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Quarter 2, Week 3

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) in Media and Information Literacy

Name of Learner: _____________________ Grade and Section: __________________

Date: ______________________________


Discussing the Implications of Media and Information to an Individual and the

I. Learning Competency (MELC)

Discuss the implications of media and information to an individual and the society

II. Background Information for Learners

Learners should share their
knowledge on media and information
literacy to the community with the aim to
improve lives. This, however, can only
happen if the learners are media and
information literate. What does it mean
to be one?
A media literate person as
defined by Aufderheide (1992 as cited in
Koltay, 2011) can decode, evaluate,
analyze and produce both print and electronic media.
The fundamental objective of media literacy is critical
autonomy relationship to all media. Emphases in
media literacy training range widely, including informed citizenship, aesthetic
appreciation and expression, social advocacy, self-esteem, and consumer competence.
Being a media and information literate individual can make a lot of difference to
the community. It can: Improve quality of life; generate greater political participation;
make better economic opportunities; improve learning environment and make more
cohesive social units.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Department of Education Philippines. (2013). K to 12 Basic education curriculum
senior high school – core subject curriculum guide. DepEd Phils.
The Commission on Higher Education in collaboration with the Philippine Normal
University. (2016). Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and
Information Literacy. The Commission on Higher Education.

IV. Activity Proper

Exercise 1: Classify the following events/ activities into the benefits of being
information literate by writing A - for improve quality of life; B - for greater political
participation, C - for better economic opportunities, D - improve learning environment
and E - more cohesive social units. Copy the items and write the letter of your answers
on a separate sheet of pad paper.

_____1. Discern appropriately who to vote for in the coming elections through media
_____2. Use social media to advertise and promote business products
_____3. Take a course and get a training certificate through MOOC
_____4. Skipping the long queue at the store and paying bills online
_____5. Booking movies, hotel reservations, and banking transactions
_____6. Communicating with loved ones abroad through videocalls
_____7. Online registration and voting for OFWs
_____8. Fundraising for a food distribution program during a pandemic

Exercise 2: Classify the following manifestations of media literacy whether they are: A –
informed citizenship; B – aesthetic appreciation and expression; C – social advocacy,
and D – consumer competence. Copy the items and write the letter of your answers on
a separate sheet of pad paper.

______1. Creating an ad on social media to support a feeding program for

malnourished children
______2. Disseminating accurate and fact-checked information about the pandemic
______3. Checking and comparing brands at the supermarket to make the most out of
your money
______4. Knowing what to do and what numbers to call in emergency situations
______5. Carefully selecting the color schemes and font styles in producing an
infographic before posting it online
______6. Creating/ joining a page that promotes awareness on how to stop child
______7. Researching and double checking the validity of claims of wellness products
before buying

Exercise 3: Fill out the chart below by following the instructions:

1. Choose a social media network such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
2. Choose any of the following sectors/communities: education, tourism,
business, fisherfolk, farmers, barangay level, student council, or news
3. Use key words only.
4. Limit your answers to 3 for the benefits and 3 for the issues/challenges.
5. Copy and fill out the chart on a separate sheet of pad paper.

Social Media Sector/ Effects/Impact

Network Community
Benefits 1.
Issues/ 1.
Challenges 2.

Exercise 4: Discuss in an essay (minimum of 1500 words), the implications of media

and information to you as an individual and to the society (using your answers on
Exercises 1, 2 and 3). Provide an original title for your work. You may write your essay
on a separate sheet of paper and submit to your teacher and/or submit it to your MIL
class portal.

Being media and information literate can help us in a lot of ways. Among the most
important is using media for personal growth and development, becoming an
informed citizen, and being a competent consumer. On the other hand, it can also
help us improve society in ways that it helps us improve the quality of our lives,
enables us to have greater political participation, provide better economic
opportunities, improve learning environment and make more cohesive social units
through better communication.

V. Reflection
Among the impacts of media and information in the society, which do you think is the
most important? Explain your answer in not more than five sentences. Do it in a
separate sheet of paper.

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