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Gv) Muration bn ised on order of the Tel (2) shall be decided within 7 dings ‘sildar under sub-par by the Circle Revenue Officer of the receipt of order eer NADEEM ASURAF . SENIOR MEMBEWUMEMBER (REVENUF) ? BOARD OF REVENUE PUNJAB. a 3 No, 7 0. JOS 20rar ARAL dated the /£74 2014, _ A copy is forwarded to publication in the xtraordinary 2cHte to this uffive, the Superintendent, issued Punjab Guzete woverument Printing Punjab Lahore tor nd stipply of 20 printed copies of the a 3 Ws BOARD OF REVENUE PUNJAB No. /O3F7 amar TERat dated tee /F4% 01a, A copy is forwarded for inticn and necessary uction W- (1) the Project Direetor, Project Management Unit, LRMIS, Board of Revenue Punjab: (2) all Comnnissioner of Divisions in the Punjab: (3) all Distict Coordination Ollicers/Mistriot Collectors in the Puniab: Settlement Olficers Lahore and Gajrats Director Land Records Punjab, the ‘Tehsildar (Research, Inspection and Training). Roard of Revenue. Punjab; and PSO to Senior Member. Board of Revenue Punjab, SECRETARY (REVENLF), BOARD OF REVENUE, PUNJAB. NOTHEICS HON Naw. 22 37 wm 208% 2010 > Nhe the tues oy nosne romuh ty pew 0 ite Nye nl Records Mani csecousd Esition ‘nthovcuig amendments 19 Chapter 7 of ve Funjaly | diated 18! dune 2004 Concer Slip EF 1a ls thy ander ei Jy pars 7.28. entyy (a) ator elas (iia omitted Atter pur 7.28, the rollesass patsy 7.23 sil! he wnsertet der column 3 ar calumny 4 oF ines te ate ats / Khtwtlanis or in other res in ein he Omar A cea 9 ete Uys i id Kanungo to lie Hehisitdar, the Circle Kevenue Officer shall tecore caren sans, pweleraly Larraboerciies record has beet Zawin 7 oor rev Computsmted National blenny Curd respectable Wo where his request is tbe vtton UY rejected y (3) The Tehsildar shalt deonte ihe apphwatiow within fitkeet days (1 Alter passinns oF ender hy the Velisilélar in fiver of the applicant further shill he ty age fas. HOH Yet hoe computerized, the order af Tehisildar passed in lasour af the pplicant shail he communicated tee the eines Revenue Difieer conce: teytetton oF uw. Thy Gitele Revenue Oticer shall decide the mnuration within seven davs of the receipt of order of the Tetiitdan ped fer cutry anda ir Uy we the revenue record of the esuue has buen compunenzedt and the saine 1s operational at the Service Contre ot Teitsil IL be communicated to the slomgsith photocopy uf the applicatinn nl sepOrT en which the esler Was passed, Un receipt i the Service Contre the order, application and eeper shall be saved ta the ayotens sunt eeermputerized avail be entered on the date of receipt of order and the Servies Centre Revenue Olfiver shath ssnctian the mutath his cloewenie signatures. andes Serview Con Hin) No matation fee shall | juengeead in such cases, BOARD OF REVENUE PUNJAI. Lahore dated the @°] Deceonber, 2016, FIC No24s1-2016/ 103 LR The Hoard of Revenue, Puja is pleased to make the followins < Punjab Lan Records Manual (Second fiion) nied 04 December, 2016, snendcats in Chapter 7 of Consston Stipe. OB = LRM paragraph 22eAe falling shal be subtte ler by she Tesla i fo of the atic Puteran deve! by the, Cee Reve an (1) For sub-pargeph (2), “(4) Aer passing of snvtation shall be eter by Once within seven days Th recep of order of the Tbs (2) ler sub-paragraph 4) stings os afore, he fll surah and () sl aed sureeeen 18) The correction of nue may be nade in he revenue reser ‘Aras econ! Cente bythe Asta Cinco Tand Reeds ith powes eo ‘Gpletor First Grado the bass allowing documents )Incese of sine of Polis of the we of eihteen yor ot we above his original Computerized Nationa eniy Cad sy $0) Incas of zen of Pakistan lw he age of itisn gears, the original Computerized dsnity Cal OF is iuarian and Form of the minor tion of the particulars from the NADRA i) ivy An affidavit ih the confirmation oF correct fand fr fahers name, fa case affidavit is found false all ‘nities made in the revenue record will be reversed ad ‘riminal proceeding will be initiated apainst the individual ae (8) Evidence of Lamhurdar, Local Goverment representative ck Kita especially in ease OF easte, subs (6) No mutation fee shall be charged in sucl caves. JAWWAD RAPIQUE MALIK. SENIORMEMBER/MEMBER (REVENUE), HOARD OF REVENUE, PUNJAB. dated the December, 2016. fed 10 the Superintendent, Government Printing Punjab Lahore for jarette and supply of 20 primed copies of the Gazene to this office SECRETARY VENUE, PUNJAB.

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