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Select a word from the list (A-J) that has the most similar meaning to the words (1-5). There
are 5 extra words you will not need.

0. need 0. require
a. authoritarian
1. litter b. biography
c. small
2. huge d. great
e. manager
3. bossy f. rubbish
g. remember
4. resemblance h. similarity
i. modest
5. memoirs j. tiny

YOUR ANSWERS: 0) L 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Complete each definition (6-10) using a word from (A-J). There are 5 extra words you will
not need.

6. to successfully finish or achieve something a. Graduate

b. Point
7. to believe something to be true or probable c. Creed
8. to complete a university degree successfully d. Enrol
e. Accomplish
9. to be careful or, or give attention to something f. Terminate
10. to signal toward something with your finger. g. Suspect
h. Address
i. Look after
j. mind

YOUR ANSWERS: 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Complete the sentences (11-15) using a word from (A-J). There are five extra words you will
not need.

25. 24. I’m working part-time to … some extra money a. Get

b. Take
25. They robbery happened in … daylight c. Win
25. I don’t … along with my new classmate, we are always arguing. d. Broad
e. Go
25. One day, I would like to … my own business. f. Earn
25. As a newly graduate, what I need now is to … experience. g. Come
h. Run
i. Plain
j. Gain

YOUR ANSWERS: 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)

Select a word from the list (A-J) that has the most similar meaning to the words (16-20).
There are 5 extra words you will not need.

00. follow 00. go after

a. keen
25. admittedly
b. adverse
25. encouraging c. actually
d. surely
25. interested
e. honestly
25. nowadays f. currently
g. hopeless
25. certainly
h. supportive
i. unconcerned
j. kind

YOUR ANSWERS: 16) 17) 18) 19) 20)

Select a word from the list (A-J) that is most often used with a word from (21-25). There are
five extra words you will not need.

00. Train 00. station

25. Rusty a. smell

b. offer
25. Hard c. skill
25. Pungent d. work
e. food
25. Weak f. homework
25. job g. job
h. point
i. below
j. cans

YOUR ANSWERS: 21) 22) 23) 24) 25)

Choose one word (A, b or C) for each group gap (1-5). The first one (00) is marked as an

Hi Jim,
I just want to (00) you that we are meeting at my place at 4.00 Mary is coming, too. She says she needs
help with her Maths. By the way, can you (01) the calculator I (02) you last week? We might need it.
And try not be late this time. I’d like to finish our homework (03) the basketball match starts at 7.00.
shall we watch it together? We could call express Meals for (04) to eat. I am sure Peter will (05) join
Well, that’s all for now. See you this afternoon.

0 recall remind remember 0 B
1 take have bring 1
2 lent borrowed rented 2
3 after earlier before 3
4 anything nothing something 4
5 also too besides 5

Order the sentences (B-G) to make a story. Write your answers (6-11). The first sentence of
the story is given as an example.

a. Mary Johnson grew up on a farm in Scotland.

b. After graduating, she got a job as a junior assistant to Professor Parker, a reputed historian and
c. She was the youngest of Peter and Jane Johnson’s three children.
d. For the next three years, she took part in many excavations in northern Africa under the
professor’s leadership.
e. So when the time came, she studied a degree in History.
f. As a teenager, she became interested in archaeology after reading the memoirs of Howard
g. When the professor retired, she came back to Scotland and was appointed Head of the
Archaeology Department at the university, where she still works nowadays.

YOUR ANSWERS: 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)

Order the sentences (a-f) to make a story. Write your answers (12-17). The first sentences of
the story is given as an example.


Before my first day, I was quite scared of my new school.
a. Mr Jones looked very kind and friendly and I decided that I liked him.
b. After lunch we did mathematics and I realized it was my favourite subject.
c. He asked me to sit next to a boy who became my best friend.
d. Finally, the bell went and it was time to go home.
e. When I arrived at the school gate, my new teacher was waiting for us.
f. In the morning break we ran around the playground with some other children.

YOUR ANSWERS: 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17)

Read the text answer and every question (18-24) by choosing one of the texts (A-D).

Which text:
18. gives details of how rapidly mobile phone photography has grown?
19. gives an example of the changing role of media photographers?
20. explains the need to understand the equipment you are using?
21. explores the idea of the financial wroth of particular image taken on a mobile phone?
22. expresses the view that traditional photographers may need to change their ideas?
23. express that some people believe the art of photography is ending?
24. teaches you to make better photos with the mobile phone?
18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24)

Read the text below. Match the headings (A-I) to the paragraphs (25-31). There is an
extra heading you will not need.


a. A mysterious call in the middle of the night 0.A
b. I really, really hate rats! 25.
c. My weak point 26.
d. Any time in the past was better 27.
e. A typical family picture 28.
f. It could be worse 29.
g. What I learnt from the experience 30.
h. The hallucinations of a crazy mind 31.
i. An extraordinary resemblance.

0. I was about to go to bed when the telephone ran. It was my friend Tom. He wanted me to meet
him in half an hour at the car park next to my house. I reminded him it was midnight, but he
insisted. ‘I have an important mission to accomplish’, he said, ‘and I need your help’. But he
wouldn’t tell me what such mission was about. ‘All in due time’, was all he uttered before
hanging up.

25. So, thirty minutes later I was sitting on the passenger seat of Tom’s old jalopy, while he was
driving to a place called ‘The Crooked House’, like in that Agatha Christie’s novel. Not my idea
of the perfect plan for a Friday’s night, but admittedly more exciting than just going to bed after
a wearing week at work, and at least it was not pouring like one hour ago, and inside the car it
was warm.

26. ‘The Crooked House’ was a manor house on top of a hill. Seen from the distance, it didn’t look
very different from all the other manor houses in the area – and there were quite a few – but as
we approached the driveway, I realised that it must have been uninhabited for a long time, and
that the passing of time had wreaked havoc on what must have been a magnificent, unparalleled
construction. Now the state was run down, most windows were smashed, its right wing had
collapsed, and ivy and other weeds practically covered the walls which were still standing.

27. When Tom broke into through one of the windows, I felt I was about to faint. Instead, I
followed him, quick as a flash, into what must have been the main hall, although all there was
left were some rickety pieces of furniture and lots of litter like rusty cans, empty cigarette
boxes and what I suspected were rat excrements scattered all over the place. The unpleasant
acknowledgement that there were rats, the most repulsive animal on earth, sent chills down my

28. That was enough! I told Tom it was high time he told me what our mission was about. ‘There’s
something I want to show you’, he said. Again, I found myself following him through a dark
corridor, with only a flashlight to lighten our way. I was running out of patience, but my
curiosity was stronger than my annoyance. That has always been my problem; I’ve never been
able to turn down any proposal which included a bit of adventure.

29. At the end of the corridor there was a door. Tom pushed to open it and we entered a room
where there was a pungent smell which made me think about rats again. Tom used the
flashlight to point to one of the walls. ‘Look’, he said. I did. There, on the wall, there was a
huge portrait of a family – mother, father and two little children, boy and girl – sitting on a
sofa, mother to the left, father to the right and children in between. They were all smiling, and
the little girl had a cat on her lap. A family portrait, nothing out of the ordinary except for one
little detail.

30. The mother looked exactly like me! Or better said, I looked exactly like her, for the portrait
seemed to have been painted at least eighty years ago. I looked at Tom and he nodded. ‘I
know’, he said. ‘I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it for the first time. You tow are like
tow peas in a pod!’ and we certainly were. She even had a mole exactly in the same place I did,
on my – or her – right cheek. My own mother was not so much like me as the woman in the
portrait. But how was it possible? Was she an ancestor of mine, and in this case, why had I
never heard about her?

31. Tom is a amateur photographer, and he told me he had discovered the place by chance, just
before he phoned me, while looking for some scenery for a series of night pictures he was
working on. He said his initial intention was to take me there the next day, in broad daylight,
but then he thought I wouldn’t want to wait so long, had I known about the existence of the
picture. And he was right. I still do not know who the woman in the portrait is, but one thing I
do know is that I will never doubt it again when they say we all have a doppelganger out there!
1. A man asks for help to find a bank. What is next to the bank?
a. A park
b. A hospital
c. A statue

2. Two friends are deciding what activity to do next. What activity do they choose?
a. Go swimming
b. Go for a walk
c. Play video games.

3. Listen to two friends talking about documentaries. What type of documentary do they decide to
watch now?
a. Science
b. Crime
c. Nature

4. Listen to two friends talking about where they can watch a film. The girls have decided to go to.
a. The Bridge Cinema
b. The Star Cinema
c. The Circle Cinema

5. You will hear a boy buying flowers for his girlfriend. Which is the girl’s favourite flower?
a. Roses
b. Tulips
c. Sunflowers

6. You will hear two co-workers talking about their new boss. What best describes the new boss’s
a. Funny
b. Serious
c. Angry

7. Listen to the boy talking about where his book is. Where did they boy leave her book?
a. Under the pillow
b. Next to the pillow
c. On the nightstand

8. Listen to a patient talking about his symptoms. What does the doctor tell the patient to do?
a. Take an aspirin
b. Rest
c. Take cough medicine
9. Listen to a mother telling her daughter about the forecast. What will the weather be like this
a. Sunny
b. Foggy
c. Rainy

10. Listen to the girl talking about the history of her favourite band. When was the girl’s favourite
band formed?
a. 1985
b. 1978
c. 1976

11. You receive a message from Deborah about a friend. How does she keep in touch with them?
a. Sending letters
b. By phone
c. Sending emails.

12. Listen to Margie’s message for Katie about her hair salon appointment. What time is Katie’s new
a. 4:00
b. 3:00
c. 2:30

13. Listen to Alex and Sandra talking about their plans. When does Alex say he works?
a. Autumn
b. Summer
c. At weekends.

14. Four people are talking about the weather. Complete the sentences below.

A. Expects cold winds and thunderstorms in the north. 1. Speaker A …

B. Warned about a possible Hurricane that could hit the East Coast. 2. Speaker B …
C. Advised people to be careful when driving. 3. Speaker C …
D. Expects a snowstorm next week in the South. 4. Speaker D …
E. Expects the temperature to drop to 16 degrees by the end of the
F. Advised to apply plenty of sun cream.

15. Listen to a man and a woman discussing their thoughts on obesity. Read the opinions below and
decide whose opinion matches the statements made by the man, the woman or both the man and
the woman.
Who expresses which opinion?
a. Obesity is a result of too much bad food and not enough exercise.
b. It is logical that lack of sleep can be a cause of obesity.
c. Bad metabolism is something that can be passed down through family members.
d. Extremely fit people should not be referred to as obese.
16. Listen to a man explaining his thoughts on online shopping and answer the questions below.
Question 1: What is his opinion on the costs of online shopping?
a. It is easier to spend more money as there are more product options.
b. It makes saving money with coupons and promotions very simple.
c. It can be difficult to get refunds on products that are incorrect or need to be returned.

Question 2: What is his opinion on whether or not people should shop online?
a. There are too many possible problems that can occur so it is not worth it.
b. Although there is a bigger variety of products online you can save a lot of time by just
going to the store and buying what is in stock there.
c. There are pros and cons to shopping online so it is important to read reviews of
different stores to find what is best for you.

17. Listen to a speaker explaining why Montessori education may have some advantages over
traditional education and answer the questions below.
Question 1: What does the speaker think is a good factor of the traditional learning?
a. It gives the students guidance on what they should focus on in order to advance in
their learning.
b. It allows for students to be able to learn through their own mistakes.
c. It gives students the opportunity to be disciplined and learn to respect authority

Question 2: What does the speaker think the role of a teacher should be in Montessori education?
a. To give children free range to learn whatever interests from a distance.
b. To give children the opportunity to discover more about what interests them while
acting as a guide and support system
c. To give children a curriculum that they are suggested to follow.


You want to join a study club. You have 5 messages from a member of the club. Write short
answers (1-5 words) to each message.

- Where do you live?

- What was your favourite subject at school?
- What do you like doing in your free time?
- Are you afraid of flying?
- Do you like mystery films?

You are a new member of the study club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20-30
words. You have 7 minutes in total.

Please tell us why you decided to join the club



You are a member of a study club. You are talking to three other members in the chat room.
Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 to 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in total.
Answer all three questions. .

Mary: Hi there! Do you like to listen to music while you are studying?


Juan: Welcome! Do you have any tips to relax before an exam?


Lucy: Have you ever taken an online course?


You are a member a study club. You received this e-mail from the club.

Dear students,
We are writing to inform you that we have invited Professor Robinson to attend
the next meeting of our study group on the 30th this month. He is a linguist
specialist and has gladly accepted to give a lecture on English and New
Technologies. The capacity of the auditorium is reduced, therefore, those
interested in attending should write to Mrs Culpeper before the 15th this month
and pay a 3€ fee. The money we collect will be used to expand our library’s
computer room.

INFORMAL: Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and about what you
want to do. Write 40- 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
FORMAL: Write an e-mail Mrs Culpeper. Write about your feelings and tell whether you want
to attend the lecture. Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes


In this part, you have to answer to three short questions about yourself and your interests.
You will have 30 second for each response.

- Do you do any sports?

- Tell me about your family.
- Do you have any hobbies?


In this part, you have to describe a picture and then answer two questions about it. You will
have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound (beep). Make
sure you answer as fully as possible. Describe this picture.
- Tell me about a time when you had to study a lot
- What methods of studying do you prefer?


In this part, you have to compare two pictures and then answer two questions about it. You
will have 45 seconds for each response. Begin speaking when you hear this sound (beep). Make
sure you answer as fully as possible. Compare these pictures.

- What are the difficulties in working with children?

- What of these two jobs would you prefer to do?

In this part, you will be shown a picture and will have to answer three questions. You will
have 1 minute to think about your answers before you start speaking. You will have 2 minutes
to answer all three questions.

- Tell me about a time you were scared.

- What are the most common phobias in your country?
- What do people do to overcome their fear?

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