How To Excel

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Opening and Closing Excel:

Launch Excel: Double-click on the Excel shortcut/icon or search for "Excel" in the
Start menu.
Open a Workbook: Click on the "File" tab, then select "Open," and choose the
desired workbook.
Close Excel: Click on the "File" tab, then select "Close" or use the shortcut
Navigating and Selecting:

Move to the Next Cell: Press the "Enter" key or use the arrow keys.
Move to a Specific Cell: Click on the desired cell or use the arrow keys to
Select a Range of Cells: Click and drag the mouse over the range of cells or use
Shift + arrow keys.
Data Entry and Editing:

Enter Data into a Cell: Select the cell and start typing.
Edit Cell Contents: Double-click on the cell or press F2.
Cut, Copy, and Paste: Select the cell(s), right-click, choose "Cut" or "Copy," move
to the destination cell, right-click, and choose "Paste." Alternatively, use the
shortcuts: Cut (Ctrl+X), Copy (Ctrl+C), Paste (Ctrl+V).
Undo/Redo: Use the shortcuts: Undo (Ctrl+Z), Redo (Ctrl+Y).
Formatting Cells:

Change Font Style, Size, and Color: Select the cell(s), right-click, and choose
"Format Cells." In the Format Cells dialog box, navigate to the "Font" tab to
modify the font properties.
Apply Number Formatting: Select the cell(s), right-click, choose "Format Cells,"
and navigate to the "Number" tab to choose the desired number format (e.g.,
currency, percentage, date).
Adjust Column Width or Row Height: Select the column(s) or row(s), right-click, and
choose "Column Width" or "Row Height" to adjust the dimensions.
Formulas and Functions:

Enter a Formula: Select the cell, start typing the formula with an equals sign (=),
and use appropriate operators (+, -, *, /) and cell references.
Use Functions: Start typing a function name (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE) followed by an
opening parenthesis, provide necessary arguments or cell references, and close the
AutoSum: Select an empty cell below a column or to the right of a row containing
numbers, click on the "AutoSum" button (Σ) in the toolbar, and press Enter to
Sorting and Filtering:

Sort Data: Select the range of cells, click on the "Sort A to Z" or "Sort Z to A"
button in the toolbar to sort in ascending or descending order.
Filter Data: Select the range of cells, click on the "Filter" button in the
toolbar, and use the filter dropdowns in the column headers to filter data based on
specific criteria.
Charts and Graphs:

Create a Chart: Select the data range, click on the "Insert" tab, choose the
desired chart type (e.g., column, line, pie) from the "Charts" group, and follow
the prompts to customize.
Modify a Chart: Select the chart, use the "Chart Design," "Chart Layout," and
"Chart Format" tabs to modify various chart elements like titles, labels, colors,
and styles.
Printing and Page Setup:
Print Preview: Click on the "File" tab, select "Print

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