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Volume and Surface areas

Have you ever wondered how are houses are constructed, how the amount of
water we require to drink in a day? Or even the amount of air we inhale? And how
the prosperous marriages take place on the beautiful red carpets? Well, they all
use the concept of surface area and volume.

Volume is the concept used and applied in three dimensional objects. It is defined
as the space occupied within the boundaries of a three-dimensional space. It is
also known as the capacity of the object. Volume is calculated for three-
dimensional objects and hence is represented in cubic units or another format of
writing cubic unit; as this is commonly used (unit)³ such as cubic centimeters, cubic
inch, cubic foot, cubic meter, etc. If the length or radius is measured in
centimeters, then the volume is measured in cubic centimeters (cm 3). If the
measurements are in meters, the volume is measured in cubic meters (m 3).

Surface area
This concept is used in architecture, number of tiles, carpeting etc. The area
occupied by a three-dimensional object by its outer surface is called the surface
area. It is measured in square units. Generally, Area can be of two types:
(i) Total Surface Area
(ii) Curved Surface Area/Lateral Surface Area
These two types have different aspects of application.
Surface area:
Given below is the net figure of a cylinder. The cylinder has two identical circular
faces, with radii ‘r’ each and a curved surface joining the two faces. The curved
surface length is the correspondent height.
Length of curved surface = h
Radius of circular face = r
In order to calculate surface area, we must calculate the areas of each of the faces.
Area of the circular faces = 2 x area of one circular face
= 2 x π x r x r = 2π r 2
Area of the curved surface = circumference of circular base x height
= 2 π r x h = 2 π rh (curved surface area)
Total surface area = curved surface area + area of circular bases
= 2 π r(h+r)

We will take the same dimensions of the cylinder.
Volume = height x area of circular base.
= h x π r x r = π r 2h
Surface area:
Surface area for cone is as follows:
We use something called slant height, as If we ever need to use a cone like object,
we would need to pivot the cone or cut it about its slanted height. Thus its
denoted by the alphabet l.
So if we cut the cone in individual cones, the curved surface area will be as follows:
½ x2π xrxl
Which is π r l.
So the total surface area will be nothing but the curved surface area added along
with the surface area of the circular base.
That is:
π r l + π r 2 = π r(l+r)

The volume will be the height of the cone multiplied with the circular base.
As we know, we always compare cones with respect to cylinders, and with
the help of math we have found out that the height of a cone is always 1/3 rd
of the height of the cylinder.

Thus the volume of a cone will be = 1/3h x π x r 2 = 1/3 π r 2

Surface area:
A sphere does not have any flat surfaces thus there cannot be any net figure of a
A sphere is round in shape, therefore to find its surface area, we relate it to a
curved shape, such as a cylinder. A cylinder is a shape that has a curved surface
along with flat surfaces. Now, if the radius of a cylinder is the same as the radius of
a sphere, it means that the sphere can fit into the cylinder perfectly. This means
that the height of the cylinder is equal to the height of the sphere. So, this height
can also be called as the diameter of the sphere. Therefore, this fact was proved by
a great mathematician, Archimedes, that if the radius of a cylinder and sphere is 'r',
the surface area of a sphere is equal to the lateral surface area of the cylinder.

Hence, the relation between the surface area of a sphere and lateral surface area
of a cylinder is given as:

Surface Area of Sphere = Lateral Surface Area of Cylinder

So the surface area of a sphere will be 2 pie r h

But the catch here is that the height of the cylinder will be the dimater of the
sphere, which is 2r.

Thus the surface area of a sphere will be 4 pie r 2


suggested by Archimedes, if the radius of the cylinder, cone, and the sphere is "r"
and they have the same cross-sectional area, their volumes are in the ratio of
1:2:3. Hence, the relation between the volume of sphere, volume of cone and
volume of cylinder is given as:
Volume of Cylinder = Volume of Cone + Volume of Sphere
Pie r 2 h = 1/3 pie r 2 + Volume of sphere
In this case height of cylinder is equal to the diameter of sphere which is 2r.
Pie r 2 2r = 1/3pie r 2 + volume of sphere
Volume of sphere = 4/3 pie r 3

In order to understand the concept of the relation between the volumes of
cylinder and cone, we can use a very simple yet interesting experiment.
Construct a cylinder and a cone. Make sure that the heights of the cone and the
cylinder remain the same along with the diameter remaining the same. Next, take
some sand and fill the sand in a trough. Take the cone you have constructed and
put the sand inside the cone. Now, pour the sand in the constructed cylinder. Keep
doing this till the cylinder becomes full.
We observed that we have to perform the action three times. This is because the
volume of the cone is 1/3rd the volume of the cylinder and thus the volume of sand
required was three times the process. That is why we had to perform the
experiment three times.
We can thus conclude that the volume of a cone is 1/3rd the volume of a cylinder.
The above explanations on the basic concept and theory of the volumes and
surface area proves that the application is vast. We can conclude that these
derivations are used in our everyday life. Surface area is used in architecture,
painting etc whereas volume is used in problems of tanks, consumption etc. The
application is vast and thus the conclusion is that this concept is very crucial in our
everyday life.

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