Mapeh Grade 7 3rd Q Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
MUSIC 13. Musical style of the visayan which is a song and dance debate between a man and
a woman.
a. Balitaw b. Ili-Ili tulog anay c. Rosas Pandan d. Salidumay
1. A Yakan chants used in reading his/her Qur’an and other books use in Islam religion.
a. Lugu b. Kalangan c. Lunsey d. all of the above
2. A sacred song highlighted by quotations from the Qur’an.
a. Bayok b. Lugu c. Lunsey d. Dikker
3. A lullaby song by the Tausug.
a. Bugibugi b. Langan Bata-bata c. Tarasul d. Balatuking
4. Traditionally performed during wedding rites , wherein the singers are extemporizing
allusions and double meanings as they vie with each other.
a. Lugu b. Ya-ya c. Bayok d.
5. An ensemble composed of a set of eight gongs of graduated sizes arranged in a row.
a. Kulintang b. Gandingan c. Agung d. Dabakan
6. It is a set of four large hanging gongs which is played as part of the Kulintang ensemble of
a. Gandingan b. Agung c. Bebendil d. Dabakan
7. A single-headed Philippine drum that looks like a goblet used by the Maranaos.
a. Gandingan b. Agung c. Bebendil d. Dabakan
8. A wind-blown instrument made mainly of “tamiang” bamboo.
a. Kudyapi b. Suling c. Kulintang d. Agung
9. Which of the following refers to the statement , “ makes a melodic sound with the voice
a. Kalangan b. chanting c. vape d. Sa-il
10. The following are Mindanaoan Instrumental music; EXCEPT ONE.
a. Kulintang Ensemble b. Bamboo Ensemble c. Solo Instruments d.
11. Which of the following is an extensive vocal repertoire?
a. Ya-ya b. Lugu c. Dikker d. Lunsey
12. Which is not a percussion instrument?
a. Gabbang b. Saronggagandi c. Kulintang d. Suling

1. Are ethnolinguistic group from Mindanao known for their embroidery, brass ornaments and
beadwork that are integrated in their traditional clothing.
a. Bagobos b. B’laan c. Maranao d. T’boli
2. It has become a significant symbol of Maranao art.
a. Sarimanok b. Okir c. Saruk d. Kandit
3. It came from an old Malayan word which means carve or “ukit” in Filipino.
a. Sarimanok b. Okir c. Saruk d. Kandit
4. Features long skirt for the women, frequently woven with metallic threads, and shorter,
wrap-around skirts for the men.
a. weave b. T’nalak c. Ikat d. Muslim
5. A square cloth used by the Yakan women as a head cover or as belt.
a. weave b. T’nalak c. seputangan d. Muslim
6. A process of dyeing the fabric where the yarns are tightly wrapped with strings.
a. Ikat b. embroidery c. t’nalak d. Okir
7. Which of the following serves as protection from spears and knives during combat, and
maybe fastened around the trousers
a. Kandit  b. Hilot  c. pegupaan d. Pis
8. The following are wedding attire for male Yakans; EXCEPT ONE.
a. Pis b. Okir c. Kandit d. Saruk
9. Which of the following is the most common material used by the ethnolinguistic groups in
Mindanao for weaving cloth
a Abaca  b. Seputangan c. Ikat d. all of the above
10. Which is a Sacred cloth exchanged during marriages and used as a cover during births.
a. Abaca b. Ikat c. Malong d. Seputangan
11. Which is not a T’boli Accessory?
a. Hilot b. Suwatlmimotis c. Malong d. Kulintang
12. The following are Mindanaoan architecture; EXCEPT ONE.
a. Panolong b. Torogan c. Grand Mosque d. Sarimanok

1. This dance is diverse and includes religious, ceremonial, courtship, funeral, combative,
exorcism and the like.
a. Social dance b. festival dance c. folk dance d. all of the above
2. What form of folk dance is Subli?
a. courtship dance b. social dance c. religious d. funeral
3. A traditional Philippine folk dance which originated during the Spanish colonial
era. It involves at least two people, beating tapping and sliding bamboo poles on the
ground and against each other in coordination with one or more dancers who step over
and in between the poles.
a. Subli b. Fandango c. Tinikling d. Singkil
4. What basic position of the arms is described? One arm in a half circle in front, the
other arm raised overhead.
a. 4th position b. 1st position c. 2nd position d. 3rd position
5. Repetitive practice of movements and routines may cause dancers to get _________
a. fit b. happy c. active d. dance related injuries
6. Dancing may develop our endurance and make our bones and muscles _____.
a. stress fractures b. strong c. sprains d. injuries
7. What is the correct counting of Kuradang step?
a. 1 and 2 b. 1, 2, and 3 c. 1,2 d. 1 and 2,3
8. In the Tinikling dance, how many counts are used in Music A?
a. 1,2 and 3 b. 1 and 2 c. 1,2,3 d. 1,2,3,4
9. Folk dances may also be divided into Regional, National and _____ dances.
a. International b. Creative c. Local d. festival dance
10. Which dance- related injury can be treated by having the person drink cool water
or other non-alcoholic beverage without caffeine?
a. cramps b. sprains c. heat exhaustion d. bruises
11. Which of the following is not a dance related injury?
a. concussions b. sprain c. cramps d. bruises
12. Which of the following is NOT true about folk dancing?
a. It makes you physically active.
b. Activities such as rice production, gold panning and the like are reflected in
the dance.
c. A skill is needed by a dancer.
d. It makes you physically inactive.
13. Why should you engage in physical activities?
a. It increases your weight.
b. It improves your brain health and strengthen your bones and muscles
c. It can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression
d. All of the above
1. It is a physiological, physical and emotional responses to a significant or
unexpected change in one’s life.
a. eustress b. relaxing c. health d. stress
2. Are disorders that disrupt thinking, feelings, moods and behaviors and impair daily
a. stress b. Mental illness c. irritability d. distress
3. A person may develop a _____ when depression is on a daily basis.
a. Major Depressive Disorder c. slow react
b. Reframe d. Withdrawal
4. Refers to the positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor.
a. distress b. eustress c. anxiety d. Mental illness
5. This stressor may come from pregnancy, injuries, or other physical health
a. physical b. physiological c. mental d. emotional
6. _____ coping strategies in stress often provide instant gratification or relief, but have
long term negative consequences.
a. unmindful b. healthy c. mindful d. unhealthy
7. Which of the following is considered as a stressful situation?
a. Attending a party c. Getting a birthday surprise
b. Watching your favorite movie d. Arguing with a classmate
8. The following are kinds of mental illnesses; EXCEPT ONE.
a. loss of appetite b. Bipolar disorder c. schizophrenia d. all of the above
9. Which of the following is the cause of grieving?
a. stress, eustress and distress c. loss, disaster and misfortune
b. stress, loss and eustress d. eustress, disaster and misfortune
10. The following are common factors that cause anxiety disorder, EXCEPT ONE.
a. Substance use b. Family History c. stressful events d. Health issues
11. Which of the following could help you cope up with stress?
a. peer pressure c. disconnecting with your love ones
b. take control, connect and pray d. all of the above
12. Which of the following is an unhealthful way of coping up with stress?
a. Drinking too much alcohol
b. Praying to God
c. Talking over your problems/stress to your love ones
d. Involve in physical activities
13. The following are unhealthful effects of stress left unchecked; EXCEPT ONE.
a. high blood pressure b. heart disease c. happy family d. diabetes

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