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Ryan T.

Hilario May 15, 2023

BEE 1 – A Science, Technology, & Society (Activity 9)

1. We know by now that any technology may be dangerous. However, Joy was much
more worried about GNR technologies compared to other technologies. What were
the reasons for these great concerns?
 The main reasons for Bill Joy's worries about GNR technologies are their immense power, rapid
advancement, and worldwide implications. Even though GNR technology has advantages, it is still
important to address the risks that these technologies may bring about in the future. Without keeping
an eye on these technological developments, a catastrophic issue might arise that would lead to one of
the biggest worries that humanity will ever face: a future without them. Bill Joy expressed his fear
about GNR technology and what it is capable of doing as a result. It may finally result in a day when
people are no longer required.

2. Explain how we will lose our humanity and purpose of life whether we retain control
of decision-making or give this capability to technology.
 If we allow technology to control our decision-making instead of maintaining it in our own hands, there
is concern that we would lose our humanity and understanding of the meaning of life. If we rely too
much on technology to assist us in making decisions, we run the risk of losing our ability to think
critically, practice empathy, and form judgments based on values and emotions. Our authentic human
experiences could be lost as a result, and life might instead become a series of meticulously thought
out actions. Furthermore, if technology ever achieves the capacity for autonomous decision-making, it
may do so without the moral and ethical guiding principles that guide human judgment, which might
lead to choices that are dismissive of people's rights to dignity and well-being.

3. Do you believe in the opinions of Joy? Why or why not?

 Bill Joy's article highlights his deep concern regarding GNR technologies and their potential to cause
catastrophic problems for the purpose of humanity. I agree with this concern because as these
technologies evolve to surpass human intelligence, a fine line is created in terms of capabilities. This
dilemma arises when we question the unique purpose of humans if advanced technologies can
perform the same tasks. It raises fundamental questions about the essence and significance of human
existence in a world where technology surpasses our abilities.

4. Some people accuse of Joy of being a neo-Luddite, something which he denied in his
article. What is a neo-Luddite? Based from Joy’s article, do you think that he is a neo-
Luddite? Why or why not?
 Someone who is skeptical of or hostile to technology's ubiquitous impact on society, especially when it
comes to its potential hazards and effects, is referred to as a neo-Luddite. Bill Joy does not fit the mold
of a typical neo-Luddite, despite the fact that he raises worries in his paper about the risks connected
to specific technology. The potential advantages of GNR technologies are acknowledged by Joy, but she
underlines the necessity for responsible development and careful attention to their hazards. He differs
from a neo-Luddite position in that his worries represent a need for ethical and careful interaction with
technology rather than an absolute rejection of it.

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