the sycamore tree.
○ The real treasure is to find oneself in the course of the journey
■ Like alchemists converting ourselves into gold.
● Never stop, keep moving and “thick and thin”, Santiago could have made a
choice to settle with his sweetheart-fathima but she advised him that “one should
pursue one's true dream” and true love will always come back after waiting.
● Listen to your heart.
● The path is the goal: mahatma.

Goals and habits

Attitude makes habit, habit makes character and character makes a man. (2007)
Discipline means success, anarchy means ruin. (2008)

● Atomic habits: james clear

○ Goals valley of disappointment → lose the motivation due to stagnate the
performance plateau due to contraction on goals rather than developing the atomic
habits, that are easier to chase.
○ Gives us practicality and self-motivation to pursue the things.
● Homi babas Nuclear program envisages the 3 stage nuclear program that takes
years and decades to achieve.
● 2003 olympic story of Dave Brailsford coach applied 1% improvement like
adjustment of seats, muscle strength etc.. Within 5 years the UK team has seen
an olympic 60% of gold in 2008 beijing olympics in london olympics the team set
9 world records.
○ Greatest turnaround in cycling history.
● System oriented thinking: 3 staged process
○ Change in outcomes
○ Change in process
○ Change in perception→ what we think about ourself defines us.

Formation of habits
● Cue craving response reward’
Questioning and dissent
● Thomas Jefferson once said, “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to
disobey it, he is obligated to do so
● Speaking truth to power.
● BR Ambedkar: must abandon: civil disobedience and satyagraha now redressal
by constitutional methods.
Eugene Jonesco: it is not the answer that enlightens but the question.
● Nachiketa and Yama dialogue in kathopanishad.
● Malala Yusuf questioning.
● He who has a why?

Power to question is the basis of all human progress: Indira gandhi

René Descartes declared "I think, therefore I am"

● it purported to provide a certain foundation for knowledge in the face of radical
doubt. While other knowledge could be a figment of imagination, deception, or
mistake, Descartes asserted that the very act of doubting one's own existence
served—at minimum—as proof of the reality of one's own mind; there must be a
thinking entity—in this case the self—for there to be a thought.

Radical skepticism
● “Who knows for certain?
● Who shall here declare it?
● Whence was it born, whence came creation?
● The gods are later than this world's formation;
● Who then can know the origins of the world?
● None knows whence creation arose;
● And whether he has or has not made it;
● He who surveys it from the lofty skies.
● Only he knows-or perhaps he knows not.”

― Anonymous, The Rig Veda

● willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation.
Perseverence in the face of adversity.
● Courage: Malala Yousafzai, the campaigner for girls' education and Nobel Peace
Prize laureate who survived being shot aged 15 by a Taliban gunman in her
native Pakistan in 2012,
● Socrates drinks hemlock.
● On 5th june 1989 post-Beijing Tiananmen square- Tankman.
● Mother Teresa was shaken by the Bengal famine 1943.
● Sonu Sood.
● Ashok Khemka.
● Karna gives his kavach kundal.
● Edward Snowdon.
● Covid frontline workers.
● Gandhi satyagraha in south africa.
● Lal Bahadur Shastri resigned.
● Mandela; courage not absence of fear, but triumph over it.
● Me: Ragging,

Ayan Rand : fountain head
● Selfishness is a virtue
● No one's happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or destroy it.
● Integrity is the ability to stand by an idea.

● there is no meaning in the world beyond what meaning we give it. This
meaninglessness also encompasses the amorality or "unfairness" of the world.
● This can be highlighted in the way it opposes the traditional Abrahamic religious
perspective, which establishes that life's purpose is the fulfillment of God's
● absurd contrasts with the claim that "bad things don't happen to good people"; to
the world, metaphorically speaking, there is no such thing as a good person or a
bad person; what happens happens, and it may just as well happen to a "good"
person as to a "bad" person
● Origin of species:
○ Voyages of the beagle expedition and
○ Charles darwin’s natural selection principles
● Antonio Guterres: no one is safe until everyone is safe.

● Existentialist thinkers frequently explore issues related to the meaning, purpose,
and value of human existence.
● Jeanpaul sartre
● Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground portrays a man unable to fit into society
and unhappy with the identities he creates for himself. Sartre, in his book on
existentialism Existentialism is a Humanism, quoted Dostoyevsky's The Brothers
Karamazov as an example of existential crisis. Other Dostoyevsky novels
covered issues raised in existentialist philosophy while presenting story lines
divergent from secular existentialism: for example, in Crime and Punishment, the
protagonist Raskolnikov experiences an existential crisis and then moves toward
a Christian Orthodox worldview similar to that advocated by Dostoyevsky himself.

Pain / suffering

● Victor frankle research on survivors autobiographical Man's Search for Meaning,

a best-selling book, is based on his experiences in various Nazi concentration
camps. Only those people can survive the hardship who have a positive feelings
in hardtimes this affects their longevity.
● Castaway movie 2000 Tom Hanks: survival story when he was struck in a island
is south of Pacific. I know I got to be breathing who knows what the tide will
● J K Rowling rejection
● Steven hawking and
● Resulete.

● Mark Twain: loyalty to country always loyalty to government when necessary.

● The week can never forgive forgiveness is the trait of strong.

Gratitude and gratefulness

● World economic forum- the way people pick up the food- Japanese people bend
down and show immense amount of gratitude for the food they consume. Some
living entity has sacrificed to be good on our plate.
● Food on our plate is not a commodity but a life on plate.
● Hypothetical: imagine if we put you in a room and nothing in that, if God appares
what will you ask for : food.

Negative emotions


● Buddha.
● Aristotle: real victory is conquer over the desire.

● Ships dont sink because of water around but water that gets into it.
● Weakness of a person/institution/leader will lead the whole enterprise to disater.
● Ship: state
● Water around: external environment around the state. IR.
○ Pakistan 1971 war and liberation of bangladesh.


● Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed. (2016)

● In William Shakespeare's tragic play Macbeth he shows what happens to the
person who seeks power for its ownself. Macbeth a scottish general gets a
prophecy that one day he would become the king. He murders the king and
becomes the king. In order to preserve himself in the throne he continues to
muder many people and becomes a Tyrant. live in constant paranoia.
● Those states are best governed where the rulers are reluctant to govern
rather than where they are eager to govern

● Viparreta buddhi vinash kale
● Instead of making right decisions, the person makes the wrong ones, inviting his
own doom.
● If someone tries to kill you and you kill him in self defense, you’re acting under
fear for your life. So, it’s subject to legal scrutiny but not ethical scrutiny.
Pathological status:
● Husband suffering from schizophrenia mistreats his wife. This is not subject to
ethical scrutiny because he’s suffering from a mental disorder so he lacks the
knowledge and free will.
● Same way the mistake of mentally unstable person falling in tiger enclosure in
Delhi is beyond ethical scrutiny.
Uganda dictatorship of Idi Amin and his massacre to control by fear. Tanzania war.

Tomorrow is alive
● Destruction of Myan civilization due to their lack of foresight.
Place cells- GPG of brain and value of walking

intro Being brave is not absence of fear, but finding a way through it-bear Grylls.

Psychological French Psychologist: Emile Coue- boy riding bicycle- small stone only 1%
chance of hit– still fell down.- reverse effect theory

dimensions Phobia- xenophobia, innate fears, public frighten, heights, cockroaches. Fear of
death, failure. Fear of darkness

biological: Survival instinct- natural selection

● Fight or flight- anxiety- dangour- false evidence appearing real.


Historical Satyagraha- courage

religion Buddhism- fear of the future. Fail to live in the present.

social Victimization - women/ social groups.

Fear mongering-

Political/ Machiavelli , Thomas hobbes

statecraft ● Political repression, torture, Myanmar. Terrorism-

governance Workplace bullying-LFPR

Current affairs COVID 19 and fear of death

Medical effects Underconfidence, no treatment, need to understand the deep fears.

● Fear conditioning, therapies
Fear is good Restrain behaviour: cigarette smoking


conclusion FEAR is Forget everything and run, face everything and rise choice is yours.


● Paulo Coelho: A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.

General topics
● Since childhood, Japanese are trained to apologise profusely even for slightest
mistake or discomfort caused to another human.
● If an American working in Japan doesn’t behave in similar fashion, it can’t be
termed as unethical. Because its not in American habits.
Value system:
● A fallen Samurai would prefer to commit ritual suicide rather than suffering torture
by his enemies.
● Because it is part of his Bushido honour code. If a fallen American soldier doesn’t
commit suicide, it can’t be evaluated on ethical grounds.

● John F kennedy: the rights if every man are diminished when the rights of one
man are threatened.
● Ronad regan: when governments expand the liberty contracts.

● Sun Tzu: the art of fighting lies in breaking the enemy's resistance without
● John F Kennedy: ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do
for your country.
● George bernard shaw: patriotism is a conviction that a particular country is best
because you are born in that country.

● Machiavelli as patriot.

● Our life is what our thoughts make it: Marcus Aurelius.

Peace/ tranquility

● Wars are poor chisels for carving out a peaceful tomorrow. Martin Luther king.

● Luck favours the brave: latin proverb.
● God helps those who help themselves.
● Who dares wins: British air services.
● Heaven rewards the diligent".tiān dào choú qín
● Military leadership
● Stock market: crypto currency,
● Neil armstrong.
● Elon musk.
● Darr ke aage Jeet hai....Beyond Fears lies the Victory
● Luck is just a willingness to act !!
● Santiago: alchemist.
● Dhoni ticket collector - left job.
● Start ups.
● Julies caesar: crossing the Rubicon is a metaphor that means to pass a
point of no return.

● Time rule over us without any mercy- caste away
○ Chuck- time.
Consumerism and materialism

● Consumerism: Tyler Durdel: “The things that you own end up owning you.
● Happiness- iPhone. reputation related.
● Our time goes into earning products.
● Buddha: desire is cause of suffering.
● Herbert Marcus: one dimensional man→ we are multi dimensional but we do not give time to
● Digital wealth consumerism.
● Allegory of cave.
● Social media.
● Minimalist- utility of things.
○ Modi.
○ Minimal apps in mobile.

Sense of self


Fight club

● Self improvement is like mastrubation owning a car, house etc.. false sense
● Self destruction is key to destroy your fake self and
● You are not your job,
● You are not how much money you have, care you drive, contents of wallets,

● Christ’s enemies and crucifixion
● Godse Gandhi's enemy make → hey ram→ immortal.
● Socrates' poison: fools I will live even after death.
● Friends still streat but enemies make people great.
● Kings have a bad smell and friends don't tell what is truth, just accept them.
● Enemies point out our faults.
● Friends envy our progress.

● "Taareekh pe taareekh, taareekh pe taareekh, taarekh pe taareekh."
● Damini

Harry potter: JK Rowling

● It is not our abilities that show what we truely are but our choices.
● We are as stong as united as week as divided.
● “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to
stand up to our friends.”
● “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to
stand up to our friends.”
● “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his
inferiors, not his equals.”
● “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”
● “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.”
● “To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”- prof: albus

Grass is always green on the other side

● Caste away: i have to breath and who knows what the rising sun will bring with
the tide. When he is stuck in an lonely island. (

Black hawk down

● Its what you do right now that makes a difference.

Great Men are not born they growup great: godfather marlin brando-don vito.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us: lord of rings.

Break of trust
● Katappa killing bahubali

When you talk you are only repeating what you already know, but when you listen you
can learn new things: Dalai lama
Caste away: time overrules us all mercilessly
● Western countries vs
● Easter n nations

PAPER-1 Essay
● Communalism, secularism
● Society, diversity
Society and Diversity
Indian Culture & Society
The Indian society at the crossroads. (1994)
New cults and godmen: a threat to traditional religion. (1996)
The composite culture of India. (1998)
Youth culture today. (1999)
Modernism and our traditional socio-ethical values. (2000)
Indian culture today: a myth or a reality? (2000)
As civilization advances, culture declines. (2003)
From traditional Indian philanthropy to the gates-buffet model-a natural progression or a
paradigm shift? (2010)
Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have (2020)

● Vaisudevaka kutumbakam- Maha Upanishad: world is one family. Engraved on

the entrance hall of parliament of India.
● Ganga Yamuna tehzeeb- composite culture of central Indian planes in Awadi.

Socio-cultural diversity in India

1. “Diversity may be the hardest thing for a society to live with, and perhaps the most
dangerous thing for a society to be without” - W. S. Coffin Jr.
2. “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we
all belong to one human race” - Kofi Annan.
3. “If America is a melting-pot, then India is a thali, a selection of sumptuous dishes in
different bowls. Each tastes different, and does not necessarily mix with the next, but
they belong together on the same plate, and they complement each other in making
the meal a satisfying repast.” -- Shashi Tharoor.
4. When the Parsis requested asylum, Jadi Rana motioned to a vessel of milk filled to
the very brim to signify that his kingdom was already full and could not accept
refugees. However, one of the Parsi priests added a pinch of sugar to the milk, thus
indicating that they would not result in overflowing the vessel and indeed make the
lives of the citizens sweeter. Jadi Rana gave shelter to the emigrants and permitted
them to practice their religion and traditions freely. In Indian society, diversity
permeates all aspects of socio-cultural life, both temporally and spatially.
5. It is often said that the concept of diversity is in itself so diverse that it is tough to
arrive at a uniform and standard definition. However, it is always possible to define
diversity in terms of salient and necessary features. Thus, diversity may be defined on
the following parameters. a) Understanding that each individual is unique and different
b) Recognition of these differences c) Mutual tolerance and acceptance.
6. Indian society provides the most potent illustration of socio-cultural diverse society
as manifested in the form of different religions, languages, food habits, customs,
dresses, festivals, beliefs etc. It has also been referred to as the oldest surviving
civilisation in-spite of being a target for invasions from Mughals, Britishers etc.
7. Culture of debate and diversity in ideas, values has been an integral component of
Indian society. Amartya Sen - Book
‘Argumentative Indian’ - Ancient Indian society during the vedic times promoted
debates and discussion through the institution of sabha and samiti.
8. Out ancient texts also teach us to accept and respect diversity of thought and ideas.
The very famous quote from Rigveda
“Let noble thoughts come to us from every side", advocates us to embrace diversity of

9. Racial Diversity: Indian sub-continent has been a major hub for a large number of
migratory races from both directions - east and west. India has often been described
as an ethnological museum. While migration and diversity of race has been a
continued phenomena since time immemorial, instance of racism and xenophobia
have also been part of Indian
discourse. For example, problems faced by people from the North-East and also from
countries like Africa as seen in the case of recent attacks on African nationals.
10. Geographical diversity: India has been endowed with a very diverse geographic
features like dry deserts, evergreen forests, Himalayan mountains, long coastlines
and fertile plains. Rainfall is not uniform across the country. While places in Western
Ghats and North-East like Mawsynram and Cherrapunji receive heavy rainfall, places
like Sindh and
Rajasthan gets hardly any rainfall in an year. While geographical diversity has
enabled existence of a diversity of climatic conditions, it has also breaded problems of
geographical neglect, inadequate infrastructure linking, alienation among people and
governance challenges.
11. Religious diversity - Land of spirituality and philosophy: India is home to 4 of
the major religions of the world namely Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism.
Apart from these, due to migration and receptive nature of India society followers of
Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism etc., continue to form a major component of our
population. While religious diversity has been the hallmark of Indian civilisation, it has
also lead to series of dysfunctions. Some of the prominent among them include
religious conflicts, religious polarization, appeasement politics and communalism, etc.
12. Caste diversity: While Caste groups have been mostly a feature of Hindu
Society, they have now slowly become a major component of other religions like
Islam, Christianity. While caste had a genesis in occupational basis, it became rigid
and exploitative in due course of time. Consequently, it has led to a series of problems
in the form of caste conflict especially against lower castes, caste based violence,
protests for and against caste based reservation and phenomena of vote-bank
politics. For example, the recent protest by Marathas, Patels for reservation, recent
cases of violence against Dalits in Maharashtra.
13. Language diversity: Indian constitution recognises 22 languages under
Schedule Eight. However, according to People’s Linguistic Survey of India, there are
780 languages and 86 scripts in India. While India has been marked by unity and
functional governance in-spite of many languages, linguistic diversity has also led to
series of problems and challenges like Language Chauvinism, Constitutional
14. Family diversity: Family system has been one of the most important institution of
Indian society. However, there is a huge variation in form and structure of family.
While India mostly have a patriarchal form of family, matriarchal form is also found in
Tribes and Nairs of Kerala. India has had a distinct joint family system, rarely seen in
any society. In modern day, there has been a shift towards the nuclear family system,
live-in relationships, single parent family etc, families with working women. One of
shift has been in emergence of LGBT community who have a distinct sexual
orientation as compared to heterogeneous families.
15. Food Habits, Dress Code, Music, Festivals: While diversity in food habits,
dress code, festivals have led to development of a composite culture, there have also
been certain issues like problem of moral policing regarding dresses. Issues of
banning certain food like Beef ban etc., prohibition of celebration of certain festivals in
certain areas.
16. Political diversity: Different ideologies like centrist, right-wing, left-wing, regional
parties, etc. While political diversity has enabled success of democracy and
democratic institutions in India, it has also led to problems of: Accommodation of
diverse interests; Proliferation of Parties, Pressure groups etc.
17. Diversity comes naturally to humans. It forms the very basis of our existence.
Example - Our physical features; thought process; natural talent etc.
18. Diversity enables a society to resolve disputes through debates rather than
recourse to violence or crime. For example, Case study by Jean Dreeze and Retika
Khera concludes that society with higher sex ratio has lower crime rate; India
approach to problem of national integration; Problem of North-East insurgency etc.
19. Cities like Mumbai and Hyderabad have become centers of development owing
to their cosmopolitan culture and receptivity to diversity.
20. Companies which have embraced diversity w.r.t gender, region etc. have made
huge strides in their respective field. For e.g. ISRO, Amul etc.
21. According to IMF chief Christine Lagarde, India can increase its GDP by 27% on
account of greater participation of women in the labour force.
22. Potential of Yoga has now been acknowledged globally for enhancing
concentration, fitness etc. Celebration of International Yoga day.
23. Development of Syncretic culture: Gujarat girls from Muslim community
practise Yoga for coping with fasts during the month of Ramzan.
24. Role of Indian Diaspora who are recognized for their diverse views and ability to
integrate with other cultures. For e.g. Sundar Pichai as CEO of Google or Satya
Nadella as CEO of Microsoft.
25. Any society which has tried to homogenise itself, has witnessed stagnation in
due-course and ultimately decline. The most important example is this case is of
Pakistan which tried to impose culture on East-Pakistan ultimately leading to creation
of Bangladesh.
26. Problem is not of diversity per se, but the handling of diversity in Indian society.
The problems of regionalism, communalism, ethnic conflicts etc., have arisen
because the fruits of development haven’t been distributed equally or the cultures of
some groups haven’t been accorded due recognition. It is in this context that
Constitution and its values must form guiding principles of our society. Indian
constitution while respecting diversity also favors development of national identity.
27. Conclusion: India is often held as a case of ‘Unity in Diversity’ and must continue
to promote and preserve it. At a time when the world is looking at India for guidance,
any attempt to dent our socio-cultural diversity would be tragedy of highest order. The
essence of diversity is beautifully captured in the following quote from Rigveda: “Ekam
Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti”. There are many paths that lead to God and people use
different names and forms while explaining it. Irrespective of the apparent deviations,
the core is same.

Colonial mentality

● Construction of notion of victimhood

○ Under confidence
○ Accept defeat without fighting.
● Judicial
○ Victorian morality cannot be a guide to modernity
■ Scrapping of sec 377.
● Cultural hegemony of west
○ English education vs vernacular education
○ White man's burden.
○ New year, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day etc..
● Babudom and elitism in public service. Ex: red beacon cars.
● Politics: divide and rule —> polarization, communalism
● Red Tapism and bureaucratic procedures hampering economic growth.
● Police as best example
● Chinese way : Learn other cultures but take pride in yours
● Africa solution: black is beautiful appreciating your culture.

Modernisation and westernization are not identical concepts. (1994)
The world of the twenty-first century. (1998)
The implications of globalization for India. (2000)
My vision of an ideal world order. (2001)
The masks of new imperialism. (2003)
Globalizations and its impact on Indian culture. (2004)
‘Globalization’ vs. ‘nationalism’. (2009)
Preparedness of our society for India’s global leadership role. (2010)

The new emerging women power: the ground realities. (1995)
Greater political power alone will not improve women’s plight. (1997)
Woman is God's best creation. (1998)
Women empowerment: challenges and prospects. (1999)
Empowerment alone cannot help our women. (2001)
Whither women’s emancipation? (2004)
If women ruled the world. (2005)
The hand that rocks the cradle. (2005) (2022)
Women’s reservation bill would usher in empowerment for women in India. (2006)
Managing work and home – is the Indian working woman getting a fair deal? (2012)
If development is not engendered, it is endangered. (2016)
Fulfillment of ‘new woman’ in India is a myth. (2017)
Patriarchy is least noticed yet most significant structure of social inequality

The power novel: What would the world be like, Alderman asks, if all the women on
Earth suddenly developed the ability to discharge massive electric shocks from their
bodies? She takes this single idea and explores how it changes the dynamic between
men and women, and among women. In doing so, she reveals a lot about how power
and gender work today. Some men take up arms in a desperate attempt to keep
control. Some women find their new power intoxicating and exact brutal retribution
on men.

● To awaken the people, it is the woman who must be awakened, once she is on
the move, the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves — JL Nehru.
Soft masculinity in Korea and male doing makeup. K Pop band.
● But still patriarchal.
● Gender gap

Manhood aggressive and muscular

● Tough

Plato: philosopher queen

Women Empowerment
● Maya Vishwakarma, village background- US-> Sanitary napkins.—>Sukarma
foundation 2016.

● “Vinastreeya jananam nasti, vinastreeya Gamanam nasti, vinastreeya

srusti yevanasti”
○ Meaning: Stree lekapothe jananam ledu, stree lekapothe gamanam ledu,
stree lekapothe srushti loo jeevam ledu, stree lekapothe srushta ledu..
● Countries and nations which do not respect women have never become great
nor will ever be in future — Swami Vivekananda.
● "There is considerable evidence that women's education and literacy tend to
reduce the mortality rates of children” -- Amartya Sen.
Rights of women
● “I believe that the rights of women and girls are the unfinished business of the
21st century.” – Hillary Clinton.
● Women empowerment means emancipation of women from vicious grips of
gender, caste, political, economical based discrimination.
● The Rig Veda says, “The wife and husband, being the equal halves of one
substance, are equal in every respect.
● Therefore, both should join and take equal part in all works, religious and
● But this equal status of women declined during the later Vedic era. Gender
inequality started creeping into society. This
● led to series of social evils against women - Child marriage, Sati, Jauhar etc. In
Spite of these, there were a series of women achievers - Lopamudra; Maitreyi;
Gargi; in that period.
● In today's political landscape, motherhood is often deployed as a tool to highlight
the sacred nature of a subject, ranging from the Gau mata to Bharat mata and
Ganga mata.
Case study

● The women from Sathyamangalam in Tamil Nadu have been victims of neglect
for ages. Now, in the age of mass media they are using video cameras as a new
weapon to fight the oppression. Female volunteers are using the visual platform
to tell their real tales of oppression which are hard to neglect.
● Lijjat is a highly popular pappad brand in India. While many may remember it via
TV commercials, many may not be aware of the fact that it’s the power of rural
women and their self employment initiative, Shri Mahila Griha Udyog which
made the brand possible. Started with a loan of just Rs. 80, today it is a Rs.500
crore business.
● The UN says investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path
towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive growth.
Feminization of labor force
● Men are not assuming reproductive and domestic tasks, even as women are
increasing their participation in on-farm and off-farm productive activities.
● A woman’s body is not a democracy but her dictatorship. It is high time the
dictators take charge of their body.
● Eco-feminism -- A parallel between the devaluation of earth and the devaluation
of women. It highlights the convergence
● between nature and women. Ex: Bishnoi movement, Chipko movement,
Narmada bachao Andolan, etc..
International efforts
● Gender equality is goal-5 in SDGs. The goal notwithstanding, it is our ethical
responsibility to provide equal opportunity to the neglected half of the world’s
population, and for this, patriarchy must make way for more equitable social
Religion and discrimination
● India belongs to a land where women are revered as goddess debarred entry to
temples (Sabarimala issue) . They are given a sacred status whereas on the
other hand, they are .
Women as front runners
● Women in society are seen as home makers, care takers even in the health front
the job of a nurse is given mostly to women, on the other hand, when it comes to
women’s health or nutrition they are the most neglected ones.
○ COVID 19
Educational inequity
● In the education front over the years, it is seen in India that girls have more
passing percentage than boys in CBSE exams.
● But, still discrimination is seen in terms of expenditure done on girl’s education
over a boy in a family.
Women in bureaucracy
● Women have spearheaded path breaking initiatives and shown exemplary
courage like Durga Shakti Nagpal (IAS), Kiran Bedi (IPS) etc. However, their
number in executive positions in government, especially higher level continue to
be dismal.
Women leadership:
● Nirmala Sitharaman example. Angela Merkel. Aruna Asaf Ali during QIM.
● Women as head of financial institutions:The road to economic recovery in
India’s post global financial crisis of 2008 was led by women headed banks -
Shikha Sharma of Axis Bank, Arundhati Bhattacharya of SBI. However, women
continue to be denied leadership positions constituting just 7% of seats on
boards of publicly traded companies.
● The highest grossing Indian film ever, the fifth highest grossing non-English
film ever is not a romantic or male-protagonist based movie, but Dangal, a story
of Geeta Phogat and Babita Kumari who go on to become India's first world
class female wrestlers.
● The only thing one could hear were shouts, whistles and claps when Agni-IV
missile was successfully tested. But, behind all these was the story of grit, of
determination - The story of Tessy Thomas, an Indian scientist and Project
Director for Agni-IV missile. She is fondly called as missile woman of India.
● Paradox:On 1st June, 2018 - The Hindu prominently highlighted the success of
an all-women crew which circumnavigated the globe on India built sail boat INSV
Tarini. The same paper also carried reports of a girl-rape case in Kathua
highlighting the paradoxical situation of women empowerment in India.
● Critique
○ Despite having a constitutional mandate (Article 243D) of reservation of
1/3rd seats for women at the level of Panchayati Raj; these positions still
continue to be effectively manned by their husbands as ‘Sarpanch Patis’.

Women as Victims
● Women’s play a negligible role in decisions regarding conflict and war. However,
the impact of distress, conflict and war isn’t gender neutral. Rape and sexual
violence against women during conflict are used as a tools in order to humiliate
enemies, to demonstrate victory, terrorise the population. Sexual Slavery against
women is used as an incentive for recruits into terror groups.
● The idea of gender justice should reverberate in every soul with every breath we
take and every move we make.
● BR Ambedkar once said that “political power is the key to all social progress”.

Patriarchy and norms

● Identification of the problem areas and weaknesses is the first step towards their
eradication. While we may
● walked few miles towards women empowerment, the road is a long one.
Empowering women is key to our tomorrow, our future. The need of the hour is to
enable women to realize their potential. While the government measures are
important, it is the patriarchal culture and societal values which needs an
overhaul. As famous Sociologist Andre Beteille has said, "Law only decides the
direction which a society should take, the actual direction of the society is
decided by its culture". Finally, women must be at the forefront for demanding
their own empowerment. As Kofi Annan says that there is no better tool of
empowerment than Women themselves. 'Sabka Sath. Sabka Vikas.'
● “Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra devta” -- Manusmriti. "Where Women
are honored, divinity blossoms there, and where ever women are dishonored, all
action remains unfruitful."

Missing women
● story of this silent genocide: According to unofficial estimates, nearly 2500 cases of
female foeticide or female infanticide take place in the state of Rajasthan everyday and it
does seem that an apathetic government is standing by and watching the story of this
silent genocide.
● The term "missing women" indicates a shortfall in the number of women relative
to the expected number of women in a region or country. It is most often
measured through male-to-female sex ratios, and is theorized to be caused by
sex-selective abortions, female infanticide, and inadequate healthcare and
nutrition for female children. It is argued that technologies that enable prenatal
sex selection, which have been commercially available since the 1970s, are a
large impetus for missing female children.
● The phenomenon was first noted by the Indian Nobel Prize-winning economist
Amartya Sen in an essay in The New York Review of Books in 1990
● Definitions and statement thesis.
● Missing women:
○ Sex selection and sex ratio.
● India sex ratio: 943
○ Kerala above 1000
○ Haryana 879.
● Cultural norms
○ Meta-son preference 2018 ES.
○ Dangal- geeta and babita
● Sex selective methods
○ “Vinastreeya jananam nasti, vinastreeya Gamanam nasti,
vinastreeya srusti yevanasti”
○ India along with China accounts for around 90% of the estimated 1.2
million girls lost annually to female foeticide.
● Are women missing only in
○ Economy falling LFPR from 26 to 21.
○ Politics: representation from 14% of MPs. thanks to 73rd -13 lakh.
■ 108 CAA 33% reservation
■ BR Ambedkar once said that “political power is the key to all social
○ Judiciary: “bastion of male domination”
■ NV Ramana and dire situation of women representation.
○ Corporate world: top CEOs and managing directors less. 17%
○ Family: missing in decision making and having a say
○ Defense: lt piolet gunjan saxena and babita puniya case.
● China:
○ Sex trafficking,
○ Nafu Wang’s documentray 2019 One Child Nation.
● Government initiatives
○ Beti bachao beti pado
○ Selfie with daughter
○ Sukanya samriddhi yojana - post office savings account.
● Gender equality is goal-5 in SDGs.
○ Gender gap index: 100 years.
● Conclusion: To awaken the people, it is the woman who must be awakened,
once she is on the move, the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves
— JL Nehru.

● Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
● Rocky and KGF the promise he made to his mother.

Urbanization is a blessing in disguise. (1997)
Urbanisation and its hazards. (2008)

● Cities are engines of growth

● 2011 census 31% live in urban areas. With 60% of GDP contribution
● UN Habitat: "India's urban awakening"By 2050 it will be 50%.
○ 70% to India's GDP and generate 70% of total jobs.
● 60-65% of GDP.
● Growth magnets lead to waves of migration.
● Historical: IVC- Harappa, Mohenjo Daro,
● Failed cities: NayaRaipur,
● Future cities
○ Disparity
○ Disasters
○ Development
● Waste management: Pune workers-owned waste pickers association
● Global liveability Index: delhi@119/140
● Environmental: lancet, WHO report 11/20 cities are polluted.
○ Urban floods, disasters, pandemic congestion.
● Social: poverty, unemployment, drugs, trafficking,
○ Social exclusion, homeless. Rag pickers,
● Security: 26/11 mumbai attacks, 9/11.
● Governance: institutions
● Finance:
● Schemes
○ Sendai framework.
● Technological:
● IOT, Intelligent traffic management systems.
● Habitation: gated vs slums.

● Mumbai Dharavi The slums on the backyard of WHO headquarters in Delhi
reflects the irony of development.

● Slumdog millionaire

Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely reflect it? (2011)

● Federalism
● Water
● Panchayati raj

● Electoral reforms
● Judiciary
● Privacy/surveillance.

Democracy/India since independence

Whither Indian democracy? (1995)
What we have not learnt during fifty years of independence. (1997)
Why should we be proud of being Indians? (2000)
What have we gained from our democratic set-up? (2001)
How far has democracy in India delivered the goods? (2003)
National identity and patriotism. (2008)
In the context of Gandhiji’s views on the matter, explore, on an evolutionary scale, the
terms ‘Swadhinata’, ‘Swaraj’ and ‘Dharmarajya’. Critically comment on their
contemporary relevance to Indian democracy. (2012)
Is the colonial mentality hindering India’s success? (2013)
Dreams which should not let India sleep. (2015)
Management of Indian border disputes – a complex task. (2018)

● Intro: Tryst with destiny- JLN speech.
● conclusion: rise stop not till the goal is reached.
● Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav.
● The light has gone out of our lives- JLN speech after the assination of gandhi.
● 75 week celebration
● Role of youth in independence and now .
● Honoring the unhonored. Ex: alluri and homage to the freedom fighters families.
● Draupadi Murmu election as president.
● All sections getting equal opportunity. Sc st muslims women.
● Unity and integrity of country→ ek Bharat shrest Bharat
● Unstoppable India→ now is time for rise of India in everyspher—> a time comes in a
history and that defines the history .
● The Azadi Amrit Mahotsav means elixir of energy of independence; elixir of
inspirations of the warriors of freedom struggle; elixir of new ideas and pledges;
and elixir of Atma Nirbharta. Therefore, this Mahotsav is a festival of awakening
of the nation; festival of fulfilling the dream of good governance; and the festival
of global peace and development. -Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India
● Indigenous innovation: new drones by DRDO.
● Security: defensive offense.
● , commissioning of Vikrant- a indigenously built.
● Space and tech:
● Architecture: new parliament building.

Criminalisation of politics ADR report

● 43% of MPs have criminal cases
● 80% of MPs are crorepatis
● Women representation from 5% in 1st LS to 14% Now.

Federalism, Decentralisation
The language problem in India: its past, present and prospects. (1998)
Water resources should be under the control of the central government. (2004)
Evaluation of panchayati raj system in India from the point of view of eradication of
power to people. (2007)
Is autonomy the best answer to combat balkanization? (2007)
Creation of smaller states and the consequent administrative, economic and
developmental implication. (2011)
Cooperative federalism: Myth or reality. (2016)
Water disputes between States in federal India. (2016)

1. We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws.
2. Justice must reach the poor -2005
3. Judicial activism and Indian democracy. -2004
4. Judicial activism. -1997

Judicial governance
● 3cr pendency of cases
● 20% vacancies in lower courts.

Women judges
● 4/33 in SC.
● 11% in HC judges, sikkim 33%.
● Lower cours: 28% avg, meghalaya: 73% ,
Panchayati raj
● Ralegan siddhi- Ahmednagar from drought prone to 25 millionaires- transformed
by Anna Hazare.- self sufficient village republic- milk bank, grain bank,
● Hiware Bazar- Popat rao- popatrao- reverse migration story, water audit,
● Chavvi Rajawat- youngest sarpanch of soda village in Tonk dist- rain water
harvesting, toilets facilities.
● Telangana bags 19/20 award in the sansad adarsh gram yojana.
● Akhodra India's first digital village with ICICI.
● Network economy- inter village exchange by Elango Ramaswamy,
concentrate on creation of prosperity rather than poverty eradication.
● Ruban areas. PURA- APJ concept.
● Village development plan-
● Vijay kelkar proposed sharing of GST with panchayats and local bodies.

● India lives in villages- Gandhi.
● Ambedkar- Village is en of ignorance.

1. Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties
between the union and states in India. -2017
2. Water disputes between States in federal India. -2016
3. Cooperative federalism : Myth or reality. -2016
4. Creation of smaller states and the consequent
administrative, economic and developmental implication -
5. Evaluation of panchayati raj system in India from the point
of view of eradication of power to people. -2007
6. Water resources should be under the control of the central
government. -2004
7. The language problem in India: its past, present and
prospects. -1998

Privacy/ social media

1. Biased media is a real threat to Indian democracy. -2019
2. Responsibility of media in a democracy. -2002
3. Role of media in good governance -2008
4. Does Indian cinema shape our popular culture or merely
reflect it? -2011
5. How has satellite television brought about cultural change
in Indian mindsets? -2007
6. Is sting operation an invasion on privacy? -2014
7. Mass media and cultural invasion. -1999
8. The misinterpretation and misuse of freedom in India. -

● Harari puts it simply; truth today is defined by the top results of

the Google search.
● If you put a drop of love into Twitter it seems to decay but if you put in a drop of
hatred you feel it actually propagates much more strongly. And you wonder: 'Well
is that because of the way that Twitter as a medium has been built?’ — Tim
Berners lee.
1. “Social media has played a key role in democratising our discourse” - Narendra
2. "Technology and social media have brought power back to the people" - Mark
3. Social networking: Man by birth is a social animal. Man has always belonged to a
society of some sort, without which
he can’t exist at all. Society fulfils all his needs and provides security to him. He took
birth, grows, live and die in society. Without society his life is just like fish out of water.
4. During 2010, there was widespread discontent against autocratic regimes across
Middle-East often referred to as Arab Spring. While discontent wasn’t new, what was
new was the Social media and its power. Social media played a huge role in
mobilising people who were demanding democracy and voice in decision making.
5. Connectivity and communicating form the basis for sharing, learning, debating and
discussing. Beginning from the ancient times, they have been an integral component
of our lives, our society. They started with Pigeon post, moved on to postal letters,
then to telephones and now to smart phones and social media. Hence, it is of no
surprise that human beings are often referred to as social animal.
6. However, the content and means of communication have not remained static.
Social Media is not only changing how people communicate but also what people
As of today, social media is becoming an integral part of our life. Our days starts with
checking and updating our social media accounts and ends on a similar note.
However amidst all these, there has been growing reception and debate on the
problems and the challenges of social media.
7. In common parlance, Social media is seen as synonymous with Facebook, Twitter,
Whatsapp, LinkedIn etc. However, social media goes beyond this and has a much
more broader scope. It is an umbrella term and, refers to websites and
applications that enables users to create, share content, interact and to participate in
social networking.
8. Social media has often been described as the silent revolution of the 21st century.
Recently the total number of social media users crossed 3 billion with no sign of
slowing down. Some of the factors for growth of social media is USPs of Social
Media, Digital Penetration and applications, as a marker of social status, rising
urbanisation, individualism and breakdown of traditional social structures.
Good examples
● 9. #MeToo campaign on Social media against sexual harassment and assault,
became a global movement and helped in demonstrating the widespread
prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.
● Pradeep mehra 19 yr old- sprinter- Anand Mahendra help- Atma nirbhar boy.
● Crowd funding for cause.
● Grievance redressal: MEA tagging- passport.
● COVID: asking for help.

● The war for Net Neutrality in India wasn’t fought on any ground, water or space
but on Social Media. The support on social media finally led to government
confirming the principle of net neutrality.
● Social media today has emerged as a double-edged sword. While it has
transformed the way what we think, believe and act, it has also led to violation of
privacy, problem of trolls, fake news etc.
● These volley of problems has called for regulations and restrictions regarding
social media. However, regulating social media is not only desirable but also not
possible. It is the uniqueness of social media that is

Hate speech on social media

● Beheading of 2 men in Udaipur and publishing on social media- hate- for
supporting nupur sharma- communalism- from TV debates to society.- hyper
information age- polarisation.
self regulating.
● 12. With increasing digital penetration and increasing development of
application, social media rise is indispensable.
● Also, the values of social media like freedom, transparency, openness etc. are
innate to human being, part of their social being. As Victor Hugo said, “No power
on earth can stop an idea whose time has come". Today, this power is “Social


Good journalism
● Pulitzer prize winner Danish Siddiqui's death in Afghanistan.

Big tech and capitalism

● Surveillance capitalism- soshana Zuboff.
○ Commodification of personal data. From google ad word program.->
Totalitarian regimes in free societies.
● 1984: George Orwell
○ Dystopian novel.
○ Big brother is watching you- age of surveillance and omnipresent
○ If you want to keep a secret hid it from yourself.
● Animal Farm: George Orwell
○ A group of animals rebel against the human farmer to create equality,
however end up living under a pig named NAPOLEON in dictatorship.
○ On events leading upto the 1917 Russian revolution.

● Education
● health.
● Development
● Poverty
● Bureaucracy
● Governance
● E governance

Education/value education
Restructuring of Indian education system. (1995)
Literacy is growing very fast, but there is no corresponding growth in education. (1996)
Irrelevance of the classroom. (2001)
Modern technological education and human values. (2002)
What is real education? (2005)
“Education for all” campaign in India: myth or reality. (2006)
Independent thinking should be encouraged right from the childhood. (2007)
Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses? (2008)
Credit – based higher education system – status, opportunities and challenges. (2011)
Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? (2014)
Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man a more clever
devil. (2015)
Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms. (2017)
Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? (2014)

Privatization of higher education

● Privatization of higher education in India. (2002)
● Their is a war going on in India. Not along the border but among the coaching
● Mohit bhargav left Allen to join unacademy for 20 cr package which is more than
a CEO.
● Kota capital of IITs. Kota factory.
● Teacher as brand.
● How covid changed the online education.
● What about those who did not get selected.

Taare Zameen Par explores the needs of special children, and what the society can
do for them. It shows how every individual is gifted and how pursuing their inherent
interest will only result in excellence. Ishaan is a 8 year old boy who dislikes school
and fails every test or exam. But Ishaan’s internal world is full of wonders that he is
unable to convey to others, magical lands filled with colour and animated animals. He
is an artist whose talent is unrecognised.
If the ability of fish is measured by its ability to climb a tree then fish would have lived
its entire life thinking that it is stupid — Einstein.

● Less than 4% of GDP. Target 6%.
● Literacy

● Korean War- differential approach to education- south prospered-north leader
● Aristotle-Alexander, Kautilya-Chanragupta.
● Upanishad.
● Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.: John Dewey
● Will Durant: Education is progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
● Albert Einstein: I have no special talent, but I am passionately curious.
● Mandela: Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the
● The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but
makes our life in harmony with all existence. Rabindranath Tagore
Case studies
● Ranjitsinh Disale, 32 yr old ZPHS teacher from Solapur. who hit national
headlines after winning a USD 1 million 'Global Teacher prize’, striving for girl
education and QR modeled textbooks introduction in schools. He distributed
prize money amongst the competitors.
● NGO: Teach for India: At Teach For India, we believe leadership for education
is the solution. We are building a movement of leaders who will eliminate
educational inequity in India.
● Anand Kumar of the Super 30 programme

1. True education does not consist merely in acquiring of few facts of science,
history, literature or art, but in the development of character — David O. Mckay.
2. To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society —
Theodore Roosevelt.
3. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without
accepting it — Aristotle.
4. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world —
Nelson Mandela.
5. The highest education is that which does not merely give us information, but makes
our life in harmony with all existence
-- Rabindranath Tagore.
6. There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous
parent - Mahatma Gandhi.
7. 8. Amartya Sen says “India is trying to be the first country to become an industrial
giant with an illiterate and unhealthy labor force".
9. National Education Policy, 2019 -- Document that is comprehensive, far-sighted and
grounded in realities.
10. Since ancient times, it is said "Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye," which means that with
education we finally attain salvation.
The earliest education system to develop in India was known as ‘Vedic system’ with
the ultimate aim being complete realization of self. This system was based on
‘Gurukul’ which fostered a bond between the Guru and the Shishya and established a
teacher centric system in which the pupil was subjected to a rigid discipline.
12. During the freedom struggle, several leaders like Gokhale, Ram Mohan Roy and
Mahatma Gandhi worked for better education for our people, particularly women.
Indigenous model of education was a major component of Gandhi’s conception of
Swaraj and Swadeshi.
13. In the last 20 years, education discourse in India has undergone a major
transformation and new concepts such as rights- based approach to elementary
education; shift in emphasis from literacy and basic education to secondary, higher,
technical and professional education, etc.
14. The focus on education was intense in the early period of Japanese
development, during the Meiji era. For example, between 1906 and 1911, education
consumed as much as 43 percent of the budgets of the towns and villages.
15. Education begins in womb and ends in tomb.
16. Stagnant minds create immobile systems which becomes roadblock to growth.
Hence creative thinking is needed.
17. Educational institutions are seen as temples of learning but today they are
working as industries due to commercialisation of education. Kota in Rajasthan is a
classic example of how coaching classes have turned themselves into factories. The
students are under tremendous pressure to perform with no time to rest and relax.
18. Child labour, migration, child marriage are others barriers to education.
19. While schools are regarded as “Temples of Learning”, in recent times they have
become breeding grounds of crime against children. In 2017, a seven-year-old boy
was found murdered inside a school in Gurugram and the next day a five- year-old girl
was raped in a school in Delhi.
20. Schools should downplay technical skills and emphasize general purpose life
skills. Most important of all will be the ability to deal with change, to learn new things,
and to preserve your mental balance in unfamiliar situations.
21. Economy is the material part of development. Education is the essential part of it.
22. Australia- Incentives to teachers taking rural hardship postings, 20-plus years of
23. Japan- Intense focus on primary education starting at age 6 (low primary level
drop-out rate of 0.2%).
24. Finland- Mandatory 15 minute break for every hour of five-hour school day, No
grades until fourth grade.
25. The movie 3 idiots depicts how our education system is fraught with faults. It also
shows how parental pressure can sometimes be extreme, and lead a child to attempt
ending his/her life. The story also focuses on how the education system should look
beyond high grades and should focus on what a kid wants to do. An extremely
important message in the movie is that all any child needs is an opportunity for good
education. This is emulated by the protagonist, Rancho, who is the son of a house
help and given the opportunity to study.
27. Lifelong education is based on four pillars — learning to know, learning to do,
learning to live together and learning to be. A child educated only at school is an
uneducated child.
28. Conclusion: India has one of the youngest populations in an ageing world. By
2020, the median age in India will be just 28, compared to 37 in China and the US, 45
in Western Europe, and 49 in Japan. To leverage the advantage of demographic
dividend, India needs to invest into its abundant human capital through quality
education. The goal of every Indian should be socio-economic well being of the poorest
citizen of India, as exemplified by the idea of Mahatma Gandhi’s Talisman.

Health care
The focus of health care is increasingly getting skewed towards the ‘haves’ of our
society. (2009)

Key facts
● HDI 129 rank
● IMR: 33
● MMR: 122
● 35% are malnourished
● 50% of women are anemic
● 1.2% of GDP, WHO recommendation 5%

Health care
1. "Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have" -- Winston Churchill.
2. "Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramaya" -- Upanishad. It means "May
All become Happy, May All be Healthy".
3. Health in modern times has been often defined in a negative connotation i.e.
absence of illness. However, this definition is restrictive and narrow. As Amartya Sen
has argued that, “Health is a social good. A person should be termed healthy, if he is
able to actively participate in a society”.
4. Introduction: Preetham is a construction worker. After a long tiring day, he has
come to home to find his daughter still suffering from the ill fever which she got
infected 5 days ago. He had already visited a PHC in the locality thrice. But there
were no doctors. Poor preetham does not have enough money to take his child to a
private hospital and thus he remained dependent on fate and miracle to treat his
5. Health in ancient India was defined as physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and
social wellbeing of an individual. Thus, the system of medicine was not about illness
and standalone treatment. It combined many concepts such as diet, climate, beliefs,
supernatural, empirical, and culture into treatment of the person.
6. It is a huge travesty that the land of Susruta, Charvaka, Vagbhata, and the generic
pharmacy of the world in modern times has been ranked 145 out of 195 countries on
the Healthcare Access and Quality Index (HAQ) of The Lancet.
7. June 21st is every year celebrated as ‘Yoga Day’, an acknowledgement for one of
the greatest contribution of India to healthcare systems, especially in wake of
emerging lifestyle diseases like depression, diabetes etc. However, among all this,
was another fact - India was declared as the Diabetes Capital of the world by
International Diabetes Federation (IDF).
8. Health as a social good. Social good refers to any good which benefits the largest
number of people in the largest possible way.
9. Health as political good. Political good refers to any good which enables
participation of people into the political process.
10. Health as ecological good can enable in sustainable development, sustainable
consumption and environment friendly policy making. The recent Sterlite protests in
Tamil Nadu were owing to the impact on health of the people around. Similar protests
have also been in Delhi because of growing pollution and increasing adverse impact
on health.
11. Health as an Ethical good. SDG 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing - have recognized
health as a basic human right.
12. Kerala and Tamil Nadu Insurance Model. The burden of premium and primary
health care is borne by the state, whereas the private participation is mostly restricted
to tertiary healthcare services.
13. Odisha e-healthcare. Started in 2009, Odisha telemedicine has set up 127
telemedicine centres and trained about 900 telemedicine technicians.
14. Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) have emerged as a very fruitful model
for preventive healthcare. It is launched as a part of National Rural Health Mission
(NRHM) and it led to reduced cost on healthcare, better health indicators like IMR
and MMR.
15. Conclusion: Indian healthcare currently stands at a critical juncture. To borrow
Amartya Sen analogy, India’s healthcare represents an island of California
(achievements) in a sea of sub-Saharan Africa (Challenges). So, there is a need for
overhaul of the entire healthcare sector in India. This also includes a completely
different perception of healthcare, where it is seen as a process, as a part of life. It is
important to note that even our ancient texts also subscribed to a similar view. In
today’s world, where people are running after wealth, where wealth has become the
ultimate desire, it is important to go back to what father of the nation, Mahatma
Gandhi said, ‘It is only health, that is the real wealth’.

● great epidemiologist Larry Brilliant once said that “outbreaks are inevitable,
but pandemics are optional.”
● Bill gates book : how to prevent the next pandemic
○ Spending 150$ billion globally saves 13$ trillion.
○ Official count is 6 million but estimate is 18 million.

Governance and Administration

Politics, bureaucracy and business – fatal triangle. (1994)

Politics without ethics is a disaster. (1995)
The VIP cult is a bane of Indian democracy. (1996)
Need for transparency in public administration. (1996)
The country’s need for a better disaster management system. (2000)
How should a civil servant conduct himself? (2003)

● 30 lakh NGOs.
1. Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth — Einstein.
2. Better no law than laws that are not implemented — Italian proverb.
3. The law barks at all but bites only the poor, the powerless, the illiterate, the ignorant
— Justice Krishna Iyer.
4. Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who
create it — Milton Friedman.
5. Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once
eccentric — Bertrand Russel. (Freedom of expression)
6. Rights are protected not by law but by the social and moral conscience of the
society — BR Ambedkar.
7. Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that
have been tried from time to time — Winston Churchill.
8. The failure of democracy is not a failure of concept and if democracy seems to fail
than the solution lies in more democracy and not less of it — Ambedkar.
9. The ballot is stronger than the bullet — Abraham Lincoln.
10. Democracy should be OF the people, FOR the people and BY the people. But it
actually is OFF the people, FAR the people and BUY the people.
11. Ambedkar said, if our constitution fails, it is not because it is a bad Constitution
but because our functionaries have failed it.
12. India is moving ahead as a digitally empowered society. Through JAM Trinity,
govt is ensuring that benefit is reached to beneficiaries.
13. According to Government, projects of more than 9.5 lakh crore has been
reviewed during PRAGATI. Rs 57000 was saved using the technology.
14. When the architects of our nation wrote the magnificent words of the constitution,
they were signing a promissory note to guarantee inalienable rights of life and dignity
to all citizens. It is obvious that India has not done well on this promissory note. Now
is the time to make real promises of democracy. Now is the time to lift our nation from
the quicksand of racial injustice to solid rock of brotherhood.
15. We have to make India’s development journey a jan andolan as Gandhiji did to
freedom struggle. Everyone must feel he or she is working or India’s progress.
16. Democracy can’t be restricted to elections and government. Democracy is
strengthened by Jan Bhagidari i.e. people participation.
17. Vision of India is Food for every mouth, Work for every hand, Spark in every eye
and Joy in every soul.
18. Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words, Pride in our souls.
19. We should all take a pledge of dedication to the service of India and her people
and to the still larger cause of humanity. Our aim should be to wipe out every tear
from every eye.
20. We are citizens of a great country on the verge of bold advance and we have to
live up to that high standard.
21. Noble goals can be achieved only through noble means.
22. Government of India is not only focussing on consumer protection but also
consumer prosperity.
23. The movie Swadesh focuses on the issue of brain drain and Indians moving
abroad for greener pastures. The story revolves around the life of an NRI who works
for NASA and how his visit to a village changes his life along with hundreds of other
villagers. The movie inspired a lot of NRIs to come back to the roots and work for the
country. The movie gives a message that a little help from the fortunate and educated
ones can help the underprivileged to a great extent.
24. The Telugu film Rudra veena deals with the social position of Dalit girls. The story
portrays a love story of a Brahmin Boy and a Harijan (untouchable) girl. At the time
when people were discriminated on the basis of their caste, this movie sets a good
example of how every human being is equal and love knows no boundaries.
25. There is no more dangerous menace to civilisation than a government of
incompetent, corrupt, or vile men — Ludwig von Moses.
26. Swami Vivekananda said, if you get 1 rupee without working, it means someone
has worked and not got his 1 rupee.
27. There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It
supersedes all other courts — Gandhiji.
28. If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I
strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They
are the father, the mother and the teacher — Abdul Kalam.
29. Corruption is like a ball of snow. Once it sets rolling, it will go on increasing in its
30. Monopoly + Discretion - Accountability = Corruption.
31. Corruption in India is like water, it always finds its way.
32. Main reason for the evil in world is not the action of evil doer but the silence of
good people.
33. Whoever controls media actually controls mind and politics.
34. Chanakya has written about ways to control corruption in Arthasastra. Ashoka
has an extensive system of spies and informer to control corruption in his empire.
s the largest democracy get jobs in public and pri of the country, charged policymakers
as well as the rsonal fiefdoms.
35. Freedom and power brings responsibility.
36. The biggest drawback of the country which ha in the
world is not population but corruption.
37. More than 62% of Indians had given bribes to vate
sectors and to get their work process faster, according to Transparency International.
38. Civil service was envisaged as the steel frame with
smoothly running the administration. The presence of rust should be a warning to the
citizens, lest the country’s administration crumble into a mess of corruption,
inefficiency, and pe
39. In 2012, a Hong Kong based consultancy described India as a bureaucratic
nightmare among 12 Asian countries it covered. Indian bureaucracy was ranked 9.21
on a scale of 10, with 10 being the worst. It went on to cite inertia and corruption as
some of the principal factors that ail Indian bureaucracy.
40. Edward Gibbon in his book ‘The decline and fall of the roman empire’ stated that
if there was one reason why Roman empire collapsed that would be corruption.
41. In Mexico every citizen adopts one officer and monitors their public life. They
question him if he is suspected of any bribe activity. This shows how innovative public
participation can be major deterrent for corruption.
42. In south Korea when corruption charges against former President Park Geun-hye
came out, people came out to the streets to demand resignation.
43. Hong Kong was once a den of corruption now it is best model for corruption free
state. The institutional autonomy granted to its anti-corruption agency was one of the
major reason for this success. Also they adopted a three pronged approach, that
means punishment, education and prevention
Social justice/Poverty
Reservation, politics and empowerment. (1999)
Food security for sustainable national development. (2005)
Farming has lost the ability to be a source of subsistence for the majority of farmers in
India. (2017)
Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere. (2018)

Ram singh and his family has embarked on a journey from maharashtra to his home
state bihar, after the nation wide lockdown was announced on 23 March 2020. With no
extra money to support his family he decided to walk. After walking for 30 Km a day for
3 days straight he was tiered and try to take rest on the side of railway track. When a
train passed over the sleeping bodies, resulting in 16 deaths. This is the helpless state
of human condition during the pandemic. Which signifies the hepess state of povert,

1. Poverty is not just lack of money; it is not having the capability to realize one’s full
potential as a human being — Amartya Sen. (Multi-dimensionality of poverty)
2. Poverty is the deprivation of opportunity -- Amartya Sen.
3. Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime — Aristotle. (Poverty)
4. Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but
also by unfair economic structures that create huge inequalities — Pope Francis.
5. India should not just remain content with political democracy, but strive for social
democracy as well — Ambedkar. (Inclusive growth)
6. Poverty is the worst form of violence — Gandhi.
7. There is an ancient saying that 'Sarvajana Hitaya , Sarvajana Sukhaya' meaning in
the well being of each lies the well being of the whole.
8. We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist with one third rich and two third
hungry — Jimmy Carter.

Corruption perception
● Transparency international
● 78 rank.


R&D Spending
● 0.6% of GDP, China 2.5% Korea 4%
● GII India rank 52. Improving.

● Magnetic compasses may have been made somewhat obsolete by satellites and
global positioning systems, but their impact on early navigation and exploration
was gigantic. Originally invented in China, by the 14th century compasses had
widely replaced astronomical means as the primary navigational instrument for
mariners. The compass provided explorers with a reliable method for traversing
the world’s oceans, a breakthrough that ignited the Age of Discovery and won
Europe the wealth and power that later fueled the Industrial Revolution. Most
importantly, the compass allowed for interaction—both peaceful and otherwise—
between previously isolated world cultures.
● "Innovation is the calling card of the future" -- Anna Eshoo, An US representative.

● China: “Thousand talent program” attract the abroad scientists.
India startup ecosystem
● Thub based on triple helix model=university+industry+market = knowledge

Economic growth and development

Resource management in the Indian context. (1999)
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be
the right indices for judging the wellbeing of a country. (2013)
Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth
of our country? (2014)
Crisis faced in India – moral or economic. (2015)
Near jobless growth in India: An anomaly or an outcome of economic reforms. (2016)
Digital economy: A leveller or a source of economic inequality. (2016)
Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare. (2016)
Impact of the new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in
India. (2017)
There can be no social justice without economic prosperity but economic prosperity
without social justice is meaningless.(2020)

Key facts

● 2.9 trillion
● 2170 dollar per cap.
● Agriculture 15% and 45% population
● Industry 23% and 16% population
● Service 61% and 34% population
● Exports 330 and imports 500.
● FDI 65$ billion.

Development vs democracy
● Lee Kuan yew(59-91): memoir, From Third World to First: The Singapore Story,
benevolent despotism
○ Political pragmatism has transformed singapore from 3rd world to todays
top in competitiveness and innovation
● Amartya sen: democracy as freedom

Jayaprakash narayana “ our democracy is vote and shout democracy”

● China is a developmental democracy.

Social inclusion

Jan Dhan accounts

● 35 cr.

● Stromming of secunderabad station by the army aspirants- Agnipath-
unemployment crisis.

Informal sector
● 80%
● 65% under demographic dividend.
● 10 million enter workforce every year.
● Violent strike at the AGNIPATH is the picture of the grim reminder of the govt job.
● Contractualization of govt jobs→ hire and fire.
● 6 million vacancies in govt.

● Sheila moves from one workstation to another collating an hourly production of
garments being manufactured at an
● export-oriented factory in Mandya in the state of Karnataka. She has a
postgraduate degree in commerce and hence, she is overqualified to do this
clerical job. But she works for a monthly salary of Rs. 5000, which is less than
what a factory worker makes. She is not alone to accept such a low-paying job
with having pursued masters, there are many such examples.
● To realize the dream of New India by 2022, the full utilization of India’s
demographic dividend is essential. The
● initiatives taken so far are in the right direction so that no more students like
Sheila remain underemployed and unemployed.

● Economic growth without investments in human development is unsustainable
and unethical" -- Amartya sen

Oxfam report
● 1% own 60% wealth
● India: The wealth of 8 billionaires= 50% of wealth of bottom.
9. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those
who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have little — Franklin
Roosevelt. (Inclusive growth)

11. According to recent Oxfam report, India’s richest 1 percent now hold a huge 58
percent of the country’s total wealth, higher than the global figure of about 50 percent.
In the report titled ‘An economy for the 99 percent’, Oxfam said it is time to build a
human economy that benefits everyone, not just the privileged few.
12. The paper by Thomas Piketty and Lucas Chancel, ‘Indian Income Inequality 1922-
2014 — From British Raj to Billionaire Raj?’ has shown that income inequality in India
is at its highest level since 1922.
19. “Besides having rapid growth... it is also necessary to ensure that growth is
inclusive, sustained, clean and formalized.” — NITI vision document.
20. The shape of the development process matters more to people than the size of
the GDP.
Development must be by the people (more participative), of the people (health,
education, skills), and for the people (growth of their incomes, well- being, and
21. Jan Bhagidari is the greatest asset of progress. Wherever the people are active
stakeholders in the development process, the pace and extent of growth is higher.
22. Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic
walls…. In to that heaven of freedom, my father, LET MY COUNTRY AWAKE! —
Tagore’s vision.
23. So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the
law is of no avail to you — Ambedkar.
24. In Jitampur, a village in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, all villagers gathered
in the temple on occasion of a festival.
But a group of people were standing outside the temple where a boy asked his mother
that “why we are restricted to enter the temple”, mother looking at his soon helplessly
replied “we belong to lower caste whose entry into temple is restricted”. Such
Jitampur’s have become inevitable in modern India where people follow caste based
inequality practices in almost all walks of life. Example of Ekalavya from Mahabharata.
25. Human racial and cultural diversity and existing caste system is a consequence of
populations having been more or less isolated from each other in the past. Bring them
together in a same place with equal opportunity and platforms what we create is a
melting pot in which this inequality will gradually dissolve and disappear.
26. 200 houses in 3 villages of TN were burnt because of an issue relating to love
marriage between a Dalit man and an upper caste woman. The bride refused to
return home and her embarrassed father committed suicide. The Dalits allege this
enraged the upper caste people who then set the houses on fire and looted their cash
and jewellery.
27. In 2018 the common person feels increasingly irrelevant. It is much harder to
fight against irrelevance than against exploitation.
28. Liberty is not worth much unless it is coupled with some kind of social safety net.
29. Property is the pre-requisite for long term inequality.
30. My brother Nikhil: The movie deals with how family and society react when a
family member comes out and says he has AIDS. It’s a journey of how his life takes a
sudden turn after his declaration, from being a swimmer with a bright future to a social
outcast. The movies lay emphasis on the stigma society has when it comes to AIDS.
Self stigma and societal stigma have been the real culprits in the lack of acceptance
and free flow of information.
31. Inflation is taxation without legislation — Milton Friedman. (High inflation)
32. The most distinctive feature of our economic system is the growth in human
capital. Without it there would be only hard manual work and poverty — TW Schultz.
33. The creation of jobs will not occur without a healthy workforce, and a healthy
workforce is possible only with proper interventions in healthcare and education at all
stages, especially during childhood. With proper nurturing and a holistic approach, a
young India can step up to provide the world the workforce that it so desperately
34. Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) via JAM trinity is one of the key projects of the
government. If the privacy concerns are addressed adequately, inclusion of MNREGA
in DBT will be a game changer. It will lead to increased transparency in functioning of
the MNREGA, which has been historically criticised for leakages and delayed
35. Goal 1 of the SDG is “Ending poverty in all forms, everywhere”. However, this is
not a stand-alone goal, since poverty is a result of deprivation, and can be eradicated
only by removing that deprivation.
36. 3D refers to Democracy, Demography and Demand. This is Modi’s famous
acronym for India’s potential in near future.
37. Empowered citizens are one of the strongest pillars of democracy. The
government should work on principles of modern information highways and Ask,
Listen, Interact, Act and Inform.
38. Businesses could achieve upto USD 165 billion in cost savings by 2022 through
wide scale adoption of automation across sectors like automotive, retail, utilities,
manufacturing, among others.
39. We have the manpower, we have the skills and the resources. We need to work
in a Mission Mode and bring a positive change. Our aim is social justice.

Affirmative actions
● Assume that in a classroom, a teacher is faced with students with differing
command over the English language. 1st group-excellent, 2nd group-medium,
3rd group need attention. If teacher attocates time in proportion. Is she
discriminating of course not. Similarly affirmative actions also same.

Inequality and Capitalism

2019 oscar winning Parasite movie by Boon Joo Ho
● Rlp between poor Kims and rich Parks meet a miserable end.
○ Greed, envy.
○ Poverty.
○ Class morality and capitalism.

● 23 march 2021: EVER GIVEN SHIP blocks the suez cannal, from malaysia to
netherlands. goods, -crude
● $1 billion losses, 500 ships have to wait.
● Now, the supply-chain disruptions– moving apparel production to the europe and
loss of livelihood to poor.
● Silk road-caravans.

Digital India
● 45 crore active users
● Digital divide
○ ⅓ of women use
○ Urban it’s 65% rural 20% penetration.

● 1. "Food is a source of wealth. Food production is a source of endless misery" -
Rabindranath Tagore.
● 2. "If agriculture fails, everything else will fail." - M. S. Swaminathan.
● 3. “Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy.” - M. K. Gandhi.
● 4. “Everything can wait, but not Agriculture.” - Jawaharlal Nehru.

● 5. India’s agricultural production in the past attracted worldwide attention. It
attracted Dutch, Portuguese, British and
● Tourism in India
● 1. “The one land that all men desire to see and having seen once, by even a
glimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the
● 14. The future of tourism in India is certainly bright but we do have a long road
ahead. Philosopher Lao Tzu said “a journey of a thousand miles must begin with
a single step”, and with recent developments in the sector, that step has already
● taken.
● $5 Trillion economy
● 1. On 15 June, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared: “The goal to make India
a $5 trillion economy by 2024 is
● challenging, but achievable, with the concerted efforts of states." This goal has
solid support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Its most recent
projections suggest that India’s gross domestic product (GDP) will touch about
$4.7 trillion in 2024. This is close enough to $5 trillion to make the latter a
credible headline target.
● 2. "Economic growth without investments in human development is
unsustainable and unethical" -- Amartya sen
● 3. Sheila moves from one workstation to another collating an hourly production
of garments being manufactured at an
● export-oriented factory in Mandya in the state of Karnataka. She has a post-
graduate degree in commerce and hence, she is overqualified to do this clerical
job. But she works for a monthly salary of Rs. 5000, which is less than what a
factory worker makes. She is not alone to accept such a low-paying job with
having pursued masters, there are many such examples.
● 4. To realize the dream of New India by 2022, the full utilization of India’s
demographic dividend is essential. The
● initiatives taken so far are in the right direction so that no more students like
Sheila remain underemployed and unemployed.
● Data
● 1. Data is new oil.
● Innovation
● 1. Magnetic compasses may have been made somewhat obsolete by satellites
and global positioning systems, but their
● impact on early navigation and exploration was gigantic. Originally invented in
China, by the 14th century compasses had widely replaced astronomical means
as the primary navigational instrument for mariners. The compass provided
explorers with a reliable method for traversing the world’s oceans, a
breakthrough that ignited the Age of Discovery and won Europe the wealth and
power that later fueled the Industrial Revolution. Most importantly, the compass
allowed for interaction—both peaceful and otherwise—between previously
isolated world cultures.
● 2. "Innovation is the calling card of the future" -- Anna Eshoo, An US
● Knowledge and character
● 1. APJ Abdul Kalam had went down in history as a dynamic scientist, a
respected president and a beloved person. In his
● youth, he always aspired to gain knowledge despite failures and contribute to
space technology, spearheading India’s SLV programme. His character was
marked by attributes such as perseverance, altruism which helped him gain
adoration of every section of the scientific community.
● 2. ‘Pen is mightier than sword’ have been proved to be true time and again but
the character of the person holding the said
● ‘pen’ decides the legitimate of use of ‘might’.
● Introductions and conclusions
● 1. International collaboration, in the past, eliminated biggest threats to humanity
like Slavery, World wars, epidemics and
● some deadly diseases. With Climate change and Terrorism looming large, now is
the time for even greater collaboration amongst countries.
● 2. Populism should be an objective but it should not be a technique to achieve
● 3. The journey so far has been a Tumultuous journey. India is a very difficult
country to change. Problems remain, but the
● 10. Israel has been cited as a model example in irrigation owing to its expertise
in micro-irrigation, desalination and
● recycling techniques. It has emerged as a template for reusing wastewater for
irrigation. 11. Farmers in Tamil Nadu are successfully using the technique of
fertigation leading better fertilizer efficiency and crop
● productivity. 12. 'eSagu' in Andhra Pradesh has been a successful case-study
for providing web-based personalized agro-advisory system
● which uses Information Technology to solve the unscientific agricultural
● 13. M-Pesa in Kenya has emerged as a successful model for enhancing
financial services to farmers and field workers.
● 14. Maharashtra has recently removed trade in fruits and vegetables from the
purview of APMC act. Price deficiency
● payment schemes in Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Telangana have been
hailed as a model scheme for country wide emulation.
● 15. With around 65% of India’s agriculture depending on rain and more than half
the population on agriculture, too little or too much rain is always a harbinger of
● 16. In agriculture, emphasis must shift to converting farmers to ‘agripreneurs’ by
further expanding e-National Agriculture
● Markets. 17. Agriculture needs to viewed as a ‘Sunrise sector’. Huge potential
owing to organic farming, huge domestic market, food
● processing industry, Vegan movement. Like IT, Agriculture must be promoted as
the new start-up sector in India.
● 18. The agriculture sector in India is experiencing structural changes which are
opening up new challenges and opportunities.
● The Government has initiated reforms in the field of agricultural marketing, given
a big push to the use of technology in
● agriculture, and also adopted Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode for timely
delivery of extension services, credit and
● other inputs to small and marginal farmers. 19. However, the challenges in
agricultural sector can’t be handled by government alone. There is a need to
● corporates, civil society organisations, academia as a whole for reforming
agriculture. There is also a need for cultural
● shift, need for viewing agriculture in a positive light, need for perception change.
We need an urgency in dealing with the
● problems of agriculture.
● France to India. The rivalry between British and French to gain control over
Indian produce highlights this fact.
● 6. In Indian civilisation agriculture was given a sacred status where Goddess
Annapurna is the goddess of food and
● nourishment in Hinduism. In modern times, Agriculture in India boasts of a series
of achievements - largest producer of
● milk; second largest producer of rice, wheat, fruits, and vegetables, fifth largest
producer of poultry. However, it also
● continues to suffer from problems of malnutrition, farmer distress, farmer
suicides, post-harvest losses, challenges of
● climate change etc. Thus, while agriculture in India may have come a long way, it
continues to face series of challenges. 7. Uprisings in Egypt, Arab countries,
Tunisia, Asia, etc., were all primarily driven by food and other commodity
● Egypt was once the bread basket of the Roman empire. Today, Egypt is a basket
● 8. West Bengal and Kerala are often cited as model states for land reforms
implementation. China’s 'Great Green Wall'
● programme has been highly successful in fighting desertification in Gobi desert.
● 9. Village level Seed banks in Tumkur (Karnataka), Datia (Madhya Pradesh) etc.
have helped in making these villages self-sufficient in Seeds.
● 10. Israel has been cited as a model example in irrigation owing to its expertise
in micro-irrigation, desalination and
● recycling techniques. It has emerged as a template for reusing wastewater for
LPG reforms
● Intro: India has 2 channels in 1970s- doordarshan 1 and 2, on 1 Indiragandi
appeared, if u change then on second sanjay gandhi appeared. 2 motarcycle
companies, 2 automobile companies-fiat,ambasdor. 2 arline companies- post
1990s explosion of the companies..
● Problems: cartilization, duopoly, monopoly,
● Conclusion:

Environment and climate change.

Protection of ecology and environment is essential for sustained economic
development. (2006)
Should a moratorium be imposed on all fresh mining in tribal areas of the country?
We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws. (2017)


Kim stanley robinson’s ministry of the future.

● The Ministry for the Future opens a few years from now during a historic heat
wave in Uttar Pradesh, India—where Frank May, an American aid worker, is
doing everything he can to save lives. But it’s not working. As day after day
passes without a drop in temperature or humidity, the electric grid eventually
gives out, turning life into an inferno for everyone who lives in the north Indian
● Desperate, many rush to the nearest lake, hoping it will offer some relief—but
its water is scorching, too. By the end of the heat wave, more than twenty
million people are dead, and Frank has barely survived.
● Ministry of future to implement climate change on behalf of the future
● Carboni is a carbon currency to enable faster decarbonisation.

● As a child, Vinisha Umashankar, a Class 10 student, used to walk with her

mother and a bag full of washed and dried clothes to get them ironed from a
couple who ran a mobile ironing cart in her street in Tiruvannamalai town in
northern Tamil Nadu. She saw how her clothes were ironed with charcoal-filled
cast-iron boxes by the couple, sweating as they worked in the heat. She
returned, not just with her ironed clothes, but with an intent to make their lives
better and the world around her cleaner.
● Years later, as she grew up, Vinisha Umashankar, now 15 years old, found her
answers in sunlight. A solar powered ironing cart, which would replace the
conventional charcoal ironing box, would power a steam ironing box to do its job.
Her innovation brought her laurels from around the world, including the
prestigious Children’s Climate Prize in November 2021. The prize given by the
Sweden-based Children’s Climate Foundation is one of the most significant
climate-related awards for young innovators.finalist for Earth shot price.

● Pereira de Souza cleaned Dindim’s tarred feathers for over a week and nursed
him back to health by feeding him fish to help him regain his strength. He then
took him to the sea to release him so that the penguin could migrate back to his
habitat. “But he wouldn’t leave. He stayed with me for 11 months and then just
after he changed his coat with new feathers, he disappeared,”
● traveling 8000 KM.
● March of herd of 16 elephants in China.500km trek.
● Sir David Attenborough
○ Anecdote story.
● Indonesia- decline in Orangutans population. Palm oil production.
○ Indonesia is largest producer of palm and expoter.
● Vrksho rakshito Rakshita.
● Waste management: Asia's largest garbage mountain in Ghazipur East Delhi
down by 40 feet in 1 year

1. We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children —
Latin American proverb. (Responsibility)
2. If you really think the environment is less important than the economy, try holding
your breath while you count your money — Professor McPherson of Princeton
University. (Economy vs environment debate)
3. We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to
see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere... can handle before there is an
environmental catastrophe — Elon Musk.
4. Gandhiji had said, "The Earth has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone’s
greed" -- Gandhi.
5. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry — Thomas Fuller.
6. Don’t blow it, good planets are hard to find — Quoted in Times.
7. India has a tradition that considers entire world as one and the earth as our
mother. Indian culture never permits the exploitation of nature and nature’s resources.
Atharva Veda calls it a bounden duty that we must protect the earth so that life can be
sustained. Indians worship trees and see them as gods.
8. Current culture - Throw away Culture.
9. Homo sapiens are fossil fuel addicts.
10. Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites. Take care of the
earth and she will take care of you.
Nature doesn’t need people. People need nature. Our food, our water, our health, our
jobs — they all rely on the health of the planet’s ecosystems.
11. For 200 years we have been conquering nature. Now we are beating it to death.
The future will either be green or black.
Conservation is a state of harmony between man and nature.
12. Water and air are two essential fuels on which all life depends. They have become
global garbage can.
13. Cleanliness is a mark of self respect.
14. Dharavi, one of the largest slums in the world, has managed to carve out a
unique identity for itself. The industrious residents of the slum have taken to recycling
waste from across the country in order to eke out a living.
15. Atoll nations like Tuvalu and Maldives could submerge with just few metres rise in
sea level.
16. Technology is both the source of environmental damage and our best hope to
build a sustainable future.
17. Industrially produced meat is one of the answers to climate change.
18. Think Global, Act Local.
19. Environment should be put in national security.
20. BBC documentary recently showed how because of extreme poverty and
absence of Government policies, common villagers have been forced to kill African
elephants and sell their tusks to traders at meagre prices. As a result, the global
population of African elephants has declined 90% in the last two decades.
21. Poverty and environment had long been seen as separate units of development,
causing nations to adopt a singular approach to each of them. However, since the
1970s it has been almost universally agreed that poverty and environmental
degradation are inextricably linked. The Brundtland Commission of 1987 states that
poverty is a major cause and effect
of global environment problems. Hence, it would have been futile contain the larger
issue of environmental degradation without alleviation of poverty.
22. Indira Gandhi in her speech at Stockholm Conference, 1972 stated that ‘Are not
poverty and need the greatest polluters?’.
It implies that poor are unable to utilise the resources sustainably and will destroy
their immediate environment in order to survive.
23. The latest IPCC report states that the world’s most poorest (South Asia and
Africa) are the most exploited in terms of environmental health. There is no wonder
why cities such as Dhaka, Delhi are amongst the most polluted cities.
24. A road map towards sustainable development, free from hunger and poverty
along with an uninterrupted, affordable supply of sustainable energy are the broad
objectives that India has chosen to pursue.
25. India’s commitment to environment and climate change, made at the highest
political level, shows the global way in supporting SDGs while retaining reliance on
cleaner energy, including cleaner, greener coal.
26. Prime Minister has regarded energy sustainability as a sacred duty, and has also
stated that sustainable, stable and reasonably priced energy is essential for the fruits
of economic development to reach the bottom of the pyramid.
27. Conclusion: Environment concern is not firmly embedded in public life, education,
medicine, economy and social life.
What is more important at this juncture is that humans can no longer treat the
Environment and other species as mere objects but take care of them for their own
well-being. Through consciousness, our minds have the power to change our planet
and ourselves. It is time we heed the wisdom of the ancient indigenous people and
channel our consciousness and spirit to tend the garden and not destroy it.
Chernobyl disaster
Water management
● 18% world population and 4% water resources
● 90% unused in agriculture
● Pani foundation ground water restoration experiment in Maharashtra wlsaving
550 billion liters of water.

Tourism in India
Village tourism: Bhoodan Pochampally is a census village in yadadri district of
Telangana. It is where Acharya Vinoba Bhave started the Bhoodan movement when
one of the village zamindar Ramachandra Reddy donated 1000 acres of land to the
villagers. Then the village developed into an IKAT center now proving not only
livelihood opportunities, but the UN Tourism Organisation in 2021 recognised it as
an TOURISM VILLAGE inviting many national and international tourist to te
1. “The one land that all men desire to see and having seen once, by even a glimpse,
would not give that glimpse for all the shows of all the rest of the globe combined”-
Mark Twain on India.
2. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”. This saying
by St. Augustine truly captures the spirit of travel, and India as a vibrant country,
provides scores of reasons for travelers from across the world to choose India as their
3. UN World Tourism Organization - "Tourism comprises the activities of persons
traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than
one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.
4. Tourism is a complex set of industries including accommodation, recreation and
entertainment, food and beverage services, transportation, and travel services. It
encompasses domestic, inbound, and outbound travel for business, leisure, or other
purposes. And because of this large scope, tourism development requires
participation from all walks of life, including private business, governmental agencies,
educational institutions, communities, and citizens.
5. Historically, the ability to travel was reserved for royalty and the upper classes.
From ancient Roman times through to the
17th century, young men of high standing were encouraged to travel through Europe
on a “grand tour”. Through the middle Ages, many societies encouraged the practice
of religious pilgrimage. The continued popularity of rail travel and the emergence of
the automobile presented additional milestones in the development of tourism.
6. Fast forward to 1952 we witnessed the dawn of the jet age, which many herald as
the start of the modern tourism industry. The industry growth however had also been
interrupted at several key points in history, including World War I, the Great
Depression, World War II, 9/11 attacks COVID 19, the war in Iraq, perceived threat of
future terrorist attacks, and health scares including SARS, etc., have dented tourism
industry to an extent. At the same time, the industry began a massive technological
shift as increased internet use revolutionised travel services. Through the 2000s,
online travel bookings grew exponentially.
7. The Indian tourism industry did not have it so good since the early 1990s. Though
the Indian economy has slowed, it is still growing faster than the rest of the world.
With Indian economy growing at around 5 percent per annum and rise in disposable
incomes of Indians, an increasing number of people going on holiday trips within the
country and abroad is resulting in the tourism industry growing wings.
8. India’s tourism industry is experiencing a strong period of growth, driven by the
burgeoning Indian middle class, growth in high spending foreign tourists, and
coordinated government campaigns to promote tourism in India. Domestic tourism
has been growing in a settled way. Fairs and festivals of India are continuous
phenomena. Events like Kumbha in north and Onam and Mahamastakabhisheka
in the south are events that fetch a lot of tourists almost every year.
9. International Dimension: Tourism and Peace. Tourism can play a key role in
building peace and supporting reconciliation processes. It is a vehicle for trust and
goodwill. Cultural understanding can change attitudes, generate respect and build
peace. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said that it was not only an instrument of earning
foreign exchange but also a means of seeking international cooperation,
understanding and peace between the nations.
10. Responsible Tourism – The Gandhian Way: 'Live Gandhi For A While' a tourist
programme, conceived and developed by travel agent Nischal Barot and was
launched on October 2016. The participants are expected to live in the ashram in an
austere way, for a minimum of five days, like a true Gandhi ashram inmate, wearing
the hand spun cloth, doing physical labour, practising truth, chastity, non-violence, etc.
Mahatma Gandhi was probably the first responsible traveller
who travelled across the country, connected with communities, walked down
villages(75000 km twice encircling the earth), stayed in their homes, tried helping
them, solving their problems with minimal impact on the environment.
11. Gender & Tourism: Women are almost twice as likely to be employers in the
tourism industry than in other sectors, and often employ more women than men.
However, women are concentrated in the lowest paid, lowest skilled sectors of the
industry and carry out a large amount of unpaid work in family tourism businesses.
12. Government initiatives: 100% FDI is allowed under the automatic route in
tourism and hospitality, subject to applicable regulations and laws. Adopt a Heritage
scheme. Incredible India. Swachh Bharat Swachh Pakwan (Hunar Zaika): The street
food vendors constitute a significant percentage of the hospitality service providers,
are part of the Indian milieu through the ages and have a pan India presence.
13. Various forms of tourism
1. Recreational tourism: Tourism is an often activity for recreational purpose. Most
tourism took for a change and rest; this is the reason why package tours have become
so popular.
2. Ethnic tourism: This refers to people traveling to distance places looking to their
routes and attending to family obligations. Marriage and death bring people together
to their native places. Persons who are settled overseas during later part of life visit
place of their birth for giving boost to ethnic tourism.
3. Cultural tourism: Some people are interested to know how other people or
communities stay, survive and prosper.
The kind of culture they practice their art and music is different from ours. So in order
to acquire knowledge, understands culture well, to become familiar with the culture,
they undertake journey.
4. Adventure tourism: There is a trend among the youth to take adventure tour. They
go for trekking, rock climbing, river rafting etc. They organized camp fire and stay
under the blue sky. This tourism is meant for people with strong nerves who can
tolerate stress.
5. Health tourism: In recent years, health tourism has become highly popular. People
visit nature cure centers and hospitals providing specialist treatment. Many foreigners
visit India for treatment(medical tourism) because similar services in their country are
6. Religious tourism: India represents multi-religious composition of population.
Various package tours are organized to enable people to attend the religious duties
and visit places of religious importance. E.g. Char Dham yatra.
7. Music tourism: It can be part of pleasure tourism as it includes moment of people
to sing and listen music and enjoy it.
8. Village tourism: It involves traveling and arranging tours in order to popularize
various village destinations.
9. Wild life tourism: It can be an Eco and animal friendly tourism. Wild life tourism
means watching wild animals in their natural habitat.
14. The future of tourism in India is certainly bright but we do have a long road ahead.
Philosopher Lao Tzu said “a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single
step”, and with recent developments in the sector, that step has already been taken.

World bank report
● 1 trillion loss / yr globally.
● NDMA vulnerability assessments
○ 65% prone to drought
○ 55% prone to seismic.
○ 5% prone to floods
○ 8% prone to cyclone

Science & Tech

The modern doctor and his patients. (1997)
Value-based science and education. (1999)
The march of science and the erosion of human values. (2001)
Spirituality and scientific temper. (2003)
The lure of space. (2004)
Internet/IT Increasing computerization would lead to the creation of a dehumanized
society. (2006)
Science and Mysticism: Are they compatible? (2012)
Science and technology is the panacea(solution) for the growth and security of the
nation. (2013)
Technology cannot replace manpower. (2015)
Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India. (2018)
Technology as silent factor in International relations (2020)

● Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for wrong reasons — R.
Buckminster Fuller.
● The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that man
will begin to think like computers — Sydney Harris.
● Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind — Albert

● 2. A discovery by nuclear physicists in a laboratory in Berlin, Germany, in 1938
made the first atomic bomb possible. Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner and Fritz
Strassman discovered nuclear fission in their laboratory.

● Compass story.
● Fire, wheel, paper making, industrial revolution, automobiles, medicines and
save from pandemics,
● Mobile has so much computing power more than APOLLO mission to moon
● In this digital age, we have an opportunity to transform the lives of people in
ways that were hard to imagine a couple of decades ago.
● The cab could be our new ambulance. Uber is offering its cab services to non-
emergency health patients thus improving healthcare access to poor and
● The DBT scheme covers over 400 central schemes.
● Digital lifestyles.
● Alibaba will collaborate with the World Food Programme to develop a digital
World Hunger Map to monitor the status of global hunger and help enhance the
efficiency of operations and shorten emergency response times to support
efforts towards the goal of attaining SDG 2.

● The Internet has made it easier and cheaper to sell false propaganda.
● Everything is getting smaller and more effective these days. Ex: Electronic
gadgets, polluting particles like PM2.5.
○ Diabolical use of science -- Gandhi.
● For the first time in history, infectious diseases kill fewer people than old age,
famine kills fewer people than obesity, and violence kills fewer people than
● Improvements in biotechnology might make it possible to translate economic
inequality into biological inequality.

● Access to technology is main factor behind the success of economies.

○ Asian tigers, China, dominance of west.
● Technology gives us power. Wisdom helps us in how to use it.
● Machinery has its place and it will stay for long. But it must not be allowed to
displace necessary human labour.
● A technology is only as good as the judiciousness with which it is used.
● Human spirit must prevail over technology — Albert Einstein.
Artificial Intelligence
Intro: Matrix
● Leo, Max
● A story about a group of human rebels and the war they fight with artificially
intelligent machines. The machines won the early portion of the war and became
dominant. They enslaved humanity in an artificial simulation, a digital cyberspace
known as The Matrix that mimics real life. The movie follows the rebels as they
fight to disconnect fellow humans from The Matrix and destroy their machine
● The Matrix is a classic “cyberpunk” story that popularized the concept of digital
simulations. It introduces the concepts of downloaded consciousness, digital
constructs, and showcases how avatars empower personal expression which
can vary within digital environments. Perhaps most importantly, the movie
explores the philosophical nature of building a dystopian environment and the
perceived challenges associated with it.

Def: Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a field of computer science that attempts to simulate
characteristics of human intelligence or senses. These include learning, reasoning, and

● What is AI?
● Why do we need AI?
● Will AI be beneficial for us?
● What is technological singularity?
● see robots as machines, no matter how intelligent and human-like they become.
In A Thousand Brains, Jeff Hawkins explores at length what moral obligation
we have to our machines. Should we feel bad about pulling the plug on an
artificial intelligence if it’s as human-like as Klara? Hawkins concludes that the
answer is no.
● There is no I in AI.
○ Understanding much more about the part of the brain called the
neocortex is key to developing true general AI.
● Intelligent machines need to have a model of the world and the flexibility of behavior that
comes from that model, but they don’t need to have human-like instincts for survival and
● The truth is that, whether or not A.I. is actually a threat to our existence, there's
no stopping its evolution and its rise.
● Humans have always fixated themselves on improving life across every
spectrum, and the use of technology has become the vehicle for doing just that.
And although the past 100 years have seen the most dramatic technological
upheavals to life than in all of human history, the next 100 years is set to pave
the way for a multi-generational leap forward.

● Gary kaspove defeat by IBM blue 1996 game of chess.
● 2016: AlphaGo program: lee sedol deepmind google.
● Loneliness is a real health problem in old age that increases your risk of
premature death—a fact that has been made more evident by social isolation
many seniors experienced during the pandemic. Research shows that having a
pet can significantly ease this burden. Companion robots like Klara would be
the next step up from that.
● Space x Leon musk.- neural link
● It would be impossible to go your entire life without using a computer. Cars,
ATMs, and TVs, all contain computers. It is for this reason that computers and
their software have to become more intelligent to make our lives easier.
Intelligent computer systems can and do benefit us all; however people have
constantly warned that making computers too intelligent can be to our
Technological optimism
● The job market of 2050 might well be characterized by human-AI cooperation
rather than competition. Human-AI teams in chess, known as centaurs,
outperformed both humans and computers in chess.
● The replacement of human pilots by drones has eliminated some jobs but
created many new opportunities in maintenance, remote control, data analysis
and cyber security.
Technological determinism
● Technology drives Societies cultures and values
● Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk warn us about the dangers of AI and the
coming technological singularity.
● AI researchers to actively involve ethicists in their work. Some of the world’s
largest companies like Baidu, Google, Alibaba, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft
are cornering the market for AI researchers. They also need to employ ethicists.
● Separate the human instincts of procreation, greed, survival in the machines.
● Even if intelligent machines replicate only the “new brain” and are not saddled

with an “old brain,” some people will still try to use them for bad purposes.
Sadly, that is human nature.
● In the end, I come back to my starting premise that we’re still early in our
understanding of the human brain compared with just about every other part of
our world. We don’t know yet whether

● Conclusions: Immunal Kant: Science is organized knowledge, wisdom is
organized life
● Artificial intelligence is likely to be either the best or the worst thing to happen to
the humanity" -- Stephen Hawking.

Communication technologies:5G
● Transformative Potential
○ AI
○ Smart cities to innovate
○ Autonomous systems
○ Data intensive economy
○ Internet of things
○ Energy monitoring
○ Smart agriculture
○ Telehealth
○ Industrialization
● Challenges
○ Investment
○ What type of bands
■ Singapore be example
● High band for densely populated
● Low band for sparsely populated.
○ Standardization of technologies

The cyberworld: its charms and challenges. (2000)
Cyberspace and Internet: Blessing or curse to the human
civilization in the long run. (2016)
Social media is inherently a selfish medium. (2017)

● Anecdote: apocalyptic scenario: critical communication blackouts and disruption

in the life and economy.
● Snowden expose NSA secret mass surveillance program.

International organizations/relations
Restructuring of UNO reflect present realities. (1996)
India’s role in promoting ASEAN cooperation. (2004)
Importance of Indo-US nuclear agreement. (2006)
Has the Non- Alignment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world.
Technology as the silent factor in IR (2020)

● 17.5 million

Are we a ‘soft’ state? (2009)

Criminal justice system

● 65% are under trails
● 130% of occupancy rate.
● One rape every 15 minutes.
● Malimath committee
○ Police india 150/ 1 lakh world 350/1 lac.

Terrorism and world peace. (2005)
In the Indian context, both human intelligence and technical
intelligence are crucial in combating terrorism. (2011)

● Family Man

BOrder protection
Good fences make good neighbours. (2009)


Fifty Golds in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India? (2014)


● Walked to save transportation cost, despite of success retd in 2003, mortgaged
house to start academy, ushered in badminton success in india now top 10 in 50
from his academy, from saina to sindhu olympic medals.
○ Case study of dronacharya of indian badminton. Pullela gopichand

● 130 billion population 1 gold medal: Neeraj Chopra gold

● Hockey medals
● Astonishing performance in Paralympics
● Odisha sponsorship of hockey.
● in athletics and became the first Asian nation to win an Olympic medal 1900.
● Dorabji Tata: funded 1920 olympics.
● The Indian field hockey team dominated the Olympics from 1928 to 1936
winning an unprecedented three consecutive titles. 1928 gold medal.

Recent yrs
● Karnam mallishwari 2000
● Rajavardhan rathode 2004.
● Abhinav bindra 2008.
● 2012: sushil kumar.
● 2016: PV sindu

● Sport diplomacy and soft power.
● 2008 Chinese olympics.

● Social factors
○ Sports as a career is not encouraging.
● Infrastructure
○ Lack of good coaches, infrastructure spending.
○ Post-achèvement gifts.
● Political:
○ Low budget allotment. 2,500 cr 2021,
○ Cricket fever
■ Exploitation of cricket nationalism.
● Brain drain
Other side of coin
● Centralised regimes are interested in the medals due to national glory
○ China topped the medal chart in 2008.- $800 billion
○ 3.3% of gross domestic product by 2025 -- up from 2.5% in 2015,
● Their is tallent
○ Flying sikh milkha singh
○ PT Usha
○ Sindhu PV, Abinav Bindra, Rajyavardhan Ratore, susil kumar
● Million Dollar Arm is a 2014 American biographical sports drama film. The film
is based on the true story of baseball pitchers Rinku Singh and Dinesh Patel who
were discovered by sports agent J. B. Bernstein after winning a reality show
○ Rinku singh became first Indian to play professional baseball in pittsburgh

India’s contribution to world wisdom. (1998)
Geography may remain the same; history need not. (2010)

Indian Diaspora
● Spelling Bee competition and 7 Indian winners and sheer south Asian
○ Balu Natarajan 1985 paved the way.

Economic sectors/MNCs
Multinational corporations – saviours or saboteurs. (1994)
Globalization would finish small-scale industries in India. (2006)
BPO boom in India. (2007)
Special economic zone: boon or bane? (2008)
Are our traditional handicrafts doomed to a slow death? (2009)
Is the criticism that the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model for development is more
of a bane than a boon in the Indian context, justified? (2012)
Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India? (2014)

● Quote
● Anecdote- current
● Define
● Conversation- bapu came into my dreams and we had a conversation.
● Ask rhetoric questions and end that with the same conclusion.
● Hypothetical story—>
● Hypothetical conversation.--> bold and imaginary.

● Government major rallying cry.
● We shall overcome.
● Leave something in the mind of examiner.

1. International collaboration, in the past, eliminated biggest threats to humanity like
Slavery, World wars, epidemics and
some deadly diseases. With Climate change and Terrorism looming large, now is the
time for even greater collaboration amongst countries.
2. Populism should be an objective but it should not be a technique to achieve growth.
3. The journey so far has been a Tumultuous journey. India is a very difficult country to
change. Problems remain, but the
10. ISRO is a shining example of how India can break monopolies of western world.
We need to repeat the model. 11. At the end of the dark tunnel lies the glory of the
light. 12. Mother Teresa once remarked that problem with the world is that we draw the
circle of family too small. 13. We need to create pedestrian crossings on the highway of
globalisation — K R Narayanan. That means we need to create
safety nets like MSP, PDS, MGNREGA, etc to take care of our poor. 14. We must, as
proud Indians, have confidence in the idea of India and the values and principles
enshrined in our
Constitution. India has always been able to self-correct whenever such a need has
arisen. 15. Ambedkar once said that we are Indians, firstly and lastly. 16. Once again,
the young need to experience the “blissful dawn” and call for the overthrow of caste
inequality, patriarchy and other remnants of an oppressive order in India. This will
complete the objectives of our
freedom struggle, for political equality is inadequate without social and economic
equality. 17. The future has to be built on the foundations laid in the past and the
present. 18. The most powerful force on the Earth is love. 19. Seva Parmo Dharma.
Service is the ultimate duty in our Indian ethos. 20. Aristotle said that the Patience is
bitter, but its fruit is sweet. 21. Justice Chinnappa reddy once said that our tradition
teaches tolerance, our philosophy preaches tolerance, and our
constitution practices tolerance. Let us not dilute it. 22. India is the land of the Buddha,
Mahavira and Mahatma Gandhi who are the greatest proponents of tolerance. It shows
that value of tolerance, peaceful coexistence etc., are inbuilt in India’s way of thinking
which is needed in today's world. 23. Swami Vivekananda began his famous speech
with sisters and brothers of America. This kind of tolerant attitude is
missing in today’s leaders. 24. Humans were always far better at inventing tools than
using them wisely. 25. In pre-modern times, religions were responsible for solving a
wide range of technical problems in mundane fields. 26. Religion plays a role in
protecting identity. When Japan started to modernise in modernise in 1850s, the
Japanese state fused its state Religion with very modern ideas of nationality and race.
27. Henry Field -- Trans Atlantic cable story. 28. Brothers in Arms. 29. Promise or
Peril. 30. Towards a brighter future. 31. A double edged sword. 32. Two sides of the
coin. 33. The problem of unintended consequences. 34. Silver lining. 35. Window of
opportunity. 36. All that glitters is not gold.
rewards are beginning to appear and should be greeted with cheers. 4. We need to put
in place a ‘development state’ guided by the philosophy of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas.
5. Besides having rapid growth, it is also necessary to ensure that growth is inclusive,
sustained, clean and formalized. 6. We need to create a future Indian state which is
progressive, inclusive, prosperous, sustainable and humane society. 7. Efficient,
transparent and accountable governance has to be the way forward for our governance
systems. 8. A surge of energy, untiring effort and an unshakeable resolve on the part of
the government, private sector and every
individual citizen will achieve India's transformation in the future. 9. While India may
have lacked behind in the past, today it stands in the verge of bold advance.
● Robin hood- stealing from rich and giving to poor.
● Prisoners dilemma and Joker diabolical plan bid to blowup ferries-
● Chris gardner story of dealing with homelessness and rising up- Pursuit of
○ My net worth is not the self worth
● Shawshank redemption:
○ Stoicism
○ Salvation lies within.
○ Hope - 20 years he dug the dut to escape.

● జగమంత కుటుంబం(vasudevika kutumbakam) నాది ఏకాకి జీవీతం నాదీ

● సంసార సాగరం నాదె సన్యాసం శూన్యం నావె.

Hanuman was given shapam to forget his mighty powers only to be reminded by the
ghatothghata and use for the Rama karya. Example of judicious use of power.

Jim Corbet: to call the tiger cruel is indication of man's cruelty. (Naturalism).

At the center of your being you know who you are and what you want- Lao Tzu.

Small minds discuss other people.

Good minds discuss events.
Great minds discuss ideas.- Elenor Rosselavelt.

● Futurist, optimistic,
● Summarize the essay.
● Rhetoric, lofty expressions, constitutional ideals, sanskrit slokas.
● The first sentence of the concluding paragraph uses the principal words from the
quotations from each paragraph of the body of the paper. This summarizes those
three paragraphs.
● The second and third sentences provide observations which can also be
considered a summary, not only of the content of the paper, but also offers
personal opinion which was logically drawn as the result of this study. The last
sentence returns to the Edgar Allan Poe-Stephen King relationship which began
this paper. This sentence also provides a "wrap-up" and gives the paper a sense
of finality.

Handy quotes
A jack of all traits is master of none.

● Blinklist
● Free flow of thought : connect the political aspect with existing dynamic.
● Why?
● How?
● Where?

Home dues
● During the 21st century, Harari believes that humanism may push humans to search for
immortality, happiness, and power.
● "What will happen to society, politics and daily life when non-conscious but highly intelligent
algorithms know us better than we know ourselves?

21 lessons for the 21st century

● Neil deGrasse Tyson once gave a great speech on the value of
knowing how to think vs. just knowing what to think.
● Those who own the data own the future.
● Tech addiction: it is easier than ever to talk to his cousin in
Switzerland but it is harder to talk to his husband over breakfast
because he constantly looks at his smartphone instead of at him.
● Real became virtual virtual becomes reality.: Parasocial relation

Structuring of essay

Rules of writing
● Entice the reader.
● Talk to him.
● Remember: ONE paragraph, ONE idea!
○ Body
■ 5-6 ideas
■ Every idea in 1-2 paragraphs
■ Every paragraph 3-4 lines maximum.
■ Every line as simple and short as possible
■ 2-3 Paragraphs per page.
● State the purpose of the paragraph clearly in the topic sentence.
● Make sure every subsequent sentence refers back to or reinforces the topic
● Avoid short, clipped sentences; use connecting words to build effective links.
● Use topic sentences and concluding sentences to build effective links between
● Remember: Every paragraph should refer back to the main topic of the essay.

Structure of paragraph
● paragraph should discuss only one idea.
● i.e. do not discuss advantages and disadvantages of a theory – split these parts
of the argument into two separate paragraphs.
● The opening sentence of the paragraph should outline the main idea (topic
● Every supporting sentence should directly explain, refer back to, or build on the
main idea.
● Use the final sentence to refer back to the topic sentence and/or lead into the
following paragraph.
The WEED Model
● One of the easiest models for writing paragraphs is the WEED model.
● W is for What. The first sentence of your paragraph should make it clear what
subject you are covering - the topic sentence.
● E is for Evidence. You need to support your views with quality research, and then
reference it.
● E is for Example. You should consider whether you need to provide examples to
illustrate your subject.
● D is for Do. This may be a summing up, or stating the implications of your
evidence, e.g. why the subject supports your argument. This is especially
important if you've been asked to critically analyze. Students often miss this last
part out, but this shows your lecturer that you understand what you've been
reading and gains you extra marks!
Link paragraph with the last sentence of the preceding paragraph.
● Through a question or through a hook, keywords related to the main idea
should flow in the 1st line of the next paragraph.
○ What about this?
○ We wonder!!
○ To begin with
● However, for me, beauty does not reside in music alone. (And my next paragraph
will develop this idea and explain what else exemplifies beauty for me.)
● However, despite the prevalence of these attitudes, change is on the way. (And
in my next paragraph I will outline about these changes.)
● It brings back some striking memories. (And in my next paragraph, I will describe
some of these memories.)
Signal the introduction of a new idea.
● So far this paper/chapter has focussed on X. The following section will discuss …
● Having defined what is meant by X, I will now move on to discuss …
● Be containers for separate points in your argument.
● Summarise what’s been said so far before moving on to the next stage of an

Conjunction and connectors of passages

● Addition: Further, as well as, and then, and, too,
● Comparison: As far as, as if, equally, similarly, likewise, alternatively, unless,
despite, by the same way
● Illustrate: such as, for instance, for one thing, in other words.
● Moreover
● Firstly, secondarily and primarily.
● Moving on to
● So why do voters in a democracy tend to be ignorant of politics?
● Even if voters wanted to make informed decisions,
Attention of reader
● Use words like extremes, describe the phenomenon through strong usage of
adjectives to stimulate readers feelings and senses.

● Sadly, this happened.

● Leaps and bounds.

● Finally
● To sum up, to wind up, culminate,
● To conclude
● To summarize, wrap up,
● Try to connect the concluding paragraph to the introduction to give the reader the
finishing end.

Philosophical essay

● Choosing those quotes that have public policy relevance aso that to get content
○ Interpret the topic in terms of public policy
● Abstract notion→ reduce to simple, concret definition.
● Begin with the ethics syllabus and go ahead.

Introduction passage 50-70 words

Introduction passage should have 1 paragraph
● Opening line to attract attention of reader like
● Anecdote: Look for a contemporary event to connect the philosophical views.
Incident of fictions
● Stats.
● Quotes.
● Question
● Paradox
● Fact/ reports.
2nd line deals with Background or
● Definition
● Context
● Context setting the essay topic.
3rd line will have the Thesis statement
● Your basic argument in the essay.
● Define it clearly.Clear specific with narrowing down the issue to simplest terms.
○ Let us look into ………
● 2 lines
● Pro idea/against idea/ what you are going to say.
● Main idea + reasons
● Core argument.
● In this essay we will explore the ……………..and…..
● Ex: Social media impacts public awareness in both positive and negative ways.
(Working thesis statement)
● Go with working thesis statements initially then brainstorm
● Write the final thesis statement after brainstorming all ideas.
● Examples: Populism The rise in populism on the 2016 political stage was in
reaction to increasing globalization, the decline of manufacturing jobs, and the
Syrian refugee crisis.(it is obvious that you will discuss manufacturing,
globalisation, Syrian refugees in the body part).
● Long thesis statement: Cyber Bullying With more and more teens using
smartphones and social media, cyber bullying is on the rise. Cyber bullying puts
a lot of stress on many teens, and can cause depression, anxiety, and even
suicidal thoughts. Parents should limit the usage of smartphones, monitor their
children's online activity, and report any cyber bullying to school officials in order
to combat this problem.


● 1 main idea in introduction ● UPSC syllabus accordingly.

● 8 sub ideas to support main idea ● Temporal: past present and future
as we need multidimensional ● Sectorol: public, private, job
● 8 sub ideas will have 2 paragraphs places, formal, informal, media,
each supporting the main idea. etc.
● Life: individual, family, community,
village, city, nation and
● Causes and effects.
● Effect on multiple aspects.

Body paragraphs
● Write in Thematic ways- follow deductive approach
○ Argument
○ Counter argument
○ Your opinion.
● Break down key words in the essay.
○ Elaborate on those lines.
○ Contrasting or comparative framework.
○ Broaden the horizon of essay.
1 idea in paragraph.
● Substantiate with argument evidence based.
● Use deductive logic and arguments.
● Evidence, experts opinion, stats, use reports from prelims.
● Strong arguments in first paragraph then followed by relatively week arguments.
● Usage of quotes wherever possible.
○ Use literature from different languages.
○ Epics and tails like ramayana, mahabharata, puranas, quaran, bible,
chinese, etc..
○ Quotes in double commas.
○ Your argument in single quotes.

● https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English-language_idioms
● Food for thought: something to think about.
● Pulling the rabbit out of the hat- do something unexpected.
● Holding the cards to the chest: to keep one's plans secretive.
● Blood is thicker than water.
○ Familial ties are stronger than anything else.
● 11th hour- last minute decision.
● Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.
● saves the day.
● Fox guardian the hen house / hand in glove.
○ FAA and Boeigng collusion on Boeing 737 Max.
● Music to ears.
● Shooting from the hip
○ react without careful consideration of one's words or actions.
○ "he is shooting from the hip in an act of political desperation"
● Walking on a razor thin line.
● break the glass refers to
○ doing something in case of an emergency,
● Under the weather: someone is sick, ill, or doesn’t feel well for some reason.
● It’s not rocket science: something is not complicated or to not make things
more complicated than they need to be.
● Hang in there: to keep going, keep moving forward, and to not give up with
things get difficult.
● Cutting corners: used to describe an activity that someone is performing by
taking shortcuts to get to the end result that could jeopardize the integrity of the
final product in some way.
● Bite the bullet: to accept that something inevitable is about to happen, usually
something negative.
● Better late than never : doing something a day late, a week late, etc. is better
than to never do it at all.
● Go back to the drawing board: to begin all over because something wasn’t
done right the first time.
● Hit the sack: to retire for the evening and go to sleep.
● We’ll cross that bridge when it gets here: to address the problem when it
arises and not worry about it beforehand.
● Speak of the devil: someone you were just talking about showed up
● That’s the last straw: your patience is wearing thin or you are completely out of
patience with something or someone.
● On the ball: you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and you are
doing a good job.
● Make a long story short: you are taking a lengthy story and abbreviating it by
leaving some details out to make it briefer.
● A blessing in disguise: something you thought would be problem actually
turned out to be something beneficial
● Get out of hand: situation or someone is spinning out of control.
● The best of both worlds: an ideal situation or scenario.
● Wrap your head around it: you are taking the time to understand something or
you have already taken the time to understand something.
● Pulling your leg: you are just joking or kidding around with someone.
● Time flies when you’re having fun: you are having such a good time that you
don’t pay attention to the time and before you know it, it’s really late.
● Get your act together: straighten up and do what you are supposed to do
instead of goofing off.
● Let you off the hook: you are not going to blame someone or something for
which they rightfully have the blame.
● A dime a dozen: something or someone is common and not unique.
● Break a leg: is used to wish someone good luck, typically regarding a
● Call it day: to retire for the day, stop working and relax.
● Give you the benefit of the doubt: to trust what someone is saying as the truth.
● No pain, no gain: if you don’t work hard to achieve something, you won’t ever
achieve it.
● Don’t get bent out of shape: don’t get upset over something.
● So far, so good: the progress so far is a success.
● To make matters worse: you are doing something to cause an already existing
problem an even worse problem.
● Your guess is as good as mine: you don’t have a clue and that your best
guess would most likely be mine too.
● Absence makes the heart grow fonder: sometimes being away for a period of
time can cause a person to care for you even more than they already did.
● Add insult to injury: compounding an already bad situation by doing something
to make it even worse in some way.
● Act your age: to grow up because you are acting immaturely.
● Add fuel to the fire: making a bad situation, the “fire,” even worse by providing
this hypothetical “fire” with the fuel is needs to burn even more.
● Ball-park figure: to give someone an approximate number or estimation, usually
to do with money.
● Big fish in a little sea: someone is famous or well-known but are only so in their
small town.
● Bite to eat: getting something to eat. generally more than just one bite.
● Don’t bite the hand that feeds you: don’t mistreat someone who is trying to
help you out.
● Breaking ground: you are doing something new or something that has never
been done before.
● Burst into tears: to begin crying all of a sudden.
● Cash in on it: to gain profit from doing something.
● Catch your eye: something or someone got your attention.
● Come out of the closet: to tell someone that you are gay.
● Come what may: what will be will be no matter what happens.
● The crack of dawn: right at dawn or right as the sun rises.
● Cut class: to not attend a class or classes that day.
● Cut loose: to not pay attention to the way you are acting, have fun, party.
● Dead ringer: someone or something looks exactly like someone or something
● Dirt cheap: something is extremely inexpensive.
● Drown your sorrows: to get drunk in order to forget all of your problems.
● Down in the dumps: you are upset, sad, or depressed because of something
that happened.
● Easy as pie: something was very easy to do.
● Easy come, easy go: something was simple to obtain, but it was also very
simple to lose.
● Everything but the kitchen sink: nearly everything a person owns.
● Elbow room: to have enough space for people so they won’t be bumping into
one another.
● Eat your words: willing to admit that what you said was wrong.
● Eat your heart out: to be jealous or envious of someone or something
● Face the music: to stand up and admit that you did wrong and deal with the
● Fall short: not having enough of something that you need or to need more to
make ends meet.
● Feel like a new person: to feel revived or refreshed.
● Follow your heart: to act based on your feelings for someone or something.
● Full plate: someone is extremely busy and does not have room in their schedule
to do anything else.
● Get carried away: to blow something out of proportion or exaggerate it in some
● Get cold feet: to second guess something that you are doing and become
frightened about actually going through with it.
● Get something off your chest: to admit something that you have not admitted
before that is bothering you and causing you distress.
● Go Dutch: everyone pays for themselves when they are going out as a group.
● Go over with a fine-tooth comb: to look at something very closely to analyze
every little detail.
● Golden opportunity: it is an opportune chance to do something that you may
never get the chance to do again.
● Hand-me-down: something, typically clothing, that is passed down from an older
child to a younger one in order to save money purchasing new things.
● Hands full: you have too much to do and have no room in your schedule to do
anything else.
● Hit the spot: something was gratifying or fulfilling in some way.
● Hit a snag: you have encountered a problem or an issue along the way.
● Ill at ease: you are uneasy about something or uncomfortable.
● In mint condition: something has no flaws and is in perfect condition.
● In the same boat: someone is in a similar predicament.
● Jack of all trades: someone that is able to fix a lot of different things but who
seems to be an expert in none of them.
● Just what the doctor ordered: someone got exactly what they needed.
● Keeping a low profile: to not draw attention to yourself so no one will notice
● Kick back: to relax and take it easy
● Knock on wood: to hope that something will happen and the bad luck will not
affect the outcome or success; essentially saying “I hope” or “God willing”

Chinese idioms

● shunzhizechang nizhizewang (“those that swim with the tide will thrive while
those that go against it perish”)
● One who tries to blow off others lap will get his own beard caught in the fire.

Nietzes : Morality originates in Evil, not good.

● Give a man a fish you will feed him for a day teach him how to fish you will give
him a life. Use in employment and skill development.

Meanings of words
● Invincible
○ too strong or powerful to be defeated.
● Leaps and bounds
○ Rapid or fast progress.
● Witty
○ Intelligent humor or say something that is unusually funny.
● In view of/ in light of / considering the fact.
● In other words.
● more often than not,
● Imagine what it would be like !
● Conversely; however; alternatively; on the contrary; on the other hand; whereas


● Winston Churchill famously said that ‘democracy is the worst

political system in the world, except for all the others’.
● Voltire: judge a man by his question not by his answer.
● “Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the character.
When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home. When there
is harmony in the home, there is order in the nation. When there is order in the
nation, there is peace in the world.” – A.P.J.
● An empty vessel makes more noise
● All glitters are not gold.
● To live is not to breath, but to act- Rousseau.
● bhagavad gita/upanishads→ upadesh not a commandment.
● With great power comes great responsibility: stan lee marvel comics spiderman.
● Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely: lord Acton.
● The power of love should overwhelm the love of power in society.
● “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”― William
Shakespear, Hamlet
● “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about
the universe.” ― Albert Einstein
● “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”
― Mark Twain


The best way to predict the future is to create it- Lincoln

Knowing others is intelligence.

Knowing yourself is wisdom.
Mastering others is strength.
Mastering yourself is absolute power.
- Lao Tzu

● Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharata |

● Abhythanamadharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham ||
● Paritranaya sadhunang vinashay cha dushkritam |
● Dharmasangsthapanarthay sambhabami yuge yuge ||
● Meaning - I am coming, I am coming, when there is a loss of religion, then I am
coming, when the iniquity increases, then I am coming to protect the gentlemen,
to destroy the wicked I am coming in to establish religion and I am born in the
age of era.

Key words
● Governance deficit
● Minimum government to maximum ethical governance.
● SMART: sensitive, attentive, responsive and tech savvy.
● KISS- keep it simple and stupid person would understand it.
● MP police moto: desh bhakti he janseva.
● IPS logo: satyam Seva Suraksha.
● One for all all for one mentality.
● Until everyone is safe no one is safe.
● IEC: information education and campaign.
● Public relations, PR exercise through Social media.


Oprah Winfrey
● Oprah Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a single teenage
mother and later raised in inner-city Milwaukee. She has stated that she was
molested during her childhood and early teens and became pregnant at 14; her
son was born prematurely and died in infancy.Winfrey was then sent to live with
the man she calls her father, Vernon Winfrey, a barber in Nashville, Tennessee,
and landed a job in radio while still in high school. By 19, she was a co-anchor for
the local evening news.
● Now Oprah is one of the most watched and first black billionaires.
● Confession and emotional touch to the show.

Tiger woods comeback story

● 1996 at the age of 20. By the end of April 1997, he won three PGA Tour events
in addition to his first major, the 1997 Masters, which he won by 12 strokes in a
record-breaking performance. He reached number one in the world rankings for
the first time in June 1997,and post his infidelities his rank slipped to 58 and his
comeback in 2011 to top spot is remarkable feat in itself.

David hume on emotions

● Age of Enlightenment Scottish thinker David Hume proposed a revolutionary
argument that sought to explain the main motivators of human action and
conduct. He proposed that actions are motivated by "fears, desires, and
passions". As he wrote in his book Treatise of Human Nature (1773): "Reason
alone can never be a motive to any action of the will… it can never oppose
passion in the direction of the will… The reason is, and ought to be the slave of
the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey
● Inductive reasoning.
● The Future of Work and Death is a 2016 documentary by Sean Blacknell and Wayne
Walsh about the growth of exponential technology.
● https://www.wondrium.com/catalogsearch/result/?search_param=all&catid=&q=testament

Labeling Key



Padman arunachalam muruganantham- social entrepreneur

Harari puts it simply; truth today is defined by the top results of the Google search.
1984: George Orwell

Mohit bhargav left Allen to join unacademy for 20

What is AI?

Why do we need AI?

Will AI be beneficial for us?

What is technological singularity?

what moral obligation we have to our machines. Should we feel bad about pulling the plug
on an artificial intelligence if it’s as human-like as Klara?

There is no I in AI.

Intelligent machines need to have a model of the world and the flexibility of behavior that
comes from that model, but they don’t need to have human-like instincts for survival and

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