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2019 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)

Pune, India. Mar 29-31, 2019

Comparative analysis of two Control Schemes for

APF with Passive Filter

Arishta Singh Rakesh Saxena Karuna Nikum

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
SGSITS, SGSITS, Atharva College of Engineering,
Indore, India Indore, India Mumbai, India

Abstract—Non-linear loads have an inherent property of drawing active filter is high. Therefore, an integration of an active filter
reactive power along with harmonic current from AC supply which and a passive filter is preferred in designing a hybrid filter [5].
causes various significant problems in the system. Thus, it is very
crucial to mitigate these issues. One of the important and
commonly used methods is using filters. In this paper, designing of
a shunt connected active filter particularly for a three-phase
balanced load with two different control strategies is presented. The
results of both the control techniques used for designing an active
filter are compared. Afterwards, designing procedure of a passive
filter is also discussed. The combined performance of shunt
connected active filter along with passive filter is analyzed in detail.
The model is developed in MATLAB/ Simulink and all the results
obtained are formally presented for validating the performance of
both filters governing IEEE Std. 519-2014. Fig. 1. General arrangement of a shunt connected active and passive filter

Keywords—Active filter, harmonic distortion, nonlinear load, II. PROBLEM FORMULATION

passive filter, power quality, reactive power.
A three-phase system supplying bridge rectifier (three-phase)
I. INTRODUCTION with RL load is considered for designing the shunt active
The copious use of power semiconductor based devices is (with two control schemes) and shunt passive filter (Fig. 1).
adversely affecting the power quality of the system [1]. The major harmonic components include 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th,
Harmonics injected in the system is increasing day by day by etc. Among these, the dominant harmonic present in the
the increased use of non-linear loads. They cause problems system is 5th harmonic. Therefore, the passive filter is
such as overheating of transformer, failures of electric suggested to be designed for 5th harmonic. Doing so will
components, rotary machine vibration, etc. Consequently, reduce the rating, hence cost and size of the active filter.
power-conditioning equipments are becoming essential for
electric utilities as well as for their customers [1]. One of such
equipments is filters. Active and Passive filters are broadly The designing procedure of an active filter primarily
used to mitigate harmonic issues [1-3]. includes the design of voltage source converter to generate
In some cases, passive filters are more preferred than active required compensating current, an interfacing inductor which is
filters as they are easier to design and construct. They are also used to reduce the ripples present in a compensating current.
economical and require less maintenance over active filters [2]. The design of the voltage source converter comprises of the
Resonance and dependence on system parameters are the DC capacitance, the level of DC bus voltage, and voltage and
major problems associated with a passive filter whereas an current ratings of IGBTs. A proper control strategy is also
active filter provides dynamic response and therefore it can needed to generate switching pulse for active filter.
eliminate current harmonics more rapidly as compared to a A. DC bus Voltage
passive filter [3]. Even they can be employed for compensating
reactive power and for any distortion based on voltage for Line voltage is a key parameter in calculation of DC bus
example flickers, voltage dips and unbalancing. Also, there is voltage. For a given three phase VSC, it can be given as:
no chance of resonance condition as there is no need of ୈେ  ൌ ሺʹξʹ୐୐ ሻȀ൫ξ͵൯ (1)
frequency tuning in an active filter and the performance of an = ሺʹξʹ ൈ ͶͳͷሻȀ൫ξ͵൯ ൈ ͲǤͻ = 752.99 ≈ 750 V
active filter doesn’t rely on system parameters as in case of a Where, m and VLL are the modulation index (taken as 0.9),
passive filter [3, 4]. But installation and maintenance cost of and line voltage

978-1-5386-8075-9/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1

Fig. 2. Simulink model of shunt APF along with shunt passive filter

B. DC Bus Capacitor
= 1.25 (3.0348 + 28.608)
The equation governing CDC is given as: = 39.55 A
֜ ͲǤͷ‫ܥ‬஽஼ ሾሺܸ஽஼ ሻଶ െ ሺܸ஽஼ଵ ሻଶ ሿ ൌ ͵ܸ௣௛ ሺܽ‫ܫ‬ሻ‫ݐ‬ (2) where Isp is peak value of active filter current and Icr is
‫ ܫ‬ൌ ʹͲǤʹ͵ʹ‫ܣ‬ሺʹͶΨof Idc) permissible value of ripple current.
֜ ͲǤͷ‫ܥ‬஽஼ ሾሺ͹ͷͲሻ2 – (690)2] Therefore, the IGBTs of 1200V and 75A is chosen for
= 3ൈ240ൈ ͳǤʹ ൈ ʹͲǤʹ͵ʹ ൈ ͳͲ ൈ ͳͲ-3 designing the voltage source converter.
֜ ‫ܥ‬஽஼ = 3372 ≈ 5000 μF
E. Rating of active filter
Where, VDC = reference DC bus voltage,
VDC1 = the minimum DC bus voltage level, The formula to find out the rating of active filter is :
a = overloading factor, S = 3VfIf (6)
Vph = phase voltage, = 3 ൈ 239.60 ൈ ʹͲǤʹ͵ʹ ൌ ͻǤ͹ ≈ 10KVA
I = harmonic current, F. Control Schemes for an Active Filter
t = time by which the bus voltage is to be recovered.
For controlling an active filter, the major task is to derive a
C. AC Inductor reference current and thereafter generating switching or gating
The value of the limiting inductance relies mainly on the pulse for voltage source converter by using a proper current
current ripple Icrpp, which is a component of voltage source controller. This can be achieved in a number of ways. But two
converter current and the AC inductance is specified as: frequently used techniques which are simulated for verifying
‫ܮ‬௙ ൌ ሺඥ͵ሻܸ݉஽஼ Ȁሺͳʹ݂ܽ௦ ‫ܫ‬௖௥௣௣ ሻ (3) the operation of active filter are IRP theory and SRF theory.
General arrangement of blocks for controlling the active filter
ൌ ሺඥ͵ሻ ൈ ͲǤͻ ൈ ͹ͷͲȀሺͳʹ ൈ ͳǤʹ ൈ ͳͲ ൈ ͳͲ3ൈ3.0348) by Instantaneous Reactive Power (IRP) theory is given in Fig.
ൌ ʹǤ͸͹ͷ ≈ 3 mH 3 and by Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) theory is
Where m is modulation index, fs is switching frequency and shown in Fig. 4.
VDC is reference DC bus voltage and 15% (approximately)
current ripple (Icrpp) is taken into consideration for designing 1) Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory
ac inductor. Instantaneous reactive power (IRP) theory can also be called
D. Calculation of IGBT parameters as p–q theory. The control algorithm of the APF using IRP
theory is revealed in Fig. 3. In this method of controlling
It is important to define the voltage (Vsw) and current ratings
shunt active filter, first of all, voltage and load currents are
(Isw) of the IGBTs under dynamic conditions.
sensed and by applying Clark’s transformation, these
Voltage rating of IGBT is calculated as:
parameters are converted to two phase parameters in α–β.
Vsw = VDC + Vd (4)
Now, instantaneous active power along with reactive power is
= 750 + 75 =825V
Where, Vd is 10% overshoot in DC bus voltage. evaluated. After that, obtained reference current is
transformed back to abc frame from α–β frame using reverse
The current rating of IGBT is obtained as:
Isw = 1.25(Icr + Isp) (5) Clark's transformation. In this way, the reference current is
obtained by this method.

Where, fs = supply frequency
The value of filter inductance is evaluated by:
LF = 1/(2 πfs)2( h0 )2CF (9)
Where, ho is order of tuned harmonic component
The Q-factor is given as:
Q = Xn/R = ሺξ‫ܮ‬Ȁ‫ܥ‬ሻȀܴ (10)
Where, Xn is the characteristic reactance.

Now, the designed passive filter will divert the 5th harmonic
(19%) and active filter’s rating will now get reduced.
Therefore, the rating of hybrid active filter (using equation 7
is calculated to be 2.1KVA ≈ 3KVA
A. Simulation Model
Fig. 3. Control of Active Filter by IRP Theory A three phase three wires system is considered for
understanding the designing of an active filter with two
2) Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF)Theory different control strategies. Every parameter of the system
In this scheme, sensed three phase currents are converted to a remains unchanged except the control block. The control
synchronously rotating d-q frame by applying park’s block is first simulated using IRP theory and then SRF theory.
transformation. Along with this, a PLL is used for generating A passive filter is also coupled in shunt to the active filter. A
sine and cosine signals by sensing three-phase voltage signals. three phase circuit breaker is used to provide us the flexibility
Afterwards, sensed currents converted to d-q frame are made to switch on/off any of the filters according to our need. The
to pass through low pass filter and filtered current is converted load that is considered for simulation is non-linear and
back to abc frame by applying reverse Park’s and Clark’s balanced in nature. The necessary parameters for the
transformation consecutively. In this way, the reference simulation of hybrid filter are specified briefly in TABLE 1.
current is obtained. Now, this reference current is fed to a
current controller for generating desired switching pulse for TABLE 1. DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR THE SIMULATION MODEL
Active filter parameters
Source Voltage (r.m.s) 415 Volts
System Frequency (f) 50 Hertz
Source inductance (Ls) 0.1 mH
Source resistance (Rs) 0.02 Ω
DC link Voltage 750 Volts
Dc link capacitance (C1=C2) 5000 μF
Coupling Inductance 3 mH
Load Resistance (R) 6.5 Ω
Load Inductance (L) 15 mH
Passive filter parameters
Filter Capacitance (CF ) 50 μF, 450 Volt
Fig. 4. Control of Active Filter by SRF Theory
Filter Inductance (LF) 8 mH
Among popular passive filter configurations, single tuned is
most often used as shunt passive filter. This filter is easier, B. Simulation Results
economical and simple in designing and construction. It is All the necessary results are compiled and discussed in this
generally designed to divert the dominant harmonic section. Simulation results are obtained by switching on/off
component from the system. Therefore, the passive filter, here the circuit breaker to connect and disconnect the active and
is suggested be tuned to 5th harmonic component. passive filter whenever required. First result is recorded
The relation of capacitive reactance with reactive power is without any compensation i.e. neither active filter nor the
given as [7]: passive one is working. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
Xc = Vrc / Qc (7) analysis of source current of each result is also done to
calculate the actual THD present in the waveform. Second
Where, Vrc = nominal voltage of capacitor result is observed when only active filter (with both control
Qc = reactive power supplied by capacitor schemes) is working and the third and last result is considered
The value of filter capacitance is evaluated by: when both passive and active filters are working. The results
CF = 1/2 πfsXc (8)

in each case and their FFT analysis are obtained by applying When no compensation is done, the source current is distorted
both the control strategies. from its original sinusoidal shape and is similar to load current
as shown in Fig. 5. The THD in this case is coming out to be
24% (Fig. 6). But when active filter is connected with the help
of a three-phase circuit breaker, then the waveform of source
current is improved.

Fig. 5.Waveform without filter

Fig. 8. FFT Analysis of source current with active filter (with IRP theory)

Fig. 6. FFT analysis of source current without filter

Fig. 9. Waveform with active filter (with SRF theory)

Fig. 7. Waveform with active filter (with IRP Theory) Fig. 10. FFT analysis of source current with active filter (with SRF theory)

Fig. 14. FFT analysis of source current with passive filter and active filter
with SRF theory

When only active filter is working, it is satisfactorily

compensating the harmonic currents (Fig. 7 & Fig. 9). The
THD with both the control strategies are also recorded. With
IRPT, it is 3.13% (Fig. 8) and with SRF theory, it is 2.97%
(Fig. 10) which is comparatively better than the IRPT.
Afterwards when the passive filter is employed, an
Fig. 11. Waveform with passive filter and active filter with IRP Theory
improvement in the overall performance of the filter is
observed and the THD is further reduced (Fig. 11- Fig. 14).


Active filter rating

When only active filter is 10 KVA

When both active filter and 3 KVA
passive filter are connected



THD(%) with THD(%) with

IRP Theory SRF Theory
Fig. 12. FFT analysis of source current with passive filter and active filter No filter is connected 24.00 % 24.00 %
with IRP Theory
Only Active filter is 3.13 % 2.97 %
Both active and passive filter 1.65 % 1.53 %
is connected



IRP Theory SRF Theory

Harmonic mitigation Good Better

Reactive power Average Good

Load balancing Good Average

Complexity High Average

The design of active filter with two different control schemes
along with the designing of a shunt connected passive filter is
is successfully carried out. MATLAB/ Simulink environment
Fig. 13. Waveform with passive filter and active filter with SRF theory
is used to carry out the simulation. All the results obtained are
formally presented for validating the performance of both
filters. Designed and simulated filters are satisfactorily

compensating the current harmonics and restricting them to
affect the supply system. All the values of THDs are within
prescribed limit according to IEEE 519 standard. It can also
be concluded that operation of active filter with SRF control
theory is providing better result than with IRP control theory
in mitigating harmonics. The computational complexity is also
lesser in SRF control strategy when compared to that of IRPT.
Also, the active filter is providing better compensation as
compared to the passive filter. The active filter along with the
shunt passive filter is capable of further reducing the THD
from source current and hence enhancing its performance. The
rating and hence size and cost of the active filter gets reduced
by employing a passive filter in shunt as it is designed to
divert the dominant harmonic from the system (5th Harmonic
in this case).

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