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This is to certify that Akshay Chauhan of
class XI science has prepared the investigory
chemistry project entitled Study on acidity of
fruits and vegetables juices for class XI
practical examination of Central Board of
Secondary Education (CBSE)for the year 2022-
23. The report is the result of his sincere
efforts and endeavors.

It is certified that this project is the individual

work of the candidate under the guidance of
Dhruvi Mehta.
Principal Internal External

Examiner Examiner

I would like to extend my sincere and heartfelt gratitude
to the Trustee, Kiran Vadilal Mirani and Director, Hetal
Mirani of Divine Gurukulam The Traditional School. For
their support in completing this project.
I also wish to express my deep gratitude and sincere
thanks to the principal, Mr. Sanjay Sarkar for providing
me with encouragement and all the facilities for this
project work. I sincerely appreciate this magnanimity by
taking me into their fold for which I shall remain
indebted to them.
I would like to express my special thanks to our mentor
Mrs. Dhruvi Mehta for her time and efforts she provided
throughout the year. Your useful advice and suggestions
were really helpful to me during the project’s completion.
In this aspect, I am, eternally grateful to you.
I would like to acknowledge that this project was
completed entirely by me and not by someone else.

Akshay Chauhan

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