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Food Safety

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

Food Safety
Prepared to satisfy the requirements of

ISO 9001:2008

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Food Safety

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

Food Safety Procedures (FS)

Content Page/ Section Revision Date


Food Safety Policy Statement

FS00 4 02 Feb 13

Flow Diagram of Catering Operation

FS01/a 5 01

Hazard Analysis Critical Control

Points Assessment Procedure
FS01 plus Appendix A 6–9 01

General Hygiene Procedure

FS02 10 – 14 01

Identification and Disposal of

Waste Products
FS03 15 – 16 01

Food Purchasing Specification

FS04 17 – 23 01

Food Poisoning Outbreak

FS05 24 – 27 01

Food Safety Hazards (FSH) HACCP’s

Content Page/ Section Revision Date


Supplier – Storage, Packaging &

Containerisation/ Transportation 28 – 29 01

Goods Received On-site 30 01

Storage – Dry Food – Environmental

Checklist 31 01

Storage – Dry Food – Vermin

Infestation Checklist 32 01

Storage – Fresh Fruit &

Vegetables Checklist 33 01

Storage – Canned Food 34 – 35 01

Storage – Chilled Food Checklist 36 – 37 01

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Food Safety

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013


Food Safety Hazards (FSH) HACCP’s

Content Page/ Section Revision Date

Storage – Frozen Food Checklist 38 01

Storage – Crockery, Cutlery, Utensils

& Glass Checklist 39 01

Food in Transit Checklist 40 01

Food Preparation – Surfaces Checklist 41 - 42 01

Food Preparation & Equipment Checklist 43 – 44 01

Frozen Food – Thawing Process Checklist 45 – 46 01

Food Preparation – Fresh/Dried Fruit &

Vegetable Checklist 47 01

Food Preparation – Cooked & Reheated

Checklist 48 – 49 01

Point of Service Checklist 50 – 52 01

Cleaning Checklist 53 – 55 01

Waste Disposal Checklist 56 01

Pest Infestation Checklist 57 – 58 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 59 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 60 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 61 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 62 – 63 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 64 01

Personal Health & Hygiene 65 01

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FS00 ~ Food Safety Policy Statement

Sodexo Revision 02
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

Sodexo specialise in providing on-site Quality of Life Services to the oil and gas, marine and construction industries. This approach
ensures we create a package of support services customised to meet the individual demands of our clients.

Sodexo through the executive team and all levels of management acknowledges its responsibility for Food Safety.

Sodexo has a documented Food Safety Management System which is accessible to all Sodexo food operations and is based on the
principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in accordance with Regulation (EC) 852 / 2004 on the hygiene of

Our objectives are:

 To comply with the requirements of all relevant food safety legislation.

 To provide safe and wholesome food for our customers, clients and staff.
 To provide food safety and hygiene training to all employees involved in the receipt, storage, preparation,
manufacturing, service or any other step, as identified within our food safety management system.
 To continually improve food safety policy and procedure through a programme of proactive and reactive monitoring to

- auditing of food service operations; and,

- investigating incidences which may have lead, or could have lead to injury or illness.

The success of this policy is dependent on the total co-operation of every person working with food. It is therefore required that each
Sodexo employee involved in food handling has an individual responsibility to:

 Ensure that at all times they strictly adhere to the Companies’ food safety rules and guidelines to ensure the highest
standards of food safety.
 Immediately report any food safety incident, concern or deviation from the food safety management system to Sodexo

To ensure that the requirements of this policy are implemented throughout Sodexo, each Operations Director / Manager is delegated
the duty of implementing the requirements of this policy within their operations.

It is my responsibility as Divisional Director to ensure that this policy is implemented. This policy will be monitored to ensure it is
effective and will be regularly reviewed and revised as necessary.

It is the ultimate main aim of Sodexo to operate our business with all due diligence, care and integrity.

Ian Russell
Divisional Director
January 2013

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FS00a ~ Food Safety Flow Chart

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013














To be read in conjunction with Appendix A to FS01 (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)

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FS01 ~ Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Assessment Procedure

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Scope

1.1 This procedure describes how critical areas, activities and processes have been identified in the selection, storage,
handling and preparation of food to ensure the quality of product is maintained and the appropriate hygiene regulations
adhered to. See Appendix A to FS01.

1.2 These critical areas, activities and processes include:-

a) selection of suppliers
b) storage and maintenance of foodstuffs at suppliers
c) transportation to site
d) receipt and storage
e) preparation
f) serving
g) equipment cleanliness
h) personal hygiene

1.3 The company has identified specific critical areas, activities and processes relating to the catering business and has
developed the following checklists to be used by competent designated persons in monitoring and controlling quality and
hygiene of all food served to the client.

2.0 Related Procedures / Instructions

2.1 Management System Review Procedure MP01

Retention & Control of Quality Records Procedure MP02
Non conformance Procedure MP06
Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure MP07
Customer Complaint/Feedback Procedure MP10
Supplier/Sub-contractor Appraisal Control Procedure PP02
Receipt & Storage of Supplies Offshore Control Procedure PP03
Food Preparation Procedure PC02
Inspection, Testing & Release of Finished Product Procedure PC07
Handling, Packaging, Storage, Preservation & Delivery Procedure PC08
Internal Audit Procedure MP04

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3.0 Definitions

3.1 HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point.

3.2 Hazard - Anything that may cause harm to the customer/client. In food this may be biological, physical or

4.0 Responsibilities

4.1 The Unit Managers are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this procedure are implemented and maintained
throughout all the Company’s offshore and onshore activities.

4.2 The Operations Managers or designated auditors are responsible for carrying out regular audits refer to quality
procedure PC09, to ensure HACCP’s are being effectively carried out.

4.3 The Operations Manager, or designated auditor is responsible for carrying out supplier audits in accordance with this
procedure on an approximately three monthly frequency to ensure standards and specifications are met, such audits will
be recorded on Form QAF 07.

4.4 The Unit Manager is responsible for ensuring that HACCP assessment is carried out in accordance with this procedure
and reporting non conformances to the Operations Manager, refer to quality procedures MP06 & MP07.

5.0 Procedure

5.1 HACCP assessments will be carried out by personnel detailed in “Responsibilities”, with the aid of the appropriate
checklist/s and recorded on the corresponding HACCP Assessment Records, QAF 52, 60, 61 & 62.

5.2 To ensure continual effectiveness and improvement to the assessment programme, the person designated to carry out the
inspection will continually review the checklists and records to ensure adequacy.

5.3 Any suggestions for improvement/changes should be relayed to the Quality Manager via the relevant Operations Manager.

5.4 Any deficiencies/non conformances identified during assessment (or at any other time), will be actioned accordingly,
dependent on severity and criticality, and reported as a non-conformance to the Operations Manager, refer to quality
procedures MP06 and MP07.

5.5 These are to be filed and retained on site for a period of three months. However, if a non-conformance has been raised as
a result of this control check then a copy of QAF 60, 61 & 62 is to be sent to base office with your end of trip paperwork.
During the Internal Audit these records will be checked for completion, accuracy and record findings.

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5.6 Supplier audit/assessment shall as far as practicable be arranged to coincide with the loading of a container consignment.

5.7 The following checklists have been grouped into specific areas and activities as follows:-

a) Suppliers - Storage, Packaging and Transportation

b) Goods Receipt & Storage
f) Food in Transit
g) Food Preparation Surfaces & Equipment
h) Thawing Process of Frozen Food
I) Food Preparation & Control of Food at Point of Service
k) Cleaning & Waste Disposal
j) Pest Infestation
k) Personal Health & Hygiene

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WITHIN MAX 2 HOURS Contamination


75C FOR 15 SECONDS Checks


CP6 Temp CP5 Temp
Checks Checks


CP7 Temp

CP8 Temp 75C FOR MIN 30 Reheat 75C FOR MIN
Checks Time SECONDS Temp 15 SECONDS (82C



CP9 Temp Checks CP10 Control of Leftovers

Page 9 ofMUST

FS02 ~ Food Hygiene Procedure

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Scope

1.1 This Procedure details the hygiene standards that shall be maintained to ensure all aspects of providing a product or
service meets the requirements of the client and current legislation.

1.2 Hygiene of product and service is of paramount importance and is an essential ingredient for preventing harmful effects to
customers and the environment, e.g. prevention of illness via food poisoning.

1.3 It is company policy that high standards of hygiene and quality of product and service are maintained. Therefore
knowledge and obligation of specified requirements is of paramount importance to prevent occurrences caused by human
error from providers of product or service.

2.0 Related Procedures / Documents

2.1 Management System Review Procedure MP01

Document and Data Control Procedure MP02
Recruitment, Induction and Training Procedure MP03
Internal Audit Procedure MP04
Customer Complaint/Feedback Procedure MP10
Customer Care Procedure MP09
Purchasing Procedures PP01-04
Product Identification and Traceability Procedure PP07
Process Control Procedures PC01-09
HACCP Assessment Procedure FS01/OHSM
Non-Conformance Procedure MP06
Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure MP07
Site Visiting Reporting Procedure PC09

3.0 Definitions

3.1 Food Hygiene

The action taken to ensure that food is handled, stored, prepared and served in such a way, and under such conditions, as
to prevent, as far as possible, the contamination of the food.

3.2 Cross-Contamination
The transfer of food poisoning bacteria from contaminated food to raw food or cold cooked food.

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4.0 Responsibilities

4.1 The Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this procedure are implemented.

4.2 The Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of hygiene are provided at each job
site/location and all personnel employed in the preparation of products or service are adequately trained and experienced
regarding their knowledge of hygiene. Also to carry out audits on a regular basis at each base site to ensure that quality
system and HACPP requirements are met, refer to Site Visit Report Procedure PC09 and Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Points Assessment Procedure FS01.

4.3 All personnel employed by the company who are engaged in food preparation or providing a service to the client shall be
aware of their duties via job descriptions, procedures, work instructions and specified training/qualification requirements.

4.4 The Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that all codes, legislation, specifications and standards are made
available to and at locations where deemed necessary. The Operations Managers are also responsible for monitoring any
incidences which may occur and reporting them to the Divisional Director.

5.0 Procedure

5.1 All food handlers shall require to be trained to Elementary Food Hygiene Certificate grade.

5.2 The company provides in house training to all personnel by the use of authorised personnel who have attained the
Diploma in Food Hygiene. These personnel are authorised by The Royal Society of Health (RSH) to provide elementary
food hygiene training courses.

5.3 Training aids are provided in the form of Hygiene Videos and the issue of the booklet prepared by REHIS or RSH entitled
“Essential Food Hygiene”, together with Hygiene Management System training course.

5.4 Records of all training provided and certificates attained shall be maintained by the Unit Manager and the Personnel
Administrator. Procedure MP03 refers.

5.5 Specific training shall be provided in the following activities, for example, but not limited to:-

a) Kitchen hygiene, Dish washing and laundry machines

b) Kitchen cleaning
c) Personal Hygiene
d) Safety
e) Food Poisoning, causes and cross contamination
f) Bacteria control

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g) Pest control

h) Food storage - temperature control and cleaning

i) Food handling, HACCP Requirements

5.6 Work instructions shall be provided for specific activities in the catering and domestic services offered by the company
where the lack of them could affect the hygiene of the service provided. Hygiene schedules shall be completed as specified
for a contract.

5.7 Good catering practice shall be observed to ensure foods are maintained before use in correct temperature controlled
areas, during preparation and cooking cycles. Temperature controls shall be maintained in accordance with HACCP
Assessment Procedure FS01. Prepared foods shall be presented, stored and served in accordance with specified

5.8 All catering equipment used shall be kept clean in good working order. Specified cleaning agents shall be used refer to the
Cleaning Schedule. Any equipment that fails to meet the task shall be withdrawn from service and replaced.

5.9 Food handlers have a direct responsibility to guard against the contamination of food by observing simple rules e.g.:-
a) Keep themselves clean
b) Wear clean issued clothing and equipment
c) Follow the rules of personal and general hygiene

Paragraphs 5.7 to 5.9 are controlled and maintained on a regular basis by HACCP assessments refer to HACCP
Assessment Procedure FS01/SMS Manual.

5.10 Set out below is the Sodexo uniform standard to be adopted by all locations. (Onshore corporate company uniform


Unit Manager Trousers (Blue) 2

 Polo Shirt (Navy Blue & Logo) 2

Chef Manager/Chefs/Bakers Chef Checks – Blue & White 2

 Chef Jacket (Logo) 2
Chef Neck Tie (Blue) 2
Skull Cap (Blue) 2
Chef Apron (White) 2

Accommodation/Laundry Steward Trousers (Blue) 2

 Polo Shirt (Navy Blue & Logo) 2

Steward with Galley Duties Trousers (Blue) – Accommodation 2

 Trousers (Blue) – Galley 2
Polo Shirts (Navy Blue & Logo) Accommodation 2
Polo Shirts (Royal Blue & Logo) Galley 2
Skull Cap (Blue) 2

Page 12 of 59

Galley/Mess Steward Trousers (Blue) 2

 Polo Shirts (Royal Blue & Logo) 2
Skull Cap (Blue) 2

Handyman/Steward Trousers (Blue) 2

 Polo Shirts (Navy Blue & Logo) 2
Coveralls FR (Blue & logo) 1

Radio Operator Trousers (Blue) 2

 Polo Shirts (Navy Blue & Logo) 2

Medic Combat Work Trousers (Blue) 2

 Polo Shirt (Black & Logo MEDIC) 2

Cleaners (Day) Trousers (Blue) 2

 Polo Shirts (Navy Blue & Logo) 2

Cleaners (Evening) Tabard 1

Porters Trousers (Blue) 2

 Polo Shirts (Navy Blue & Logo) 2

Kitchen Porters Trousers (Blue) 2

 Tabard 2
Polo Shirt (Royal Blue & Logo) 2
Plastic Apron 1
Skull Cap (Blue) 2

Food Service Assistants Tabard 2

 Trilby 1
Dress/Tunic 2

Note:  Offshore Issue  On shore Issue  Offshore generic issue of PPE: - FR Coveralls, Thermal Jacket, Safety Shoes,
Safety Glasses and Safety Hat  Uniform issue which will be site/contract specific.

5.11 Stewards with galley duties will shower and change into the appropriate clothing prior to commencing work in this area,
(White polo shirt, black trousers and skull cap).

5.12 Audits shall be carried out against agreed schedules for each job site by the Operations Manager and reported to senior
management and client as specified. The frequency of audits shall be agreed for each contract. Where any retraining of
personnel is identified additional training shall be planned and organised.

5.13 Waste, identification and disposal shall be carried out in accordance with procedure FS03.

5.14 Customer Care shall be carried out in accordance with Procedure MP09.

6.0 Documents / Quality Record Reference

6.1 Non-Conformance Report QAF 14

Approved Suppliers QAF 08
Operational Visit Report QAF 16

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Offshore Installation Hygiene Report QAF 72

Quality Control Audit on Goods Received QAF 52
Quality Control Audit on Suppliers QAF 07
HACCP Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Record QAF 60
HACCP Cooking Time & Core Temperature Record Sheet QAF 61
HACCP Display Counters (Hot & Cold) Temperature Sheet QAF 62

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FS03 ~ Identification and Disposal of Waste Products

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Scope

1.1 This procedure details the requirements that shall be observed to ensure all waste products are suitably identified in
approved containers and the disposal is carried out strictly in accordance with specified requirements.

2.0 Related Procedures / Documents

2.1 Recruitment, Induction and Training Procedure MP03

Control of Contracts Procedure SM05
Product Identification and Traceability PP07
Customer Care Control MP09
Purchasing Procedure PP01
Process Control Procedures PC01-09
General Hygiene Procedure FS02
Cross-contamination Prevention Procedure FS04
HACCP Assessment Procedure FS01/OHSM

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 The Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this procedure are implemented.

3.2 The Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that all identification and disposal requirements for waste products
are implemented in accordance with specified site requirements.

3.3 Job site personnel are responsible for ensuring all waste products are processed in accordance with site
procedures/instructions requirements.

4.0 Procedure

4.1 The identification and disposal of waste products shall be carried out strictly in accordance with specified requirements for
individual job sites.

4.2 The Operations Manager shall prepare details to the Unit Manager for methods and arrangements for the control of waste
products. Disposal of waste products is the responsibility of the Site Operator.

4.3 Job site personnel shall be advised with details of their responsibilities regarding the handling and control methods
designated for a job site.

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4.4 Suitable containers shall be provided for each type of waste product.

4.5 Waste containers shall be clearly identified regarding the contents held or in the case of plastic sacks these shall be
suitable for purpose intended.

4.6 Permanent containers shall be kept clean to discourage the build up of microbiological contamination and odours. Where
close fitting lids are provided these shall be kept closed at all times.

4.7 The disposal period for waste products shall be defined for each job site. Collection shall be agreed for each location and
it is important to observe that waste products are covered, contained and segregated at all stages.

4.8 Cleaning agents shall be provided for each type of container, the type of product shall be identified in the Cleaning
Schedule. These schedules shall indicate:-

a) Type of item to be cleaned

b) The method to clean
c) How often to clean

4.9 Waste products shall be cleared from the workplace regularly throughout the shift, especially in food preparation areas.
Accumulation of waste shall not be permitted.

4.10 Where equipment is needed and used in the disposal of waste, such items shall be subject to being correctly maintained
and cleaned.

4.11 The disposal of products shall be reviewed by the O.I.M. and/or the Unit Manager on a weekly basis and subject to
periodic audit by the Operations Manager. Reports shall be copied to the Quality Manager along with Non-conformance
Reports as appropriate.

5.0 Documents / Quality Record Reference

5.1 Non-Conformance Report QAF 14

Offshore Installation Hygiene Inspection Report QAF 72
Safety Meeting Report QAF 54
Cleaning Schedule Site Specific
Operational Visit Report QAF 16

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FS04 ~ Food Purchasing Specification

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

Quality Control

All products supplied to Sodexo Remote Sites for shipment offshore must comply with the provisions of EC Regulations 852 (2004),
The Food Hygiene (Scotland) Regulations 2006, The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006, The Food Hygiene (Wales)
Regulations 2006. The Food Hygiene (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2006 and any amendments enforced from time to time.

Reputable and well-established suppliers should provide all provisions. Before agreement is entered into, the company ensures that
he supplier is fully aware of the required standards specified and the policies and practices in the transfer of goods to an offshore

No product outside the agreed specifications will be supplied as an alternative without express agreement from the client.

Standards and specifications of canned and dry goods shall relate to brand/size/type and country of origin.

All shelf life items shall be despatched with a minimum shelf life as specified in Appendix A.

Meat and poultry products supplied should be to standards specified and held at a temperature of at least -18 degrees centigrade
immediately prior to shipping.

Fish - the quality of frozen fish provided must be within standards recommended by the White Fish Authority publications on Model
Purchase Specifications.

Fruit/vegetables - quality fresh fruit and vegetables must be provided direct from market, according to local availability and to EEC
Standard requirements of quality and packing.

All shipments of catering goods must be checked for acceptability before shipment to the unit by the supplier.

All materials provided to Sodexo by our suppliers will be audited on a regular basis to indicate that Sodexo quality control procedures
have been carried out. This procedure will be completed onshore by Quality Manager \ Contracts Manager and offshore by Unit
Managers, refer to HACCP Assessment Procedure FS01 and receipt and Storage of Supplies Offshore Procedure PP03.

1.0 Delivery Standards - Temperature Control

1.1 All frozen products are to be delivered in refrigerated vehicles at temperatures no higher than -15c degrees centigrade. (-
12c degrees centigrade acceptable for offshore containers).

1.2 All chilled products are to be delivered in refrigerated vehicles at temperatures not higher than 8c degrees centigrade.

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1.3 All frozen and chilled deliveries will be checked by temperature probe, prior to unloading, and any products not meeting
these requirements will be rejected. (Refrigerated/Freezer Containers with LDC readings can be taken from there)

2.0. Frozen Foods – Meats, Beef Cuts

2.1 Home-killed beef - product of UK top quality steer/heifer meat, slaughtered under veterinary supervision in EC. approved
slaughter house. Packed under M.L.C supervision in poly-lined and/or laminated cartons, typically within 6 days of

2.2 Intervention beef - product of UK top quality steer/heifer meat, slaughtered under veterinary supervision in EC. approved
slaughter-house. Packed under M.L.C. supervision in poly-lined and /or laminated cartons, within 6 days of slaughter.

2.3 Imported beef - first grade steer/heifer meat extra quality, slaughtered under veterinary supervision in EC. approved
slaughter - house. Packed under M.L.C supervision in poly-lined and/or laminated cartons.

3.0 Pork Cuts

3.1 Home killed pork - from top grade pork pigs, slaughtered in EC. approved slaughter - house under veterinary supervision.
Packed in poly-lined and/or laminated cartons.

3.2 Imported pork - first quality pork pigs, slaughtered in EC. approved slaughter house under veterinary supervision. Packed
in poly-lined and/or laminated cartons.

4.0 Lamb Cuts

4.1 All lamb must be under 12 months at time of slaughter.

4.2 Home killed lamb grade 1, slaughtered in E.C. approved slaughter - house under veterinary supervision. Packed in poly-
lined and/or laminated cartons.

4.3 Imported New Zealand or Australian Lamb. First quality grades PX, PH, YX, YH, or equivalent. Carcasses slaughtered
and packed in EC approved export plants, under veterinary supervision. Packed in poly lined and/or laminated cartons.

5.0 Bacon

5.1 Home killed primal cuts. Grade A1 selected from bacon pigs bone in, boneless, vacuum packed sliced, slaughtered in
E.C. approved slaughter house under veterinary supervision. Packed or vacuum packed in poly lined and/or laminated

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5.2 Imported primal cuts. Grade A1 selected from bacon pigs bone in, boneless, vacuum packed and sliced, slaughtered in
E.C. approved slaughter house under veterinary supervision. Packed or vacuum packed in poly-lined and/or laminated

6.0 Poultry - Turkeys

6.1 UK or EC produce, A or B grade branded product slaughtered in E.C. approved premises under veterinary supervision.


6.2 UK or EC produce, A or B grade branded product slaughtered in EC approved premises under veterinary supervision.

Ducks - (Roasting and Casserole)

6.3 UK or EC produce A or B grade branded produce slaughtered in EC approved premises under veterinary supervision for
both roasting and casserole ducks.


6.4 UK or EC produce, A or B grade branded product slaughtered in EC approved premises under veterinary supervision.

7.0 Fish

7.1 Frozen products to be contained in blue polythene liners, or waxed boxes.

7.2 All products to be clearly labelled showing:-

a) Full description of product

b) Date of production
c) Net weight of case
d) Suppliers name
e) Best before date

7.3 Fillets

Whole fish to be machine/hand filleted to give whole fillet of weight range 85-170g, unless specified otherwise by suppliers
buying department.

All fillets to have good visual size and appearance. Portions with major discoloration will be rejected.

I.Q.F. portions to be glazed to a maximum 10%.

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7.4 Breaded

Selected medium sized product will be used, and will be single breaded to a crumb ration of 40 % to 60 % dependant on
species, and fresh frozen in approved premises.

7.5 Shell Fish

Peeled warn water prawns with count size clearly stated. Glaze level to be uniform throughout the batch, and will fall
within the limits 40% ± 2%. IQF frozen and packed in sealed poly bags.

Peeled cold water prawns with count size clearly stated. Glaze level to be uniform throughout the batch, and will fall within
the limits 28% ± 2%. IQF frozen and packed in sealed poly bags.

Whole cooked prawns with count size clearly stated, a maximum black head count of 10% by weight and a roe content to
no more than 5% by weight, IQF frozen and packed in inner poly wrapper within waxed carton.

8.0 Frozen Vegetables

8.1 First quality quick frozen branded product packed in polythene bags inside outer case, frozen in approved premises.

9.0 Chilled Food

9.1 Dairy Produce

All dairy produce supplied is to be of top quality and must be produced in EC approved premises. Full date coding details
are to be clearly marked and only maximum shelf life products is to be supplied.

9.2 Eggs

All eggs to be at top grade and to be of perfect condition with regard to shape, coloration, freedom from dirt and cracks and
batch testing of albumen height will have taken place to ensure freshness. Size supplied will be no less than (55gm). Date
coding will be strictly adhered to and all deliveries will be made within 10 days maximum from packing date. The transport
and storage environment shall safeguard this quality.

9.3 Canned Meats

All canned meats are to be the produce of EC approved premised and stored form receipt to despatch in chilled conditions.

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10.0 Dry Store Products

Canned Goods

All canned goods supplied must be of choice or standard grade, net weight and country of origin clearly defined on label.

11.0 Dried Goods

Fruits and Cereals

To be A grade produce and fully comply with Government health regulations with regard to fumigation and cleaning, goods
will be clearly marked with date code and country of origin where applicable.

12.0 Flours and Mixes

Top quality branded products produced in approved premises.

13.0 Fresh Vegetables

13.1 Classification - EC quality class bands 1 and 2.

1.32 Leaves must be bright in colour, crisp and not wilted. No sign of wetness or discoloration shall be seen. Lettuce, cabbage
and sprouts shall have tightly growing leaves and be firm and compact. Cauliflower’s shall have closely grown flowers, be
firm and have white appearance. Beans shall be crisp and of medium size, the pods shall not be mature since this
indicates a stringy texture. Cucumbers shall be dark green, firm and crisp and have a dewy look when cut. Fresh green
vegetables shall be clean and shall snap easily and crisply, all green vegetables shall be free from foreign smells and
tastes. The transport and storage environment shall safeguard this quality, as far as possible with regard to the present
forms of transportation in use.

14.0 Fresh Fruit

14.1 Classification - EC quality class bands 1 and 2.

14.2 Coloration to be 90% of same colour, free of blemish and dirt and in apples, only a minimum tolerance of russeting
allowed. In all items all fruits are to be of same level of maturity throughout the case. Pears and bananas are required to
be supplied backward state to allow ripening in store. Citrus fruits are to have only minimum tolerance of green coloration.
Soft fruits supplied to be 90% of same colour and free of blemish and dirt. All fresh fruits shall be free from foreign smells
and tastes. The transport and storage environment shall safeguard this quality, as far as possible with regard to the
present forms of transportation in use.

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15.0 Canned and Bottled Products

15.1 Can/bottle size and weight is specified, and only recognised brand name products will be supplied.

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Camembert Wedge 250gms 8 days

Natural Yoghurt 2.25kgs 7 days

Skimmed Milk Pergals 3 galls 5 days

Fresh Milk Pergals 3 galls 5 days

Semi Skimmed Pergals 3 galls 5 days

Fresh Yeast 1 kgs 7-10 days

Edam VW Kgs 28 days

Danish Blue Kgs 28 days

Cottage Cheese 170gms 18 days

Caerphilly 1lbs 25 days

Wensleydale Wedges 201gms 25 days

Assorted Yoghurts x12 25 days

Natural Yoghurts 25 days

Butter Portions VW 101x7gms 25 days

Brie Wedges 125gms 18 days

Caboc 101gms 14 days

Sunflower Marg Portions 120x10g 14 days

Fresh Eggs 30doz 14 days

Pate 2kgs 11 days

Port Salut Wedges 150gms 11 days

White Stilton Wedges 150gms 11 days

Boursin with Garlic 125gms 11 days

Boursin with Pepper 125gms 11 days

Blue Stilton Wedges 150gms 11 days

FS05 ~ Food Poisoning Outbreak

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual Page 23 of 59 February 2013

1.0 Scope

1.1 This procedure describes how critical areas, activities and processes have been identified in instances where there is an
outbreak of food poisoning.

1.2 A potential food poisoning outbreak exists when 3 or more persons (other than food handlers), suffer abdominal symptoms
with diarrhoea and/or vomiting in any 24 hour period. In case of food handlers 1 (but less than 3) persons with symptoms
indicates a potential outbreak.

1.3 A confirmed outbreak exists when 6 non food handlers or 3 food handlers suffer symptoms in any 72 hour period, or when
there are 2 or more cases connected by time or place, or when there is bacterial evidence.

2.0 Related Procedures / Documents

2.1 Purchasing Procedures PP01 – 04

Product Identification and Traceability Procedure PP07
Process Control Procedures PC01 – 09
HACCP Assessment Procedure FS01
Non-Conformance Procedure MP06
Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure MP07
Site Visiting Reporting Procedure PC09
Occupational Health and Safety Manual

3.0 Responsibilities

3.1 The Operations Directors and Operations Managers are responsible for ensuring that the requirements of this procedure
are implemented and followed through.

3.2 The Operations Directors and Operations Managers are responsible for monitoring any incidences which may occur and
reporting them to the Divisional Director.

4.0 Procedure

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4.1 Potential Outbreak

Notification: Medic to inform OIM/Topside Doctor/Company Doctor/Catering Unit Manager. Catering Job Site Supervisor to inform
Operations Manager. Operations Manager to contact the medic and obtain full details of the situation and arrange to visit the unit at
the earliest opportunity.

Isolation Non Food Handler: Medic to admit to sick bay or designated cabin, give strict instructions on personal hygiene. Use
disposable cutlery or wash separately in dishwasher with water over 80c.

Food Handlers: Medic to remove from duty. Isolate as above pending evacuation and subsequent clearance of stool specimens.
(Must be asymptomatic and have 3 clear specimens before allowed to handle food again). If possible obtain a stool specimen prior to

Investigation: Medic in conjunction with Operations Manager/Catering Unit Manager shall arrange to:

 Collect stool/vomits specimens.

 Identify all food consumed by patient
 Follow any further instructions from Doctor.
 Collect samples of food.

4.2 Confirmed Outbreak

Notification As above

Isolation As above

Investigation Medic in conjunction with Operations Manager/Unit Manager and members of the nominated investigation
team shall arrange to:
 Collect stool/vomitus specimens.
 Record origin (onshore) and identify of food consumed by patient in previous 48

Obtain food samples of:

Remnants of leftover food. Foodstuffs (defrosted and frozen) from the same deliver batch as the
suspected foodstuffs consumed within the previous 48 hours. Gravy, sauces, mayonnaise, creams and
Collect stool samples from all food handlers.
Examine food handlers for superficial infections.

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Check food handlers recent history, holidays abroad, gastroenteritis, respiratory infections,
contact with infectious diseases, (family, children etc).
Check defrosting procedures
Check temperature control records of fridges/freezers
Check use-by and/or best before dates of foods used.
Obtain menus for period from catering Job Site Manager.

Make safe food and water supplies:

Food: Inspect the galley and dispose of: All leftover or re cycled food, (pasta or rice salads) or reheated sauces, gravy, stew,
stock pots. Suspect thawed food, e.g. Same delivery batch of poultry, offal and dairy produce.

Water: Collect samples of water for bacteriology from galley and soft drinks machine. If taking bunkered water supply make safe
by chlorinating and de tasting.

Food consumed: A full list of all foods consumed over the past 48 hours should be complied for each patient.

Nominal roll: A full list of all persons presenting with symptoms must be compiled, allocating a unique case number to each patient
and stating job and employer. All further personal details including home address and GP information should be also
documented on the personal medical card for each individual.

Schedule of specimens:

a) Patient Specimens:
The name and unique case number should be entered on the form as each specimen is collected. Individual
specimen containers must also have the patient name and code number printed on the container label.

b) Food and Water Specimens:

These should also be allocated a unique number and details entered on the form as and when collated.

Specimen storage and despatch

a) Specimens should be placed in a self sealing polythene bag and stored under refrigeration until despatch.

b) Specimens should be hand carried whenever possible. They must be manifested as hand carried in order to
ensure immediate customs clearance.

c) Arrangements must be made for immediate collection from the heliport for onward transfer to the laboratory.

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d) Whilst awaiting the return of results, samples of food from every meal prepared after an outbreak must be
collected and stored, pending further investigation or repeat outbreak. These should be stored refrigerated and
kept for 48 hours.

5.0 Inspection

5.1 Correct food handling techniques, procedures and adequate safe storage of food is the only way of preventing outbreaks
of food poisoning. Regular checks and inspection of facilities and procedures are therefore essential and the medic must
be familiar with all inspection procedures implemented by the Company.

6.0 See also OHS Manual for reference.

7.0 Follow Up Action

7.1 The Health & Safety//Operations Manager/Catering Unit Managers are responsible for taking up follow up action, as
deemed necessary by the results of the investigation into the incident, by members of the nominated investigation team.

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FSH01a ~ Supplier – Storage, Packaging & Containerisation / Transportation (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food commodities through inadequate containerisation.

2.0 Risk: Medium.

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 All activities shall be carried out by designated competent personnel.

3.2 Check the supplier is on the company approved supplier list.

3.3 Food purchasing specification FS04 shall be submitted to the supplier.

3.4 Following consultation with the supplier the specifications shall be approved and implemented.

3.5 All packaging of food commodities shall be clean, secure, clearly marked and show no signs of damage or tampering.

3.6 All food commodities that are subject to “best before” or “use by” dates shall be clearly date marked.

3.7 All storage areas in the supplier premises shall be kept clean, tidy and stock rotation shall be in accordance with the “first
in - first out” system.

3.8 Supplier premises and operating procedures shall be audited on a regular basis by the Quality Managers the results of
which shall be recorded using the approved method.

3.9 The audit shall include a check to ensure that the commodities are being supplied in accordance with the approved

3.10 The supplier freezer shall be capable of maintaining temperatures no higher than – 18C.

3.11 The supplier refrigerators shall be capable of maintaining temperatures between 1C to 5C.

3.12 All cleaning chemicals shall not be stored in food storage areas.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Formal Assessment carried out approximately once per quarter on each supplier of food when under Contract.

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4.2 To coincide where practicable with the loading and containerising of a consignment.

5.0 Documentation

5.1 Quality control audit on supplier Form No QAF 52

Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01b ~ Goods Received On-Site (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination and spoilage of food through inadequate checking of goods received.

2.0 Risk: Medium.

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 Designated competent personnel shall carry out all activities.

3.2 The Unit Manager shall carry out a visual and manual inspection of the frozen goods to ensure that they are frozen on
arrival on the unit.

3.3 All food and cleaning commodities shall be visually and manually inspected for signs of damage, spillage or spoilage.

3.4 Non conforming products shall be placed in the designated quarantine area immediately for disposal.

3.5 The Unit Manager shall carry out an inspection on all goods received and shall record the results on the approved

3.6 The Unit Manager shall immediately report to the Operations Manager non conformances in packaging and
containerisation who shall take follow up action with the supplier.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 To be carried out on the receipt of all consignments of food.

5.0 Documentation

5.1 Quality Control Audit on Goods Received Form No QAF 52

Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01c ~ Storage – Dry Food – Environmental Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of dry food through inadequate environmental conditions.

2.0 Risk: Medium.

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 Activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 Dry goods which on visual inspection show signs of spoilage shall be immediately quarantined for disposal.

3.3 Dry goods to be stored away from walls/pipes affected by condensation.

3.4 Dry goods stored on ground floor level shall be placed on pallets/duck boards.

3.5 Dry goods containers, e.g. flour bins shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried before restocking.

3.6 Dry goods shall be stored to ensure that oldest is used first.

3.7 All dry goods which have exceeded their “best before” or “use by” date shall be immediately placed in the designated
quarantine area for disposal.

3.8 Open dry goods products shall be stored in pest proof containers.

3.9 Cleaning chemicals shall not be stored in food storage areas.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and report each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01d ~ Storage – Dry Food – Vermin Infestation Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of dry food through vermin infestation.

2.0 Risk: High.

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 All rubbish and food debris shall be removed from stores area immediately.

3.3 Visual inspection of external packs and containers for evidence of infestation.

3.4 Keep area clean as per cleaning schedule.

3.5 Inform the client and operations manager of infestation for follow up action.

3.6 Isolate and inspect food products removed from contaminated storage area.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01e ~ Storage – Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Spoilage of fresh fruit and vegetables.

2.0 Risk: Low.

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 Fresh fruit and vegetables shall be stored separately away from other food products.

3.3 Fresh fruit and vegetables shall be stored away from walls/pipes affected by condensation.

3.4 Fresh fruit and vegetables to be stored at ground floor level shall be placed on pallets/duck boards.

3.5 Fresh fruit and vegetables to be examined daily for mould growth, rotting and infestation.

3.6 Suspect items of fresh fruit and vegetables shall be placed in the designated quarantined area immediately for disposal.

3.7 Fresh fruit and vegetables shall be stored to ensure oldest is used first.

3.8 Cleaning chemicals shall not be stored in food storage areas.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01f ~ Storage – Canned Goods (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of canned food and bottled food.

2.0 Risk: High.

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 Canned goods and bottled food which on visual inspection show signs of spoilage shall be placed immediately in the
designated quarantine area for disposal.

3.3 Canned and bottled food shall be stored away from walls/pipes affected by condensation.

3.4 Canned and bottled food stored at ground level shall be placed on pallets/ducks boards.

3.5 Canned and bottled food shall be stored under dry, cool and well-ventilated conditions.

3.6 All canned and bottled food shall be cleaned with a clean cloth prior to opening.

3.7 Blown, badly dented, seam damaged holed or rusty cans to be placed immediately in the designated quarantine area for

3.8 All canned and bottled food which has exceeded their “best before” date shall be placed immediately in the designated
quarantine area for disposal.

3.9 Bottled food with broken seals shall be placed immediately in the designated quarantine area for disposal.

3.10 Cleaning chemicals shall not be stored in any food storage area.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01g ~ Storage – Chilled Food Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of perishable foods (eg chilled foods, meat, poultry, eggs, fish, milk and other dairy foods)

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 Designated competent personnel shall only carry out all activities.

3.2 Cleaning chemicals shall not be stored in food storage areas.

3.3 Hot food shall not be placed in a refrigerator.

3.4 All food placed in a refrigerator shall be covered/wrapped and clearly labelled with date and description, ensuring that all
date markings remain visible.

3.5 All foods stored in the refrigerator shall be stored between 1C and 5C.

3.6 Perishable food placed in a refrigerator shall be stored to ensure oldest item is used first.

3.7 Refrigerator shall be defrosted and cleaned as detailed within the cleaning schedule.

3.8 Ensure that refrigerator doors are opened for the minimum possible time.

3.9 Ensure that raw and cooked foods are stored separately with raw foods stored on the bottom shelves.

3.10 Ensure that suitable wrappings are used in food covering i.e. not greaseproof paper.

3.11 No open cans of food of any description shall be stored in refrigerator.

3.12 Check daily all refrigerator door seals to ensure that they are damage and corrosion free.

3.13 Each refrigerator shall be labelled with it’s intended use with interior shelves clearly labelled i.e. raw, cooked, dairy
products etc

3.14 Cooked food removed from refrigeration shall be used within 1½ hours.

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4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01h ~ Storage – Frozen Food Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Spoilage of frozen foods

2.0 Risk: Low

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 All frozen foods shall be inspected prior to use.

3.3 Frozen foods shall be loaded into the freezer immediately upon receipt.

3.4 All frozen foods shall be stored at between minus -18C and -22C.

3.5 Freezer temperatures shall be checked daily by Unit Manager utilising company supplied thermometers and LSC displays
on units.

3.6 New stock shall be marked with a week number prior to being stored in the freezer.

3.7 New stock shall be stored to ensure that oldest stock is used first.

3.8 All frozen food shall be securely wrapped prior to being stored in freezer to prevent freezer burn.

3.9 Frozen food stored at ground level shall be placed on duck boards.

3.10 Freezer door seals shall be checked regularly.

3.11 Freezer shall be defrosted and cleaned as detailed within the cleaning schedule.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01i ~ Storage – Crockery, Cutlery, Utensils & Glasses Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of crockery, cutlery, utensils and glasses.

2.0 Risk: Medium

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 Designated competent personnel shall only carry out all activities.

3.2 All crockery, cutlery, utensils and glasses to be visually inspected prior to use for evidence of soiling.

3.3 Glasses used for drinking shall not be stored in cardboard boxes that can harbour pests/bacteria.

3.4 All crockery, cutlery, utensils and glasses shall be washed and dried thoroughly prior to storage or use, refer to cleaning

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01j ~ Food in Transit Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of stored food items in transit from bacteria (particularly high risk foods)

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 All unpacked food commodities shall be suitably covered whilst in transit.

3.3 All personnel involved in the carrying of food shall have clean hands and shall wear adequate protective clothing.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01k ~ Food preparation – Surfaces Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Cross contamination of food being prepared on inadequate food preparation surfaces.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 Stainless steel shall be used for all food preparation surfaces.

3.3 Food preparation surfaces shall be joint less and well maintained.

3.4 Food preparation surfaces shall be checked prior to use for damage and cleanliness.

3.5 Food preparation facilities shall be installed/designed to allow ease of cleaning.

3.6 Colour coded poly-propylene chopping boards (unless stated within contract) shall be used for all food cutting purposes,
and shall be stored separately after being thoroughly cleaned following use.

3.7 Chopping boards shall be checked daily excessive wear prior to use. Chopping boards found to have excessive wear shall
not be used and shall be placed immediately in a designated quarantine area for disposal.

3.8 Food preparation surfaces shall be used for one purpose only, each surface shall be labelled for its intended use.

3.9 In small kitchens where preparation space is limited, strict attention shall be given to the cleaning of work surfaces prior,
between and after use.

3.10 Food preparation surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly after use, in line with the cleaning schedule.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01l ~ Food Preparation & Equipment Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food from being prepared with the use of inadequate equipment.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 Food handling equipment used in the preparation of food shall be made from materials, which are non toxic, non
absorbent, durable, and rust resisting.

3.3 Damaged and worn equipment, which cannot be readily cleaned, shall be replaced.

3.4 Only equipment in current use shall be stored in kitchen areas.

3.5 Unit Managers shall inspect the condition and cleanliness of equipment and utensils prior to use.

3.6 Damaged items of equipment and utensils shall be placed in the designated quarantine area for disposal and reported for
replacement or repair.

3.7 Food preparation utensils and equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned immediately prior and after use, refer to the cleaning

3.8 Food handling equipment, utensils and storage racks/facilities shall be located so as to enable areas below and around to
be easily cleaned. Surplus or infrequently used food handling equipment shall be stored in a separate clean storage area.
This area shall be checked periodically for cleanliness/pest infestation. Food handling equipment taken from the store
shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to use.

3.9 Food handling equipment used for raw meat or vegetable preparation shall not be used for cooked or other high risk food
preparation unless the equipment has been thoroughly cleaned and sterilised between uses.

3.10 Separate labelled or colour coded knives, cutting boards etc shall be provided for cooked meat, raw meat, fish and
vegetable preparation purposes.

3.11 Sinks used for the purpose of food preparation shall be constructed of stainless steel and capable of being cleaned easily.

3.12 Sinks shall be provided with adequate hot and cold water supplies.

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3.13 The area under the sinks shall be easily accessible for cleaning purposes and shall be kept thoroughly clean at all times.

3.14 Sinks used for food preparation purposes shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to and after use, refer to the cleaning schedule.

3.15 Sinks used for food preparation purposes shall not be used for personal hygiene.

3.16 Refrigerators shall be used for storing cooked, chilled or raw foods.

3.17 All food placed in refrigerators shall be stored in separate labelled areas. Raw meat and vegetables shall be stored below
cooked or chilled food products.

3.18 All food products stored in refrigerators shall be securely covered or wrapped.

3.19 Colour coded wiping cloths shall be used in raw and cooked food preparation areas.

3.20 Food handlers shall wash their hands thoroughly prior to and after handling raw food products, vegetables and cooked

3.21 Preparation of raw or cooked foods shall not take place at the same time or in the same area.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF14

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FSH01m ~ Frozen Food – Thawing Process Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of frozen food products being exposed to an inadequate thawing process.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 All frozen raw meat, fish and poultry shall be thawed thoroughly prior to cooking.

3.3 The thawing process of all frozen food products shall be carried out in a specially designed rapid thaw cabinet, a raw food
product only refrigerator or a raw food product only designated area in the kitchen utilising trays provided for this purpose.
The thawing of frozen food products shall only be carried out in the designated kitchen area in the absence of rapid thaw
cabinets or refrigerators.

3.4 Ensure that liquid from thawing meat, fish and especially poultry is protected from spillage on work surfaces or other food

3.5 During the thawing process food products shall be kept separate from other goods, work surfaces or equipment.

The procedure for thawing frozen meat, fish and poultry is as follows:-

3.6 Remove from freezer in plenty of time to ensure complete thawing.

3.7 During the thawing process frozen food shall not be thawed next to chilled/cooked food products.

3.8 Frozen food products that have been thawed at room temperature shall be placed into refrigeration immediately the
thawing process is complete and shall be cooked within 12 hours.

3.9 Outer wrapping from frozen food products shall be removed prior to the thawing process to allow thawed liquid to drain

3.10 All thawed food shall be kept refrigerated within recommended temperatures and cooked within 24 hours with the
exception of frozen food products which have been thawed at room temperature which shall be cooked within 12 hours.

3.11 Frozen vegetables shall be cooked straight from the packaging.

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3.12 Frozen poultry shall be thawed under controlled conditions until the legs are flexible and the ice crystals in the body cavity
have melted. A probe thermometer shall be used to check that the centre of the bird is thawed to a temperature of 0 - 4 C.
Giblets shall be removed immediately the thawing process is complete. The chest cavity in the bird shall be washed
thoroughly with fresh running water prior to being placed in refrigerator.

3.13 Frozen meat products shall be thawed under controlled conditions and tested with a probe thermometer to ensure that the
thawing process is complete. A core temperature of 0 - 4C shall be recorded.

3.14 Thawed frozen food products shall not be re-frozen.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out prior to the cooking process of all thawed products and temperatures recorded.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01n ~ Food Preparation – Fresh / Dried & Vegetables Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Cross contamination from fresh fruit, vegetables, salad items and dried fruit.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 All activities shall only be carried out be designated competent personnel.

3.2 All fresh fruit, vegetables, salads and dried fruit shall be washed in cold running water in a food preparation sink that shall
not be used for other purposes.

3.3 Salad leaves etc shall always be inspected carefully to ensure that they are free from pests e.g. caterpillars, slugs etc.

3.4 After washing fresh fruit, vegetables, salads and dried fruit shall be placed on a clean work surface.

3.5 Knives and other equipment used in the preparation of fresh fruit, vegetables, salads and dried fruit shall be thoroughly
cleaned prior to and after use, refer to cleaning schedule.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out prior to the cooking or service process.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01o ~ Food Preparation – Cooked & Reheated Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: The multiplication of food poisoning bacteria to unsafe levels due to inadequate cooking processes.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 Designated competent personnel shall only carry out all activities.

3.2 Cooking shall be planned well in advance utilising recognised processes.

3.3 Stuffing mixes shall be cooked separately and not in poultry.

3.4 All meat shall be cooked thoroughly to ensure a minimum core temperature of 75C for 30 seconds.

3.5 Cooked food required for immediate service shall be stored at a holding temperature of above 63C.

3.6 Cooked food required for later service shall be held at a maximum temperature of 5C or below.

3.7 Cooked food shall not be left for cooling in a warm area.

3.8 Cooked food shall be heated as quickly as practicable to a minimum core temperature of 82C.

3.9 Cooked food shall be covered and cooled as quickly as practicable (max cooling time 90 min).

3.10 Only clean utensils shall be used for tasting food, NEVER FINGERS.

3.11 Cooked foods prepared for cold service shall be cooled under refrigeration to a core temperature of 5C.

3.12 Cooked meat and poultry not required for immediate service shall be cooled to a core maximum temperature of 5 C within
1.5 hours of removal from the cooking process.

3.13 Cooked chilled meat, fish or poultry shall be used within 48 hours of the cooking process.

3.14 Joints of cooked meat intended for cooling shall not be more 6 lbs or 2.5 kg in size.

3.15 Cooked meats shall not be left for cooling in a raw food area.

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3.16 Cooked food shall NEVER be reheated more than once.

3.17 Cooking of liquids, gravies, soups and stocks shall be cooked in the smallest volumes possible.

3.18 Pans used for the cooking of stock, gravy and soups shall match the size of the heat source.

3.19 Stocks, gravies and soups shall be stirred frequently during the cooking process (at least every ten minutes) and lids
replaced after stirring.

3.20 Gravies and soups shall not be poured hot onto cold food.

3.21 Surplus gravy or soup shall be disposed of daily.

3.22 Reheated food shall be eaten immediately after re-heating.

3.23 Reheated leftover food shall be disposed of daily.

3.24 Stipulated standing times shall be observed after food has been reheated in a microwave.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out prior to the cooking process of all thawed products.

NB: Temperatures to be formally taken and noted on QAF 60, 61 & 62 twice per day at the same times as detailed
on Temperature Log for that particular day.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01p ~ Point of Service Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Bacterial multiplication and cross contamination of prepared food to an unsafe level at point of service.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 Designated competent personnel shall only carry out all activities.

3.2 Hot press and bain maries shall be washed and cleaned before and after use, refer to cleaning schedule.

3.3 Hot press and bain marie shall be pre-heated before hot cooked food is loaded (63C or above).

3.4 Hot food contained in hot press/bain marie shall be held at a temperature of a minimum of 63C. Batch cook hot food and
replenish the hot display on several occasions throughout the service period.

3.5 Hot press/bain marie temperature shall be tested twice daily and shall be recorded in accordance with the approved

3.6 The core temperature of the food held in the hot press/bain marie shall be tested daily on a random basis and be recorded
in accordance with the approved method.

3.7 All chilled/cold food held for service shall be displayed/stored in a refrigerated food display cabinet.

3.8 Food display cabinets shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of 5C or below.

3.9 Chilled food that is being loaded/unloaded from food display cabinets shall be covered at all times.

3.10 Cold display cabinets shall be equipped with suitable serving implements to prevent food being touched by bare hands.

3.11 Food display cabinets shall be loaded in such a way as to ensure the adequate circulation of cool air (do not overload)

3.12 Food products stored in food display cabinets shall be checked daily for stock rotation and best before Dates.

3.13 Food display cabinets shall be emptied after service daily and thoroughly cleaned, refer to the cleaning schedule.

3.14 All food display cabinets’ internal temperature shall be checked twice a day and recorded in accordance with approved

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3.15 The core temperature of chilled food displayed in the display unit shall be checked daily on a random basis and be
recorded in accordance with the approved method.

3.16 All personnel engaged in serving food shall:-

 Have clean hands and fingernails.

 Wear clean protective clothing including adequate hair covering.
 Use clean and suitable utensils to serve food.
 Never touch food with their hands unless absolutely necessary.
 Keep fingers out of dishes cups and glasses.
 Pick up plates by the rim, glasses by the base and knives forks spoons and cups by the handles.
 Avoid wearing hand/ wrist jewellery, earrings, broaches or stoned rings.
 Not serve food if suffering from stomach upset, boils, cough, cold, and eye or ear discharges and also if they
have a sore or wound.
 Not smoke in a food production area.
 Not eat or drink in a food production area.

4.0 Cash Handling at Point of Servery:

4.1 Only designated personnel to handle cash at servery, if this person is required to assist with the serving of food then they
must wear disposable gloves while completing this process.

5.0 Assessment Frequency:

5.1 Inspections shall be carried out prior to the cooking process of all thawed products and temperatures recorded.

NB: Temperatures to be formally taken and noted on QAF 62 twice per day at the same times as detailed on
Temperature Log QAF 62 for that particular day.

6.0 Documentation:

6.1 Temperature Log for Food, Storage, Production & Service Equipment Form QAF 62
HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form QAF 14

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FSH01q ~ Cleaning Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of foods through inadequate cleaning of food preparation and storage areas, catering equipment
and utensils.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 Designated competent personnel shall only carry out all activities.

3.2 Food leftovers on crockery, cutlery and utensils shall be scraped into waste container/ waste disposal unit prior to washing.

3.3 When washing crockery, cutlery and utensils by hand (refer to cleaning schedule):-

 A double sink unit shall be used.

 The first sink shall be used for the main wash to remove dirt, grease and stains from crockery and cutlery using hot
water between 53C and 60C with an adequate detergent.
 The washing up water and detergent shall be changed every 10 minutes as a minimum.
 The operator shall wear protective gloves and apron.
 Scrapers, scourers and brushes shall be used to remove encrusted food (do not use wire wool).
 The second sink shall be used for rinsing and removing detergent traces from crockery, cutlery and utensils.
 Hot water used for rinsing shall be heated to a temperature between 77C and 80C.
 Baskets and racks shall be used to lift and lower crockery, cutlery and utensils in and out of the rinse sink.
 Crockery and cutlery shall be left to drain in basket.
 Pots and pans shall be drained and then stored upside down.
 Washed items shall be left to air dry or dried with a disposable paper towel (not tea towels).
 Ensure that all plates are not stacked in a damp condition.

3.4 When washing crockery, cutlery and utensils in a dish wash machine:-

 The water temperature of the dish wash machine (53C - 60C and rinse 77C - 80 C) shall be checked twice daily
and recorded in accordance with the approved method.
 To allow adequate water circulation, dish wash machines shall not be overloaded.
 The operator shall ensure that the specified measures of detergent and rinse additives are used for each
individual wash.
 The operator shall ensure that all articles are left to air dry following the rinse cycle. A disposable paper towel shall be
used for drying if absolutely necessary.

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 The operator shall ensure that all articles are visually inspected for cleanliness prior to stacking and storage.
 The dishwasher shall be cleaned daily in accordance with the specified cleaning schedule.

3.5 Food storage, preparation and service areas shall be cleaned in accordance with the specified cleaning schedules.

3.6 Ensure that cleaning materials and chemicals are used for the correct task as per the specified cleaning schedule.

3.7 The correct quantity of chemicals shall be used in accordance with the specified cleaning schedule.

3.8 Cleaning chemicals shall NEVER be mixed.

3.9 Chemicals used for cleaning toilet areas shall be separately identified.

3.10 Cleaning equipment and chemicals shall not be stored in food rooms or food storage areas.

3.11 Ensure that the kitchen sink is washed thoroughly should it have been used to clean cleaning equipment.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01r ~ Waste Disposal Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food through inadequate waste disposal.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Points:

3.1 Designated competent personnel shall only carry out all activities.

3.2 All food waste shall be placed in a waste disposal unit or a large lidded container lined with a heavy duty black bin liner.

3.3 Refuse and food waste large lidded containers shall be emptied, cleaned inside and out after each mealtime in accordance
with the specified cleaning schedule.

3.4 All staff shall wash their hands after handling food waste.

3.5 Kitchen refuse e.g. soiled paper, plastic, bottles, cardboard boxes and packaging, shall be placed in separate large lidded
containers lined with a heavy duty black bin liner. Bottles, cans, plastics that can be recycled will be washed and placed in
the appropriate container, cardboard boxes and packaging shall be flattened and placed for recycling

3.6 Each large lidded container shall be clearly labelled with it’s specific use, e.g. refuse, food waste.

3.7 Food waste and refuse bin liners when full shall be sealed and secured prior to removal from the kitchen.

3.8 The waste disposal unit shall be switched off after each mealtime, and be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, as per
cleaning schedule.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01s ~ Pest Infestation Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food through pest infestation.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 Designated competent personnel shall only carry out all activities.

3.2 Food storage, preparation and service areas shall be kept in a clean and orderly state in accordance with the specified
cleaning schedule.

3.3 Spillage’s shall be cleaned away quickly and effectively as they occur.

3.4 Food stored at floor level shall be placed on plastic duckboards.

3.5 Food stored on shelving shall be placed in such a way as to ensure a space between wall and product.

3.6 Equipment being brought out of storage or any new equipment shall be checked for signs of pest infestation.

3.7 All catering staff and food handlers shall report to their supervisor any signs of pest infestation, e.g. larvae, pupae,
droppings, or damage to food containers, i.e. Gnawing, marks or spillage’s adjacent to food sacks, rodent smears around
pipes and any other clues which might indicate pest inhabitation.

3.8 Where pest control facilities are available, e.g. electric fly killers, insecticides or rodenticide, all food handlers shall be
made aware of their existence and report any breakdowns in these facilities.

3.9 Where infestation is discovered, the client shall be informed along with the Operations Manager who shall identify follow up

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Informal inspection is carried out on a day to day basis supported by a formal inspection and reported each week.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01t ~ Personal Health & Hygiene (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food through nose, mouth and ears.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All food handlers shall be instructed and supervised in regard to the following procedure:-

3.2 Employees required to handle food shall:-

a) ensure that they do not handle open food when suffering from “a cold”.
b) shall be encouraged to use disposable single-use paper tissues (not handkerchiefs).
c) shall not scratch or pick the nose.
d) shall not allowed to eat sweets, chew gum or sample food using their fingers or an unwashed utensil.
e) are not permitted to breath onto glasses to polish them.
f) are banned from spitting.
g) shall not be allowed to work whilst suffering from discharges of the ears, eyes or nose.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out by designated supervisory personnel prior to allowing employees to enter food
preparation/service areas.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01u ~ Personal Health & Hygiene Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food through cuts and sores.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All food handlers shall be instructed and supervised in regard to the following procedure:-

3.2 Food handlers with cuts, boils, whitlows or septic sores:-

a) shall not be allowed to handle food.

b) shall ensure that such lesions are covered by a waterproof dressings.

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out by designated supervisory personnel prior to allowing employees to enter food
preparation/service areas.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01v ~ Personal Health & Hygiene Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food through hair.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All food handlers shall be instructed and supervised in regard to the following procedure:-

a) Food handlers shall wear protective headwear at all times when handling food
b) Beards, moustaches shall be kept clean and tidy at all times

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out by designated supervisory personnel prior to allowing employees to enter food
preparation/service areas.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01w ~ Personal Health & Hygiene Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food through clothing etc.

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All food handlers shall be instructed and supervised in regard to the following procedure:-

3.2 Protective clothing:-

a) coats are put on after hats/hairnets (to prevent hairs falling onto outer protection)
b) is clean, washable and light coloured (without external pockets) and completely covers ordinary clothing e.g.
shirt sleeves do not protrude
c) has fastenings which will not fall into the food, e.g. velcro, zip, press studs
d) is changed daily
e) is only worn at work
f) outdoor clothing shall not be brought into a food storage/preparation area

3.3 All Staff are not allowed to wear whilst at work:-

a) earrings, nose/eye/tongue studs, watches, jewelled rings or broaches

b) strong smelling perfume
c) sandals or open footwear

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out by designated supervisory personnel prior to allowing employees toenter food
preparation/service areas.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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FSH01x ~ Personal Health & Hygiene Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food through smoking

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All food handlers shall be instructed and supervised in regard to the following procedure:-

a) Snuff, inhalable hallucinatory drugs and tobacco, including cigarettes, pipes or cigars, are totally banned from use in
food storage or preparation areas or whilst handling open food

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out by designated supervisory personnel prior to allowing employees to enter food
preparation/service areas

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

Page 58 of 59

FSH01y ~ Personal Health & Hygiene Checklist (HACCP)

Sodexo Revision 01
Quality Assurance Manual February 2013

1.0 Hazard: Contamination of food through general health

2.0 Risk: High

3.0 Critical Control Point:

3.1 All food handlers shall be instructed and supervised in regard to the following procedure:-

a) food handlers suffering from food poisoning (or living with someone suffering from food poisoning), diarrhoea or
vomiting (including whilst abroad) shall report condition to the supervisor and immediately stop handling food until
medical clearance is given.
b) food handlers shall receive formal food hygiene training prior to being allowed to handle food

4.0 Assessment Frequency:

4.1 Inspections shall be carried out by designated supervisory personnel prior to allowing employees to enter food
preparation/service areas.

5.0 Documentation:

5.1 HACCP Assessment Record Contained within Occupational Health and Safety Manual
Non-Conformance Report Form No QAF 14

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