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Research Results and Discussion

This section presents the data collected from questionnaire. The data collection show
that there are 78 students from 81 students who submit the questionnaire. The following table
shows the result of data per items.

Table 1. Students’ language attitude

No Item Mean score
1 I hope I can speak with the English native speaker 3,4
2 I think the English native speaker is energetic, optimist, knowledgable, and 3,8
3 I don’t like English native speaker 3,7
4 In my opinion English is important because it makes easier to achieve better 4
education / career in the future
5 English is important because we will need it when we have the opportunity 4,4
to visit a country that uses English
6 I think learning English is important so that I can speak with other people in 3,8
7 Learning English is important because it helps me master modern 3,8
8 Mastering English makes me feel more confident 3,4
9 I feel more valued if I have English skills 3,3
10 English is not important to me 3,9
11 English is one of my favorite lessons 3
12 I always study English even though it's not the time for the exam 2,9
13 I don't want to miss any English lessons 3,4
14 English is a lesson that I always look forward to 3
15 I am sure this class will make my English more developed 3,5
16 I will continue to study English after graduating later 3,5
17 I don't like English classes 3,8
18 I always pay close attention to the English teacher's explanation 3,6
19 I always get encouragement to practice English from the teacher 3,9
20 I always try to understand all the material explained by the English teacher 4
21 I always try to do all the tasks given by the English teacher well 3,9
22 I was not ashamed to ask an English teacher when there was something I 3,7
did not understand
23 I always feel confident when appointed by the teacher to work on English in 3,4
front of the class
24 I like the way of my English teacher teaching 3,9
25 I don't like it when an English teacher corrects my mistakes 3,5

A score range for the data interpretation is as follows: 2,9 = very low; 3,0 – 3,4 = low;
3,5 - 3,9 = moderate; 4,0 – 4,4 = high. It can be seen from the exposure of the questionnaire in
the table 1 above, low criteria scores are found in 8 items: 12 (2,9), 11 (3), 14 (3), 9 (3,3), 1
(3,4), 8 (3,4), 13 (3,4), 23 (3,4). Item 12 means that students’ interest in English is very low,
because they learn English just for the exam only. Item 11 shows that students’ interest in
English in term of English as one of their favourite lesson is in the low level, so it can assume
that English is not one of their favourite lesson. Item 14 indicates that students’ attitude
toward English classess is low, so it can be state that the students have negative attitude
toward English classess. Item 9 signifies that whether they have skill or not in English is not
affect their feeling at all, so they do not care how good their English skill. Item 1 means that
the students’ attitude toward English native speaker is low. They feel doubt whether they can
communicate with them well or not. Item 8 indicates that English does not influence their
confident level. Item 13 means that students' attitude toward English classes is still at a low
level. Item 23 shows that the students feel anxious and unconfident when the English teacher
ask them to come forward.
The data in table 1 with the moderate level of scores are found in items: 15 (3,5), 16
(3,5), 25 (3,5), 18 (3,6), 3 (3,7), 22 (3,7), 2 (3,8), 6 (3,8), 7 (3,8), 17 (3,8), 10 (3,9), 19 (3,9),
21 (3,9), 24 (3,9). Item 15 indicates that the students’ expectation toward their English class is
on the moderate level, it can be assumed that they feel hesitant on this point. Item 16 signifies
that students’ desire to learn English outside the school is in the moderate level. Item 25
shows that students’ feel hesitant toward their attitude when English teacher correct their
mistakes. In item 18 students also show their hesitant toward their attention on English
teacher explanation. The same thing is also found in item 3, students feel doubtful whether
they like English native speakers or not. Item 22 shows that students feel hesitant to ask their
English teachers in class. Item 2 shows students' hesitancy in terms of their perceptions of
English native speakers. In item 6 students show doubts about their integrative goals in using
English to communicate with others. Item 7 is a kind of instrumental purpose in terms of the
use of English associated with modern technology, in this case the students also showed
hesitation. Item 17 indicates students' doubtful attitudes about their perception of the English
class. Item 10 means that students still feel doubtful when they are presented with a statement
that English is not important. Item 19 indicates the lack of students’ motivation toward the
encouragement given by English teachers. Item 21 shows that students' motivation to do
English assignment is in the moderate level. Item 24 indicates students’ hesitancy toward the
statements about their opinions on how the way of their English teacher teaching.
The data in table 1 with high scores level are found in items 4 (4) dan 5 (4,4). Item 4
indicates that students have an instrumental goal of getting a better school and work. It shows
on item 5 that students have higher expectation integrative goal in term of using English to
communicate with people in countries that use English.

Table 2. The classifications of students’ language attitude

No Component Mean Score
1. Attitude toward English native speaker 3,6
2. English learning orientation 4,0
3. Interest in English 3,3
4. Attitude toward English class 3,4
5. Attitude toward English teacher 3,8

Table 2 shows the data presentation of all items after they are classified into 5
components. Component 1 consists of items number 1,2,3. Component 2 consists of items
number 4,5,6,7. Component 3 consists of items number 8,9,10,11,12. Component 4 consists
of 13,14,15,16,17. Component 5 consists of items number 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25.
Based on the data exposure on the table 2 above, it shows that English learning
orientation has the highest mean score (4,0). It indicates that students have clear perspective
and hope deal with the motive of study. The second rank is attitude toward English teacher
(3,8). Although the score is in the moderate level, but it is shows quite high score. It can be
proposed that the students’ attitude toward English teacher is good enough. It can be an
advantage for the teacher to encourage the students. The third score is attitude toward English
native speaker (3,6). This point almost same with the point before, the score is on average.
However, researchers believe that this factor can be used as an encouragement for students.
They will be more interested if one day they are faced English native speakers directly. The
fourth and fifth score are include in low level score (3,4 and 3,3). The two components that
have low mean score are attitude toward English class and the interest in English. Both of this
components are need more attention. This is a very contrasting thing, where the students’
learning orientation is high but it is not balanced with a high attitude and interest in learning
English. This condition occur probably because the mindset of students who still consider
English is as complicated subject, and the possibility is also caused by less attractive on
English classes, less extensive learning material, lack of interesting media use. Therefore, the
students feel bored, anxious, and uncomfortable so they cannot absorb the material properly.
So there is still need for improvement in the learning process in the classroom. These results
are compatible to Munir (2015) investigate that the secondary students in Iran have
negative attitude toward English Language Learning, but incompatible to Sougari (2016)
state that young learners have positive attitude toward English and English class.


Students already have a good motive on English learning, both instrumental and
integrative. In general, students also have a positive attitude towards native English speakers
and their English teachers. However, they still have negative interests and attitudes towards
English and English classes. It indicates that there is still need improvement on the learning
process of English in the classroom. It can be in the form of improving teaching methods, the
preparation of extensive learning materials, the use of various learning media, and so on.

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