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Q: How did you come to know your wife?

A: Had known her since college being a sorority sister. Met her again thru the
recommendation of a mutual friend to look for a place for me to stay near her boarding

Q; What was your occupation at the time you came to know your wife?
A: I was a bus conductor.

Q: And what was then her occupation at the time you came to know each other?
A: She was an administrative assistant at the Philippine Coconut Authority Central Office.

Q: How long was your courtship?

A: There was no courtship, just ended up as boyfriend/girlfriend status.

Q: How was your relationship with each other when you were sweethearts?
A: It was a good relationship at that time.

Q: What special characteristics of your wife did she posses that made you agree to marry
her or attracted you to her?
A: She is smart and had a strong and matured personality.

Q: While you were still sweethearts were there disagreements that you had with each
A: Yes.
Q: What were the causes of your disagreements that you had with each other?
A: When I’m stuck here in Laoag for over 3 days because I don’t have scheduled trip
back to Manila and cell phones were not yet popular during those times.

Q: and how often did you have these disagreements?

A: Not so often.

Q: How did you solve or settle these disagreements?

A: By letting her know ahead of time of scheduled bus maintenance.

Q: Where and when did you get married:

A: First marriage was in Manila on November 23, 1984 (prior to going to the U.S.).
Second marriage was in San Pablo City, Laguna on January 18, 1987 (during my first

Q: What was your occupation when you did get married?

A: Bus conductor (first marriage)/Electronic assembler (second marriage).

Q: How about your wife, what was her occupation?

A: She was an administrative assistant at the Philippine Coconut Authority Central Office.

Q: Where did you establish your conjugal home after you got married?
A: November 1984 to Jun 1985 – rented an apartment in Caloocan.
July 1991 to January 1992 – rented an apartment in Milpitas, California.
February 1992 to November 1993 – stayed at sister’s house in San Jose, California.
December 1993 to November 1996 – stayed at marine base housing at Kailua, Hawaii.
December 1996 to November 1999 – rented an apartment in Oak Harbor, Washington.
January 2000 to present – bought a house in San Diego, California.
Q: How was your relationship after you got married?
A: Was going on smoothly except few minor misunderstandings.

Q: Were there changes in the character/behavior/attitude of your wife after you got
A: Yes.

Q: What were these changes?

A: More controlling, dominating, nagging. She barely cooked and most of the time won’t
eat unless the food is served in the table. If she does eat without being served, she
would eat alone without calling me even if I’m at the backyard.

Q: Did these change affect your relationship with each other?

A: Yes

Q: In what way?
A: Developed resentment towards her and spent more time at the casino.

Q: Did you have disagreements with each other after you got married?
A: Yes.

Q: What were the causes of these disagreements?

A: 1. My gambling addiction
2. Her failure to perform her duties as wife I.e. cooking, cleaning the house, nagging.
3. Financial control
Q: And how often did you had these disagreements?
A: Not so often, but then she finally gave up nagging me.

Q: Were you able to settle/solve the same?

A: In some way.

Q: If yes, how?
A: In the year 2000, I had my active duty paycheck deposited in her own bank account and
continued with my retirement pay (from December 2007 up to this present time).

Q: If no, why?
A: She also insisted her name added to my personal bank account so she had access and
she would transfer most of the balances after my initial withdrawal just leaving
minimum amount. Those money deposits included my disability pay and educational
benefits I get for attending school. She never showed me her bank statement. Her
access to my disability pay stopped when I closed the bank account and opened a new
one in my own name.

Q: Why were you filing this petition?

A: Because of my resentment towards her nagging, controlling, and dominating attitude.
She makes all the decisions on the changes, renovations in the house. Few months after
I left the US for my vacation, she had all my plants, trellises, structures removed from
our backyard and in front of our house without even consulting me. I spent money and
time for those.
We haven’t been sharing the same bed for the last 6 years that I had been
sleeping in the couch.
Q: Why is it that you claim that your wife failed in her duties to perform her marital
obligations to render mutual love, respect and fidelity?
A: She barely prepares food, lately she would just give me money to buy groceries instead
of doing it herself using her being tired from work as an excuse. When she had access to
most of my money, it was very difficult for her to give me money to buy things I
Q: Why is it that you claim that your wife failed in her duties to perform mutual help and

A: Few months after I left the US for my vacation, she had all my plants, trellises, structures
removed from our backyard and in front of our house without even consulting me. I
spent money and time for those.
Before my departure, I asked her about the house she was paying for in Santa Rosa,
Laguna if I can make the renovations and she told me about settling here in Laoag City.
After arrival in the Philippines I found out that her sister had stopped remitting the
payments and might have been foreclosed. She had known this fact since 2004 during
our vacation together bur had never told me about it.
We haven’t been sharing the same bed for the last 6 years that I had been sleeping in
the couch.
I quit claim on our conjugal house for fear that my creditors will go after the house. I
later found out that she told my sister that I no longer have any part of the ownership
and won’t get any money in case we sell the house.
She sent me a consent form to sign for not any having interest on all the money she
received from her retirement from her last job.
Q: Have you in any way contributed to the deterioration with your relationship with your
A: Yes because of my gambling problem.

Q: Has any member of your family or her family or a third person contributed to the
deterioration or failure of your marriage?
A: My family – Both of my sisters in California resented my wife’s treatment towards me.
Her family – My sister-in-law caused the foreclosure of the house in Laguna for not
remitting the money being sent for house payment.
Third party – My wife is jealous of my ex-girlfriend from college who had been getting in
touch with me thru Facebook and met once in Los Angeles, California for closures.
Additional Information:
Name: Efren Asuncion Bumanglag
Email address:
Contact numbers: globe – 09064565860; smart – 09610344416
Address: Bgy#36 Araniw, Laoag City
US Address: 1860 Ridgewood Drive, San Diego, CA 92139

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