Tenet Theses

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1-6 Foundation of the Thought

7-14 Fundamental Supplements
15-16 A Leader
17-28 Gradualism, Reformism, or Overthrow?
29-34 On the People, and Nation's Example
35-40 Legalism and Secularism
41-42 On the Press
43-46 On the Workers' Unions
46-51 On Work
51-58 On Free Enterprise
59-62 The Reformed Technocratic Socialist Thought
I. Socialism cannot stand without scaffold, and as most socialist
analysis claim, socialism is supported by the vanguard of the
ideology, no other than the workers for which the tenets of socialism
works for.
II. This is why, in order for socialism to work, there should be a change
of the scaffold, for the vanguard and scaffold of socialism are not the
workers alone, but by the presence of two important factors
III. The first of which is a strong framework of economy, being vital.
Socialism first and foremost should be supported by a free and
healthy economy, not by an economy under command
IV. That is why, free enterprise is required in order to make sure
socialism works. Fiscal limitations of economy shall be minimal to
the point that all goods would be free
V. Limitations include those that harm the populace, or is dependent
upon the will of morality, or by the arms of justice
VI. The second is the presence of people, who have expertise on
different fields. With the entrance of this, we have entertained the
technocratic thought
VII. Aside from the perceived evidence of efficiency and reduced
corruption due to meritocratic, in lieu of bureaucratic appointment,
balance of power is now dependent on the sortition of times
VIII. With this in mind, the other tenets supplemental to the maintenance
of such a system should have these as such
IX. The presence of opposition as control and regulator of
Authoritarianism and balance of power respectively
X. The decentralization of decision to further make the government
work efficiently, making sure that all decisions would move forward
without much consultation with central government
XI. Dissolution of a parliament or congress upon escalation to elected
post is a good probability, only when such is done out of necessity
and when such is allowed legally
XII. Ideological freedom, and freedom of speech is necessary for the
technocracy to flourish, and for socialism to progress
XIII. Adherence of this system and ideology is necessary to make sure that
the system and its tenets remain intact
XIV. Some may claim that certain countries have done this, but without
officiation comes deviation. A nation without a clear goal and
advocacy will someday lose its current perks
XV. It is also important that a leader must know how to conduct his or her
own affairs, be it state, private, or fiscal for the framework of role
and example is upon a leader
XVI. As such, a leader should always have an opponent worthy of
opposing the frivolousness of excess power, and as test of skill and
his leadership
XVII. Further, one should think to exhaust all options in order to make sure
the transition to a system as such would be with solid foundation
XVIII. Further, if revolution, the last of the option had been used, the reform
of the revolution, alongside the foundation of its ideals, is necessary
XIX. Thus, the revolution should have a second revolution, which would
reform archaic standards of such a crude form of pure socialism
XX. Thus, the system shall be called a reformed technocratic socialist
system, and the same can be said on the movement.
XXI. The suggestion of Marx to a violent revolution for overthrowing as a
necessity to instate socialism is a blatant attack to pragmatism, and
therefore is reckless
XXII. The suggestion of gradualists and reformists to install the system is
crude and inefficient
XXIII. Therefore, both shall be considered in order to make firm the
decision, and the transition to be efficient
XXIV. Therefore, the power of the people through election on a democratic
society shall be reinforced to follow the people's will
XXV. It should also be finalized that the basis of communism and most of
socialist-aligned ideologies should be gone away with, especially the
dictatorship of the proletariat and the ownership of state
XXVI. For reiteration, such is a necessity in order to sustain the socialist
policies and the system proposed as a whole
XXVII. To make it clear and to remove probable confusion, the system does
not align with gradualism, nor does it believe in revolutionary
XXVIII. Therefore clarifying that the approach should be pragmatic, and only
a firm decision can be attained by virtue of the times, as such, a
revolution of widely accepted, and gradualism if not, or other
approach which can be clarified by such a group of people, or a
XXIX. Another note to clarify is that no one should be master of the masses,
nor should one be an image of progress
XXX. Therefore concluding that the nation should always be intact in the
goal of the progress
XXXI. The stipulation, however that man is the master of his own destiny, is
open for interpretation. However, it is not similar to saying that a
man should lead all of these (not a gender, but rather as a stereotype
that socialism focuses on the leader as the champion of socialism.)
XXXII. Therefore stipulating that the destiny of the nation, is the people
XXXIII. However, if the masses desire to instate a champion of the system, or
ideology, they can do so but only on general consensus without
coercion or manipulation
XXXIV. For freedom is paramount, and so are rights
XXXV. This is also to say, in regards to legalism, the law is the verdict of the
people, and let legalism be the language of the bar alone. If need be
however, that the people wills change, so be it
XXXVI. For the will of the people will only be poisoned by disagreement, and
is a venom to nations dearing stability
XXXVII. Another non-negotiable principle is secularism. A leader may remain
faithful to his or her religion, but to be a part of religion defies justice
on a legal outlook
XXXVIII. Therefore solidly speaking, the nation be strictly secular, and the
separation of state and religion shall be final
XXXIX. Therefore meaning that religion should not mess with state, and vice
XL. However, a citizen regardless of faith, is bound by law. If there is
clear bound on law, therefore the person-in-question, be it that he or
she is a prominent of his or her faith, shall still be under the bounds
of law
XLI. Regarding Press, no doubt it should be free, however the reservation
is that if they spread lies, they can, too, control the people's mindset
XLII. Therefore, there must be a set to make sure the boundaries are to be
respected in the sighting of the press
XLIII. Regarding Unions, it is a complete necessity to fight against abuses
of a corporation. For the outstanding truth is if there is no union,
there is no challenge against any authoritarian might of a
XLIV. On a note, corporations are a necessity as well, however abuses of a
corporation is not a necessity. Therefore, a nation and the system
must care for corporations, albeit with regulation
XLV. Therefore, Unions must be a perceived control against corporation.
For what is an individual fighting for his or her rights, while it is
being blocked by a group of senior officeholders on a certain
corporation to keep intact their profit?
XLVI. Unions are a way to group the workers to fight for a common right,
and it will be a fair negotiation against a big corporation, or even
those medium-sized ones.
XLVII. Regarding Work, it is necessary to make sure that a worker is
competent, but on basis of pragmatism, the socialist framework
cannot alone provide the worker the proper competency
XLVIII. However, it is not to say that entirely capitalist systems are
provisionary of what the workers desire
XLIX. While the socialist system promotes equality, it is not viable at an
economic standpoint. Promotions, subsidies, welfare and competition
are all necessary to make sure there is a healthy economy, and a
healthy market
L. Therefore, as earlier stipulated on the fundamentals of Reformed
Technocratic Socialist thought, Work should always be seen as a
factor of economic development, for in this microeconomic scale can
you only see a better macroeconomic view.
LI. For you cannot see an ant carrying food unless you go near it, and
check for yourself.
LII. Regarding Free Enterprise, there are several things that the
government should intervene in, especially with the systems. One
example is to regulate monopoly. Monopoly will always equate to
lesser living standards, control pricing, low quality, and such. It is
then necessary to regulate this.
LIII. It is also necessary to upkeep the free enterprise in the name of
progress and of the presence of rights. With proper sustenance, it
results into people recognizing the need for more rights, and they
will be able to achieve them through means that is similar to what
this thought provides.
LIV. Such as, as earlier mentioned, all options must be exhausted before
going to the last option, which is revolutionary overthrow.
LV. Free enterprise in the name of progress will usher a realm where
there is the competition for a better pricing and quality. In other
words, a libertarian economic model is necessary to support socialist
LVI. However, the government, if it has the capacity to do so, should
compete in the market to provide for its funding, alongside taxation.
That way, the government will be able to minimally intervene with
the economy, and will, in practice know more of the environment of
the markets.
LVII. This is however surmounted that there might be a possibility of
mismanagement, but in a technocratic society, where the right people
is placed at the right position, this is only minimally possible.
LVIII. It is however now up to the vigilance of those with true sense of
service to save the wealth, and the people in general without
expecting exchange except for their compensations they have
received. For them, true honor and reward should be reciprocated.
LIX. Thus, so far, the Reformed Technocratic Socialist thought supports
the welfare of socialism, the liberation of economy, the expertise of
technocracy, and the problem-solving of pragmatism.
LX. Thus, so far, the Reformed Technocratic Socialist thought finds an
enemy on the economic model of a socialist or Marxist state, the
crude bureaucratic appointment, fanaticism, religion-state
interconnection, and the leadership model of Marxism.
LXI. For why take away the necessity? It is clear that such enemies would
like to kill the nation, and not spread the proper internationalist
thought that is compatible among nations.
LXII. And thus ends here, but the struggle for a better system shall not be
over. There may be discourses at a later date, that which there may
be oppositions to the idea. Thus, unlike the Marxists and other
Marxist-aligned ideologies, discourse and reform shall be open, for
the Reformed Technocratic Socialist thought shall never waver
progress and reform, and forever be its reform.


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