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COMPRESSIVE LOADING” prepared by Samen Yaser Torongo, ID No: 18201014,
Fahmid Arafin, ID No: 18201015, Shahid Afraim, ID No:18201030 Session: 2018-2019
has been approved for submission in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.



Head, Department of Architecture, RUET &

Department of Civil Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering

& Technology (RUET)

,Rajshahi – 6204, BANGLADESH

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I/we hereby declare that this thesis is my/our original work and it has been written by me/us

in its entirety. I/we have duly acknowledged all the sources of information which have been

used in the thesis. The thesis (fully or partially) has not been submitted for any degree or

diploma in any university or institute previously.


Samen Yaser Torongo (18201014)


Fahmid Arafin (18201015)


Shahid Afraim (18201030)

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Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) is one of the most promising composite
materials for strengthening of reinforced concrete structures. Most of the RC column is
experienced eccentric loading in field conditions. The load bearing capacity as well as
structural performance is reduced due to the eccentricity of the columns. Moreover,
eccentricity loaded RC column oftenly may found deficient due to seismic action, design
and construction faults, change in application and implementation and corrosion.
Externally bonded CFRP strengthening can be considered to solve this problem. The
objective of this research is to investigate on improving structural behavior and
performance of pre-crack RC column strengthens by CFRP subjected to eccentric loading.
This study mainly concentrates on the confinement effects of on short and slender column
for the eccentric comprehension capacity after confining with extremely bonded CFRP. A
series of tests have been conducted to strengthen the RC column by CFRP subjected to
eccentric loading. Twenty RC columns including reference and initially pre-cracked
column were tested in this research with varying the influence Four parameters such as
strengthening technique, height of column, cross sectional shape of column, the dimension
of eccentricity and the no. of CFRP layers. . The load carrying capacity improved
significantly and varied 28.13%-229.30% for different strengthening technique. Therefore,
it can be concluded that the better performance can be attained by CFRP strengthening in
damaged RC column with appropriate technique under eccentric loading.

Keywords: CFRP, Concrete columns, Eccentric loading, Pre-crack, Strengthening.

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The Author wishes to express his deepest gratitude to the almighty for the unlimited
blessings to bring out this work a success. He is also thankful to his parents and brother for
their encouragement in every step of getting an education. The Author wishes to express
his deepest gratitude to Dr. S. M. Zahurul Islam, Head, Department of Architecture, RUET
& Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering &
Technology (RUET) for his sincere guidance, important directions and invaluable
suggestions at every stage of this study. The author would like to thank all the teachers, lab
assistants, lab technicians, and others who helped him to go through the research work. He
is very much thankful to the Department of Civil Engineering, BAUET for the timely co-
operation in facilitating the research work to a success. The author is thankful to his friends
for their consistent help and support.

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SUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL ......................................................................................... ii


Abstract: ............................................................................................................................ iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. v

Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................................................... 1

1.1Background ................................................................................................................. 1

1.2Research Significance ................................................................................................. 2

1.3Research Objective............................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Research Scope .......................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Layout of Thesis ........................................................................................................ 4

Chapter 2: Literature Review ........................................................................................... 5

2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Fiber reinforced polymer system: .............................................................................. 5

2.3 Some Review of This Study:...................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 3: Methodology ............................................................................................ 13

3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 13

3.2 Materials Used.......................................................................................................... 14

3.3 Specification Of Different Materials: ...................................................................... 15

3.3.1 Cement: .............................................................................................................. 15

3.3.2 Sand: .................................................................................................................. 16

3.3.3 course aggregate : .............................................................................................. 16

3.3.4 Water: ............................................................................................................... 17

3.3.5 Mild Steel : ........................................................................................................ 17

3.4 FRP material:........................................................................................................... 17

3.4.1 Introduction: ...................................................................................................... 18

3.4.2 FRP Composites : .............................................................................................. 19 Fiber : .............................................................................................................. 19

Page | vi Primer : ........................................................................................................... 21

3.5 Collection of materials ........................................................................................... 22

3.6 Working method of column casting ......................................................................... 25

3.7 Pre-Crack Specimen For CFRP Wrapping ............................................................... 26

3.8 Working method of CFRP application ..................................................................... 27

3.9 Laboratory Testing Procedure: ................................................................................. 28

CHAPTER 4: Test Result & Discussion ........................................................................ 31

4.1: Short Column Single Crack with CFRP ................................................................. 32

4.2: Short Column Double Crack with CFRP ................................................................ 33

4.3: Short Column Triple Crack with CFRP .................................................................. 35

4.4: Single Crack Long Cylindrical Columns with CFRP ............................................ 36

4.5: Single Crack Long Square Columns with CFRP ................................................... 38

4.6: High Eccentric Column .......................................................................................... 39

CHAPTER 5: Conclusion & Recommendation ............................................................ 42

5.1: Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 42

5.2: Recommendation ..................................................................................................... 42

5.3: Future Wark ............................................................................................................. 43

REFERENCE ................................................................................................................... 44


Figure 2.1 Specification of Adverse Carbon Fiber Sheet .................................................... 7

Figure 2.2 Details of CFRP used for Kanchpur Bridge ....................................................... 7
Figure 3.1 Carbon fiber ...................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3.2 Primer (Base and Harder) ................................................................................. 22
Figure 3.3 CFRP Sheet ...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 3.4 Saturant (Base and Harder) .............................................................................. 24

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Figure 3.5 Concrete Mixing ............................................................................................... 25
Figure 3.6 Slump Test (40 mm) ......................................................................................... 25
Figure 3.7 High Eccentricity Column Reinforcement ....................................................... 25
Figure 3.8 Cylindical & Square Column Reinforcement................................................... 25
Figure 3.9 Casting of Square Specimen ............................................................................. 26
Figure 3.10 Casting of Cylindrical Specimen .................................................................... 26
Figure 3.11Casting of High Eccentricity column .............................................................. 26
Figure 3.12 Detailing of High Eccentricity Column .......................................................... 26
Figure 3.13 Cleaning And Cracking By Electric Granding Machine ................................ 27
Figure 3.14 Pre-Cracked Specimen ................................................................................... 27
Figure 3.15 CFRP Wrapped Specimen .............................................................................. 28
Figure 3.16 CFRP Wrapped Specimen .............................................................................. 28
Figure 3.17 CFRP Wrapped Specimen .............................................................................. 28
Figure 3.18 Experimental Setup ........................................................................................ 29
Figure 3.19 Instrumental Setup Of A Column With CFRP Before Loading ..................... 29
Figure 3.20 Test Setup Arrangement For 12-inch Column ............................................... 29
Figure 3.21 Test Setup For High Eccentric Column.......................................................... 30
Figure 3.22 Test Setup Arrangement For High Eccentric Column ................................... 30
Figure 4.1 Crack Formation After Loading ...................................................................... 31
Figure 4.2 Short Column Single Crack with CFRP ........................................................... 32
Figure 4.3 Failure Mode (Crushing Failure) ...................................................................... 33
Figure 4.4 Short Column Double Crack with CFRP ......................................................... 33
Figure 4.5 Failure Mode (Crushing Failure) ...................................................................... 34
Figure 4.6 Short Column Triple Crack with CFRP ........................................................... 35
Figure 4.7 Failure Mode (Crushing Failure) ...................................................................... 36
Figure 4.8 Single Crack Long Cylindrical Columns with CFRP....................................... 36
Figure 4.9 Failure Mode (Crushing Failure) ...................................................................... 37
Figure 4.10 Single Crack Long Square Columns with CFRP ........................................... 38
Figure 4.11 Failure Mode (Crushing Failure) .................................................................... 39
Figure 4.12 Failure Mode (Shear Failure) ......................................................................... 40
Figure 4.13 Failure Mode (Shear Failure) ......................................................................... 40
Figure 4.14 Failure Mode (Shear Failure) ......................................................................... 40

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Table 3.1: Properties Of Epoxy Putty Primer …………………………………………. 23

Table 3.2: Properties Of CF 450 Reinforcing Fiber Febric …………………………… 23
Table 3.3: Properties Of Saturant-adhesive Epoxy Kor-encaption ……………………. 24

Table 4.1: Dimention Of Single Crack Short Cylindrical Columns …………………… 32

Table 4.2: Dimention Of Double Crack Short Cylindrical Columns ………………….. 34

Table 4.3: Dimention Of Double Crack Short Cylindrical Columns ………………….. 35

Table 4.4: Dimention Of Single Crack long Cylindrical Columns ………………….… 37

Table 4.5: Dimention Of Single Crack long Square Columns ………………………… 38

Table 4.6: Dimention Of High Eccentric Square Columns ……………………………. 39

Table 4.7: Result Of All Column Specimens ………………………………………….. 41

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Chapter 1

Strengthening/Retrofitting of reinforced concrete (RC) structures has become important
and significant day by day in construction for many years causes of crack or weakening of
the concrete structures. There are many factors that may cause structures to be
strengthening or retrofitting. Some of causes for reinforced (RC) concrete structures are
the cracking of concrete, corrosion of steel reinforcement, the damage of brick block,
water, absorbsion, unplanned and imperfect structural design, weather effect, damaged
caused by seismic or earthquake load, increase of applied load and other factors. The
method of warping has been used for the purpose of strengthening reinforced concrete (RC)
structures. In the begaining steel sheet is used to strengthen those structure. But it is
complicated to application and potential corrosion problem in long term, use of the new
materials such as fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) was considered for warping.

FRP composite are generally used for warping structural members. It usually used in
industrial fields due to their excellent mechanical properties like high tensile strength, high
durability, low density, high stiffness, lightweight, low thermal Co-Efficient, corrosion
resistance and good strength - to - weight ratio (Pandhari et al. 2008). There are some
different types of fiber reinforced polymer. They are Carbon FRP, Glass FRP, Synthetic
FRP etc. The use of FRP composites are externaly applied on different types of reinforced
concrete (RC) structural member such as beam, column, slab to increase the strengthening
for those structures (Widiasra, 2014).

Become weak of reinforced concrete (RC) columns during their service life caused by
different ways such as environmental effects and difference types of loading condition can
lead to the strength reduction of RC column. Instant of replacing the columns with new
structures, strengthening techniques can be taken as an alternative way to maintain the
columns. The technique of the strengthening RC columns using FRP warping has been
investigate by many researchers and FRP has been applied in constructions. Strengthening
RC columns by warping with FRP composites is preferred compered to warping with other
materials like steel due to high strength-to-weight ratio and high corrosion resistance of
FRP composites.

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Eccentric load is one kind load which basically defined as the load whose line of action
does not pass through the axis of the column besides the line of action of load passes
through a point away from he axis of column. For this kind of loading condition extra
moment will generate. Sometimes this extra moments are not calculated during make
structural design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. If the factor of safety and stress
reduction factor of RC structural design is not large then the structural members can be
collups of failed causes of those kinds of extra generated moment. There are some different
reason which can generate this kind of loading condition.

Eccentric load can generate for unskilled working of workers. If the centering of column
does not done properly at the time of layout then it makes an error to find the axis of column.
As a result to cause of this kind of error the transmitted load from upper level cannot passes
through axis of the columns which will be generated as eccentric load. Only a few studies
presented investigations of columns under eccentric loads (Li and Hadi 2003; Hadi 2006a;
Hadi 2006b; Bisby and Ranger 2010)

Settlement of the soil also causes of eccentric load. The eccentric load generated by elastic
settlement and by the primary consolidation settlement. If the settlement of Foundations
are uniform then there are no eccentric loading conditions generated. But if the settlement
of foundations are non uniform then the structure will deformed due to non uniform load
transmission. As a result the axis of column cross-section will changed and the line of
action of transmitted load does not pass from through the axis and gererated extra moment
which causes eccentric loading condition.

1.2 Research Significance

One important structural member of reinforced concrete (RC) is column. It is one of

essential member of structures that transmit load from upper levels to the lower levels and
then to the soil through the foundation. Columns carries the load of slab and beam and
transmit it the soil through foundation. So column is an important element of structure. If
slab or beam failed for loading condition then it hammerage for a small part of structure.
It cannot causes effect for whole structure. But if any column failed for loading condition
it causes a big hamper for structure. Beam failures are local failure but column failures are
global failure.

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A column is generally considered as a compression member by compressive load and
buckling. Retrofitting/strengthening column with FRP wrapping generally considered as
compression member in a framed structure. The retrofitting of pre-cracked column with
FRP increase compressive strength and buckling resistance which coused by transverse
load. In a compose column by FRP wrapping both the FRP and reinforced concrete would
resist the live load and external loading by interacting together by bonding and friction. The
FRP wrapping with reinforcement can reduce construction time and lower total cost. This
is significant for both contractors and owners. So this process can be used where time limit
is not favorable. This system is more effective for strengthening or repairing pre-cracked

1.3Research Objective

The intension of this thesis is to present the condition of the art by FRP composites in
column strengthening subjected to eccentric load. In few years FRP sheets has become
very significant and popular for retrofitting reinforced concrete structures by externally
wrapping Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) to RC column and other structural members.
Common process of wrapping FRP are fully wrapping, partially wrapping and spirally
wrapping. The main objectives of this experimental study is to investigate the advantages
of CFRP material under eccentric loading.

The specific objectives of the study are :

❖ To find the effectiveness of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)
strengthened RC column
❖ To develop effective strengthening and retrofitting techniques by Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) for RC column

1.4 Research Scope

The scope of the proposed experimental study includes following tasks:

➢ A series of tests was driven to find out the performance of RC columns wrapping
with CFRP.

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➢ An experimental was carried out to determine the load bearing capacity and failure
➢ subjected to eccentric load.
➢ Eccentric load bearing capacity of RC column without CFRP and different pre-
➢ column with CFRP was compared.

1.5 Layout of Thesis

Chapter-1: An Introduction to the topic, importance, objectives and scope of the study
have been highlighted in chapter-1.

Chapter-2: Relevant literature review on the structural performance of FRP on the shear
strengthening of columns have been presented in this chapter.

Chapter 3: It presents the methodology giving details of the experimental investigation

carried out to achieve the objectives as defined earlier.

Chapter-4: Result from experimental study are presented and discussed in details chapter-
4. It consists mode of failure, result and discussion.

Chapter-5: Finally, a summary of the findings and a conclusion are made in chapter-5.
Recommendations for the overview of the thesis, general discussion and further study are
also included.

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Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 General

A detail literature review is discussed in this chapter to get the available investigation on
fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) wrapped concrete columns in order to achieve the
objectives of this study. Some important parameters that are required to be developed are
taken as a part of this study. This chapter also contains a description of former research
works related to this research study.

2.2 Fiber reinforced polymer system:

Fiber-reinforced polymer is a composite material that consists of a polymer matrix with
fiber reinforcement. Glass and Carbon are common fibers while the polymer is typically an
epoxy resin. The polymer is placed on the concrete surface, and then the FRP is wrapped
around the column. In wet-application, fibers are soaked in wet resin or polymer before
FRP application. The polymer helps to connect the fibers of the wrap together while also
making as a strong connection with the surface of the concrete.

An FRP system wrapped around a column provides passive reinforcement to the column.
As the concrete member is loaded axially, the FRP reinforcement system provides little or
no effect on strength increase to the confined concrete initially. However, once the concrete
dilates and begins to crack and weaken, the FRP reinforcement provides confinement for
the concrete. The main advantage of the FRP system is the amount of confinement that it
provides. For this The enveloping wrap or tube provides more confinement than a
longitudinal or spirally wrapped by steel rebar.

2.3 Some Review of This Study:

A case study on flexural behavior of pre-cracked RC beams strengthened using CFRP was
done by Prof. Dr. S. M. Z Islam (ICPACE 2021). This study was based on the flexural
behavior of pre-cracked RC beams. It showed that CFRP wrapped specimens are more
stronger than unwrapped specimens. In this research total nine specimens including one

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reference beam and another eight initially cracked beam were tested in this study with
varying (i) CFRP plate and sheet (ii) types of strengthening including CFRP U-strips
applied and (iii) different FRP length. In this experiment it was noticed that CFRP wrapping
pre-cracked RC beam provide better performance than reference RC beam. The maximum
load, deflection, improvement load capacity and failure mode were shown on this research
paper. The increasing of load bearing capacity significantly varied 18.61%-75.29%. The
maximum load of reference beam was 48.23 KN and the failure mode was flexure failure.
The maximum load of another eight pre-cracked beam whose wrapped by CFRP were
57.20KN to 75.29KN. The failure mode of six specimens are shear failure and two
specimens are failure by Debonding & CFRP. CFRP sheet beam, CFRP U-stripes beam,
CFRP Plate beam were used for this experiment.

Application of CFRP for retrofitting old structure in Bangladesh is very rare. A study of
retrofitting bridge was done by M.M Rahman (IABSE-JSCE 2020). This study was based
on rehabilitation of existing Kanchpur Bridge using CFRP. In this experiment
theomparison of applied CFRP for retrofitting was showed. It was noticed that the design
code provisions from pre-1970s would be different from present design code. The study by
M.M Rahman (IABSE-JSCE 2020) shows that a huge amount of budget saved by
retrofitting Kanchpur Bridge by CFRP wrapping. At Kanchpur Bridge the average
construction cost per square feet was 5 lakh BDT. Besides the retrofitting cost by CFRP at
per square feet was about 74 thousand BDT, 1 Lac BDT and 1.5 Lac BDT for applying 1,
2~5 and 4~7 layers of CFRP. So it can be said that use of CFRP for retrofitting structure
will be significant and cost effective.

M M Rahman (2012) also showed that the strengthened structure can withstand double load
compared to that of unstrengthened structure. From this study it can said that Bangladesh
will be extremely benefitted if this technology will applied commercially.

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Details of CFRP used for retrofitting Kanchpur Bridge

Figure. 2.1: Specification of Adverse Carbon Fiber Sheet

Figure. 2.2: Details of CFRP used for Kanchpur Bridge

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Prof. Dr. S. M. Zahurul Islam (ICRICE 2022) experimented with CFRP strengthen
aluminum, stainless steel and mind steel tubular section by CFRP wrapping. The study was
based on End-Two-Flange loading of aluminum, stainless steel and mind steel tubular
section. In this research total eighteen section ( six aluminum, six stainless steel and six
mild steel section ) including reference section and CFRP strengthened sections were tasted
in this study. The collapse loads, collapse mode and load-deformation behavior of sections
were presented in this result. Based on this experimental result it was noticed that CFRP
strengthen aluminum sections were provided better performance than stainless steel and
mild steel section. In this experimental research CFRP plate Kor-CLS0214 with 20mm
width and 1.4 mm thickness was used of which measured tensile strength was 3000 MPa
and elastic modulus was 165 GPa. For aluminum the tensile stress was 245 MPa, ultimate
stress was 268 MPa and the initial Young Modulus was 68.3 GPa. For stainless steel tensile
strength was 434 MPa, ultimate stress was 464 MPa and the initial Young Modulus was
201.1 GPa. And for mild steel the tensile strength was 390 MPa, ultimate stress was 450
MPa and the initial Young Modulus was 198.6 GPa. The experimental research of that
article was mainly focused on the effect on different materials and the effect on CFRP
strengthening those materials on load resisting against web crippling subjected to End-
Two-Flange loading condition. The increasing of load bearing capacity significantly varied
by 28.18% to 43.78% for CFRP strengthening sections. Hydraulic controlled universal
testing machine was used for ETF loading. For aluminum, the ultimate load bearing
capacity increased by 42.10% - 43.78%. For stainless steel the ultimate load bearing
capacity increased by 28.18% - 29.87%. For mild steel the ultimate load bearing capacity
increased by 30.13% - 31.96%. By this experimental result it observed that the tubular
metal sections can be strengthen efficiently by CFRP.

The effect of the number of CFRP layers has been observed at different experimental
research. Parven and wang (2001) and Wang and Wu (2008) wrapped zero (unwrapped),
one and two layers of column FRP to their concrete columns specimens. At this experiment
it was noticed that increasing the number of CFRP layers effectively increased the strength
and ductility of the wrapped columns. The strength of two layers CFRP wrapped column
was more than twice of that one layer CFRP wrapped column.

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A case study on eccentric load of RC columns strengthened using CFRP was done by
Tamer EI Maaddawy (ASCE-2009). This case study based on the results of experimental
research and analytical modeling for performance of a fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)
wrapping system to develop eccentrically loaded reinforced concrete columns. This study
based on eccentricity to section height ratio. Based on this experimental result it was
noticed that the strengthening caused by CFRP decreased as e/h factor was increased. In
this experimental research a total 12 numbers of RC column with end corbels were tested
for study. This specimen tested with no wrapping, full CFRP wrapping and partial CFRP
wrapping. Based on this experimental study it was noticed that strengthening caused by
CFRP wrapping decreased as e/h factor was increased. From its result it was investigate
that fully wrapped specimen resulted almost 37% increasement in compressive strength at
e/h of 0.3 where only 3% of strength increase was noticed at e/h of 0.86. For partially
wrapped column, the compressive strength were an average 5% decrease than fully
wrapped columns. By this test result it was also noticed that for unwrapped specimen two
specimens (e/h ratio 0.38 and 0.52) failed by crushing, one specimen ( e/h ratio 0.65 ) has
balanced failure and another specimen ( e/h ratio 0.93 ) failed by yielding of rebar. For fully
and partially wrapping one specimen ( e/h ratio 0.40 ) failed by crushing and another three
specimens are failed by yielding of rebar.

An experimental study on concrete columns strengthening by using CFRP was done by K.

Olivova & J. Bilcik ( Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering, January 2009) This case study
based on the results of experimental research and analytical modeling for performance of
CFRP sheet and CFRP laminating strips under a static axial compression load and cyclic
horizontal load. For this experimental research four series of reinforced concrete specimen
with 250×250×1500 mm dimension were tested. The first series was without CFRP
wrapping. The second series was strengthened by CFRP laminate strips. The third series
was strengthened by CFRP sheets and another series was strengthened by both CFRP
laminate strips and sheets. For this test a constant vertical load of 250, 450, 650, 750 and
850 KN were respectively applied to the specimens. Based on the experimental study it was
noticed that the retrofitting method by a vertical load of 250 KN provided the load bearing
capacity increase by 10% of specimens wrapping with CFRP sheet, 26% increased by
CFRP laminate strips and 32% increased by both CFRP laminate strips and sheet. For
vertical load of 650 KN provided the load bearing capacity increase by 9% increased by

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CFRP laminate strips and 18% increased by both CFRP laminate strips and sheet. The
investigated results obserbed from the experiment were almost 25 – 35 % higher than the
theoretical analysis results and about 6 – 14 % higher than the numerical non – linear

An experimental research on behaviour of RC column specimen strengthening with CFRP

composites under axial load at different slenderness ratio was done by Haydar A. Mehdi &
Maryam Sinan Rasheed (IJCSEIERD, 2017). This experimental study based on circular
RC column specimens. Two different perameters were investigated including the
slenderness ratio and number of CFRP layers for this study. Total number of twelve circular
columns which divided into four group were experimented under axial load to failure. The
teat was done at 3 different slenderness ratio 24, 36 and 48. Within four groups Group A
was unwrapped, Group B was wrapped by 3 layers of CFRP, Group C was wrapped by 5
layers of CFRP and Group D was fully wrapped. In this study 4 specimens with 75×900
dimension, 4 specimens with 100×900 dimension and 4 specimens with 150×900
dimension were tested. By the test results it was investigated that the percentage of
increasing ultimate load caused by CFRP wrapping decreased as slenderness ratio
decreased. Group A was reference column. By group B it was noticed that the percentage
of increasing ultimate load were 49.5%, 49.2% and 14.4% with respect to slenderness ratio
48, 36 and 24. For group C it were 138.5% , 90.8% and 22.7% with respect to slenderness
ratio 48, 36 and 24. . For group D it were 196.7% , 188.5% and 76.7% with respect to
slenderness ratio 48, 36 and 24. By this study it was investigated that The effect of
retrofitting on the long Columns is greater than the effect on short columns. It was also
noticed that increasing the number of the CFRP sheets couses an increase in the
compressive strength of the confined columns.

An experimental investigation on performance of RC column specimen strengthening with

CFRP composites under axial load capacity of short column at different cross section was
done by a J. Abed, m S. Abdel (IJCIET, 2018). This experimental study based on square
RC column specimens. Total twelve number of specimen were tested in this experimental
study. Three different groups with three different cross sections (200×200×1200,
250×250×1500 and 300×300×1800 mm) were experimented under axial compression load

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to failure subjected to eccentricity. Every group were experimented under two different
eccentricities: 10% and 20% of the least dimention of specimen measured from the center
of the column cross section. Four columns were experimented in each group. Two columns
in each group were unwrapped as reference samples and other two were wrapped with one
layer of CFRP. By this experiment it was investigated that the percentage of compressive
load capacity improvement was decreased by increasing the cross-sectional area, and
increasing the magnitude of eccentricity. From the result it was investigate that fully
wrapped specimen resulted almost 31% to 41% increasement in compressive eccentric
loading at 10% eccentricity and 38% to 47% increasement in compressive eccentric
loading at 20% eccentricity. From this study it was noticed that the improvement of ultimate
load bearing capacity by CFRP wrapping depends on the cross sectional area of column
and magnitude of eccentricity.

Performance of FRP wrapped RC columns under combined axial-flexural loading was

investigated by Challal and Shahawy (2000). In this study, an experimental investigation
was conducted on six series of full scale rectangular RC columns. Each series consisted of
a RC column with no CFRP wrap as a control specimen and a RC column confined with
two layers of CFRP wrap. The six series correspond to the eccentricities of loading: 0, 75,
150, 300 and 400 mm, and pure bending. The column specimen had a rectangular cross
section of 200×350 mm and a total length of 3500 mm. Rounded corners with a radius of
25.4 mm were implemented on the columns. The specimens had corbels at both ends with
the length between the corbels was 2100 mm. The CFRP used was a bidirectional woven
carbon fibre. The results of the study showed that the CFRP jacketing enhanced the axial
and flexural capacity of the columns. The strength capacity of the columns enhanced
significantly as a result of the combined action of the longitudinal and the transverse
weaves of the bidirectional FRP.

Various magnitudes of eccentricities have been studied by researchers as varying parameter

in their investigation. Hadi (2006b, 2007a and 2007b) used consistently the eccentricities
of 25 mm and 50 mm in his investigations on circular concrete columns under eccentric
loading. Bisby and Ranger (2010) applied various eccentricities on the concrete columns
in their investigation. Maaddawy (2009) applied several magnitudes of eccentricities with

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e/h values varied at 0.3, 0.43, 0.57 and 0.86. The investigation results showed that the
presence of eccentricity decreased the maximum load of the columns.

Other than the number of FRP layers, the use of FRP straps has been applied in some studies
on confined concrete columns especially when the columns sustained eccentric loading. In
the study performed by Challal and Shahawy (2000), an experimental study was conducted
on rectangular RC columns strengthened with bidirectional CFRP and different
eccentricities. The results of the study indicated that the strength capacity of the columns
enhanced significantly as a result of the combined action of the transverse fibres of the
bidirectional FRP. Hadi (2007a) applied vertical FRP straps on the columns tested
eccentrically. After the application of the straps, FRP was used to wrap the columns
circumferentially. One layer and three layers of vertical straps were glued to the columns.
The vertical straps were made of 50 mm FRP and were glued to the columns at an equal
spacing of 57.5 mm. The testing results of the columns showed that FRP straps produced
columns with higher capacity and ductility compared with RC columns. The higher the
number of FRP layers in the vertical straps resulted in better performance.

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The study is purpose of this study is to assess eccentric load prevention of RC column by
using FRP.based on main information and the required information has been collected from
related journals, published and unpublished materials of different agencies. The

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes all experimental procedure of this study. Portland

Pozzolana Cement (PPC) was used in the experiment as a binding materials. Mild Steel

(MS) wire used as reinforced bar. The Concrete specimens mold were cast and cured at
standard conditions at Engineering Materials Lab in Dept. of Civil Engineering,
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology ( ( BAUET ). The Carbon
FRP used for wrapping specimen. The specimens were wrapped by CFRP at Strength of
Materials Lab in Dept. of Civil Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and
Technology ( RUET ).

Leveling Of Samples:

The specimens were labelled as SCC1F0, LCC1F0, SC0F1, HEC1F0 etc. Where, C indicates
cylindrical sections, S indicates square sections, Co indicates reference column no pre-crack
and Fo indicate no CFRP, C1 indicate one layer crack; HE indicates high eccentricity; F1,
F2, F1s indicate one layer, two layer and one layer spiral CFRP warping respectively.

SCC0F0 -No CFRP [Reference Column]

SCC1F0 -No CFRP [Reference Column]

SCC1F1 -One layer 12” CFRP

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SCC1F2 -Double Layer 12” CFRP

SCC1F3 -Triple Layer 12” CFRP

SCC2F0 - No CFRP [Reference Column]

SCC2F1 -One layer 12” CFRP

SCC2F2 - Double Layer 12” CFRP

SCC2F3 - Triple Layer 12” CFRP

SCC3F0 - No CFRP [Reference Column]

SCC3F1 - One layer 12” CFRP

SCC3F2 - Double Layer 12” CFRP

SCC3F3 - Triple Layer 12” CFRP

LCC1F0 - No CFRP [Reference Column]

LCC1F1s - Spiral Manner

LCC1F1 - Full 26 inch laminated

SC0F0 - No CFRP [Reference Column]

SC1F1s - Spiral Manner

S C1F1 - Full 26 inch laminated

HEC1F0 - No CFRP [Reference Column]

HEC1Fs- Spiral Manner

HEC1F1 - Full 26 inch laminated

3.2 Materials Used:

Different types of tests were done on Course Aggregate, sand and cement. Sieve analyses
was done to get the gradation of aggregate. Slump test was done to get the workability of

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3.3 Specification Of Different Materials:

the materials which are used in the project are described below :

3.3.1 Cement:

Cement is a Binder material. Cement is a Binder substance used for construction that sets
hardens and adults to other materials to build them together. cement is seldom used on its
own but rather to build sand and gravel (aggregate) together. cement mixed with fine
aggregate products motor for masonry, or with sand and gravel products concrete . cement
is the most widely used material in existence and is only behind water as the planets most
consumed resource. Cement used in construction are usually inorganic, Orphan lime or
calcium silicate based and can be characterized as either hydraulic on hydraulic depending
on the ability of the cement to set in the presence of water. non hydraulic cement does not
set in wet conditions or underwater. Rather, it sets as it dries and reacts with carbon dioxide
in the air. It is resistant to attack Chemicals after sitting.

Hydraulic cement (e.g.,Portland cement) set and become adhesive due to a chemical
reaction between the dry ingredients and water . the chemical reaction results in mineral
hydrates that are not very water soluble and so are quite durable in water and safe from
chemical attack . this allows setting in wet conditions for underwater and for other products
that hardened material from Chemicals attack. this chemical process for hydraulic cement
found by ancient Romans used volcanic ash (Pozzolana) with added lime (calcium oxide)

the whole project is performed with Portland cement . it is a hydraulic cement . now a day,
the Portland cement is widely used for constructional purposes. Portland cement is finally
powered substance usually grey or brownish grey composite largely or artificial crystalline
materials. the most important ingredients are calcium and Aluminum silicas . major part of
Portland cement should pass through no . 200 sieve. the Unit Weight of cement is 80 pound
per feet cube.

In this experimental study cement was collected from local market in Natore city and its
initial setting time and final setting time were determined according to the ASTM standared
C595. The unit weight of the cement was 3000 kg/m3. The cement was ordinary Portland
cement (OPC) which contents up to 95% clinker and 0-5% limestone and gypsum.

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3.3.2 Sand:

A loose granular material that results from the disintegration of rocks consist of particles
smaller than gravel but coarser then Silt, and is used in motor, glass, abrasives, and foundry
models . San is an engineering material, and important role in Engineering Construction .
it is a form of silica and maybe argillaceous, siliceous, or calcareous according to its
comparison the send rain maybe or angular or rounded . in concrete work, it is usually term
as fine aggregate.

Soil containing 85% or more option and a maximum of 10% of clay. the comparison of San
various depending on the local rocks source and conditions but the most common
constituent of send in inland continental setting and non tropical coastal settings is silica,
usually in the form of quartz. The second most common type of sand is called calcium.
carbonate, for, example aragonite, which has mostly been created over the past half billion
years, by various forms of life like Coral and shellfish. for example it is the primary from
of sand appeared in areas where reefs have dominated the ecosystem for millions of years
like the Caribbean. sand is non renewable resource over human timescales, and sand
suitable for marking concrete is in height demand . desert sand, although painful, is not
sweet able for concrete. 15 billion tons of beach send and Fossil send is used each year for

3.3.3 Course Aggregate :

Course aggregate is the important constitutes in concrete. they give body to complete
reduce shrinkage is an effect economy. the aggregates are chemically active and also that
aggregate exhibit chemical bond at the interface of aggregate . the aggregate should be
clean strong durable suitable size and shall not be Satin harmful materials such as inorganic
impurities chlorides etc. bricks koah, brokenstones gravel clinkers etc. of the size 3/16 to 2
inch are commonly used as course aggregate in our country. brick koah is used for test
purpose and maximum size was 3/4 inch. the aggregate give volume to the concrete, around
the surface of binding materials in the form of a thin film. in theory the void in the course
aggregate is filled up with fine aggregate and again the void in the aggregates is filled up
with binding materials . finally the binding materials as the name implies bind the
individual unit of aggregate into a solid mass with help of water.

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3.3.4 Water :

Water is one of the most important elements in the whole construction process either it is
complete or cement mortar or curing every time We need water . therefore it is becomes
necessary to create hardening. Water is a key ingredient of concrete. The property of water
that was used in the concrete work is being potable, free from oil, dust, acid and other
organic impurities. Tap water which is ordinary was used as mixing water throught the
mixing procedure. Normally ground water was used as tap water.

3.3.5 Mild Steel :

Mild steel also known as plane carbon Steel and low carbon steel is now the most common
from of Steel because its price is relatively low while it is provides material properties that
are acceptable for many applicators . Mild steel contain approximately 0.05- 0.25% carbon
making it malleable and ductile. Mild steel has relativity load it is cheap and easy to form.
Surface hardness can be increase through carburizing. In applicatons where wire large cross
section are used to minimize definition failure by yield is not a big so low carbon steel are
the best choice for example as structure Steel. the density of mild steel is approximately
7.85 G/cm3 and the Young's modulus is 200 GPA .

3.4 FRP material:

3.4.1 Introduction:

Fiber reinforce polymer is also fiber reinforce plastic is a composite material made of a
polymer Matrix rainforest with fiber. FRP is a composite material consisting of rain forcing
fibers demonstrating resist and other materials such as fibers. the fibers are usually glass
carbon or aramid although other fibers such as paper or wood or asbestos have been
something used. the polymer is used in epoxy of polyester demonstrating plastic and phenol
formaldehyde races are still in use. FRPs are commonly used in the acrospace automotive
Marine and construction Industries. it is applied to a mold in combination with
reinforcement which most commonly glass fiber to from a part that is right highly durable
and low in weight.

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Fiber reinforcement polymer are composite used in almost every type of advantage
engineering structure with their usage ranging for aircraft Helicopter and spacecraft too
boat sheep and offshore platform and the automobiles sport good chemical properties
equipment and civil in constructor such as big and buildings. the use of frp composite
contains to grow at an impressive rate as the materials are used more in their existing
materials and become established in relativity now make such as biochemical device and
civil structures. driving the increased applications of complete cover the recent years is the
development of new advantage from of frp materials. this include development in high
performance resisting systems and new system of reinforcement such as carbon Nano tube
and nano particles. this provides and up to date account of the fabrication Mechanical
properties determination resistance impact tolerance and applications of 3D frp composite

Fiber reinforcement polymer composite is generally raining effects for civil engineering
works for both for the rehabilitation and existing structure and for the construction of new
facilities even if frp was primarily developed for the acrostic and defense structures . this
acceptance is trying to change the tendency of the last century in which the combination of
reinforcing steel and concrete has been the receive for a number of structural system used
in construction.

When considering only energy and material resource it appears on the surface the argument
of frp composite in a sustainable environment is questionable . advantage frp composite are
given below:

• 1.Higher strength
• 2.Higher weight
• 3.Higher performance
• 4.Lower lust in
• 5.Rehabiliting existing structure and its pending their life
• 6.Sismic upgrade
• 7.Space system
• 8.Ocean environment

Composite materials have developed greatly since they were first introduce. however
before compete materials can be used as an alternative to conventional materials part of a
sustainable environment a number of needs remain.

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❖ Availability of standard eyes durability characterization data for frp composite
❖ Integration of durability data and method for service life prediction of structural
member utilizing frp be composites.
❖ Development of methods and techniques for materials section based on life cycle
assessment of structure company and Systems.

3.4.2 FRP Composites :

fibers and Matrix are the main to components of a FRP. This fibers 30% to 70% from the
volume of the composite and 50% of its weight. the main function of fibers are to create
the load and provide stiffness stability and other structural properties to the FRP. the Viber
in FRP composite must have high modulus of elasticity ultimate strength low variation of
strength among fiber high stability of there is rain durability handling and high uniformity
diameter and surface dimension among fiber. this Matrix insure the position alignment of
the fiber. protection from damage during manufacture and manipulation durability of the
composite as well as the protection from influence of environment. It is also responsible
for the distribution of the lot on the individual fibers. Fiber

A fiber is a material who is consist of a long filament with a reduce between 5 and 7.5 um.
the length of the fibers can be ranged from 1000 to infinity in the construction ones. the
main functions of the fibers are to carry the load and provided stiffness strain stability and
other structural property in frp. there are more type of fiber community in civil engineering
structure carbon, glass, aramid fibers. the properties and uses are present in below:

Carbon fiber :

Carbon fiber reinforce polymer or Carbon fiber rain force plastic is a very strong and light
fiber-reinforced polymer which contains carbon fibers. carbon fibers are created when
polycarbonate fiber pitch resins or rayon carbonized at high temperature. there for future
process of graphitizing or strengthening the fiber strength or elasticity can be in hands

Page | 19
respectively . Carbon fiber are manufactured in diameters analogous to glass fiber with
diameter ranging from 9 to 17 um. this fibers wound into larger threads for transportation
and further production process. further production process include weaving aur branding
into carbon fabrics clothes and mats analogically to this described for Glass that can then
be used in actual reinforcement processes. Carbon fiber are a new breathe of High Street
materials. Carbon fiber has been described as a fiber containing at least 90% carbon
obtained by the controlled pyrolysis of appropriate fibers. the existence of carbon fiber
came into bring in 1879 when Edison took out a painter of the manufacture of carbon
filaments suitable for use in electric lamps.

Figure 3.1: Carbon Fiber

Carbon fiber Reinforced Polymer :

Carbon fiber reinforced polymer is a composite material. in this case the composite
consistent of two pairs a maximum and a reinforcement. In CFRP the reinforcement is
carbon fiber which provide it strength. The first is a textile like fabric or Carbon and the
second is a high strength structure epoxy. The matrix is usually a polymer resist such as
epoxy to buying the reinforcements together. Because CFRP consist of tool distinct element
the material properties depends on these two elements the strengthening or concrete
structure are used Carbon fiber reinforcements is rapidly increase day by day. Fiber
rainforest polymer is a relatively new class of composite material manufacture from fibers
and raised and has province efficient and economical for the development and repair of
new and determining structure in civil engineering.

The minimum diameter of a carbon fiber filament is 7 to 10 micrometers . the Carbon fiber
sheets are then impregnated with structural epoxy and the individual fibers act as a unit.
There are many effective quality of FRP that makes them more attractive engineers for used

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in strengthening . They are effective quality are both for mechanical chemical properties
strength and stiffness corrosion resistance lightweight easy handling and the ability to apply
CFRP in long strips, eliminating many lab is splices. Carbon fiber not effected bhai acids
salts bases other solvent and they can withstand direct contact with Concrete also not
effected by exposure to high humidity.

Advantage of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer:

i) CFRP composite a light weight with respect to Steel copper etc.

ii) Easy to install on site and transportation cost is low.
iii) Most favorable material for strengthening application .
iv) The overall cost of the whole strengthening job using FRP materials can be as
comparative abusing conversational materials .
v) Quality and easily handle on site with minimum interruption man power and use of
facility. Primer:

Tide bond Concrete Primer is used over Gyp-Crete and lightweight concrete to provide a
bondable surface for the installation of hardwood floors. It also performs exceptionally well
as an additive to cement based patching and leveling compounds used over uneven or
damaged subfloors. A primer has two components, moisture-tolerant, epoxy resin binder.
Primer applies on the surface before application of saturant to proper bond with saturant
and transfer load to the CFRP. The mixed material of StrucMix primer is applied over the
prepared and cleaned surface. The application shall be carried out using a brush and allowed
to dry for about 24 hours before application of epoxy putty.

Uses of primer:

The primed surface shall be finished with La StrucMix putty to cover the pinholes and
undulations in the concrete thereby ensuring 100% contact of Carbon fibre wrap. For filling
blow holes, making good slightly damaged concrete, eliminating minor irregularities on
floors and walls prior to applying epoxy systems.

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➢ Easy to apply and finish

➢ Consistency can be adjusted by varying the filler content
➢ Non-slump, can be applied to vertical surfaces and
➢ trowelled into blow holes
➢ Reduces consumption of subsequent coatings
➢ Chemical resistant
➢ Good adhesion to concrete
➢ Cures without shrinkage


Using a slow speed drill with a suitable mixing paddle, mix base, hardener components and
add the filler in small quantities to get the required consistency. It is important that all the
components are intermixed thoroughly.

3.5 Collection of materials

The test specimen were cement, sand as fine aggregate, stone chips as coarse aggregate,
stone chips as coarse aggregate, reinforcement steel and CFRP. Cement, sand were
available in the engineering materials lab of BAUET. Brick chips were collected from the
construction site at BAUET campus. The reinforcement steel was collected from the SM
lab of BAUET. The carbon fiber and matrix as epoxy bonded adhesive are foreign materials
were collected by professor Dr. S. M Zahurul Islam.

Figure 3.2:Primer (Base and Harder)

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Table 3.1: Properties of epoxy putty primer:
Properties Value

Density 1.6 g/cc

Volume solids 100%

Maximum application temperature 1000 C

Compressive strength 50 N/mm2

Pot life 40 min at 2700 C

Drying time 8 hours at 2700 C

Relocatable 24 hours

Full cure 7 days at 2700 C

Fig 3.3: CFRP Sheet

Table 3.2: Properties of CF450 reinforcing fiber fabric:

Density 1.8 gms/cm3
Weight of fiber 450 g/m2
Nominal composite thickness per layer 0.5 mm
Tensile strength 4875 N/mm2
Tensile modulus 238000 N/mm2
Ultimate elongation 1.5%

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Fig 3.4:Saturant (Base & Harder)

Table 3.3: Proportion of saturant-adhesive epoxy Kor-encapsulation:

Properties Value

Aspect Grey paste

Mixed density 1.80 +0.05

Volume solids 100%

Mixing ratio, by weight 100 (Base): 75 (Hardener)

Coverage 2 kg/m3 at 1.0 mm thick

Pot life 60 min at 250 C and 35 min at 350 C

Initial cure 12 hours at 250 C and 8 hours at 350 C

Full cure 7 days at 250 C and 5 days at 350 C

Flexural strength (BS:6319, pt3) >25 MPa at 7 days

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3.6 Working method of column casting

Step 1: The materials for column casting such as brick chips, sand, cement, reinforcement
steel was collected from the lab of BAUET civil engineering department.

Step 2: Wooden forma was made for casting specific dimension.

Step 3: Cement, sand, brick chips were mixed at the ratio 1:1.5:3 with fixed water cement
ratio for high strength concrete.

Step 4: After mixing of concrete the column were casted by three-layer temping.

Step 5: For high strength concrete column were cured for 28 days.

Figure 3.5: Concrete Mixing Figure 3.6: Slump Test (40 mm)

Figure 3.7: High Eccentricity Figure 3.8: Cylindrical & Square

Column Reinforcement Column Reinforcement

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Figure 3.9: Casting of Square
Figure 3.10: Casting of Cylindrical

Figure 3.11: Casting of High Figure 3.12: Detailing of High

Eccentricity Column Eccentricity Column

3.7 Pre-Crack Specimen For CFRP Wrapping:

After curing the specimens are cracked by electric grinding machine. Electric grinder
machine which obtained 11000 rpm 710 w was used for surface cleaning and cracking of specimen.
It is necessary for our experimental study.

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Figure 3.13: Cleaning and cracking Figure 3.14: Pre-Cracked Specimen
by electric grinding machine

3.8 Working method of CFRP application:

Step 1: As per technical specification, procure satisfactory CFF and epoxy repair adhesive,
primer and bonding adhesive. After mobilizing materials to site, perform testing to the
materials, only after qualifying the requirements from technical specification can materials
be used in the works.

Step 2: Marking the area for application of CFRP on the column.

Step 3: The making area were smoothed by electric sander machine.

Step 4: All components of primer was weighted first and then mixed in a clean mixing
container as per required ratio 2:1 (Base : Hardener).

Step 5: The primer was applied for dust free from the surface of the column and for well
bonded adhesive with column surface for 24 hours.

Step 6: After drying primer, adhesive (Saturant) were applied on the column.

Step 7: Application carbon fiber fabrics with Saturant in the surface area of column.

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Figure 3.15: CFRP Wrapped

Figure 3.16: CFRP Wrapped


Figure 3.17: CFRP Wrapped Specimen

3.9 Laboratory Testing Peocedure:

To perform test in UTM, the specimen placed between the two jaws and clamped firmly to
perform compression test. Dial gauge was placed properly. The deflections were recorded
at 10 kN interval. Finally loading was started and the reading of load gauge and dial gauge
were recorded. In each cases deflection from dial gauge was noted for corresponding load
from load gauge. After the recording load-deflection curve was obtained. The RC short
column test were done by MATEST compressive testing machine. The short specimens
were placed into the machine with the help of plates. Two dial gauges was used for
determining the deflection of the loading surface and deformation of the strut column. One
dial gauge was touched at the strut surface and another at the base of the loading surface.
The loadings were obtained from the test machine as it is built with the help of
computerized function.

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Figure 3.19 : Instrumental Setup
Of A Column With CFRP Before
Figure 3.18: Experimental Setup Loading

Figure 3.20: Test Set Up Arrangement

For 12-inch Column

For high eccentric column:

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Figure 3.21: Test Set Up For High Eccentric Column

The laboretory tests ae given bellow:

Figure 3.22: Test Set up arrangement for High Eccentric Column

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Test Result & Discussion

An extensive test program has been conducted on CFRP-strengthened pre-crack RC

column. Twenty-two RC column including reference and initially pre-cracked column were
tested in this research with varying the influence five parameters such as strengthening
technique, height of column, cross sectional shape of column, the dimension of eccentricity
and the no. of CFRP layers. Full warping and spiral warping, short column 12 in and long
column 26 in, circular and rectangular shape; and single layer, double layer and triple layer
CFRP warp specimen were used in this research. The specimens were labelled as SCC1F0,
LCC1F0, SC0F1, HEC1F0 etc. Where, C indicates cylindrical sections, S indicates square
sections, Co indicates reference column no pre-crack and Fo indicate no CFRP, C1 indicate
one layer crack; HE indicates high eccentricity; F1, F2, F1s indicate one layer, two layer and
one layer spiral CFRP warping respectively. One reference column without CFRP is tested
of every type of section for comparing load enhancement. The RC short column test were
done by MATEST compressive testing machine. The short specimens were placed into the
machine with the help of plates. Two dial gauges was used for determining the deflection
of the loading surface and deformation of the strut column. One dial gauge was touched at
the strut surface and another at the base of the loading surface. The loadings were obtained
from the test machine as it is built with the help of computerized function.

Figure 4.1: Crack formation after loading

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4.1: Short Column Single Crack with CFRP:

Short Column with Single Crack



800 SCC1F3
Load (kN)

600 SCC1F2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Fig 4.2: Load vs Deflection

Testing this type of column maximum load was obtained as 1020kN for triple layer CFRP
which is almost 175.57% enhancement from the reference column. Where two layers CFRP
increases 150.54% strength. The below figure shows load-deflection comparison of
columns of different CFRP layer.

Table 4.1: Dimensions of Single Crack Short Cylindrical Columns:

Dimensions: Height 304.8 mm; Día 152.4 mm

Types Types of Maximum Deflection(mm) Enhanced load

of applying CFRP load (kN) carrying
Columns Capacity (%)
SCC1F0 No CFRP 322 1.40 -
SCC1F1 One layer 12” 843 1.30 127.84
SCC1F2 Double Layer 927 0.91 150.54
12” CFRP
SCC1F3 Triple Layer 12” 1020 0.72 175.57

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Figure 4.3: Failure mode (Crushing failure)

4.2: Short Column Double Crack with CFRP:

Short Column Double Crack



Load (kN)

600 SCC2F3

400 SCC2F2

0 SCC2F0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Diflection (mm)

Figure 4.4: Load vs Deflection

The experimental results showed that the column with fully wrapped CFRP gains 224.21%
of strength than the reference column. The below figure shows load-deflection comparison
of columns of different CFRP layers.

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Table 4.2: Dimensions of Double Crack Short Cylindrical Columns:

Dimensions: Height 304.8 mm; Día 152.4 mm

Types Types of Maximum Deflection(mm) Enhanced load

applying load (kN) carrying
of Columns CFRP Capacity (%)
SCC2F0 No CFRP 318 1.60 -
SCC2F1 One layer 815 1.40 156.30
12” CFRP
SCC2F2 Double 912 1.20 186.79
Layer 12”
SCC2F3 Triple 1031 0.96 224.21
Layer 12”

Figure 4.5: Failure

mode (Crushing failure)

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4.3: Short Column Triple Crack with CFRP:

Short Column with Tripple Crack



400 SCC3F1


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Figure 4.6: Load vs Deflection

Testing this type of column maximum load was obtained as 1014kN for triple layer CFRP
which is almost 229.3% enhancement from the reference column. The below figure shows
load-deflection comparison of columns of different CFRP layers.

Table 4.3: Dimensions of Triple Crack Short Cylindrical Columns:

Dimensions: Height 304.8 mm; Día 152.4 mm

Types Types of Maximum Deflection(mm) Enhanced load

applying load (kN) carrying
of Columns CFRP Capacity (%)
SCC3F0 No CFRP 314 1.83 -
SCC3F1 One layer 802 1.00 156.30
12” CFRP
SCC3F2 Double 897 0.90 186.79
Layer 12”
SCC3F3 Triple 1014 0.78 224.21
Layer 12”

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Figure 4.7: Failure mode (Crushing failure)

4.4: Single Crack Long Cylindrical Columns with CFRP:

Long Cyllindrical Cracked Column



400 LCC1F1
Load (kN)

300 LCC1F1s
200 LCC1F0


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Deflection (mm)

Figure 4.8: Load vs Deflection

The strength enhancement of 26-inch-long cylindrical column with CFRP use is less than
that of short column. With the maximum load of 485kN while fully wrapped with CFRP it
enhances 51.56% strength. The spiral application of CFRP may require less amount of
CFRP materials but achieves an enhancement of 28.13%. The below figure shows load-
deflection comparison of columns of different type of CFRP layer.

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Table 4.4: Dimensions of Single Crack Long Cylindrical Columns:
Dimensions: Height 660.4 mm; Día152.4 mm

Types Types of Maximum Deflection(mm) Enhanced

applying load (kN) load
of CFRP carrying
LCC1F0 No CFRP 320 2.50 -
LCC1F1s Spiral 410 2.34 28.13
LCC1F1 Full 26 inch 485 2.16 51.56

Figure 4.9: Failure mode (Crushing failure)

Page | 37
4.5: Single Crack Long Square Columns with CFRP:

Long Square Cracked Column


Loas (kN)


100 LCC1F0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Deflection (mm)

Figure 4.10: Load vs Deflection

The strength of 26-inch-long square column can be increased with CFRP use according to
the test result. The maximum load of 270kN while fully wrapped with CFRP it enhances
58.82% strength. The spiral application of CFRP increases 41.17% load capacity. The
below figure shows load-deflection comparison of columns of different type of CFRP

Table 4.5: Dimensions of Single Crack Long Square Columns:

Dimensions: Height 660.4 mm; Length 127.0 mm; Width 127.0 mm

Types Types of Maximum Deflection(mm) Enhanced

applying load (kN) load
of CFRP carrying
SC1F0 No CFRP 170 2.81 -
SC1Fs Spiral 240 2.65 41.17
SC1F1 Full 26 inch 270 2.47 58.82

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Figure 4.11: Failure mode (Crushing

4.6: High Eccentric Column:

Table 4.6: Dimensions of High Eccentric Square Columns:

Dimensions: Height 660.4 mm; Length 127.0 mm; Width 127.0 mm

Types Types of Maximum Deflection(mm) Enhanced

applying load (kN) load
of CFRP carrying
ECC1F0 No CFRP 24 3. 36 -
ECC1Fs Spiral 31 2.68 29.17
ECC1F1 26 inch 33 2.51 37.5
ECC2F1 26 inch 32.5 2.55 35.4
ECC1F1 Fully 45 2.40 87.5

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The strength of 26-inch-long high eccentric column can be increased with CFRP use
according to the test result. The maximum load of 45kN at 8 inch eccentricity while fully
wrapped with CFRP it enhances 87.5% strength. The spiral application of CFRP increases
29.37% load capacity. The application of CFRP increases 37% load capacity at single
cracked and 35.4% increased for double cracked. The deflection is significantly decreased
for CFRP wrapping at eccentric column.

Figure 4.12: Failure mode (Shear failure) Figure 4.13: Failure mode
(Shear failure)

Figure 4.14: Failure mode

(Shear failure)

Page | 40
Table 4.7: Result of all Column specimens:

Types Maximum Deflection(mm) Enhanced load

load (kN) carrying Capacity
of Columns
SCC0F0 370 1.50 -
SCC1F0 322 1.40 -
SCC1F1 843 1.30 127.84
SCC1F2 927 0.91 150.54
SCC1F3 1020 0.72 175.57
SCC2F0 318 1.60 -
SCC2F1 815 1.40 156.30
SCC2F2 912 1.20 186.79
SCC2F3 1031 0.96 224.21
SCC3F0 314 1.83 -
SCC3F1 802 1.00 155.41
SCC3F2 897 0.90 185.67
SCC3F3 1014 0.78 229.30
LCC1F0 320 2.50 -
LCC1F1s 410 2.34 28.13
LCC1F1 485 2.16 51.56
SC0F0 170 2.81 -
SC1F1s 240 2.65 41.17
SC1F1 270 2.47 58.82
ECC1F0 24 3.36 -
ECC1Fs 31 2.68 29.17
ECC1F1 33 2.51 37.5
ECC2F1 32 2.55 33.34
ECC1F1 45 2.40 87.5

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5.1 Conclusion:

The experimental investigation presented in this research revealed that a CFRP composite
system with external bonds improves the strength and load bearing capacity of reinforced
concrete columns. The following conclusions are made based on the analysis and results of
the experiments:

1. It was observed that the strength of RC column increased to a notable amount by using
CFRP as high as thrice or more when multiple layer is used.

2. CFRP strength enhancement of short column was found higher than that of long

3. Spiral Application of CFRP required less materials but gained a strength to around


4. RC columns strengthened with CFRP material gave relatively more deflection with
higher load carrying capacity than the reference columns.

5. The CFRP amount and configuration applied in this study exhibited ineffectiveness on
the improvement of the lateral deflection resistance of the columns.

The results of the tests showed that CFRP could be used for both strengthening and
retrofitting. The application worked well and was simple to use. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the use of CFRP composite laminates for strengthening and repairing
damaged reinforced concrete beams is an excellent and preferable option.

5.2 Recommendation:
The results of the tests showed that CFRP could be used for both strengthening and
retrofitting. The application worked well and was simple to use. Therefore, it can be

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recommended that the use of CFRP composite laminates for strengthening and repairing
damaged reinforced concrete columns is an excellent and preferable option.

5.3 Future Wark:

1. This study was only wrapping CFRP in fully and spiral wrapped. Partially wrapping can
also be experimented.
2. FRP wrapped strengthening and retrofitting process can be experimented with the steel
structures also.

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