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The Significance of

Longitude and Latitude

Word Bank
hemispheres southern location

meridians longitude lines

east degrees west equator

Latitude and are a grid of imaginary lines across the

globe. Latitude lines run from to . They

are parallel to the equator and are also known as parallels.

The is the line of latitude that runs around the

middle of the Earth. It divides the Earth into two halves called

. Everything north of the equator is in the

northern hemisphere and everything south of the equator is in the

hemisphere. Longitude lines run from north to south.

They are also called . of latitude

and longitude are used to help describe the of

different places on Earth. The distance between the lines is measured in .

The Significance of
Longitude and Latitude
Word Bank
hemispheres southern location

meridians longitude lines

east degrees west equator

Latitude and longitude are a grid of imaginary lines across the globe.

Latitude lines run from east to west. They are parallel to the equator

and are also known as parallels. The equator is the line of latitude

that runs around the middle of the Earth. It divides the Earth into

two halves called hemispheres. Everything north of the equator is in

the northern hemisphere and everything south of the equator is in the

southern hemisphere. Longitude lines run from north to south. They

are also called meridians. Lines of latitude and longitude are used to

help describe the location of different places on Earth. The distance

between the lines is measured in degrees.

The Significance of
Longitude and Latitude
Use the information in the PowerPoint to answer the questions below.

1. In which direction do latitude lines run?

2. What are longitude lines also known as?

3. The equator divides the Earth into two halves called what?

4. Name two other important lines of latitude.

5. Where does the prime meridian line of longitude run through?

6. When giving a coordinate, which are listed first, degrees of latitude

or degrees of longitude?

7. Name two ways that lines of latitude are significant.

8. What word is used to describe the position of the Earth’s

rotational axis?

9. What is an equinox?

10. Describe the position of Earth when the UK is experiencing winter.

The Significance of
Longitude and Latitude
Use the information in the PowerPoint to answer the questions below.

1. In which direction do latitude lines run? east to west

2. What are longitude lines also known as? meridians

3. The equator divides the Earth into two halves called what?

4. Name two other important lines of latitude.

tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn

5. Where does the prime meridian line of longitude run through?

Greenwich (in London)

6. When giving a coordinate, which are listed first, degrees of

latitude or degrees of longitude? degrees of latitude

7. Name two ways that lines of latitude are significant.

They give a location, they determine a location’s climate, seasons
and day length.

8. What word is used to describe the position of the Earth’s

rotational axis? tilted

9. What is an equinox?
An equinox happens when the Earth is not tilted towards or away from the Sun. This
means that the southern and northern hemispheres of the planet experience the same
amount of daylight and darkness. This is because the Sun is directly over the equator.

10. Describe the position of Earth when the UK is experiencing winter.

The Earth is at its closest point to the Sun during orbit.

The Significance of
Longitude and Latitude

1. Write a definition for the following 3 words:



lines of latitude:

2. Explain the significance of longitude in your own words:

3. When might it be useful to have coordinates?

The Significance of
Longitude and Latitude
1. Write a definition for the following 3 words:

equator: a line of latitude that is an equal distance from the

North and South Poles that divides the Earth into two halves
called hemispheres.

equidistant: an equal distance

lines of latitude: imaginary lines that run from east to west

across the globe. They help describe the location of different
places on Earth.

2. Explain the significance of longitude in your own words:

As well as helping to locate places on Earth, lines of longitude

determine the time in each place on the globe. The prime meridian
is an internationally recognised way of measuring time.

3. When might it be useful to have coordinates?

Coordinates are useful to use to find a location. You can put the coordinates into a
satellite navigation system or onto a maps app on your phone. They are also useful if
you ever become lost.


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